The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 155: The essence of Taixu Qingqi Hualong Chapter!

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Fall into the depths of the spiritual realm.

Ke Tianshi took out a book and gave it to Zhuang Ming.

Zhuang Ming took over the book, and saw that it was written in the chapter of Taixu Qingqi Transforming Dragon, from scratch, bit by bit, a little bit of progress.

After the ancient catastrophe, Ke Tianshi was silent for a hundred years, thinking hard to reopen the heavenly gate, and regaining his own Taoist fruit.

A hundred years of fruitlessness, a flash of inspiration, want to borrow the body of ancient beasts, avoid the Tianmen Avenue, become a avenue on its own, and practice again.

However, the sacred beasts went extinct, and the dragons died.

After thinking about it, he intends to create a dragon!

Since then, Ke Tianshi embarked on the path of studying the ancient dragons.

It took 800 years to trace the traces of the ancient dragon.

The real dragon has been extinct, and what he found was nothing more than a wreck.

It was these wrecks that allowed him to analyze the structure of the dragon clan bit by bit.

In addition, he dissected infinite snakes with weak dragon blood, and captured tens of thousands of dragons.

In 800 years, the dragon bones were obtained, the dragon tendons were taken, the dragon flesh of the dry stone was searched, and the traces of the dragon scales were solved.

For this reason, he does not hesitate to take forcibly, kill people for treasure, drive people to explore the way, take people to fill the battlefield, and find everything they want.

"The old man has walked through countless places in the world, seen countless dragon remains, dissected countless dragons and monsters, and finally figured out the structure of the dragon body."

Tianshi Ke said slowly: "The five elements produce all things, and everything in the world is born of the five elements. Different things, but the structure and arrangement of the five elements are different... Regarding this, the old man has found one thing, this thing. It is as strong as a diamond, but its material is actually the same as that of black charcoal. Only because of the different structure and arrangement, it becomes a different substance."

He looked at Zhuang Ming and said: "It is precisely for this reason that the old man deduced this method. After clearly knowing the dragon clan's physique structure, he arranged a ray of breath according to the dragon clan's physique, and used all things in the world to gain strength and achieve success. The blood is tangible and not godless."

The dragon bloodline contains the great road.

The real dragons in the world are all dead, only corpses, but no blood.

It is precisely because of this that the chapter of Taixu Qingqi Hualong studied by Ke Tianshi has reached the last step, which is tangible and nonsense.

He was desperate and wanted to destroy it, but he couldn't bear to destroy it with all his eight hundred years of hard work, so that he could stay with the posterity.

"The old man thought that the only chance for the perfection of this method lies here, but he did not expect that the lord of the Southern Territory had a scheming plan, and even imitated the great palace Yuanjun, borrowing the eternal princess array and the descendants of Fuze to seal the youngest son in it, but No matter how scheming it is, it did not expect that its blood will fall on you..."

Tianshi Ke said: "However, it is a young dragon after all, and it is limited. Even the lord of the Southern Territory and the Dragon Lord of Dongting have not been able to cross this last step. Therefore, if you want to become a great supernatural power, you still have to Start with Zulong."

Zhuang Ming looked at this broken sword and whispered, "Is there any hope?"

Ke Tianshi reluctantly said: "The old man has not extinguished the ancestral dragon's remnant thoughts so far. He believes that the old man has slaughtered many dragons and contaminated the karma of the dragon clan... In the end, the old man has no choice but to inform it that the dragon clan is gone. Only the old man can create a method to reproduce The Dragon Clan, therefore, with the last remnant thoughts, helped the old man proclaim himself, and only lived to this day, until one day, he saw a white robe, life as a sword, carrying the demon venerable on the road, and smashing the gate of heaven, before it truly awakened."

Zhuang Ming did not continue to speak, but still looked at Ke Tianshi.

Tianshi Ke said aloud: "This is the end with the hilt, which can still be manipulated and converged, but in the front, is the cutting edge of the tip of the sword, with its sharp edge...covering the falling spiritual realm. Over the years, the old man has placed this cut-off sword in his hand, using the hilt of the sword, to reluctantly gather the blade's edge, otherwise...the fairy gods will have to be sharpened in an instant. The sword intent is destroyed."

Zhuang Ming said: "The Ancestral Dragon has been refined into an emperor sword, so you have not been able to perfect the Taixu Qingqi Transforming Dragon Chapter, so what about the future of the younger generation?"

Ke Tianshi placed this half of the Emperor sword in front of him, and said: "If you can refine this sword, you can get close to the cutting edge and try to collect it. Once you are successful, you will be eligible to use this sword to reach directly. The level of a great supernatural power! However, hope is slim, I am afraid it is difficult to refine, you can only try..."

Zhuang Ming closed his eyes slightly, looking at this half of the Emperor Sword, his heart moved slightly.

Even if it can be refined, it is just a sword in two pieces.

But if it can be cultivated into the emperor sword of the Dade Dynasty, they will become one, or have magical effects.

But the biggest drawback of this is that once the incident is defeated, the Emperor Sword of the Dade Saint Dynasty is destroyed, and he himself will be severely injured or even fall, which will affect the survival of the entire Dade Dynasty.

"The old man doesn't force it, but you are already the only dragon."

Tianshi Ke said: "The dragon race has been extinct. Although you are a real dragon created, you are the only remaining blood of the dragon race. It is the only existence that has the possibility of refining the Ancestral Dragon Emperor Sword...Unfortunately, the Zulong Remnant It's all gone, if it doesn't, its thoughts are still there, and it might take the initiative to be refined by you."

Zhuang Ming paused before saying, "The younger generation has to think about it."

He took a deep look at Ke Tianshi.

Can you believe what Ke Tianshi said?

He doesn't know, but the only thing that can be concluded is that Tianshi Ke hasn't really been honest with him.

The previous remarks may not be false, but at least there is something to hide.


In Dongting Dragon Fairy Mansion.

Zhuang Ming left the study and returned to the hall.

Jinlong has broken free from the shackles of the restraint technique, but limited by the shackles left by Dongting Dragon Lord during his lifetime, it is only above the hall.

"Before Dongting Dragon Lord fell, the biggest regret was Zulong?"

Zhuang Ming looked at Jinlong and said, "He wants to find Ancestral Dragon?"

Jin Long was slightly silent, and immediately uttered something, and said in a low voice, "Did you find it?"

Zhuang Ming nodded and said: "Just where this void passage is located, Zulong should have been there back then, and Dongting Dragon Lord may already know it."

Jin Long said aloud: "What about now?"

Zhuang Ming was silent for a moment before he said: "The ancestor dragon was made into an emperor sword."

Jin Long's eyes changed, but he fell silent after a while, and said: "This little news alone cannot be regarded as passing the test of Dongting Dragon Lord."

Zhuang Ming continued: "The great supernatural powers, when fighting to fall into the spiritual realm, the Ancestral Dragon Emperor sword has been destroyed, but the broken sword is still there. I will try to refine the broken sword and retrieve it... If so, is it counted?"

Jinlong was silent for a long while, and sighed: "The test set by Dongting Dragon Lord is to find the ancestor dragon, but in his heart, the ancestor dragon is immortal..."

Zhuang Ming nodded slightly. He knew that Dongting Dragon Lord fell before the holy king, and the holy king was the only one in the ancient catastrophe to show the vision of the fall, so in the Dongting Dragon Lord’s perception, the great supernatural powers are immortal. Extinct, the ancestral dragon will be immortal.

"If Zu Long is already in such a situation..."

Jin Long raised his head, eyes burning, looking at Zhuang Ming, and said: "You can refine the emperor sword, and you are the lord of the ancestral dragon. Then the heavens and the world, the genus of the dragon clan, the scales and the like, take you as Lord, you are the new Ancestral Dragon! Even if the Dragon Lord of Dongting is alive, he must surrender!"

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