The Great Conqueror

Chapter 307: Silver Eyed Banshee

Zou Liang, like a small locomotive, burst into a fierce hit on the split-tooth beast instantly. This is like a collision between two galloping trains. There was a loud blast. After the impact, the power of the split-tooth beast was obviously a little larger. As soon as Liang's power unloaded, people began to fall, and the body of the split-tooth beast was still killed for a moment. Although the momentum was far from being comparable, it seemed that this collision had also dispelled Zou Liang's own power.

Bronze-grade armor is not enough to save lives, because monsters above level 20 also know how to avoid strong places to find weaknesses, especially such as the split-tooth beast, hunting is only instinct, deadly nose lightning point to Zou Liang The neck also carried a suction.

Zou Liang's scepter suddenly probossed, and when he hit the ground, Zou Liang's body squatted violently, followed by a landslide!

Incredible continuous power!

Boom ..., under this collision, the split-tooth beast was also knocked open. The first time was a loss, the second time was almost flattened, and Zou Liang's body was ejected one meter.

However, the severe imbalance did not shake Zou Liang's center of gravity in the slightest. After almost a meal, the whole person hit out again.

Third collision of violence!

The split-tooth beast also slammed into it.

Boom ... flat!

One person and one beast retreated one meter further, but the strength of the split-tooth beast was not buffered, and Zou Liang's attack came again.

A fresh move to eat all over the world one by one landslide fourth strike!

Boom ... Splitting Tooth Beast was bumped into a head, because its strength has not been slowed down, it is good to have five powers in a hurry.

And Zou Shencun is like eating the Dali Pill, the most iconic roar of the bear clan, posted the fifth strike of the landslide!

Kill ~ Boom ... This time, the resistance of the split-tooth beast's symbolic 20% of the force was completely crushed back, a scream, and it was smashed out for more than ten meters.

Zou Liang didn't chase after, spit and spit, and put away the scepter. The distant fang-tooth beast was completely mad, shouting hysterically, shame? The monster cannot feel shame, but loses to a prey in strength, which is not tolerated by the split-fang beast.

His head fluttered, shattering the crushed stone, and the split-tooth beast desperately rushed to Zou Liang without any rules. The arrogant provocation of Zou Shenchou has driven this twenty-three level monster mad.

The eyes became red and red during the gallop, and ... emptied!

Zou Liang rushed forward, not only the Fissured Beast, but even Murphy and Buenavin thought Arthur would continue his proud attack, but Zou Liang came under the Fissured Beast and caught the rear of the Fissured Beast. The legs unexpectedly pulled back the huge body of the split-tooth beast, and suddenly fell to the ground.

This was followed by a scene that caused Murphy and Buenavin to boil.

Roar-A sudden muscle burst on Zou Liang's arm, accompanied by a roar, tearing blood one by one, the split-tooth beast was ripped apart in half!

"it is good!"

The eyes of the golden lion, Murphy and Buenavin, flickered at the same time, almost at the same time, sent out heartfelt praise, strength, domineering, the perfect orc warrior's tactics.

Great power!

Although the bear clan is also known for its strength, I am afraid that Arthur's displayed power is only available to mad bear fighters? And he is obviously not crazy, especially since his figure is not a powerful Bill.

Zou Liang wiped the blood on his face, shook his fist, and felt the steady flow of power. Instead of being weakened by such a fight, he poured out like a valve.

His perseverance has finally paid off!

Qi one is the source of strength!

The orcs can only improve their strength through muscle exercises, but Zou Liang ’s practice has gone far ahead of them. It can be said that the previous practice of Qi is more suitable for the beast ’s body. Zou Liang just uses this method fully come out.

The tiger and leopard thunder sounded through the marrow washing, but after all, human voices are limited. The Lycium and Tagores can indeed strengthen themselves in the roar, but that is unconscious, and the bears have a large voice but do not have this ability. That kind of roar is venting, not scouring, but Zou Liang uses the delicate skills 15 only possessed by human beings, in the form of orc war songs, to shape his way of training the beast **** continent.

His body hasn't grown significantly, but his strength is no longer what it used to be, especially in continuous outbreaks. His power is even more amazing. Today is just a small test.

At the same time, it also allowed Zou Shen stick to be more determined about his war song washing. If it was the body when he first arrived, he just fell apart with a slight bump.

"Arthur, thank you for being a priest. Good, good!" Buenavin shook his head and said, shaking his head. Fortunately, he did not fight against such a perverted warsong priest.

After a quick and explosive battle, Zou Shencun was also relieved, and he carefully arranged his hairstyle. After all, it was the priest's, and he couldn't pay attention to the image like ordinary soldiers.

"It's cool, let's get on the road."

"Haha, Arthur, you must play with me after the competition!" Of course, the power of the Golden Lion is no small matter, looking at Arthur's eyes getting hotter and hotter.

"I'm the youngest and most promising priest of our glory, but I don't have time to work with you.

Zou Shen sticks a cigar with a smile, and it's so cool to have one after the battle.

Murphy shook her head without pressing, there was always a chance.

Until the three disappeared for a while, the foolish Catwoman also poked out her head and shook her head looking at the miserable look of the split-tooth beast on the ground. This world has really changed. The priest, like the mad warrior, knew this was so dangerous Going home to raise your own goldfish, really, no normal person.

But one thing is certain: following these three people is very safe, the cat does not like killing.

It just dangles along with people who are masters like Zou Liang, Murphy, and Buenavon and are not found ... however it looks normal ... the provincial capital of Dalos, Shaman Subaru has always been as early as usual Get up and pray to the beast god, then prepare to go to the temple for a day of work.

However, today there are a few episodes before going out. Both the wounded Bath and granddaughter Annie came to inquire about the trials.

It has been four days since Arthur's silver eyed banshee map into the underground world of Kaiser Dreams, and there is no result yet.

Subaru is quite confident in Arthur. Considering that he is in charge of Shenyao Province, at least two places must be guaranteed. Arthur and the gold lion Murphy are both optimistic about him. If there is one more person to qualify and occupy three places, then he will be more glorious in the four southern provinces.

Thinking of the three shamans in the other three provinces, Subaru flashed a sharp light, slowly walking towards the temple hall with his hands on his back.

Danny and the Knight Cavalier stood on the top of a high mountain and looked into the distance.

As the knights of order, they were here by the Pope. Their main responsibility was to observe the performance of these players at a close distance, and they responded to the shamans in the southern provinces. Outgoers.

As for the lives and deaths of these young players, they are not within their scope, and observers will never interfere in the content of the test.

"Captain Bott, look at them?" The Rhinewoman, a wild horsewoman, raised her chin a little, but her face in B spoon was still calm and indifferent.

In the direction she signaled, a few small dots could be seen faintly to settle the monster and move on. Those were Arthur, Murphy, and Buenavon.


Bote hugged his chest with both hands, and the intense mountain wind blew his hair backwards, his face cold like a hard rock.

The dozens of people who participated in this competition are far superior to their peers in terms of experience, brain, and strength. Except for some infighting on the first day, that is normal, and the forces have their demands. These days, more people have chosen to cooperate wisely.

Although it was an individual trial, there was no order for them to form a group, but they did not say that cooperation was not allowed before the test.

Being able to drop the alert and come together shows that they have a good outlook and know when and what choices to make. Increase your odds for yourself.

Of course, many people have confidence in themselves and have always chosen to go it alone.

In addition, even the collaborators may not be so happy. Some of them may not be able to break up and finally separate, and there may be counterproductive effects if they do not cooperate.

These are a test of the ability of the players. It is also a reference to measure whether they are eligible to qualify.

It now seems that Arthur, Murphy and Buerrit are the best of the three players.

"Continue to observe."

"Yes." Danny understood the meaning of Captain Bot, and the Temple Knights, known for their coldness and indifference, would never take people personally in such trials.

Danny did the same.

"Take a break and continue."

Zou Shencun sat on a smooth big rock with his butt, and said to Murphy and Buenavin, "Xiao Jin helps to make a fire, fox, go catch the fish."

"Don't call me Xiao Jin!" Murphy couldn't help shaking her golden curly hair, and he expressed extremely strong protest against this title, even at the expense of Zou Liang.

But the golden lion doesn't know Zou Shenchou too much. What he is best at is not violent walking, but rogue. Do he want to duel? Line n 嗣, you can hit casually, brother lying down let you hit!

Angered that Murphy knocked down two trees, Buenavon was ignited by the wind. It was better to be bitter than others.

"Let's discuss it. The three of us are the biggest. Even if you want to call it, you have to call it Dajinkoukou!" Obviously the golden lion still cares about this small character generation. How can he be called Xiaojin if he is so aggressive!

"No, no!" Zou Shengan waved his hands quickly, "Dai Jin already has one, is a friend of mine, or ... your name is CICC?"

Zou Shencun's attitude was negotiating and very cooperative. The watery eyes saw Murphy wanted to vomit blood, and the golden lion decided to get some firewood for the fire and not to see the rogue priest.

The fox is really very good at catching fish ... this, what can't it catch with the fox's skill?

Not far from the side of the road is a cheerful stream, where the waves and fish swarm are very active.

Buenavin stood in the water, kicked from time to time, and instantly opened a water sword, and fish jumped to the shore.

The kitten girl watched quietly, it seemed that the resistance of the water could not hinder Buenavon at all, and the kicked fish all fell in the same direction, which was a great skill.

But the thing that Kitty Girl can't stand is ... fish ... she also wants to eat fish.

Murphy's wood-cutting work was even more violent. The trees were folded and folded like chopsticks, but if you look closely, the length of each segment is the same.

As for the level of grilled fish of Zou Shen stick, it ’s not that Zou Shen stick is from Europe. If he wo n’t be a priest and be a cook in the future, it will be a continent of the beast **** continent.

In addition, Murphy and Buenavin admire Arthur's hand.

At this time, there were other people passing by. After all, the flames and the scent of grilled fish can gradually attract the people around, but when you saw the golden lion sitting in the town, there were two other people. No one came here intentionally to get in trouble. The name of the first-generation leader is not blown out.

Murphy did not care about these people at all. The three of them were together. To be honest, they were all right.

A faint orange flame rose, and Buenavin's movement was not slow. He quickly caught the fish and cleaned it. The use of this knife was like life, although it was not the butterfly knife of Zou Shen stick. The skills are not bad, and the practicability is to take out the fancy and remove the Wu Cunjing, which is quite powerful.

The fish is scaled and offaled, and it is strung neatly, and the fire frame set by the golden lion is also quite good. It conforms to the principle of flame dispersion and does not scorch. With such a good assistant, Zou Shen stick is a good cook with a good aroma. It has been flowing everywhere.

Both Murphy and Buenavin thundered uncontrollably in their stomachs. "Can you eat it?" Murphy pointed to one of them, and it seemed that the requirements for food had nothing to do with strength.

Zou Liang smiled, "Not yet, I have the finishing touch here!"

Talking about pulling out a small bottle from his own space belt, this was originally used to contain the beast spirit, but Zou Shenchou changed it into a small bottle with seasoning, but he took the time to prepare it. Picnic will kill!

When the seasoning was put on the grilled fish that was about to be cooked, the flavor of the fish was sublimated immediately, and the three of them couldn't help swallowing.

Watching the fish become a little bit golden, the fat mixed with the flavour of the meat, a scent!

Buenavin rubbed his hands and rolled his throat.

Murphy's face was calm, but his nose was moving slightly.

Just then, Zou Liang picked up a fragrant grilled fish, and when Buenavin's eyes smiled and he wanted to pick up the grilled fish, he suddenly pointed the fish in the other direction: "Come out, follow us God? "

Nothing happened, Zou Liang smiled, "Don't hide, these two friends are not as good as my priest, talk well, or else ... more than twenty meters behind, the purple bushes move slightly, A slim figure flashed out.

"Don't be so fierce, isn't this out ... How did you find out?"

The big-breasted Catwoman, Joyina, touched her cheek with some frustration, but looking closely at her eyes, the blue crystal flashed, staring at the grilled fish completely straight. I do n’t know if it came out because it was found, or It came out because of grilled fish.

"No shadow Kate Joyna." Buenavin glanced at the person who came, "Well, it's amazing, I didn't find it along the way."

"They are courageous, naturally you have to follow the strongest people. If you are so powerful, you should be protecting girls. I am not malicious." Joeyina stared at the fish in the hand of Zou Shenchou completely. I feel that scent can be ecstatic.

"Haha, just want to eat, oh, this is for you." Then, the fish in his hand shook at Joanna like an arrow.

Without any method, the cat girl who looked a little dumbfounded the fish very lightly, still focusing on the grilled fish.

"You know there is fish to eat ... people have come out long ago."

Qiao Yina licked her lips at the grilled fish. Catwoman seemed to be born with no resistance to fish food, especially Zou's craftsmanship was so good, she bit a sip, and her beautiful twinkling eyes were immediately surprised. The light, quickly eaten, even the Ministry of Speech could not afford to speak.

In fact, on the third day that Joyna followed Zou Liang, Ms. Zou could already be sure that someone was following. It was just that this person's ability to covertly was too good, not even a sound was heard, and Zou Liang could not determine the exact location.

The reason for showing this time is because the other party's resistance to the fragrance is too poor. The stomach is facing up. Although it is very slight, you still have to keep in mind that you can pay attention to Zou Liang. This is also the reason why the fragrance is constantly fanned. In this ghost Local style meals and sleeping places are something that normal people cannot resist, let alone in such a relaxed situation.

The four of them began to enjoy it, and they ate it very refreshingly. Murphy and Buenavin were not as gentle as Catwoman. They were stuffed in at one bite, and chewed with a big mouth. It felt like they were called by the beast god.

Appetite is one of the most important things in life.

Zou Liang is very careful about the cat girl, especially Lu Yao, he is still very fond of the Kate tribe. When everyone eats, and there are some big movements, he will inevitably make some noises, but when it comes to Joeyna, The action is very soft, the sound is silent for ten thousand, it seems to become a silent movie.

A born assassin!

The next track is a bit like a group of brothers tempting little loli. First, after asking about the purpose of Joe Ina, after confirming her harmlessness again, Zou Shengan issued a very generous invitation to show that she would follow the delicious grilled fish every day. It is better to keep her silent, especially to follow her silently. It is better to keep her safe by her side. Of course, the task of supervision must be given to the fox.

The gentle Catwoman's head lighted up and agreed without hesitation.

These three people are strong and good at looking at people. There are also delicious ones, but fools don't follow.

With the gentle joining of Joyna, the efficiency of a group of men killing monsters has changed. With this excellent female hunter acting as scout, where can there be monsters worth three shots, which are some small fish, whether there are traps or other players on the road, you can find out early.

Joeyna's sneak talent was rated home travel by Murphy and Buenavin, necessary to kill more people.

Of course, the art of grilling fish by Priest Arthur is also a must, and it is necessary.

It is reasonable to say that men and women do not get tired of working.

However, as a shadow hunter, Wisdom Buenavon felt a little pressure.

In the past two days, on the way to the Silver Eyed Banshee finally, the foursome absorbed another fifth player.

Yin Da Liu Scimitar Xin Da, a funny little guy from the province of Zhaoxing. When he met him at the time, the boy was a little bit embarrassed and was being chased and bitten by a group of eighteen level human bees.

This kind of monster beast is nothing. It slaps to death with a slap, but it can't hold up a lot. No one could bear the whole nest flying out.

If Zou Liang's war song had dispelled these guys, Xinda would have been half dead if she could escape.

The swallowed bee stings his face at least once.

After being rescued by four people, Sinda immediately thanked them. They had to be with them. The team had an uncertain catwoman who didn't want to increase the uncertainty, but this Sinda was really interesting. It evoked a kind of people who chased the stars one by one.

Apparently, Sinda worships Murphy very much ... To be precise, he worships everyone, anyway, it is not a person who can deal with the silver-eyed banshee. This kid's double-knife does have one hand, and the dense beekeeper He lost his life.

With the addition of Xinda, there was more laughter in the team, this kid is a pistachio.

The first day of joining made everyone's stomach smile.

Similarly, holding the grilled fish from classmate Zou ~ ~ The Fox hands are awkward.

I was bitten by a bee stinger. Although not as exaggerated as a pig's head, my lips were swollen like fat sausages, numb, and I didn't know how to get down.

Several others saw his expression hesitant to eat with grilled fish and laughed. Joey Needless to say, all the grilled fish in his mouth spurted out, rubbing his stomach with his legs straight, and even Murphy, who had been very stable and kept his expression unchanged, drew the corners of his mouth, almost couldn't help it.

Sinda didn't mind, but joked with the others.

Well, this kid is good and promising.

Staring at the steady hands of the Fox Cinda, Zou was very satisfied.

With more people, time flies faster, and the speed of progress also accelerates.

Finally, on entering the tenth day of the Silver Eyed Banshee World.

Arthur and his team of five killed and dispersed a group of thousands of low-level monsters, and came to the last place marked on the map-the silver-eyed banshee's lair, Moyun Valley. !! ~!

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