The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 154: Zulong Emperor Sword

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The old man's dying years, like the oil and the lamp withered.

Holding a broken sword in his hand, he slowly fell from the sky, seemingly unable to maintain control of the situation, and fell to the ground.

Both the Azure King and the fairy gods showed a dazed expression.

Only Zhuang Ming's expression was extremely complicated.

Ke Tianshi!

Zhuang Ming had seen Cannian Ke Tianshi in his later years in the sixth house in the land of the nine houses.

And the face and vitality of the old man in front of him were no different from the ray of remnant thoughts in the cave.

But in the eyes of Qing Wang and others, Ke Tianshi was an extremely outstanding young fairy **** in the ancient times. They only felt that the old man was extremely kind, but they couldn't believe that the extremely weak and old figure was Ke Tianshi.

"Sure enough..."

Zhuang Ming chanted, but his eyes couldn't help falling on the broken sword in his hand.

The broken sword is like a mortal thing, but the sword intent just now split the sky!

The fetish is restrained!

This sword is far above the Great Sage Emperor Sword!

And what made Zhuang Ming's heart throbbing was that there was a thread on this sword that made him very familiar and kind, but it was deeply suppressed.

Long Wei!

"The old man has been waiting for you for a long time."

Tianshi Ke looked at Zhuang Ming and laughed. In this way, his gaze swept over, looking at the more than thirty fairy gods, and finally his gaze fell under the collapsed abyss.

Qing Wang was there, suffering severely, but his sanity was still clear.

"His Royal Highness, all the immortal kings in the Palace of Heavenly Kings, you are the most simple one. Now that you have a ray of blood, the rest has nothing to do with you. The old man is the master, spare your life, and take your subordinates with you. Disciples, leave the Falling Spirit Realm."

"Are you...Ke Tianshi?" Qing Wang's voice was extremely low, appearing weak.

"It's me." Tianshi Ke said: "After you leave, you will find the sky and retreat for thousands of years. Don't reappear in the world. As for today's things, don't remember the hate, just wipe it out in your heart, if not... old man I'm afraid you will be robbed."

"Since my birth, this king has never suffered this humiliation, this son..." Qing Wang gritted his teeth, very furious.

"The old man is not discussing with you, but advising you. If not, today is the time of your fall." Tianshi Ke waved his hand, looked at the fairy gods, and said: "Bring your Highness out of the Fallen Spirit Realm. Go and do not come again, otherwise the old man will kill you himself...After today, after falling outside the spiritual realm, do you want to seek revenge from him, or just let it go, the old man will ignore it."

"Okay!" Although Qing Wang relied on his identity, he was not burdened by his identity, just as he could condescend to unite with the immortal gods, or he could turn around without hesitation and flee. At this moment, he can also respond to it, leave since then, and wait. In the future, he will restore the Quansheng cultivation base, and then come back to revenge.


Zhuang Ming quietly watched Qing Wang leave without saying much.

This Tianshi Ke gave him a face, and his tone was a little kind, with the intention of pleading, but Zhuang Ming knew that this was not a discussion, but something that Tianshi Ke had already decided.

The previous sword of Tianshi Ke slashed the eyes of the sky, and the power was infinite, Zhuang Ming asked himself, the real body was also unable to resist this.

Since I couldn't beat it, I had to default it.

Furthermore, the previous sword made by the Ke Tianshi could be regarded as freeing him.

When King Rao Qing died, he gave Tianshi Ke a face.

It's just that Qing Wang might become a major disaster in the future.

"He won't be a big deal."

Tianshi Ke suddenly laughed and said: "For you, he is not worth mentioning in the future."

Zhuang Ming looked calm and said: "As powerful as him, unless I become a great supernatural power, I still have no right to despise him. Even if I become a great supernatural power, I must not be comfortable...The mountain is pressing on the top, even if he is just a cloud of dust, It is also very likely to be the last point of pressure to crush me in the midst of extreme oppression."

Ke Tianshi was slightly surprised, and immediately smiled: "You see it thoroughly, but are you thinking too badly about everything?"

Zhuang Ming said slowly: "I have always been planning things, and I will consider how to deal with the most difficult situation of this matter. It is precisely because of this that we have today."

Ke Tianshi admired slightly, and immediately said: "You seem to be no stranger to the old man. You should have seen the old man's Cannian in a few places left by the old man."

Zhuang Ming nodded and said, "Exactly."

Tianshi Ke said again: "You don't seem to be surprised that the old man is still in the world."

Zhuang Ming slowly said: "The existence of the Taixu Qingqi Hualong Chapter is naturally not a common thing. The gods in the world think that you are in your old age and are already unable to proclaim yourself. There is only one way to fall... a character like you, Guan Forever, if you say that you have fallen, I will not be surprised, if you are still there, I will not be surprised either."

Tianshi Ke found it interesting, and said: "Why is it not surprising that he is crowned forever, but fell halfway?"

Zhuang Ming said indifferently: "As stunning as the White Sage, the sword shatters the heavenly gate, has also fallen, and the so-called immortal and immortal great supernatural powers have also fallen in the long river of time, and there is another eternal wizard who has fallen, and what is there? Strange?"

Hearing this, Ke Tianshi seemed a little sad, nodded and said: "You are right."

Zhuang Ming's gaze fell on Broken Sword, and said: "It's just a little bit, I was quite surprised."

Ke Tianshi asked: "You are surprised, the old man has not turned the dragon?"

Zhuang Ming nodded slightly and said, "Yes."

Tianshi Ke sighed: "You have a better life than the old man. You found the son of the lord of the Southern Territory. He was reborn with his blood to make up for the shortcomings of the Taixu Qingqi Transforming Dragon chapter. But the old man searched the Northern Territory and only found many true dragon remains. , I thoroughly studied the physique of the real dragon, and only pieced together this piece of Taixu Qingqi Transforming Dragon bit by bit, but there is no real dragon bloodline to study..."

He looked at Zhuang Ming and said: "The old man is here to find the ancestor dragon, borrowing the surviving blood of the ancestral dragon, so that the old man can perfect the Taixu Qingqi Hualong chapter, but the ancestral dragon is no longer an ancestral dragon."

Zhuang Ming was stunned, and he didn't quite understand what Ke Tianshi said that the ancestor dragon is no longer the ancestor dragon.

Even when he saw Ke Tianshi, he slowly raised his hand to interrupt the sword.

He looked at this unpretentious broken sword with a low tone.

"This is Zulong."


In an instant.

In Zhuang Ming's heart, a storm seemed to have set off.

He finally understood why the ancestral dragon fell, he has not been present for 600 thousand years, and there is no sign of his fall.

He also finally understood why the lord of the Southern Territory and the Dragon Lord of Dongting would be furious because of this, and the lord of the Southern Territory rebelled against the holy palace, and even rebelled against the sky.

He also understood why all the great supernatural powers were so jealous and uneasy, with a sense of sadness.

"Zulong... was made into an emperor sword."

Ke Tianshi sighed: "So in the dark, what affects the entire Falling Spirit Realm is not the Dragon Power, but the sword intent... All the sword intent is wiped out, so that there is no grass here, so that the creatures will disappear. If not, the sword would have been broken. Only those with great supernatural powers can enter this realm."

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