The Great Conqueror

Chapter 315: Banshee mocking

Three hundred and fifteen banshees mocking

It's just too small to look at the silver-eyed banshee

Wow ...

There was a crack, and the ice cone, which was fully kicked by the Rhein of the Rhine tribe, broke into the ice cone inserted in the shoulder of the silver-eyed banshee.

The silver-eyed banshee's body is not damaged. How can this level of attack hurt the lord's body.

As a monster beast lord, even if Li Ling took the sword to chop and chop, he might not see the effect, let alone an ice cone flying far away.

Far away, Li Ling could not help fighting a cold war when she touched the silver-eyed banshee with strange eyes.

So cold

The next moment, the violent butcher Monma suddenly heard a noise.

When I looked up, I suddenly saw a huge ice ball rolling in from the direction of the silver-eyed banshee.

The huge ice hockey rolls bigger and bigger, with a rumbling sound, as if the sky is falling apart.

However, this thing is very powerful for others, and Beimeng, who is born with divine power, is really nothing.

Mengma cracked her mouth, bounced her limbs suddenly, her huge body moved forward, and hurled up against the ice hockey, and patted her hands on the ice hockey.


With dull sounds and frictional sounds, Monta slid back a few meters, stiffly holding up a puck that was taller than her own body.

Despising the silver-eyed banshee will pay the price.


Everyone saw the shock.

Numerous spikes suddenly pricked on the surface of the original uneven hockey puck, like a giant prickly pear.

For this move, Forte encountered similar. The original smooth ice surface instantly produced ice thorns, and it was free to expand and contract.

As long as the silver-eyed banshee wants to, it can easily play this kind of shadow trick.

Mengma was recruited

With a violent scream, the hands clasped on the ice hockey did not know how many blood holes had been stabbed, and the strength suddenly relaxed.


Pain at the foot, and the sinister ice spikes pierced through the soles of the feet.

Numerous ice cones were born underground, and huge spiked hockey **** rolled rumblingly forward, running over Montma.

Its first goal is not Forte, because Forte's lethality is not enough, nor is it Murphy, because Murphy is obviously more difficult to deal with.

Butcher Montma, who had bitten the silver-eyed banshee yesterday, was the first prey to be removed.

Replaced with Zou Liang, his first choice must be the same, the real battle is about to begin.

Li Ling, too far apart, wanting to help, and helpless, the Black Lion Leon is at another corner, and there is no short distance from Montma, which is more than 90 meters behind the side of the silver-eyed banshee.

Wu Lanxing also has the same problem, which is beyond reach.

Forte, who just got out of the thick ice hockey, shook his head hard, and looked a little dizzy.

Murphy is farther away from Buenavin and Joyna. As a member of the main attack combination, Montma is an important part, and there is no room for loss.


With a muffled sound, the prickly puck was resisted by the huge, quark wearing dazzling brass equipment staring at the oversized shield.

Not forgetting to fall to the ground, his eyes were red, and his face was sullen and angry.

"Butcher, now do you know the benefits of having equipment?"

Zou Liang was also greatly relieved, and Mengma's strength must not be lost.

Mengma on the ground exploded. He didn't expect the silver-eyed banshee to be so insidious. He was a butcher. He was a mad bemon. When he ate such a big loss, he was even laughed at by the quark guy.

Just as Montma wanted to go mad, the metamorphosis emerged.

On the ice layer not far away, the second puck rolled up, then the third puck, the fourth ...

Granny Bill

At this moment, not to mention the other soldiers who are rushing here to save the field, even the people on the shore, and even the calm Zou Shencun who can't help but swear.

Too **** shameless

Three ice hockey **** lined up fiercely against the ice hockey pucks, making a loud noise. This is completely different from those scatter hockey **** just now. The indiscriminate black magic attack in the front is at most twenty. Level, so these people can easily resist, and the puck just now is a forty-five level spell, even more fierce than the previous tornado.

Obviously, the banshee has no concept of what dazzling tricks, vanity does not exist in the world of monsters.

The ice thorns on the sphere shrank and stretched, which was pure magic power. Although the shields of the Bemon Warrior bronze were thick, they were still easily pierced like paper.

Subsequent impacts of the ice hockey caused the quark's body to relax from the previous relaxation and become tight, and then it was tilted backwards, and the body's center of gravity shifted, which occurred in an instant.

The fifth larger ice hockey rolled rumblingly.

Quark, Mengma, the faces of the two Mongolian warriors changed greatly.

The angry giant jumped up from the ground all the time, and no longer cared about the puncture wounds on his hands, as if he could not see the ice thorns on the ice hockey, slammed his hands up, blocking the ice hockey with the quark.

Blood splatter

It was so easy to approach the silver-eyed banshee before, so everyone almost forgot that they were facing a powerful monster lord

Now, it just adds a little strength, even without much effort. A small trick has already made the two Bemont fighters with the strongest defense on the front line messy and even in danger.

The orc warriors, who were still very optimistic, felt a little chill in their hearts.

The weight of the four hockey pucks, and the ever-expanding ice thorns added wounds to the faces of Quark and Monmar's hands. It can be seen that this situation made the brave and violent Beamon soldier very uncomfortable.

In particular, Mengma, the growing wounds and splashing blood on his hands made him angry but unable to use his strength.

If the foot is not such a smooth ice surface, if it is not an ice cone that is constantly retracting, or if it is not repeatedly pierced by ice thorns, even four ice hockeys are lifted up or broken in one breath.

but now……

The fifth huge ice hockey rolled closer and closer, and when it was about to hit, Montma broke out.

How can a dignified orc warrior be mocked by a monster

The body shape changes drastically, muscles and muscles expand rapidly, and the eyes are red.




A huge ice hockey was shot by Mengma stiffly, and this collision maddened him more than a few steps back, which is the real power of the lord

No matter how powerful the madness is, at most, it is the silver light level, and the monster lord of the forty-fifth level can definitely kill a silver light warrior easily.

Rumble ...

Four huge ice hockey **** rush to Montma from four directions. This is the domain of the banshee. It can provide a steady stream of cold and water, allowing it to use its own black magic.

Even if it was in a state of madness, being loaded with so many prickly pucks directly, Montma would be stabbed into a skewer, not to mention that his impact did not restore his strength.

Everything happened too fast. Seeing that Momma was about to swell, she would be hit by four huge ice hockey ...

With a loud noise, Quark used his equipment, and the giant shield on his left hand slammed the beastly Montma heavily, pushing it to a safe place.

"Forget Lao Tzu's shield." Quark waved his giant shield on his left arm, staring at the huge ice hockey approaching quickly, his eyes calm.

To be honest, he is really envious of Mengma's talent. If he has such ability, he can definitely go further, but as the people of the beast god, he cannot complain, but should work hard.

But ... Although he didn't want to admit it, Mengma can indeed bring glory to Beamon. He is the future of Beamon, a province in the south.

The Beamon family has the strongest talents, but it can never appear top fighters. This has to be said to be a sadness of the Beamon people, and a pain that the Beamon people can never erase. Although not a province, Quark keeps elders from elders. Hearing how smart and capable this monk is, he will certainly become the first maddening golden bemon in fifty years of God ’s Prowess, which is the pride of bemon

So he can die, Montma cannot

Quark's eyes burst into intense light, making a deafening roar.

The big shield slanted forward, shaking the killing trap released by the silver-eyed banshee.

come on

The most standard shield warrior's defensive action is unexpectedly used by a giant Beamon. This action quark must be practiced hundreds of times a day, because the Beamon is indeed not as good as the Bears in terms of skills. He only has to pay more. Work hard to make it.

Instantly, the electric shield flickered, and the giant shield, which was slightly inclined at a fifteen-degree angle, lifted the ice hockey and made it jump over it.

This is a collection of the impact of four ice hockeys rolling in. This shield fighter's defensive power, even if it is a silver fighter, it is rare.

But after that, three ice hockey **** kept rolling over.

Fast, too fast

The surrounding soldiers, including Murphy, were stopped by the silver-eyed banshee, not a lethal black magic, pure obstruction, one by one kill, the monster can get great pleasure from it.

The second ice hockey was barely lifted, but it can be seen that the consumption of quark is also very great, and he is already a little unstable.


The third ice hockey slammed openly ~ ~ But this time not only blasted the shield, but also left a deep tone in the quark's chest, and the armor was easily torn apart.

The last huge ice hockey slammed into it, which was fatal.

At this moment, the black-eyed Leo Leon, the gold lion Murphy, and Wu Lanxing, the beheaded warrior, rushed madly towards this side, and they could not care about approaching the silver-eyed banshee.

But still too late.

The silver-eyed banshee made a sharp howling, not a sonic attack, but a mockery peculiar to intelligent creatures.

It likes this scene the most, and this kind of beast spirit is also the most delicious. The thing called friendship of the orcs is the best preparation.

Quark smiled bitterly, the masseter muscles on his cheeks were tightened suddenly, and it was inevitable. If his basic skills were more solid, and he practiced harder, maybe this one could be blocked.

Although the shattered giant shield obliquely blocked the front, it had no effect.

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