The Great Conqueror

Chapter 306: Gangster Priest

Actually, it was not allowed to change the habitual rhythm and rhythm from time to time, and made an emergency stop adjustment, while the vines were empty, they penetrated through the gap and approached the poisoned beast monster.


The mini club and the golden lion Murphy nodded secretly. No wonder Buenavon's speed did not erupt 100%, so that this rhythm control technique leaves room for more.

Just like making swordsmanship, the real masters will make a nine-point effort and stay a part, which can change more easily. Buenavon's footwork fits this path well.

And at that speed, an emergency stop must not only suppress the inertia, but also find out the flaws in the moment when the enemy's attack fails. This kind of grasp of rhythm and opportunity is very good.

However, this alone is not enough to defeat the twenty-two poisonous salivation monsters.

Just as the two were thinking, Buenavon was already deeply thrilled by the dozens of vine-wrapping attacks.

Dozens of rattan whip waves can only see the aftershocks, and even when they see it, they feel scalp tingling and cannot hide.

But Buenavin's control of his own physical steps was so unbelievable that his body swelled up and down, as if the waves of the sea were ups and downs, often wiping with several thorns and vines at the most thrilling moment. Passed by.

Advanced shadow hunting bō-shaped foxtrot!

In Buenavon ’s hometown, Clone City, "Far more than ten miles away, we face the sea. Every year, when the monsoon comes," the sea is always up and down and slams into the waves!

Buenavin has been practicing there since he was a child, from ten to twenty, for a full ten years. In addition to practicing all kinds of shadow hunting skills, he is observing the rhythm and ups and downs of bō waves.

The benevolent is Leshan, the wise are happy.

He realized it.

The film-hunting skills taught by the master suddenly sublimated, and the night when Buenavin started his teaching, the bō-shaped foxtrot was completed.

If you only talk about speed, Buenavon may not be the fastest in film hunting, but if you control your own power and capture the rhythm of the enemy to find loopholes, Buenavin considers that no one is his opponent.

Dozens of vine tentacles from poisonous beasts looked dangerous to others, but to Buenavon, it was as loose as a skipping rope.

He had seen through the rhythm of the monster, its offensive law.

The next moment, approaching the monster's body and slumped together, suddenly one accelerated and struck the poisoned salmon monster from the side.

The undulating movement can not only avoid the attack, but also charge and burst!

This scene can not help but applaud the students and Murphy. There are two ways to deal with "slobber huā", but there is really no way to achieve the ease and ease of Buenavon alone in the rhythm of body style.

But the poisoned saliva monster is obviously not so easy to be attacked. The huge huā 萼 suddenly crooked "wow", a strange noise "a large black and green smelly acid suddenly disappeared from the huā 萼 hidden giant. Sprayed. With the huā 萼 reversed, the acid was like a sprinkler Sweep.

not good!

Although Buenavon has seen evasive actions, it is too late!

Seeing that he was about to be sprayed by a large venom, a sudden flash of sharp light flashed in his eyes, and his left hand made a concealed action.

The huā 萼 one stagnation of the poisoned beast monster turned.

Ok? !!

Behind the battle, the ministry stick and the golden lion Murphy flashed their eyes.

This one was very unusual. The poisonous beast spit out the venom, seeing that it would spray Buenavin's body, but paused at the most critical time ...

This is definitely against the rules!

Buenavin took the opportunity to shoot like electricity, his right hand bō wave blade spins, and the poisonous spit monster is as thick as the human tuǐ green sè stem that is connected to huā 削 and is cut off by him.

A sharp scream came from the ground, and dozens of thorns and vines rolled backwards, beating against Buenavin's back.

Buenavin's eyelids didn't blink for a moment, and his body fell flatly, avoiding the beast's counterattack, while his right hand bō Langblade slammed into the ground.


It's clean.

"Get the job done." The fox Buenavon collected the twenty-two demon spirits. "He smiled gaspingly.

The smiles on the faces of Bu Liang and Murphy also showed that Liang Liang could be sure that the sly fox of the nose fox would never show his true strength, 60%? 70%?

Department of Liang is also difficult to judge.

The trio didn't find it at a distance of dozens of meters behind them at this time, and Joyna poked out her head silently and spit out a pink tongue.

"What a talented hunter!"

"It makes the family stressful ...", the foolish catwoman mō mō said to her own small ears.

Along the way, Murphy and Buenavin's amazing performances both stabbed the magic stick a little bit, but the more they tried to fight, the more they ran into a bunch of monsters at the level of vegetables, making all three extremely unhappy.

"Fuck, what the hell, when it's my turn, where did the monsters go!" Qi Liang couldn't help muttering.

"Hey, maybe you have to wait until the silver-eyed banshee can perform." Buenavin said with a smile.

"Rest assured, we won't **** this from you." Murphy also burst out.

Bu Liang despised the two men fiercely. Fighting together can best cultivate feelings. The three have cooperated once when dealing with the evil eye demon king. Together with this battle, they are becoming more and more familiar with each other. Murphy even made a joke. .

Their course is in the direction of the silver-eyed banshee's old nest, and no one knows what it looks like. "But it is certain that any contestant who comes here will not arbitrarily get more than 20 levels of demon The beast is just a matter "Whether or not the silver-eyed banshee can be killed, you must go and see.

At the same time, I also took the best chance to understand my opponent. More than 80 people who arrived were almost the best fighters in the four southern provinces. The current opponent is also the opponent of the future. Control your performance on such a stage.

This is the strongest battlefield of our time.

The strong can only gain a stronger sense of glory by showing themselves in front of the strong.

This is even inevitable. "Murphy and Buenavin are the same, otherwise it would not be possible to behave in the same way.


The surging roar shook the surrounding trees to the side. "The dazzling eyes of Murphy and Buenavin's war-fighting Ministry immediately lit up.

After tossing for a long time without a decent guy, the voice "is full of vitality, it must be a big guy!"

Instead of avoiding the three, they rushed in the direction of sound. After the three disappeared, the catwoman emerged silently like a ghost, mō mō's own sensitive ears, "Splitting tooth beast, it seems It's still very irritable, it seems it's the priest's turn, priest, how do you fight? "

In the dull Catwoman's mind, a scene of a priest's influence on the cracked tooth beast "will surely be eaten! Warsong? Can Warsong fight too?

Body shape "Catwoman's body disappeared again ...

The opponent of the Ministry of God is a twenty-three level split-tooth beast, shaking his fangs and a large water pipe-like proboscis. His blood-red eyes show that his current condition is very irritable, and there is a pool of blood on the ground. Of course, it was clear that someone had just come here soon, and it was still defeated.

The combat effectiveness of the raging split-tooth beast will be increased by 10%. The existence of the beast does not need to be calm. The more violent it is, the more it can exert its combat power.

Obviously the prey's escape just now makes the Split-tooth beast even more irritable. "At this time, there were prey actively provoking it.

"It's my turn!", The ministry staff greeted him with jealousy.

The split-tooth monster has a talented, strong physique, and the body is like a thick rubber tire. It cannot be cut with a knife. Although it is also a 23rd-level monster, the "monster with fairly balanced strength and speed" is good at hand-to-hand combat, is not afraid of any profession, and has no obvious defects to sneak attack.

The defense is too high, and the force is strong. I can lift four to five hundred pounds of boulder in a single arch, and the long elephant trunk is also very flexible. "I often roll people down in battle" and then step on the broken bones. Two The huge teeth are definitely not for viewing.

Even Murphy and Buenavin are curious about Arthur's "Warsong ability is already amazing, and there are good skills" to what extent?

The mini-stick clasped his fingers very handsomely, and poured a barrel of oil on the critical point where the split-tooth beast was already hot.


A crack-tooth beast yelled at Jiao Liang, surging demon power burst out, and the surrounding trees were blown upside down.

The power of deterrence!

Murphy and Buenavin glanced at each other. "It is best to deal with such monsters. Warriors and archers or other professions are too easy to be deterred by magic. Once suppressed, the ability cannot be exerted, which is equivalent to death. The powerful warrior is more powerful in terms of will and pressure. The demon wind has disturbed the hairstyle of Jiao Shen stick, and he is quite dissatisfied with it!


The shrieking roar of the split-tooth beast's nose obviously did not scare Zou Shencun. Its last opponent was deterred by it, and it almost killed him with a flutter. The hunting film was originally intended to sneak attack, but Suddenly deterred, the whole action was slowed. "The crackback of the split-tooth beast was extremely fast.

But Bu Liang's roar of the exploding bear is no worse than the other party. More importantly, the momentum of the split-tooth beast ... can't overwhelm him!

Not a warsong!

This is the place where Murphy and Buenavin are shocked ~ ~ In addition to the Rhine, there are still people who can use the momentum to fight the split-tooth beast!

At this point, Zou Liang had any elegant priests anywhere, just a thug!

The Splinter-Beast finds that its deterrents have been tried and tested, and then it is weak and defeated!

There was a smile on the corner of the ministry's mouth, and his deterrent level had reached three. With this level of deterrence, trying to deal with himself was not a dream.

The momentum couldn't defeat the opponent, the fierceness of the fissured beast became anxious, the huge skull was lowered, the curved fangs were inserted into the ground, and the hind limbs kicked violently. Here. The gravel and dirt on the ground twitched and dragged out long smoke and dust behind the crack-tooth monster. Its fangs were stronger than the iron plough. Such a collision would easily tear the enemy's body in front of it.

When there were more than ten meters away from Jiaoliang, the fangs suddenly left the ground, and the split-tooth beast suddenly seemed to be an off-string arrow, and instantly crossed the distance of more than ten meters to the front of Buliang.

Post a landslide!

boom……! .

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