The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 170: Circumstances are created by the heart

   Qi Ling clone: ​​"After class, my old man has stayed here for thousands of years. I am lonely and empty and cold. It is not easy to be a mentor once to see a living person. Wouldn't you cherish it?"

   Hua Lanting had to think about it as he said: "The same mirror, two conclusions, duality, which means that the seeming contradictions are opposite, but in fact they are all right. There is nothing wrong with it, but the stand, starting point and angle are different..."

  Qi Ling clone said: "That's almost what it means."

"It's like, Confucius is right, Lao Tzu is right, Zhuangzi and Mencius are also right, Mozi and Sunzi are also right, Xunzi and Liezi are also reasonable, Han Feizi, Wei Liaozi, Baopuzi and Zhuzi and Guanzi are also right. It makes sense, the children are very good."

   "Buddhas can also say that after a while, they will tell you that there is no suffering in the world."

   "If you believe it all, practice it all, and move around in contradictory truths, people will go crazy."

   "In fact, everything has a contradiction between right and wrong at the same time, and all concepts can be flattened and rounded up."

   "Language and writing are pale, while reality is gray, flexible, uncertain, amendable and ambiguous. The reason why people say that is that the state at the time he said it needs to be expressed in this way."

   "Reading sages and sages, you have to put yourself at the time, in order to understand the content beyond the text, in what time and space background, in what mood, and who are you talking about..."

   "Only in certain situations and conditions you can refer to and follow the truth, and the universal truth is the truth."

"Dao Ke, Dao Fei, Chang Dao. Name can, name is not, constant name. One thing is like this, and one thing is not like this at the same time; a concept can be said in this way, and it can be said in reverse at the same time. It will be closer to the essence of the matter, closer to the truth."

   "The state of everything is temporarily combined in different forms. When the way of combination changes, it is likely to become another thing."

   "This is that the state is created by the heart, and the state changes with the heart."

Hua Lan Ting can understand one or two things, just like the carbon atoms in the earth world. They are arranged in a certain way, but they are just cheap pencil leads. If they are combined in another form, they become dazzling. Highly priced diamonds.

   Qi Ling Clone continued to say: "Everything is just as it is, just like a blind man walking at night with a lantern:

   If he is afraid that others will not see the way, it is Confucianism;

   If he is to prevent others from hitting him, it is the Mohist school;

   If he thinks that he should turn on the lights at night and set the rules to obey them, then that is legalism;

  If he thinks he wants to fight, he can fight and he can do whatever he wants, that’s Taoism;

   If he enlightens sentient beings by this, it is the Buddhist school;

   If he is pretending to be blind and performing performance art, he must be a politician;

   If he is really blind, and he has to show the way to others with a lantern, then he is the home of the magic bricks. "

   "Any truth is reasonable, and the opposite of any truth also has its truth. There may be truth behind everything that is unreasonable. There may be no truth in some truths in a different context. The opposite of correct truth is sometimes correct."

   Hua Lan Ting applauded: "You are really a tongue twister, and the job of piercing the mouth is excellent..."

   Qi Ling Clone: ​​"Okay, now let me talk about what's going on here. It's a long story, let's keep it short."

   Wake up with a sound: "Think, when, at the beginning..."

   "Before the ancestor of the Vientiane Gate, Daohan Zhenren, the ancestor of Daohan had set up seven secret realms in the world, leaving them to be visited by the disciples under the gate, and blessing them. This is the first place, named Shanhe Sitting in a Mini Cave Sky."

   "There are six other places? Where are they?" Hua Lanting asked.

"You ask me, who did I ask? I have said that I can see if you have a predestined relationship, but you don’t know the opposite. Besides, I don’t know the specific locations and internal conditions of other secret realms. I only know where I am. It’s the most basic level, identity verification and passing tests are relatively simple, and the experience and rewards for you are not complicated."

   Hua Lan Ting said: "Does experience refer to the alien plane world called Earth that I went to? It's a pity that the time is too short, and I can remember very little now?"

The avatar of Qi Ling said: "I don't know where you are going. I may be able to make it clear before. I have traveled to many worlds with my ancestor, but the ancestor came back once after he ascended and made a new one here. Settings, I can’t tell.”

   "As for you don't remember much, it's because your cultivation base is too low, and the capacity to accommodate and communicate is very limited."

"What I can tell you is that in theory, no matter how many great worlds there are, it is actually a world. It exists objectively and is not dependent on human will. The different worlds you see and experience are just the appearance of countless projections. ."

"It's like placing many different mirrors in front of you. In it, whether the mirror moves or you move, you will see many mirrored worlds. They overlap each other and produce more worlds. You see There are countless selves, big and small, good and bad, beautiful and ugly. They are your shadow, your shadow, your shadow..."

   "It is essentially a mirror and you. The world has not changed. It has become the angle from which you see and feel the world. Correspondingly, the angle projected to you by the external world's feedback has also changed."

   "The essence of the world, one is called the essence, and the other is called the substance. The essence is the method of combining and collaborating the information of the external elements that connect the substance together."

   "Holographic world, artificial intelligence? Random simulation and chaotic reality?" Hua Lanting thought in his heart.

   "As your cultivation base becomes stronger, there will naturally be more'basics' you can accommodate, remember, understand, analyze, and master."

   "However, the ancestors said that manpower is sometimes poor, and blindly enhancing capacity is one aspect, and there are more clever ways."

"For example, you can’t remember the information of the earth world that you can’t hold, but it has not disappeared, but scattered in space. As long as you have the ability to find, identify, refine, grasp, communicate, When you use it, you don’t have to stay in your consciousness, just take it when you want to use it, and throw it out after you use it."

   "Cloud processing, is everything interconnected? Download and upload at any time?" Hua Lanting thought wildly again.

   "From the Buddhist point of view, these information existing in different spaces may be called Alaya Consciousness, referring to the past, present and future, the collection of all the information of all sentient and ruthless beings."

   "It is colorless, intangible, and formless, but it can generate everything, possess everything, contain everything, and manifest everything."

   "Isn't this a data package and a server?" Hualanting made up for it by himself.

   Just like that, the avatar of Qi Ling talked and talked to himself, Hua Lan Ting said nothing to himself, and time passed quickly.

   In the end, just when Hua Lanting was dizzy, half-knowledgeable, and seemingly understanding, the voice of Qi Ling Clone came to an abrupt end.

   "Let's come here, take a rest, my old man is tired, and the task is completed, the spirit is going to return to Mengbisheng Huashan."

   Hua Lanting said anxiously: "Wait, didn't you say there are rewards?"

  Qi Ling Clone: ​​"Uh, I don't even think about it. If you don't tell me, I forgot. You go to the back of the stone wall and choose one by yourself. Remember, don't be greedy, it's the same."

   Hua Lan Ting asked again: "Do you always have any hints? Follow your heart's call?"

   Qi Ling clone replied: "That's the case. But, I want to remind you that the inner voice you think, your intuition, and sometimes it may be an illusion."

"If I put two candles in front of your eyes, one is farther away and the other is beside you, you will feel that the closer one is brighter and hotter, but when I put them together, the brightness and heat It's actually the same."

   "It seems that you woke up one morning and found that the quilt was short and your feet were exposed. You thought you had grown up, but in fact, it was just that the quilt was covered."

   "When you are unable to make a choice, sometimes it is right to choose to give up. Of course, it is definitely wrong to give up."

"My child, see you later. Finally, before leaving, I would like to tell you that this cave and this lesson are the most basic. If you are lucky enough to encounter the other six secret realms, the trials are different, the difficulty is different, the risk is increased, you need to see Only with clarity of mind can you gain something."

   The surroundings fell silent.

   Hua Lanting recalled what Qi Ling clone had said and absorbed it several got up and turned to the back of the stone wall.

   There are many light **** here, slowly spinning around him floating, with writing on them, or the name of the magic spell, or the name of the magic weapon.

  Without any other hints, Hualanting hesitated for a while.

   There are not too many exercises and magic methods, and there are not too few spiritual weapons and magic weapons. How do I choose?

   The name cannot be judged good or bad by the naked eye, and the inner feeling may be an illusion. Is it necessary to choose randomly...

  Hua Lanting thought for a moment, and decided that he still had to follow the feelings in his heart and choose according to his most urgent needs now.

   The brightness and heat of the two candles are about the same, but the one that is close to oneself always provides more light and warmth than the one that is far away.

   This is also true.

   Thinking of the light and heat, after the toss after the transmission, Hua Lanting suddenly felt thirsty.

   raised his eyes, and on the light ball directly in front, a line of handwriting appeared and disappeared: twenty cups.

   There are small prints: This set of tea sets and tea sets were made by me in the early years of my leisure time practicing in the secular world. It is based on my experience of elegant life in the state at that time——

   High and capable, full and empty, rich and frugal, expensive and humble, wise and foolish, courageous and cowardly, defensive but capable, broad but shallow, bright but dark.

Able to understand the greatness of the world, know the difficulties of life, have self-knowledge, have anticipation, do not sorrow for suffering, do not favor favors, do not feel lonely when lonely, do not be lonely when lonely, so desperate for power and abandon vanity , Chic and up-to-date, Yu Xiao is troubled with the world and respects himself, is self-reliant, is neither humble nor overbearing, not vulgar and flattering.

   can expand his heart, tolerate the world's things; emptiness his heart, accept the good of the world; calm his heart, discuss the world's things; concentrate his heart, observe the principles of the world; fix his heart to respond to the changes in the world.

After   , I will practice again in Xianzhou, leaving the younger generations to read.


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