The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 171: 1 enemy 7

   That's it. Hualan Ting reached into it and held out a plate with many large and small sets of teacups on it, with writing floating down:

   Twenty tea utensils can be used to drink tea, attack, defend against enemies, and can also be used as furnace casters. They can be large or small, and each has a magical effect.

  Hua Lanting watched them in turn.

  The first one is the Jianzhan: a traditional famous porcelain, used by the royal family, the glaze layer is thinner, the inner glaze is thick, the outer wall is mostly half-glazed, and there is the phenomenon of glaze hanging, commonly known as "glaze tears".

   can be used as a hidden weapon, the glaze tears are super high temperature.

   The second one is a bell-shaped cup: the inverted button is like a bell-shaped, the cup is tall, and the shape is handsome, easy to hold and smell, and integrates the functions of locking, smelling, and drinking.

   has the effect of recognizing poison, identifying poison and detoxifying.

   The third is the hand pressing cup: the mouth is flat and outward, the abdominal wall is nearly vertical, retracted from the lower abdominal wall, and the feet are circled.

   can receive locks to take attacking objects.

   The four is a six-sided cup: a hexagonal shape, a tall and straight shape, a refreshing line and surface, sharp edges and corners, a curved shape in the square, and a round and enduring look.

   This cup is transparent and can be used as a casting furnace for easy viewing of the fire.

   The five is a hat cup: It is shaped like a hat of a weng, with a large mouth, a small foot, simple and elegant lines, and it is not easy to burn.

   can interfere with heavenly secret prediction spells.

   The Sixth Flower God Cup: Porcelain made of various colors of glaze water, painted with various lines, belonging to underglaze color, clear patterns, simple atmosphere.

   The cup body festoon can put pill gas and medicine gas outside, and can conceal its breath.

   Seven is a round cup: the belly is slightly bulging, and the caliber is slightly inward.

   can accumulate gas.

   Eight is the bamboo silk cup: Following the characteristics of bamboo weaving material, extra-fine silk, close to the tire, and hidden head, the bamboo and porcelain are integrated, just like nature.

   Excellent defense toughness.

   Nine is Yushang: It can be used as a wine utensil, with an oval body and symmetrical small ears on both sides.

   can be transformed into a flying aid.

   Ten is the chicken tank cup: open mouth, shallow belly, lying on the feet, painted female and male chicks with fighting colors, with rocks, bluegrass, and peonies among them. The value is amazing.

   The body of the chicken can be attacked in isolation, and the beak is extremely sharp.

   Next is the Jue Cup: the mouth is flared, the abdomen is slightly deeper, the front tip is tilted back, and it bears three high feet, and there are symmetrical columns on both sides of the mouth.

   can be used as a casting furnace, high temperature resistance.

   The next one is a goblet cup: there are tall feet under the cup, with a slight mouth, and fullness near the bottom.

   Refining and chemical herbs.

   The thirteenth type is the lying foot cup: the bottom of the cup has no round feet and the lying feet are concave.

   is used in conjunction with the horseshoe cup, which has the miraculous effect of shifting and transposition.

   Fourteen is the Luohan Cup: originated from the Luohan cylinder, combined with pastel craftsmanship and underglaze craftsmanship, it is exquisite and smooth, crystal clear, and not easy to fade.

   can break the illusion.

   The fifteenth is a bell cup: the cup is flared, deep abdomen, ringed feet, upside down like a bell.

   Its sound has strong penetrating power and has the effect of hurting the enemy.

   Sixteen is a horseshoe cup: open, slanted belly, concave and small flat bottom, inverted like a horseshoe.

   is used in conjunction with the lying foot cup, with a miraculous effect of shifting and transposition.

   Seventeen is a high-foot bowl: the shape is the same as the high-foot cup, but slightly larger.

  The best refining petrochemicals.

   Eighteen is the palace bowl: the mouth is flared, the abdomen is wide, deep and plump, and the shape is correct.

   has a certain suppressive effect on the five element exercises.

   Nineteen is a Kuikou cup: the rim of the cup is shaped like a sunflower mouth, and the glaze is blue in blue and white in blue.

   This cup has psychedelic special effects.

   Finally, the ice cracked cup: famous for cracked cups. The crushing effect is excellent.

After watching, Hua Lan Ting tried it out deliberately one by one, and secretly admired that the ancestors of the generation are really extraordinary. These twenty sets of teacups made when they were young are not only quite interesting, but also have special materials, exquisite castings, and spiritual tools. The various effects of magic weapons are so wonderful that I can't help but be greatly satisfied.

   After studying, when he returned to the waterfall, the stone wall and waterfall gradually faded away, and the secret realm disappeared.

  Hua Lanting went up along the underground river, looking for Yue Guanghan.

When we arrived at the agreed place, there was no one here. Hua Lan Ting searched around again, and after confirming that there was no one, she took out the map to check, and then rushed to the meeting point that the two had agreed to after the separation, and found that there was still no one. The figure of Yue Guanghan.

   Where did this kid go?

Before the transmission, Lin Xianjing and the two of them analyzed possible action plans. If they wanted to detect the strength of the Tujia based on their cultivation, they could only obtain intelligence, such as capturing a suitable character from the other party for interrogation, or breaking into it. Look for clues internally, because in the battle of the dusty mountain, only the leaders of the mountain lost and escaped. Most of the ordinary children of the cottage cannot be killed, and they should be used as coolies.

Hua Lanting thought about it. One possibility is that Yue Guanghan’s transmission was not in place. If not, Hu Ruyuan had helped Yue Guanghan to get through before coming. It is estimated that this kid could not find himself. He was eager for revenge, so he acted without authorization. I used my advantage of familiarity with the situation of the cottage and wanted to get in and inquire about the situation.

   Hualan Court's current location is not close to the cottage, anyway, get close to the main peak before making a decision.

   He was sitting in a small cave in the mountains and rivers and wasted most of his time. Now the night is shrouded outside, Hua Lan Ting discerned the direction, spread the spiritual consciousness, and walked all the way to the main peak.

   Yue Guanghan's airborne location was secluded and remote, and the dusty mountain covered a lot of land. He didn't worry that someone would guard this route.

   However, just when there were more than 20 miles of mountain road from the main peak Dazhai, Hualanting stopped. His spiritual sense sensed that there were people several miles ahead, and there was more than one person.

   How could anyone move so far outside the stockade? Is it possible to explore minerals? But don't you rest in the middle of the night?

   Hua Lan Ting didn't want to encounter the opponent here, so he changed the direction and continued to sneak.

   But soon, he felt that something was wrong. This was not a coincidence. The other party was clearly directed at him!

  Because he has changed several directions, but this group of people can change directions every time, and are accelerating to approach him. Even he used the stealth Tai Chi towel and did not get rid of the lock.

   Hua Lanting's heart aroused doubts, puzzled.

   My whereabouts are very secret, how could I be discovered in advance? Wouldn't this reconnaissance mission be considered a failure?

   And he has turned many times, and now he is going in the opposite direction of the main peak, and the other party can still keep up. Why is that?

   The opponent also has a secret master who can figure out his own intentions and his position?

   Escape or fight?

   Hualan Court decided to stop the battle.

   The opponent is not a master who is far superior to himself, and his aura is not that strong, otherwise he won't be easily sensed by him. In addition, it is only possible to find out why he was discovered and locked in after a face-to-face encounter.

   has been exposed, Hua Lan Ting simply calmed down, waited on the spot, and was ready for battle.

   After a short while, the seven figures came out under the mist and moonlight.

   Hualanting took a closer look, and there were acquaintances among them.

   Seven people came up in a semi-encircled circle. Three of them were originally members of the Huangfu family among the four great families in Haitang City. They were the previous generation of Huangfu's Eight Horses. Among the eight generals of Huangfu, Huangfuzhong, Huangfufa and Huangfubai.

   Looking at the appearance of the other four people, it is estimated that Huangfudong, Huangfunan, Huangfuxi and Huangfubei are now.

   Among the eight generals of Huangfu, the east, the west, the north, and the south are whitish, lacking the Huangfu bird, which is said to be the most powerful.

On the same day, Hua Lanting slapped Huangfu with the assistance of Lin Xianjing and Yi Liunian. Then Huangfu, the third elder of the Huangfu family, went out to make a round of rounds. Later, he gave them a bunch of spirit treasures to make amends, and then the marriage ceremony in the suburban manor. During the battle, Huangfu's house did not reappear.

Hua Lanting never expected to meet Huangfu’s people here. He couldn’t figure out why these seven people were chasing and killing him. At this moment, he had no time to think about it. I met."

Huangfu and the others also recognized Hualanting, but they did not show too much surprise. Huangfu Zhong said with hatred on his face: "It turns out to be your kid, great, thanks to a slap that day, My Huangfuzhong has always been sorrowful, and today it just happened to take back the profits."

   Hua Lan Ting knows that there is nothing good, and only if he wins can he understand.

   He stopped talking, raised his hand to take out the gold wire and iron wire, took a deep breath, and raised his head slightly, not afraid.

The other party has seven people. As someone who is a generation older than him and several dozen years old, each of them is not weak, but the Huangfu family looks at Xianzhou as just an ordinary family. The cultivation bases of these seven people are apart from Huangfuzhong and him. Quite apart, no one else has entered the realm of self-refining.

   Hua Lan Ting has now broken through into the Four Elephants Onmyoji, and has just led his team to win the Xianzhou Eastern Youth Elite Disciple Competition, and it can almost be said that he is also on the top in terms of personal ability.

He knows that it is not easy to be an enemy of Qishu, but Hualanting is now taking advantage of the power to win the championship, the limelight is booming, the momentum is strong, the heart is high, and the whole body is full of spiritual weapons and magic weapons, as a wealthy in the realm of cultivation. Disciple, he planned in his heart to regard Huangfu Diosi Seven Brothers as his first sharpening touchstone after promotion.

Without waiting for the formation of the seven brothers of Huangfu to close in place, Hualanting took the lead, and the gold wire and iron thread shook straight. With the cultivation base of the four-image yin and yang realm, he issued a powerful blow with the five-element clearing thunder method. Go in.

The Huangfu brothers are many and powerful, and they did not regard the alone Hualan Court as an invincible enemy. UU reading, the elder Huangfu, was angry at the humiliation of slapped that day. Seeing Hualan Court's aggressiveness, he also greeted him. , The gun point in the hand to the gold wire.

The weapons of the two sides intersected, and the spiritual power blasted. Huangfu Zhong was shaken back for a few steps. Hua Lanting took advantage of the momentum to bully her body. He took off his robe and made use of it. He immediately got close to Huangfu Zhong, and then the yellow dog peeed and kicked secretly. When Huangfu Zhong dodges in a hurry, Hua Lanting raised his hand and called a big-eared sticker on his right face.

   Hua Lan Ting took the lead and beat the opponent to disarm.

   Huangfu Zhong slapped again and yelled with anger.

   He stepped back and waved, and the seven brothers quickly formed a circle, and immediately activated the blind-eye formation that the Huangfu family was good at.

   Hua Lanting's palm was successful, but it also woke up the other seven.

The seven people put away the heart of underestimating the enemy. After the formation was activated, the seven people, together with the weapons, magic weapons, and spells in their hands, all turned into double shadows. A total of fifty or sixty figures and weapons, as well as the aliens formed by the magic weapons and spells, surrounded Hua. Lan Ting revolved round and round.

   Hua Lan Ting was besieged in the middle, dazzled for a moment, unable to distinguish between true and false. He danced the gold wire and iron wire to defend himself, constantly breaking the opponent's attacks, but he was also hit by seven consecutive attacks.

  Huangfu’s seven brothers were not his opponents alone, but the overall spiritual power of the seven completely suppressed him, and the secret method of blindfolding is indeed magical. Hualanting often hits the void and defeats the void, which is a waste of spiritual power.

   The strength of the two sides was declining, and it was fine after more than a dozen heavy blows. Later, Hualanting finally suffered injuries.

   The opponent looked cheap and began to reduce the phantom's illusion, but the intensity of each attack suddenly increased.

   Hua Lan Ting was struggling to fight and retreat. The situation was not what he had imagined before the war. He actually fell into a disadvantage.


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