The Great Conqueror

Chapter 408: 1 write-off

What crashed him most was his inability to breathe underwater! The lungs were expanding sharply, and the salty seawater was sucked in from one mouth, feeling that the chest cavity was about to explode!

His face has begun to twist. This terrible trial of water is to drive people to death!

Choking, water pressure, impact of water element, death.

Sirius asked, was this what he wanted?

The third son of the Astoria brothers was cruelly sealed in the frozen soil and felt the power of the earth.

Yes, he feels it!

It's so cold!

The piercing ice cold, like a needle, constantly stimulated his body and nerves through the earth. And ..., I heard the pulse of the earth!

Shrinking after burst like a human heart.

But this is not worth the joy. Every time the pulse of the earth that comes with it is greater cold wave and squeezing force, it seems that the third child of Astoria is the meat sausage that will be squeezed in the can.

Huh! Huh! !!

He heard his skin burst, his blood was frozen into ice crystals, and the wound was crushed and shredded by the force of the earth again!

This **** earth elemental power!

Would the terrible pressure push him with blood and bones together?

In the whirlwind of the cliff, the fourth son of the Astoria brothers roared awfully.

pain! !! It hurts! !! !!

Anyone who comes into this vortex to try, this is definitely the most cruel and cool type! The fierce howling wind can instantly cut off all human flesh, exposing sensen bones.

The fourth dove looked at his arm, and the skin on his thigh was torn by the wind and the blood vessels burst open.

Watching the flesh and blood of his body was instantly broken into pieces by the wind, and I didn't know where it was blowing. Anyone can only feel deep terror.

Is this **** trial?

What the strength of the wind element quenches, Lao Tzu only smells death! !!

Worst horror of the fifth child of the Astoria brothers.

Only by being thrown into the hollow can you realize its horror.

What is empty? Is it the sky? Do not! It is space force!

The hollow is a chaotic space, like the refraction of various planes, and the chaotic gravitational fields pull the internal organs, blood, and bones that squeeze the dove's fifth child!

His body was suspended in the air by various chaotic force fields, but the blood in his body was constantly stirred like a roller coaster! Soared overhead for a while, and was dragged to the bottom again.

This is definitely a pain for men!


Blood vessels burst!

Seeing the blood spitting out of his own words, the fifth son of Astoria gave out a terrible howl. What is the pain of the internal organs twisted and flipped, and the broken bones compared with this injury?

I can't stand it anymore!

The five brothers suffered different elemental force fields and suffered differently, but the only thing that was the same was that at this moment, they were all screaming! It was about to roar out the pain of a lifetime.

At the foot of the island, Sirius crouched on a rock and looked at the crater slightly cold.

"It's still enough in the sound. It seems that it hasn't reached its limit yet, hey." The real pain you haven't seen, the more the element gets stronger at night. Enjoy it, boys. "

Sirius is definitely the coldest master in the world, and he turned a blind eye to the screams of the five brothers of Astoria.

Is he really so cold-blooded?

"Success, or die."

Time passes by every minute.

Think about how difficult and terrible the seven days are. Just at the beginning everyone has realized what is purgatory and what is despair!

Originally incomparable self-confidence, tenacious will and nerves at this moment, compared with this pain?

That's the pain beyond biological limits! Continuous destruction and destruction under the sober will of the people, holding their bodies!

Boss Astoria, seeing with his own hands the skin of his hands exploded, and the whole arm was exposed with **** bones, almost fainting.

Heartbreaking screams!

In addition to the physical, there is more mental stimulation! Anyone watching their body crumble, and there is nothing they can do. ‘What can it feel like they can only slide down to the abyss below?

Desperate or unwilling?

But is it useful in the face of this power of nature?

Your willpower is shattered to pieces in an instant, and everything you insist on is nothing but a joke compared to this natural power.

What else can I insist on?

Better to die!

It ’s truly terrible compared to everything that you have suffered now!

The clothes on the shoulders and arms, the muscles are constantly burning. In addition to the pain, you can also smell the scorching smell of your own muscles, which is mixed with the sulfur smell of the volcano.

Fingers can't hold it anymore.

Boss Doffer ’s thinking seems numb. ‘In this life, countless fragments flashed through my mind.

Are you going to die?

Then ... dead ...

With a loose finger, his heavy body slid down towards the boiling magma beneath his feet.

Why not die ...

The five brothers have the same mind, and the limits are almost the same. As soon as the five brothers of the Astoria fell into the bottom of the volcano, the second child's hand slipped off the rock, and was suddenly rolled up by the force of the vortex, and a haemorrhage sprayed between his nose and nose.

It was all the capillaries of the respiratory tract bursting.

The third child under the frozen soil layer gave up his resistance and his body softened suddenly. Hearing the force of the earth squeezing the body, making a crisp sound before crushing the walnut.

it hurts…….

But ‘are you relieved?

The fourth son of Astoria, in the very center of the whirlwind vortex, was constantly spraying blood mist, and his will gradually became addicted.

Blood loss, coma, has reached its limit.

The fifth child, suspended in the hollow midair, remained motionless, curled up like a baby. All he saw was that the surface of his skin was constantly exploding, and the twisted force field tore open the muscle blood vessels, exposing **** bones.

That's it, right?


Sirius, who had been calm, stood up arrogantly. At this moment, he felt the vitality of the five brothers extinguished like a candle in the wind!

It's almost time to get this far beyond his expectations.

Hey ~~~! !! !!

Howling Sirius!

The dark sky of the island echoed the snarling and angry growling of Sirius, and the moon in the sky emitted a bright light covering the entire Purgatory Island.


The boss who was falling sharply suddenly opened his stunned eyes, bloody!

What is calling him? Is it Sirius Xiaoyue or the last frame in my head!

Picture of five brothers together!

I am ..., why are you here? !!

Roar! !! !!

Incredibly, his barely shaped hands stretched out and he slammed a protruding giant rock. The hot high humidity instantly burned the phalanx to black, and the body was burning with flames.

it hurts! !!

it hurts! !! !! !!

It hurts! !! !! !!


That's not the pain that people can bear. The powerful stimulus and the stimulus beyond the limit made the boss's canine teeth burst, and his bitten lip was so mad!


I can't put a car! !!

It doesn't matter if I die, I can't hurt my brother! !!

Eyes exploded, it was not tears, it was blood! !!

Why are you here?

Faith, for the faith in my heart!

What is terrible about death, people will always die in their lives, but as long as they can do what they want to do, ‘do it fast and happily, what else ca n’t be tolerated and unbearable?

It hurts, it hurts!

Is this my only point?

Don't give up ..., don't give up ..., don't let go ...

The violent canine teeth stretched out and grew longer, and his blood-sleeved pair looked like the resurrection of the ancient devil wolf.

Is a dying devil wolf!

It doesn't matter if you die, are you afraid of this pain?

Brothers ... Aunt Arthur ...

I will not let go! !!

Roar! !!

With the savage roar of the Astoria Boss, his flesh exploded one by one!

Fingers, arms, back, thighs, and body hair are all burned!

The magma beneath the ground boils like an uneasy life. Boss Astoria's body glowed red, as if it would be incinerated at any time.

But at the moment of death ...

Red light through the body!

That is, the power of the fire element!

Don't break! !!

Set aside and live!

You can endure the pain of very people, you can achieve a very miracle!

At the same moment, the second son of Astoria seemed to feel the call of the boss.

The eyes closed tightly opened, crazy golden pupil.


abandoned! Kai Kai Kai Kai! !! !!

Brother is calling, I can't sorry brother!

Unsuccessful, let's die!

"Asshole !!"

The powerful earth element poured in from his torn muscles, and kept rushing at his bones and blood. At this moment, the violent assassin's second son was really furious!

"Drive me !!!"

With both arms, the muscles of the wolf trembled, such as tough steel bars. Every bounce is opposed to the pulse of the earth.

boom! !!

Seeing that the power of the earth that clamped Dou's second child into the flesh was stiffly supported by his arms, a crackling sound came from the sound of a broken arm.

Sen Bai's bones stabbed his elbow, but the second son of Astoria was completely out of hand.

He's gone crazy.

Either succeed or die!

Die! !!

The power of the golden earth around him rushed into his broken body even more crazy.

The youngest Astoria in the deep sea, seeing to be swept away by the vortex, his body stopped for a while.

His right hand was inserted into the crack of the rock. Although the entire right arm was violently twisted by the force of the vortex and looked very scary, it was still grasping.

He is still in a semi-coma, but he is no longer suffocated.

The power of the ice blue sea element is constantly repaired along the broken body, and then new destruction is continued!

As long as he does not give up, while being destroyed by the power of the sea, he will also undergo a new tempering?

Is it luck?

No, this is the insistence that the Astoria brothers would rather be broken!

Give up, just die!

Persist in order to have a vitality!

This is the purpose of Sirius.

What was the limit of the will before the refining? For this moment, rely on the power of heaven and earth to refine the body!

Reach the extreme of the orcs! Reach the extreme of the unity of heaven and man!

In the fierce squall of wind, the fourth hand of Astoria opened his arms and legs ‘into a large font.

With the twinkle of blue light in his pupils, is he already insane?

But Lao Tzu's will persist, and Lao Tzu's beast spirit does not?

This wind element is really powerful enough, come again fiercely!

咻 ~ 八 ~

The blood mist splattered, and the endless cyan wind element penetrated from his **** flesh wound, like a steel cone. In exchange for the fourth laugh of the ass.

I don't know who started to sing the song of faith. For the first time from the priest Arthur, what is respect and what is a song of faith!

The five brothers roared the song of faith in this crazy roar!

As long as you persist in faith, this life is meaningful.

In the hollowed-out Dove's eyes, a deep star-like light flashed, and he still curled up ~ ~ His body continued to burst and spurt blood.

But it doesn't matter.

A clear mind. Only faith and will are growing stronger.

Follow the elder brother, and sing the song with the brothers!

A song that blends wolf faith and life!

Roaring to the sky, we never give up.

Alas. "!!!!!!

The invisible power quietly changes everything and regenerates in destruction.

Do n’t break, do n’t stand ‘break and stand!

At the foot of the mountain, Sirius sits quietly on the rock, looking up at the moon in the sky.

And the kindness of the wolves, ‘It ’s been cancelled forever ...

Augustus, are you ready? (To be continued.

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