The Great Conqueror

Chapter 407: Final test

407 The Last Test

(Double the next day "for monthly ticket support!)

Mi Qingwa didn't mind, and looked at Zou Liang, "There are some strange races in Tongtianjing, like our orcs, but not. Their existence is very special, intelligent, but unable to leave Tongtianjing, as if It ’s very hostile to the outside world. The key is that they can use the equipment dropped by the monsters, but this has nothing to do with us. "

After a pause, Mi Qingwa pointed at the roaring gryphon and beast in the night sky and said: "The best equipment must be obtained by killing it. There is a 30% chance that the equipment will be out of the Beastmaster."

At this point, even Daikin's eyes lightened. Hún is heavenly, the Beastmaster equipment means great attraction, even gold is more interesting than méng.

Zou Liang was thinking about another thing.

The equipment of these experimental races was obtained when hunting monsters, and the quantity was scarce. It is no wonder that the Butterfly and Blackwing Bismai families only had a few talents such as King Nv.

However, it is not known whether this Gryphon is a "guardian" who guards the jīng spirit clan.

Zou Liang remembered the alien monster in the lake that had previously held the Butterfly and Blackwing Bismarck.

Just as Zou Liang was thinking, the stalemate battle situation suddenly changed. The three Jin Yao-class powerful men obviously have their own set of mature tactics. Relying on the bow and arrow of Ilusius, the flying range of the Gryphon and Lion Beasts, Leiying keeps jumping up to interfere with it, and the soldiers are sweeping away at random Jīng spirit tribe.

The three-man's footwork is very windy. Whenever the Gryphon and Beast want to rise, they will go up and bash. Although the Gryphon and Beast can fly, their strength is greatly reduced after several times. Besides, to attack the opponent, they must lower the height or even land. .

Once the Gryphon Beast landed and launched a fierce attack, when the various storm vortexes burst, the three retreated quickly.

The Gryphon and the Beast were a bit violent, but when I tried several times to release a group of wounds, the three extremely powerful Jin Yao-level powerfuls swarmed up again, and various attack raindrops spilled, and the Gryphon and Beast ’s big move Interrupt. This feeling made it extremely inflexible.

Through the wheel battles and the siege of the tight and loose pines, the strength of the Griffon and Beast is constantly being consumed, and the momentum of the Griffin and Beast can be clearly felt.

Zou Liang looked and nodded continuously.

Although personal strength is not as good as Ghost Shadow Daikin, this cooperation method really maximizes the strength of the individual and the team.

Finally, despair flashed in the eyes of the Gryphon and Beast, and its wisdom also understood. The three orcs did not intend to let it go.

The iron wings are spread out, like a huge cloud covered by yīn, the water of the jīng Linghe is also rolling and swirling.

It's exploding demon core!

This is the way to prepare for all!

But the strongest moment is also the weakest moment. Although a nuclear explosion can increase strength, there will be a momentary stagnation in action.

Just at this moment, the three big Jin Yao-class powerhouses shot with all their strength!

Salim's body was surrounded by spiraling flames, as if jumping into the sky, straight through the lower part of the gryphon and beast, bursting out a large blood mist.


A smashing arrow by Irushiu, jīng entered from the eyes of the Gryphon and Beast, implosion!

At the same time, Shadow Hunter wiped from the body of the Gryphon and Beast, and took a look at his right hand. The fissioned beast nucleus was suddenly **** dug out from his body.

How terrible the power of the beast nuclear explosion is, but I don't know what secret method Qi Qi used, and slammed it into a bottle.

Get the job done!

Two Jin Yao-class strong men in the sky were satisfied with their eyes, their leaping strength was exhausted, and the meteor fell to the ground. At the same time, the Gryphon's body exploded in mid-air.

Just waiting for the final benefits, I don't know if there will be one or two pieces of good equipment, if there are beastmaster equipment ...

Standing on the ground, Jin Yao's archer Illusius rolled his throat and couldn't hide his desire for the Beastmaster's equipment.

As for the rest of the jīng spirit clan, they were completely at a standstill at this time. For them, the Gryphons are the gods who keep the secret, but the gods are also destroyed!

Now, there is little to stop the Salem trio from gaining.

The eyes of the three of them were staring at the same time, and the glittering thing was falling down, not knowing what the equipment would be.

At this moment, suddenly, a strong sense of crisis passed.

Salem screamed loudly, and the sweaty máo on the back of Qi Qi stood up, as if it was a wild cat stepping on his tail.

Illush's lightning bow was wound.

But it's late!

Sky ~

A figure flashed, it was Mi Qingwa ... she really did.

The mantis catches cicadas, and the carduelis is behind.

"Do not"

"I'm going to shatter your corpses!"

Seeing that the cooked ducks were flying, the three Jinyao-level powerhouses were so angry that they burst their blood vessels.

While Zou Liang was busy in the heavenly realm, the five brothers Astoria followed a long journey to a strange place.

This is a desert island. Before Sirius brought the five Astoria brothers together, they absolutely did not know that such an island would exist here.

In the words of Sirius, this is "Purgatory Island"!

Looking from a distance, close to the island about a thousand kilometers away, the entire sky is inexplicably dim, and the cloud layer at the top forms a black vortex, opening a huge mouth to the active volcano on the highest peak of the island, like a monster in a smoke screen .

The nearby sea area is also being towed by inexplicable forces, forming a dense and large vortex area around the island. If you don't know the only channel, you will be swallowed by the vortex and hit the reef to break into pieces.

This is not the strangest. On this island with an active volcano, the highest peak spews smoke screens and magma all year round, but at the lower level, you can see a white snow that is immortal and looks full of contradictions.

As soon as they set foot on the island, the five Astoria brothers couldn't help taking a nap.

It's so cold!

The cold that really freezes into the bone marrow. There are times of minus dozens of degrees in the desert night, but at that time, it seems that the temperature on the island is not as bitingly cold as this.

The five brothers have gone through countless trials along the way. Naturally, they will not shrink from this cold, especially in front of Sirius. Soon tǐg picked up the ōng bore, exhaled white gas, and walked back and forth on the island, it seemed that the dragon was fierce.

"Master, what trials did you take us over?" Dow asked oldly.

The five brothers have deep awe for Sirius, but when the boss has to bite the bullet, he has to ask, this is the responsibility.

"Don't worry, you will know soon."

There is a smile on the corner of Zhu Hou's mouth, but this smile ... makes the five brothers of Astoria feel colder!

Seems to have an ominous hunch.

"Come, I'll show you around the island, and by the way tell you what to practice this time."

Sirius chuckled with a faint smile, beckoned to the five brothers Astoria, and walked forward first.

The five brothers stared at each other, and Ling Ling fought a cold war.

When have you seen Sirius Gou Go so sweet? The more cruel and ruthless Sirius, the more amiable, the more it feels like a back!

The five brothers secretly warned: It seems that this level is not easy.

While thinking about it, I quickly followed Sirius to go up the mountain.

Before, I had a hard time. Sirius walked in front of me and let the five brothers with heavy weights chase behind me. I could n’t catch up, did n’t eat, I did n’t say, and I put a monster on the back to bite.

I do n’t know if it ’s an environmental factor. I feel that the thinner the air goes on the island ’s peaks, on the contrary, the previous ice cold is gradually replaced by sweltering heat. By the time the crater is near, the temperature is almost half cooked, the breath is all hot, and the skin looks dry and cracked.

Ice and fire two days!

The inexplicable Mars and heat làng emanated from the crater along with sulfur-scorched scorching smoke and magma, which slightly changed the five brothers of Astoria.

"You must be wondering why you're here." Zhu Gou turned to look at the five brothers in a sad mood: "This island is the place I cultivated in that year. If you can pass this exercise, you can go back."

Hearing the words of Sirius, Rao was the heart of the five brothers of the Astoria, and could not help but shocked!

The meaning of listening to the master's words is that as long as he passes this level, he is still in his prime! Finally it ’s going to be hard, it ’s not easy!

The five brothers quietly flowed with their eyes.

Along the way, it is impossible to say that there is no pain when it is on the verge of collapse. It is like breaking through the desert in the previous level, and the five brothers have despaired several times. Fortunately ... as long as we pass this level, everyone will succeed.

Get the strength of Sirius's pulse, get Sirius's approval, and return to Arthur's side to do a good job.

Restore the thousand-year undefeated glory of the wolf!

When thinking of this, the five brothers of Astoria seemed to have something burning in their eyes, and their blood seemed to boil.

"Don't be too happy ..." Sirius's eyes shed a light of unkindness or mercy, more accurately, probably ... excited!

Watching the five wolf brothers brought out by one hand, they are finally about to take shape.

This is the last hardening trial and the most critical step. Whether it is rebirth into gold or waste, just look at this time.

"In the beginning, this level may be more difficult than all the previous difficulties combined. Are you ready?"

The face of Chugou became cold as a rock, this is his essence, the ruthless Sirius.

The green light of the wild xìng flashed in his eyes and pupils, as if he could swallow the five brothers of the ass.

But seeing his cold-hearted momentum, the five brothers of the Doffer were relieved. This is the familiar Sirius Master. It was too gentle just now, but it was uncomfortable.

After taking a deep breath, the five brothers gave a firm look.

All come to this step, how much blood and sweat has been spilled along this way, how can a good man retreat in the last place?

forward! Complete the final trial and inherit the heritage of the wolf tribe!

The invisible fighting spirit is burning, and the five brothers of the Astoria yell at the Sirius in unison: "Master, we are willing to accept your final test!"

"Very good!" Zhu Gou's mouth provoked a brutal sneer: "I hope you will still have such a god!"

"The last trial is Elemental Refinement."

"You all know that our world is made up of five major elements: earth, sea, fire, wind, and air. These five elements have the ultimate mystery of power, the power of the earth, the power of the ocean, the power of the fire, and the power of the storm. Power, the power of space, our Sirius is to use the five major elements to temper our body, so that Jin Gang is not bad, and lives with heaven and earth! "

The ruthless Sirius, when talking about the courage and strength of the wolf clan in the past, couldn't help flashing the flame of desire and burning in his eyes, which was an infinite vision of strength.

"An ancient Sirius has a vein, but it can tear the sky and crush the powerful existence of the earth. That is the true splendor of the wolf!"

"Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, the secret method that is passed on to the present is only the last minute stubs, but even if it is just a little bit of máo, it can already make you endless for life ..."

Sirius said with a sigh of relief, his eyes fixed on the five brothers.

"This island has a special geography and has five elements: land, sea, fire, wind, and air. You are not qualified enough to perceive them at the same time, but if one person masters one, he will pass the level. I will throw you into the core area of ​​the element. Let you realize this power. "

Looking at Sirius Chugou's unpleasant intention, and even a little expectant smile, that uneasy feeling came up again.

Winners, come out.

Loser, forever sleep here.

This is the true meaning of Purgatory Island and the secret of Sirius.

The poor brothers of the five Astorias, now completely unsure of the horror of this elemental trial.

Wait until the crater stands in front of the crater and point out to the five brothers the locations of the five major trials, which are the deep sea vortex, the extreme ice land, the fiery crater, the cliffs and the wind, and a unique hollow on Purgatory Island. After the position of the five major elements, he made an unexpected move.

One-armed raises the boss, and says ruthlessly, "Now, the trial has begun!"

After that, let go of your five fingers and throw the Astoria Boss directly into the crater with smoke!

The terrible screams came from the crater, and it was the snarling of the Astoria Boss who was scorching hot.


The brothers reunited their hearts, and the other four brothers were about to blow up. They rushed to the crater but were swarmed by momentum and swept back.

"Stop, this is his trial, no one should disturb! If you can't even get through this ordeal, it won't be a big deal!"

This is a bit of suffering, this is absolutely fatal!

But the cold eyes glanced at Sirius, and the other four brothers calmed down. As Sirius said, the trial has begun, and I hope my brother can survive it.

I yelled at the volcano dòng mouth, and shouted at the Dao Boss and the other four brothers: "Listen, at this level, five of you have each entered an elemental nuclear test. There is no other requirement, as long as it can last seven days, Even if you pass. But ... "

The voice of Chu Gou became ruthless: "Must be five people who pass the level. If any one fails, the five major elements will be abandoned and I will kill the other four to be buried!"

In that stern tone, no one doubts the truth of Sirius's gossip.

He really can do it.

"Four of you, come with me!" Sirius no longer cares about the life and death of the boss in the crater, life and death, and listens to the sound of the scream of the son, full of vitality. It is not so easy to hang.

However, seven days is enough to make people die.

Whether all the five stinks can survive, is still unknown.

The second son of the Astoria brothers was thrown directly into the deep sea vortex by Sirius.

The third child was slaped directly under the ice and frozen soil, buried alive!

The fourth child, tied with a special rope, was thrown directly into the whirlwind of whirlwinds that lingered all year round on the cliff.

The fifth child was thrown into the trap by the Sirius.

The earth, the sea, the fire, the wind, and the air. The only mentality of the Sirius family is to stand up!

Being able to survive immortality, the body is repeatedly damaged and reborn by the five major elements, and then destroyed and reborn. This is a continuous cycle of tempering. With the five elemental powers of the power of nature, the impurities in the body are squeezed out, and new cells and powers are rebuilt with the power of the elements.

Once surviving, the body will naturally have high-purity elemental power. At that time, the five brothers will teach special five-strike combos to maximize the power of the five elements.

It depends if they have this blessing.


pain! !!

A palm that was burned into a non-chéng human shape by the high temperature was stabbed on the rock inside the volcano. The five fingers had been scorched because of the high temperature, and the blood had dried up, and the **** magma hún had the same color.

In some places, the phalanges even burst out, very dazzling.

The brothers of the five brothers of Astoria were breathing heavily, and every breath felt like the last of their lives.

Extremely difficult and extremely painful!

Eighty percent of his body's skin was burned by the high temperature. This was because he saw the machine quickly, and he picked up the rocks in time, otherwise he would have no bones.

Under the feet, hundreds of meters deep, the boiling magma is constantly rolling, releasing high-temperature geocentric thermal energy.

It was an element of raging fire. The raging heat làng was like an invisible whip, constantly chōu beating the body of the boss, causing the skin to crack, and the exuding blood and water was instantly evaporated by the high temperature.

it hurts! I feel that my consciousness is blurred, and there is only pain in the whole body!

Is your skin cracked?

Only then did you understand the meaning of Sirius. This test of life and death is 100 times more difficult than before!

No cliff is hanging upside down, no desert is surviving, all can not be compared with the eyes, as long as you let go, you will fall into the boiling magma, nothing left!

But never give up!

This is not only related to one's life and death, but also to one's own beliefs, but also to the brother's life.

The boss Astoria clearly remembers what he called out of dòng. Once he gave up, the other four brothers all had to die!

Never give up!

The black fingers stabbed the rock wall, and UU read the book The skin opened from the wrist and burned the water cannon.


Deep sea whirlpool.

The second child of the Astoria brothers was holding a huge rock at the bottom of the vortex.

I rumoured to endure the test of the element, but no one told him that he was facing the vortex on the deep ocean floor!

Immediately after being thrown into the water, he was slammed into the reef by vortex scrolling, and I felt the bones cracked! In the end, it was difficult to grasp the rock to avoid more damage.

But the power of the vortex is very scary. The water pressure in the deep sea seems to be constantly compressed by a giant twisting machine.

The weakest power in this world is water, but the most powerful power is water!

Dripping water can penetrate the stone, and the violent giant làng swirl can smash everything!

The second son of the Astoria heard that his refined body kept making overwhelming cracks under the pressure of water! It's going to crash!

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