The Great Conqueror

Chapter 341: For the persistence in my heart


The subwoofer roared. For three consecutive subwoofers, a huge siege vehicle began to fall. Zou Liang with one blood knife and one with the Warsong Scepter was like the possession of a beast god.

Wherever they went, the soldiers followed madly, invincible strength, invincible faith.

Under the light of the fire, Zou Liang was so conspicuous. Immediately, bows and arrows shot at him. Bath muttered a shield and passed, which was his responsibility. At this moment, he was convinced that this man was bestowed by the beast god. Their leader, he will use his life to defend his security.

All the bows and arrows were blocked by Bath. If you ca n’t stop them, grab them with your hands. Others may not, but for the beast fighters, it ’s nothing. If you ca n’t catch them, use your body to block them. This is nothing!

This is a real battle.

Ioria stared at the man wielding the blood knife and scepter. After a moment, he waved his hand: "Retreat!"

The barbarian horn sounded again, but this time they did not take the offensive, but retreated, and the black barbarian soldiers began to retreat, ...

This was the first day, and they held it.

There was no cheer on the wall, because there was no energy left. This was a short breath of Dolan City, but this was only the first day.

Zou Liang has no time to rest. He has to direct the deployment of strategic materials. Today is just a revelation. Tomorrow is the real hard time. The enemy is indeed stronger than them, but they are siege, they are for plundering, and Dolan City is for survival. ,no choice!

It was so busy for a few hours and it passed away, "Arthur, take a break and eat."

When Emma brought something to eat, Zou Liang was busy and dizzy, but he knew that the meal must be full, and the battles later were more difficult. He had to keep his strength and had to eat if he could n’t.

After taking the meal and squatting on the city wall, the **** smell seemed to be just for cooking. When his eyes were recovered from a distance and fell on Emma, ​​Emma couldn't describe it by beauty at this time. A brave female warrior was really people. Fascinating charm.

"You are hurt? Zou Liang's eyes fell on Emma's arm.

Emma shook her head indifferently. "Skin wounds, I also killed six enemies today!"

In the moonlight, Emma's smile seemed particularly charming. "Why not find it before?

Zou Liang smiled "" Yes, Emma, ​​you are brave! " "

Emma's smile was full of concern. Maybe this battle changed both of them, and they both took a step towards maturity. "Arthur, go and persuade Lu Yao. She is constantly healing, using her The situation will be irresistible. "

"This girl, go, take a look!" Zou Liang stood up immediately, not everyone has the details of his war songs, especially Lu Yao, a healing war song with a certain sacrifice, if it is too much, it will hurt itself great.

Bath followed silently behind Arthur, who was Arthur's guard.

The city hall is the strongest. It has become a place to treat the wounded. When Zou Liang appeared, all the wounded were struggling to stand up. This battle has made everyone think of Arthur as a god-like being. " This is the priest, this is the knight, and this is what the people of the beast **** can trust.

"Everyone take a good rest!" Zou Liang signaled that you don't need to be polite. "Warsong priests were also helping. This was absolutely impossible in the past. I never dreamed of it. High priests would be like logistic staff, but here they did.

This was the priest of Jerusalem, although they were not from Doran, but everyone here regarded them as true brothers.

Several warsong priests with a slightly healing tendency are assisting Lu Yao to sing healing warsongs, but Lu Yao's face is obviously pale.


"Lu Yao, you are dead!"

As soon as Lu Yao stopped, her body shook and twitched, and she just supported by her will. "Help her to rest."

"No, I'm fine, I can do it."

"Shut up, this is your limit. You have to know that this is just the first day. It is not enough to fill in your life. Take a good rest. There are opportunities for you to play. Bandaging with only minor injuries is enough. Only the wounded can use the battle song of healing! "

Zou Liang said angrily, this girl really didn't know her life.

Lu Yao just smiled at Zou Liang's anger. This person is like this. He always talks about others. What about himself?

But she was really tired. Also, the battle was the first day, and she had to be prepared for a protracted battle.

People who are still waiting for healing, know where this is going to kill the priest, "We don't need to heal, this little injury, what's going on!"

The speaker closed his hand.

"Brothers, let's go and go back to our respective posts. At dawn, these savages might come again!"

"Fight with them!"

Zou Liang looked at these people silently, there was a strong voice in his heart, we must keep it, we must keep it!

Sure enough, the barbarians' offensive started again just now, every day, this time is the most exhausting time for people, whether it is siege or defending the city, but the barbarians are obviously more sturdy, and they are not tired of the labor expedition because When the Barbarian cavalry raged, they had already arrived.

Obviously, the enemy was fierce, and they must have captured Dolan City today.

The barbarian soldiers rushed upwards, the slingers on both sides were roaring, and their lives were falling. With yesterday's experience, Zou Liang commanded the battle more ruthlessly. He could not give in the slightest, and even the wounded would not come down. There is only one way for everyone, either to live to see the end of the battle or to die on it.

This is the cruelest battle. The sacred songs of the priests are roaring. Even if they lose their voices, they will continue. This is their responsibility. It is just as important.

Sophie's fingers have been ulcerated. This is the result of the continuous bruising of the scar. She has been training hard, but never like this time. This is a real war. She is fortunate that she has not been lazy in training. She is fortunate that she is here. To be able to follow such a person in such a great battle "she was no longer regretful.

She is responsible for the gates. She will never allow the enemy to break through.

The slinger attacked the city wall with perseverance, and the barbarian soldiers also hit the arrow face to hit the gate, but the wall of Dolan City was thick and thick, and the gate was really strong. They would not have any effect in a short time. They The only chance is to climb the city wall, but the soldiers who guard the city wall are madmen, they will use their lives to fight every inch of the city.

Throughout the day, countless corpses were left on both sides. Under the city walls, there were enemies and their own people. Night fell and it was desolate.

The barbarian army had to retreat again for a long time and their morale went wrong.

Within the big account, Ioria was sitting high and was in deep contemplation. The twelve generals under him were obviously a bit frustrated.

"Cambe, did the other commander find out?"

"Yes, his name is Arthur Hebrew, a trainee priest, who seems to be only 20 years old, and he has the Medal of Glory of the Beast God and the Medal of Golden Thorns. These are the two highest honors of the Holy See. The people who flee the city are the citizens of the city. "

There was a discussion in the account. Although they did not believe in beast gods, they still knew the titles of beast **** priests and holy knights. A young man less than twenty years old ..., ...

The most important thing is that he turned a group of soft Mongolian sheep into a group of lions.

Everyone who has fought knows that these beasts that guard the city are all lunatics, and one by one should not be killed as if they were not themselves.

Everyone is looking at Aoriya. Their losses are already very large. If they had known this kind of loss, they might not have come to attack Dolan City. But now it is difficult to ride a tiger. If they do not win Dolan City, they will return to the wild. Will also be attacked by opponents.

"Take a rest day, I think, we will have a turnaround." Aiolia sneered at the corner of his mouth, two consecutive battles, the soldiers need to rebuild morale, continuous shock is not a good thing.

It was as powerful as a tiger, but unfortunately this time he underestimated his opponent. He did not expect that Meng Jia still had such a capable man. He thought that there was only one Nebeiro. Hey, Arthur Hebrew, such a superb battle song. The young man has given interest in getting him to shoot.

The barbaric attack stopped, far from countless camps, black, but the people in the city are not afraid anymore, fearing this kind of thing, in such a war there will soon be no place for them, courage has been safely occupied Got the upper hand.

Zou Liang did not dare to carelessly. The opponent was very powerful. He lost two blame and will be even more amazing next time.

"Sir, Lord Arthur, ah, Lord Arthur, are you here?"

"Monaco's principal sacrifice, why did you come up?" Zou Liang said lightly, everyone is different. Although Monaco is not weak, it still has the courage to coexist and die with the city.

"Master Arthur, you are really a messenger of the beast god. These two battles are enough to load the history of Mengjia. You are really great."

Monaco is here to smack.

Zou Liang looked into the distance. "The great thing is that every knight here, the principal sacrifice of Monaco, I need you to launch a wealthy merchant in the city to take out the stored house. I think who hides it and who does his best. You should know that we are now in danger The enemy's offensive will only be stronger than one wave, and they have killed so many people. Once the city breaks, we will suffer more cruel revenge. I hope they all understand this.

Monaco stunned and patted her thigh suddenly, "Master Arthur, you are right, why did I forget it? Yes, these bastards, the inferiority of the merchants, I will do it right away, oh, do you think How many people are assigned to me? "

"Korte, Randy, take a few of you to get it done!"

"yes, Sir!"

Even the battle of Panyu was huge, and although the noble riches in the city took out some points, they were far from enough. Half of the city's wealth was in their hands. Zou Liang would never believe that they had all taken out. People always There is a sense of luck, but it will kill people. Other people are killed, and they need to give at least some food.

The colorful crickets have already gone out, but it is difficult to say whether they can fly to the rescued city, but such a big thing is already known to the empire. As long as it persists and the reinforcements arrive, the barbarians will inevitably retreat.

Zou Liang knew this, and the commander of the other side certainly knew it.

As Zou Liang thought, Ioria ’s initial plan was to siege aid, but now it is no longer possible, Dolan City ’s consumption is too large, an accidental army will join in, and he cannot let himself Prestige was bruised.

"Boss, someone caught!"

A fat guy was thrown in and Aoriyah smiled on his face.

"My dear governor, my men are really rude. Come, look, I want to have a good chat with the senior governor!"

At this time, the selection of the imperial capital, the southern provinces, the northern provinces, and the imperial capitals were very successful. The purpose of the pope was completely reached. Benedict XV was indeed proud of the spring breeze and was in a good mood.

But today Sabranca, the province of grace, seems late, which is not his style!

Other shamans and priests are waiting, and being late at this time is not a good thing.

The Pope was rushing in, asking about Satan Blanca staggeringly, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty is not good!"

Benedict XV looked at the blame lightly, "Sablanca shaman, say something slowly."

"Your Majesty, I just received a colorful report from the Ministry of Grace, and the barbarians are leading Dorian City under the leadership of the magic lion Aoriya!"

Suddenly the audience was silent.


"How do you report such things, what circumstances, who is the principal sacrifice of the temple, who is doing it, and what to eat!"

Sablanca wiped away his sweat. He thought that the barbarians were just fighting the autumn winds. Who would have thought that these savages had boldly attacked the city.

"The Archon has fled and is now led by Priest Arthur to defend the city and asks for support."

The whole audience was whispering again.

"Sablanca, you old and immortal, I said, how did you let Arthur go to Doran City to test, you old bastard, you already knew if the barbarians would come!" Subaru in front of the pope It's offensive.

Everyone knows what is happening in Do * City. The border cities are all the same. This army of 100,000 troops is still ruined and it is no wonder that Subaru will become so angry.

"Your Majesty's injustice, I really don't know, who knows that the barbarians will quietly gather 100,000 troops."

Sabranka ’s sweat is falling down. If Dolan City breaks, his shaman can't escape the system, let alone be a pope. Whether he can keep the shaman ’s seat is a question.

How the Holy See fights with the Archon is internal, but the lost city, neither the shaman nor the governor, is unbearable.

The whole hall looked like a frying pan, and the pope's expression sank, but at a critical moment, Benedict XV showed an extraordinary calmness, and his fluffy eyes glowed.

"You mean, Dolan City is now standing by?"

"Oh, Your Majesty, yes, according to the return of nearby cities, they have blocked the two-day attack of the barbarian army." Sablanca wiped his sweat.

"Sablanca shaman, are you talking loudly, just like Dolan City, want to block 100,000 troops, is this a joke, or do you want to shirk responsibility?"

"Fran Shaman, I swear to God, I'm not bad at intelligence, and the intelligence of the apostles will soon arrive."

As Sabran said, the apostles also came. They just took a step back. It was William who sent the latest information. Obviously, he knew the Pope very well.

The apostles' information is more accurate.

"Okay, okay, okay!" The pope also had a kind of old man chatting and yelling loudly, "The boy Arthur did live up to my expectations, Dolan City is now all soldiers, swearing to resist the barbaric invasion, Sablanca, leave The two closest cities of Dolan City are Ham and Ceylon. These two cities have no time to wait and see. Let me give an order. If Dolan City is broken, all the priests will wait to be put to death. ! "

Benedict XV's eyes showed a strong murderous power. At this moment, he finally revealed his original intention.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Sa Blanca nodded quickly.

"Still blame your nose, go!"

"Yes, yes!" Sa Blanca rushed out, he didn't actually think that Arthur had brought a group of farmers to block the barbarian army, did the beast **** manifest?

"What did Sanchez say?"

"Your Majesty, the consul's army is already mobilizing, and the apostles are moving, but the fastest is three days, I'm afraid," ... "

William didn't go on. He was very optimistic about Arthur, but the reality is still cruel. At this time, the results can change every day.

"Bring Arthur back at all costs!"

The Pope's voice was very low, so low that only William could hear it.

There was a hint of surprise in William's eyes, but he nodded respectfully immediately.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

It ’s easy to say, but I do n’t know how to do it. This matter can only be left to fate. Aoriyana is a silver fighter who is as powerful as Nebeiro. It is a representative of the emerging generation of the mainland. How many people have assassinated him, but the other party lived well, and none of them went back.

Such a person will inevitably be regarded as one of the most terrible powerhouses in the future.

The enemy's army clearly showed signs of movement. Zou Liang was carefully observing. This is not quite right. The frontal attack has been going on for so long.

And it doesn't have too much hidden taste. Obviously this is nonsense.

"Does Monaco's main sacrifice enemy seem to want to change its attack direction? Are there any weaknesses in the defense of our Dolan city, such as where the wall was damaged, such as an earthquake, or something?"

"No, the walls of our Dolan City are constantly being strengthened. They are as solid as gold ..." Suddenly, Monaco's face lost his blood. "It seems that there is a place where the governor thinks that the original city gate is too small and imposing. Then he made the current gate. "

At that moment, Zou Liang's heart was also a little bit hesitant. After this two battles, they had thousands of dead and injured, and the enemy was definitely more than 10,000. However, this was under the protection of the city wall. Once the gap was opened ...

The enemy's catapults were all moving in one direction, obviously there was no luck here.

"What about the reinforcements?" Generally speaking, if this is the case, it must be stronger than the surrounding walls, but Monaco's face has said it all, thinking about everything that the consul knows.

"Call everyone at once!"

"Yes, sir!"

It gradually darkened and the enemy had not attacked. The army was moving a little bit. The slinger was about to arrive. Ioria looked at the distance. This was the last battle. Arthur Hebrew. He remembered the name, but Today is the death of today's young man, and he wants to do it himself.

And behind the city wall, all the living Doran Orcs arrived. Everyone knows what they are going to face, and this wall is their lifeline.

Zou Liang looked at these people. After three days of fighting, they died together. Today may be a battle behind their noses. Zou Liang knows that without the protection of the city wall, he has no chance of winning.

But he must fight, even if he died, people often have no choice, just like he came here without choice.

God is good to him, and has given him a chance to come again. There is also a woman who belongs to him, and he doesn't need to regret anything.

Rumble Rumble ...

This was the sound of the enemy's army advancing, and the city was silent.

There is no fear, no sorrow. At this moment, everyone's eyes are only war-fighting.

Zou Liang turned his head and looked at the brothers who followed him, "It is the greatest pride of my life to be able to fight with you!"

Ernest and others held the weapons in their hands tightly. They followed this man and were willing to die with him!


Bang Bang Bang Bang ...

Megaliths blasted against the city walls, the walls collapsed instantly, the dust was swollen, and the barbarian's horn sounded. After three days of rushing, they rushed over like bloodthirsty monsters. Zou Liang took a deep breath. "

Beast God Glory ~~~~~~~~~

People rushed forward like crazy, the archers raged, and the barbarians and orcs launched the most violent assaults near the city walls like two torrents.

Meat flesh!

A touch is the craziest and most tragic.

kill! kill! Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill "

Zou Liang's **** knives are harvesting, Ernest's tomahawk is roaring, everyone is rushing forward, Sophie is shooting and shooting indifferently with bows and arrows, his hands have lost consciousness, but what about ?

The corpses piled higher and higher, but neither side had any intention to stop. Zou Liang's body was almost numb. He didn't know how much to kill, one by one.

Ernest got two more cuts. The third cut was blocked by Kurt, but Kurt was also cut in the leg. Randy cut off the brutal head and blood was flying. What's more important.

"Bath punched one", but his distance from Arthur was widened. Under this kind of battle, he couldn't follow at all. There were also strong men in the barbarian warriors, especially several Beamon vanguards. The soldiers died one by one. Under their paws.

When the arrow came, Kalou couldn't respond at all, and a figure stood in front of him. Lan Ya, the object he had always secretly loved.

嗷 ~~~~

Kalaw waved his dagger frantically and killed him madly, die, die, everything is dead.

The priests sang war songs and waved the weapons in their hands. "This is the true war song priest!

"Arthur Hebrew" Your death is here! "

A loud and strange voice sounded from Zou Liang's ear, a figure in the sky fell from the sky, and a sword was cut at him.

The barbarian was as excited as the blood of the chicken, and the wild lion's master lion, Aoria!

From ..., ...

Zou Liang completely resisted instinctively. A spit of blood spewed from the chest, and the huge power almost destroyed it!

This is the strength of Ioria!

The barbarian is crazy, the raging enemy leader is killed by his own leader!

The vacant Aoriya snorted, but unexpectedly a copper-clad priest blocked a blow and was preparing to make a second attack. Suddenly, he felt the fluctuations in the space around him, and he snorted, "The fish move away ! "

From ..., ...

As soon as the boxing came out, Joeina's figure appeared. "Catwoman was hit with a punch and fell from the air softly. Sophie's arrow was caught by Ioria. Booming out, a corner of the city wall was blown away instantly, and Sophie was blown out.

This is the magic lion Ioria.

The roaring lion roars no less than the Warsongs, but Ioria has only one goal, which is Arthur, and this is the one who deserves his shot.

And Jiao Liang has already fought. "He clenched the **** knives with both hands. This is definitely Jin Yao's power. His chance is only once!

Aoriya gave a playful smile, and her body moved, she even wanted to resist.

A sword is cut, do you block your life?

Ernest and others were outside, rushing here like crazy, but they were too late.

Zou Liang's state of mind is like water, there is no life or death, the only chance, when you feel the cold, stand still for a while!

Ioria's sword was extremely fast. From the moment I felt it started, only a moment, the long sword pierced a little, and at this time Zou Liang cut it with a full force, and the sword was slightly toward Ioria's neck.

One second is actually an instant.



Ioria's neck suddenly crooked, licking her lips, and the blood ran down the knife. "It's a pity, it's almost!"

The knife was cut in and caught, and Zou Liang was slow in repeated battles!

The sword stabbed ...

At this moment, time seemed to be still, and in the end, it still didn't pass this level.

Blood splatter ...

Ioria was also stunned, a woman, "Stopped him, he didn't like killing women," ... otherwise that film hunting wouldn't run "" "

Ioria's sword pierced Emma's chest, and Zou Liang's ears lost her voice, her brain was blank, Emma's eyes were painless, she just looked at him and was full of perseverance.

Crystal beads fell from the master's chest, and that was the only gift Zou Liang gave to Emma.

"Arthur, I love ... you." It wasn't until this moment that Emma had the courage.

The voice was like a lightning strike. It was two lives. This was the first time a woman had said this to him. This woman did not have the courage to say it until she died, because she felt that she was not worthy of him.

I do n’t know how much time, Zou Liang did n’t think of Orisia, although everyone thinks he is working for her, including Zou Liang himself, he and Orisia should be together, but I do n’t know where to start He thinks more about Emma, ​​is it because of his little "woman slave"?

It wasn't until this moment ~ ~ Zou Liang knew that his favorite person was always around, always around!

"You are Arthur. Do you know who I am and I am the daughter of the Archon, you dare to despise me!"

Emma's voice seemed to be still in her ears. The first time the two met, Emma's proud expression, the lovely girl, for his change, for his tolerance, for everything he did ...

Zou Liang hugged Emma and hugged tightly, thinking that she was not afraid of anything, but why people always understand when they lose.

Ioria's mood was completely destroyed. He hated killing women with his own hands. Anyway, if he died one, he would send them together.

Ioria's sword was raised high and beheaded at Arthur.

…. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Rumble Rumble ...

Everyone on the battlefield, no matter wild or orc, heard the sound of rolling thunder in their ears, which sounded directly from their minds. !! ~!

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