The Great Conqueror

Chapter 342: Kill kill! !! !!

Ioria bears the brunt. Even with his strength, a spit of blood spewed out on the spot, and the sword was also broken.

This is just the beginning. The desolate treble rushed into the sky, a wave higher than a wave, the boundless deterrence surging, the blood on Ioria's face faded instantly, and the sword in his hand exploded directly.

The whole person quickly retreated, and in the retreat, he almost fell and fell.

As soon as Ioria ran, the dying and tortured wild beast tribe immediately detonated. The first one ran, the latter didn't know what happened, and they followed. The three days of Liao Zhan also touched. The bottom line of the barbaric orcs, they are also unable to support it, and Ioria's retreat is only a tactical retreat, but it brings the entire absolute defeat.

A Jin Chancan arrow shot at his heart ... Jin Yao's archer! how is this possible!

Being injured by a treble tremor completely lost his perception of the outside world, but Su Fei ’s deadly Jin Yao's arrow was very deadly at this time.

Ioria reluctantly resisted, Jin Jian still penetrated it, but before he touched the heart, he was grabbed by him, but all the crushed injuries broke out, and the facial features were bleeding. This is the time of the heartbreaking battle song It seemed even more lethal, making him trembled.

The devil lion Aoriya defeated for the first time, and if he goes on like this, his life will really be explained here.

The enemy retreated and the corpses had piled up to the height of the wall.

Zou Liang's anger and sorrow, all emotions filled the brain, his eyes gradually became red, he must kill Ioria, and he must avenge Emma!

Slowly lowered Emma, ​​stretched her hands, two **** knives appeared in her hands, her body suspended in the air, took a deep breath, her red eyes looked at her woman again.


The orcs in the city were stunned, and they turned over and followed Arthur's footsteps.

The wild orcs are fleeing, but some guys suddenly see Arthur chasing them out, ready to turn around and pick up a bargain.


Zou Liang's sword was pointed, and the subwoofer rolled out, instantly rushing through dozens of people and dying.

"Devil ... Devil, he is a devil, run away!"

I don't know who shouted, and the wild orcs who still wanted to fight against each other fled, but Bu Liang didn't want to let them go. Now he has a word in his mind ~ a kill!

As soon as they approached, a subwoofer passed directly, and those who were not dead would also be harvested by his **** knife.

Kill, kill everyone!

Then there was the strangest scene in the history of the beast **** continent. Tens of thousands of troops were fleeing, and one person was chasing the entire army to kill, and few people dared to fight him.

Because they saw with their own eyes a silver light warrior could not even stop a demon's sword, a subwoofer blasted over, followed by Dao Mang and took away the life of the other party.

The enchanted Zou Liang has become a real blood Shura!

Unmatched combat skills, defensive scoring, and invincible subwoofer make any group fight and heads-up into nothingness.

For the barbarians, there is only one choice: to run, to run desperately, whoever is overtaken by whom is most important. What the most damned can't understand is why Bill still flies, which is nothing but the omnipotent devil Did it?

Ioria had never been so latent, and could only run with people. In his current condition, he died in the past, died in a hurry, and stayed in the mountains, he chose to live.

This time can only lead people to run wild.

The leaders of Twelve Mu each took their own people to flee, and being together was tantamount to being killed by the devil.

After running for several days, Campbell was finally able to take a rest. His own people were scattered, and there were more than 500 guards left. What the **** was doing, how could there be such a monster? .

Do n’t attack Mengjia if you knew it. Haojia was the seat of the Holy See after all. At that time, the pope swept the world with war songs. They all said that Mengjia now has no war songs. People are half dead.


"Boss, it's bad, it's bad, the devil came after him, and the brothers were killed or injured!", "What he chased me for, I'm not Ioria!"

"Boss, what do you do?"

"Run, you shit, let the outsiders stand up!" Boom ...

The subwoofers exploded one after another. The subwoofer alone was enough to completely kill the white-armed barbarian. The bronze level was weaker and also lost its resistance. The stronger ones were just over the blade, silver level, and were bass The artillery also stabbed only half of the usual action when it exploded, and it couldn't stop the devil's light.

He is a **** of death.

Instead of running, Campbell hid under the bed. People outside would run. The devil would chase everywhere. Grandma's still clever.

For a long time, Campbell heard that there was no sound outside, so he carefully climbed out. The tent was gone. When he looked around, he vomited on the spot. His guards were almost headshot, white and red ...

It can be considered that the barbaric world has killed the warrior, and Campbell did not want to see this devil in this life.

"Who helped us to stop the crazy barbarians?" In the altar of the Dolan City Temple, the main sacrifice Monaco opened his arms wide and shouted to the sky. It's never been so exciting for a moment.

In the rubble like rubble, the more the surviving people gathered, the more one shouted enthusiastically: "Arthur!" "Monaco's excited eyes glowed! Big hands waved hard at the dense crowd under the altar.



The cry of the people grew louder and louder, and the whole city fell into a frenzied roar. Yes, at the most dangerous moment, Arthur took everyone to stand up and create a miracle with the word impossible!

He is the representative of the gods, he is the king in everyone's heart!

How could such a miracle be created without the favor of the beast god!

Monaco's voice sounded again at this time, more intense and more enthusiastic.

"So who killed the barbarians? The barbarians shed blood, and the barbarians flee!"


"Arthur! Arthur!"

"Arthur! Arthur! Arthur !!!"

The roar of madness is like roaring the enthusiasm and admiration in everyone's heart. Shouting like a landslide.

The whole city resonates, everyone has only one voice in their mouths, shouting the name of the hero!

That scene has become an immortal legend in everyone's heart.

At the most critical moment of Dolan, and at the moment of the city breaking, the priest Arthur struck the strongest of the barbarians, Ioria, commander of the 100,000 barbarians!

And one person went deep into the brutal army, killing the brutal people's heart, the blood flowed into the river!

That's a legend!

That is the miracle of the beast god!

In everyone's mind, at that moment, Arthur was a well-deserved uncrowned king.

Monaco's main sacrifice closed her eyes peacefully, opened her arms, and enjoyed the glory of the moment. This was brought by that young man.

faith! He felt a constant stream of faith!

Beast God is up!

Zou Liang opened her eyes and found herself lying on the bed.

The sun shining through the window with a crisp foggy feel, lighting up everything in the room in yellow.

The scene before the coma seemed to flash lightning through his mind.

One by one in the heartbreak scene!

He had never experienced this kind of pain, he couldn't say it, he couldn't put it aside, Emma died, and the world seemed to abandon him.

Bu Liang slowly got up from the bed, only to find that he was covered with thick bandages. He didn't even know when the various injuries had been added, and his muscles also had tear-like pain.

But Zou Liang didn't care about all this, it was a kind of numbness, he just wanted to look at Emma.

The moment she blocked Aoriya's serious injury for herself, Zou Liang felt that her heart was torn by an invisible hand! That anger, that despair, that madness ...

Now, he understands everything, and remembers that the night before he left Dolan City from Jerusalem, Zou Liang patted Emma's father and promised: "Relax, as long as I am there, no one can move Emma. hair."

At that moment, he would rather die than himself.

A drop of sweat dripped from Zou Liang's forehead, and his body seemed to be an overdraw machine that would dissipate at any time, and his breath was quick with a little movement.

A heavy gasp reverberated in the quiet room.

"Arthur, are you awake?"

Taking care of Arthur voluntarily, Sophie lying asleep beside the bed gently touched the corners of her eyes, and saw Zou Liang waking up, and a slight relieved smile appeared on her always cold face.

"I finally woke up, and everyone was worried about you."

"Take me to see Emma."

"You just woke up ..." Sophie nodded, looking at Arthur's persistent gaze. "I'll take you."

The whole city resounded with a call to Arthur!

The cities resonated, and the people were madly celebrating Arthur's deeds.

But all this has nothing to do with Ministry Liang.

In the quiet room, two women lay on the bed.

Emma lay in the bed on the left, as if she was asleep. But her face was pale without a trace of blood, especially on the skin of her wrists, and she could almost see the blue blood veins.

Along Emma's hand, you can see Lu Yao's hand clutching her tightly.

It was also a coma, and Lu Yao's complexion was not much better.

Aside from the doctor in charge of nursing and Kate Sang Lan, the best pharmacist in Dolan City, "Miss Lu Yao has been using the healing song to save Miss Emma's life ~ ~ Unwilling to let go until she is unconscious. "

"You mean Emma" ... not dead? Zou Liang felt that his heart was beating fiercely, and the dramatic change of emotion made his pale face suddenly become red, and he was afraid it was an illusion.

"No, Ioria's sword was a little bit skewed, but the murderous spirit still caused irreparable damage to the beast spirit of Miss Emma. The priest Luyao could only sustain her life, but continued ..."

Sang Lan was very worried, and it was very difficult to use the battle song for the battle.

Zou Liang wanted to laugh in the sky. At this time, he thanked all the professional gods and Buddhas he knew!

Zou Liang couldn't express his gratitude to Lu Yao in words. When he handed it over to Lu Yao, he never expected that there would be such a day, God, no, beast god, really wife, thank you, and I will follow you later Mix up!

Everyone saw a mummy jumping like crazy, and no pain was there, but no one would laugh at him. This is a brave man like God. At this time, he also has this side

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