The Great Conqueror

Chapter 316: Crazy

Three hundred and sixteen

Flesh flew ...

No one can stop, but ... not the blood of quark.

In front of him was a huge body with blood-red rays, his arms pierced, but the huge fangs and Beamon's hardest head blocked the ice hockey, and his head broke the ice thorn stiffly.


"Your mother, I will settle the bill with you when this **** is solved. I have Lao Tzu and never let my tribe be a shield"

Howl ~~~~

Montma exploded completely, the huge ice hockey was constantly blocked, and she was lifted high, and threw it towards the silver-eyed banshee.

The silver-eyed banshee's eyes were full of ridicule, and her paws flew a little arc in the air and immediately flew back to Montmar. Obviously, these stupid foods did not understand what the hex was.

Mengma stood in front of Quark without fear, and even if he walked on his body, even a drop of scum would not fall on the Quark.

But at this time a figure rushed towards a bigger puck.

Dizzy, Sinda

Little Fox, like crazy, cut it with his two swords .... The beast **** is up, just this small body, facing the forty-five level of black magic, and not being hit by a broken body? ? ?

"Ula, hurry hurry hurry hurry ~~~~~~~~~~"

As if Sinda was mad, the double knives in her hand swept past the hockey puck, waving back.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up ..."

Xin Da's broken thoughts are as fast as his knife, like the mysterious light flying in the air, and then he sees the sky full of ice debris ...

This is not ice cream, it is a black magic that contains the power of the banshee, but the huge ice ball becomes smaller and smaller with the small man's shattered thoughts.


Finally, the ice hockey was one step closer. Seeing that it was about to hit Sinda, boom ...

The ice hockey was shot directly on the ground by a paw. The ice hockey weakened by Sinda had no attack power, and it was far from Beamon's opponent.

"Boy, you are amazing"

The time Sinda fought for also gave Monmar ample recovery, at which point the quark stood up again, throwing away the shabby shield.

Although they were injured and their equipment was damaged, the fighting spirit of everyone was unprecedented.

As for Xinda, I hardly know what my last name is. The strongest Beamon soldier in the southern provinces patted his shoulder and said that he was very powerful. Oh, beast god, isn't this a dream?

No one expected that this unremarkable Fox warrior had the courage and strength.

The heaviest battle of the orcs is morale. No one is really afraid of death. Such a small victory can inspire the fearlessness of the soldiers.


Looking at the beast warriors whose morale was rainbow, the Silver Eyed Banshee obviously did not intend to let them continue like this.

The savage banshee's voice sounded again, and this time the distance was closer and the sound was fiercer. Forte, who rushed to the front, fell to the ground almost instantaneously, covering her ears desperately to resist, but obviously the effect was not good.

Murphy also stopped for an instant, and she tried her best to resist with the beast spirit. She couldn't move forward at all. The situation of the others was even worse. Even the catgirl was bounced out. At first she was completely integrated with the lake.

The voice of the banshee is here.

... Zou Shencun did not know when he had quietly reached a place more than fifty meters away from the banshee.

He was waiting for this moment.


Without any pavement, Zou Shencun, who had been preparing for a long time, had the glow of the Warsong Scepter-Extreme Storm Warsong.

In no way inferior to the voice of the Banshee, the thriller treble rushed into the sky, except that he gave the orc warrior the excitement

The banshee apparently found out, the two prey that surprised her most, and this one finally appeared.

Fifty meters apart, the forty-fifth voice of the Banshee and the Warsong Priest's Extreme Storm and Warsong meet on a narrow road.

The sound of waves colliding on both sides caused a layer of ice mist, and the momentum was thrilling.

All orc warriors and hawk-eye banshees are completely unable to fight in this level of confrontation. Once the banshee stands up, the orc warrior will be out of luck. That is the pain to blow his head. If Zou Liang stands up, The eagle-eyed banshee rolled her teeth and claws with pain.

~~~~~~~ Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

A wave of treble soaring into the sky, Zou Liang and the silver-eyed banshee have the upper hand alternately, but no one can overwhelm others, just like the two monster beast lords are blasting against each other.

The entire underground world seems to be torn by this kind of battle song. With Zou Liang's low profile, Murphy, Joanna, Montma and others are obviously much better, but they are not afraid to venture in. Between Arthur and the lord Like hell, the fifty meters is completely filled with sound waves.

Murphy couldn't help frowning, because he felt Arthur was dying. The banshee voice of the silver-eyed banshee is very strong among the monsters, and there are forty-five levels. If it is silver light level, Arthur can have a 70% chance of winning, but his stamina is still insufficient.

Sure enough, the voice of the banshee is still gradually rising, but Arthur's war song is almost reaching the bottleneck.

As soon as Murphy gritted his teeth, he had to help.

Suddenly Zou Liang's voice will be extremely low from extremely high in an instant, and the bass is so low that the monster has an impulse to explode.

Second Wave-Soul Subwoofer

e, t, t

Murphy, a pure ancient saying, does not understand them, but they feel an indescribable combat power. This is a deeper than the previous treble. It is not a treble outside, but a voice that directly shocks the power

This warsong could not suppress the Banshee from the scale, but let the soldiers completely remove the influence of the Banshee Voice. The orc warrior looked at the Warsong priest who was alone against the silver-eyed Banshee, stunned, this ...

Obviously the silver-eyed banshee also felt this. The sound was more stern and high-pitched, but no matter how it changed, the thick voice directly pierced its eardrum, disrupting its rhythm, and never encountered such an opponent. The silver-eyed banshee's voice of the banshee can be regarded as a vertical and horizontal world.

At this time, the part of Zou Liang arrived and the soul subwoofer was fully open.

t, t, t, t, t

The rumbling rumbling ..., the subwoofer that is raging in the sky, the hawk-eyed banshee screamed again and again, one by one headshot, the hawk-eyed banshee has been completely suppressed.

Sophie looked unbelievably at the Warsong Priest with open arms and no fear. The only one in the world who mastered the real Warsong was their Bismarck family, but this man's Warsong far exceeded their level. This technique, this Strength ... facts are scarier than legends

Boom ... Boom ...

Boom ~~~~~~~~

The two sides ended with a sonic boom, and Zou Shengan was almost blown out, but the silver-eyed banshee is definitely worse than him

Don't talk about war songs, Zou Liang can't even speak now, this ugly monster is the most disgusting he encountered.

Murphy is well aware that now is the best time to execute their demon killing tactics.

Rhine Lion Roar

Then the scene of making everyone crazy and mad appeared, and Murphy's body was flashing with a silver light that only Silver Warriors had.

The soldiers had the urge to directly cut an ice cave and jump down.

Silver Light Warrior appeared

Why, this seems to have broken the record of Nebeiro's youngest silver fighter.

This is why the Silver-Eyed Banshee feels the biggest threat. This is the most powerful armor warrior of Murphy—Murphy.

Murphy's transformation was undoubtedly full of unparalleled shock effects, and he rushed directly to the silver-eyed banshee. This is the time for a decisive battle. Either the enemy will die or I will die.

At the beginning of the plan, almost immediately after the start of the earthquake, Montma and Griffin followed. At this moment, no one will question Arthur and Murphy's plan. Without this plan, everyone would be dead. .

The silver glittering back ~ ~ also greatly stimulated the two strong ones, kill them

The silver-eyed banshee, who had just been spoofed by Zou Liang, also completely lost her voice at this time, she couldn't let out any black magic at all, and the resentful eyes could not wait to eat Zou Shen stick, but apparently Zou Shen stick showed no pressure.

Murphy's not yet approaching, the silver-eyed banshee's haunted tail has been slammed down, and ...

This is definitely a scene that inspires the orc warriors. The golden lion is definitely the first soldier in the southern provinces. He actually blocked the frontal strike of the forty-five monster beast lord.

Murphy was also almost vomiting blood because of this, but he had to stand up, and at this time, the red eyes of the monk leap, jumping out of the seven or eight meters, biting the paw of the silver-eyed banshee, and a mother. Even if I shoot dead, I will never relax.

On the other side, Leo Leon, with a huge axe, chopped down at the other claw, and died. This **** banshee has been taken care of, and he has no chance to perform. This is definitely discrimination.

He knew very well that he couldn't be compared with the silver-lighted Murphy anyway, and his stomach full of anger was desperately scattered to the silver-eyed banshee.

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