The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 130: It's him, it's him

Zhuang Ming forcibly suppressed the Jieshi City Master, but the other party was still a little bit angry, at least... there was no loyalty at all.

When the fairy gods arrived at Jieshi City, he was initially afraid, followed by exhilaration, and then he told all about Zhuang Ming, who had defeated the wolf god, and tried to let these gods understand Zhuang Ming’s details. Kill Zhuang Ming.

   Sure enough, after hearing this, all the gods thought that the young man who killed the wolf **** was not in the same camp, and was not a native god.

"That evil **** is too domineering. He tried to put the star-gazing realm into his palm, and his life and death is up to him. Now that he is leaving, he should go to other realms to do majestic blessings, but he once mentioned that he will return after some time. ."

   Jieshi City Lord said so.

And the middle-aged scholar, with a cold expression, said, "Then let him come! In today's era, no matter how strong he is, his seat was once a true immortal, and now he is the pinnacle of casting, and there are three daoists working together. The former Da Luo Jinxian cannot escape the calamity now."

   Jieshi City Lord heard this, his heart became more joyful, and he forced his excitement to suppress his excitement, and said: "The predecessors really have justice in their hearts. It is a blessing for me and the younger generation."

   The middle-aged scholar's expression was slightly relaxed, and he praised: "You are not bad too. Among the younger practitioners, those who can cultivate to the true profound nine seals can be regarded as generation leaders."

City Lord Jieshi bowed and said: "The later generations are withered, and the younger generations can barely earn a foothold in the age of immortality and godlessness. How can they be compared to the predecessors. Dao Guo is really a genius of ten thousand realms."

   The middle-aged scholar's expression became more gentle, and the eyes that looked at the city lord of Jieshi became more and more close. In his heart, he only felt that this population was very good, his vision was better, and his reluctance could be considered a talent.

   "The three Daoists in this seat are still in retreat, but about the recent movement of the Falling Spirit Realm, do you have any clues?"

"Speaking of this..." City Master Jieshi was shocked, and said in a low voice: "In my star-gazing domain, the dozen or so tribes closest to the Falling Spirit Realm have all been investigated, but it is a small tribe with weird appearances. ."

   "What's weird?" The middle-aged scholar couldn't help being excited.

"It's the young immortal **** that I mentioned to the predecessors. He first appeared there. At that time, he came to Jieshi City with people from that small tribe." City Lord Jieshi said aloud: "The current people It has been captured, and there is a mount beside him, which seems to be surrendered by the young fairy god, and was later given to this small tribe as a patron saint beast, and he has also given a weird way to restrain this Beast, don’t let this beast eat back."

   "Oh?" The middle-aged scholar condensed his expression, looked at City Lord Jieshi, and said, "It's him again?"

   "Senior Mingjian." City Lord Jieshi said hurriedly: "It's not that the younger generation retaliates privately, this matter is true."

   "Forgive you for not deceiving this seat."

The middle-aged scholar frowned slightly, and said secretly: "Is this person coming out of the Falling Spirit Realm? How is this possible? It is a dead place. During these sixty thousand years, not half of the creatures were born there. Even if the Great Luo Jinxian is about to fall due to a big battle, naturally there will be no immortal gods of the ancient times who proclaim themselves and sleep there..."

   He frowned slightly, is it possible that a fairy **** has revived and entered the Spiritual Falling Realm, check it out?

   But now that Fallen Spirit Realm is still infinitely deterrent, even he dare not set foot easily.

   This person can come and go freely in the Fallen Spirit Realm, and his skills are not low.

However, he is more inclined to another possibility in his heart. In the current situation, no matter how powerful the fairy **** is, it is limited to the fragments of the heavenly gate. The opponent's ability should not exceed the true fairy. In this way...maybe it is not entering the sinking. Spiritual domain exploration, but in the star-gazing domain, looking at the spiritual domain from afar, trying to enter it and failing, and then turning back?

   During this moment, various thoughts emerged in his heart.

   "You said this person will return if he leaves?"

"Exactly." The master of Jieshi City gritted his teeth and whispered: "This person is extremely domineering and has already regarded Jieshi City as something in his pocket. He said that after a while, he will definitely return and check whether the younger generation is in Jieshi City. Follow his instructions to teach sentient beings."

   "Cultivating sentient beings?" The middle-aged scholar snorted coldly, "What a big tone."

"It's really arrogant." Jieshi City Master said: "In the past two days, the younger generation has ordered people to explore his news. Once he learns, he will inform the seniors, ask the seniors to take action, kill this monster, and return to my stargazing domain. A bright universe."

"This is nature." The middle-aged scholar said: "It is our responsibility to kill the evil gods of the outer world and defend the local gods. It was precisely because of this that there was a big battle and the destruction of the ten directions. I don't know how many colleagues, in order to protect this world, Fallen in the years."

   "Senior Gao Yi." City Lord Jieshi almost burst into tears.

   "Who?" The middle-aged scholar suddenly felt a sense of palpitations from being spied on, and immediately furious and shouted.


   Zhuang Ming stood outside the city lord’s mansion.

  He quietly felt everything inside.

   Jieshicheng's formation is too rough to hide from him.

   The conversations in the inner world are all in the ears of Zhuang Ming. City Lord Jieshi and the middle-aged scholar tout each other, UU reading www.uukanshu. com makes him quite uncomfortable.

  Especially during the conversation, when he mentioned himself, he seemed to regard himself as an evil god, and it made him feel strange emotions. It was not angry, but funny.

   But at this moment, the middle-aged scholar finally realized his existence.

   In an instant, in the city lord's mansion, the momentum exploded, extremely fierce, as strong as a rainbow.

   The whole Jieshi City is under the mighty power of God.

   Ordinary city residents, outside tribesmen, including practitioners, and hidden immortals, all have shocks.

   In the city lord's mansion, the remaining three auras slowed for a moment, but they also rose in an instant.

"what happened?"

   "Is there still a war of gods?"

   "It is said that in recent days, gods have come to the city again."

   "How come there are miracles in Jieshi City, and the gods seem to fight each other here?"

   "What shall I wait..."

   In the city, there is a mess, and everyone is frightened.

   The breath of the four immortals pressed over and surrounded it.

   The four fairy gods, faintly formed into battle, appear quite stable.

Zhuang Ming's expression remained unchanged, he glanced around, and only said: "This is Jieshi City, with a large population in it. Fighting here will inevitably spread, and there will be countless deaths and injuries. Do you want to sit down and talk, or change places to fight first? One?"

   When he said that, his eyes swept towards the four immortals, but in the end he fell on the Jieshi City Lord who had just appeared in the City Lord’s Mansion.

   Jieshi City Master received his gaze, his whole body was shaken, and he trembled: "It's... it's him... it's him..."


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