Ru Mo raised his little hand, counted the numbers, and finally came to a conclusion.

"Less than one hand to count."

"That's right."

It is almost difficult to hide the SSS beast master.

Because when the SSS class awakens, the changes in the world caused are too great.

Covering almost the entire city.

Unless someone knew in advance that he was awakening to the SSS level, and then ran to a remote place.

And use the formation to cover the sky and cover up the vision.

This way no one will notice.

After all, a secret is no longer a secret when a few people know it.

However, this is very unlikely.

When awakening, no one knows their own awakening talent.

It's obviously not cost-effective to do such a huge undertaking just for that tiny one-in-a-billion chance.

Then here comes the problem.

"There are hundreds of cities and four major military regions in Daxia. Where do you think this SSS level beast master should go?"


Yue Rumo hesitated. After all, she was not sure about this kind of thing.

Speaking of which, she didn't hear much information about SSS-level beast masters.

Most of the information about the SSS class is limited to awakening in a certain place and what kind of changes in the world are caused.

Or is the information being controlled?

There is no way to know the description of SSS talent, and even its talent name is slowly disappearing from the Internet.

That's right, Ye Yan's talent name [Origin of All Things] can no longer be found online.

"Maybe someone else will rob it?" Yue Rumo guessed.

After all, awakening to the SSS level means an unlimited future.

It is understandable to be competed by those forces.

"That's right", Ye Yan nodded.

"You know how to rob, so what if they all belong to Daxia?"

"In order to protect the borders of Daxia from evil spirits and disasters, the country's basic combat power is concentrated in the four major military regions."

"It can be said that the four major military regions are the embodiment of the strength of the entire country."

"But their contact is not that close. After all, they go their separate ways. In order to protect the border, the four military regions guard the southeast, northwest and northwest respectively. Naturally, there will be no exchanges other than military affairs."

"It also leads to a bad thing, differentiation."

"Lack of communication is the beginning of differentiation, and this is where all the contradictions begin."

"Even if our hearts are the same, our actions can be different."

Each major military region is divided into several large groups, as well as exploration corps, and the various forces are complex.

Power is everything.

There is no way to terminate the contract.

"The words are saying..."

Thinking of something, Yue Rumo nodded, with a disappointed expression, and apologized to Ye Yan:


If it hadn't been for her, Yan would have been snapped up by those in the military region.

The future is bright.

"No need to apologize. If I hadn't confirmed the contract with you, I would have used it as a political bargaining chip."

"Then, I might become a puppet in the power struggle."

That's what it's like for a powerless person like him. If he makes a slight mistake, what if he's SSS-level?

Geniuses, before they grow up, are only slightly stronger than ordinary people.

"I should thank you"

Ye Yan smiled gently and expressed his sincere gratitude.

Although Ye Yan knew this, it would not make their interest in him disappear, but it would at least reduce it a lot.

Plus, now he finally has someone behind him.

Although, I don’t know, I can’t see.

But in the back, those old guys may have been fighting each other.

For this reason, he couldn't even expose his contract talent.

If those people find out about my other talent [Contract of All Things], I'm afraid they will explode!

Then when the time comes, it won't just be Daxia that is interested in him.

Ye Yan would not be stupid and sweet. If he exposed such a talent, the country would do its best to make him sign a contract and strengthen himself infinitely.

What Daxia needs is a patron saint.

Rather than a time bomb that cannot be controlled.

They won't let him grow indefinitely, so when the choice is exposed, the upper limit has already been determined.

An upper limit set by the money.

Of course, you can't blame them.

It would be the same if it were him.

Besides, if Ye Yan contracts all the girls in the country, those teenagers will probably want to kill him one by one!

Too many shortcomings were exposed.

There are too many factors that influence everything, and there are too many things that he doesn't know.

Therefore, even if he has such talent, he must be careful.

At least, when the strength has not reached a certain level.

It cannot be exposed easily.

"Does it mean that if we go to that school, we belong to the same group as that old gentleman?"

Yue Rumo's words interrupted Ye Yan's thoughts. She raised her head and looked at Ye Yan with watery eyes.

"That's right", Ye Yan nodded.

"So before I go, I have to make it clear to you. After all, you are my partner."

"Everyone who listens." Ru Mo bowed his head shyly and leaned against Ye Yan.

Ye Yan felt like he was being pressed by a soft thing, and he trembled all over. His face was slightly red, and he couldn't help but look away from the huge white thing.

Sometimes, what humans call ferocious beasts is not that ferocious.

Too fierce.


"It's okay for you to have no opinion like this."

Regarding Ye Yan's words, Ru Mo just smiled.

"I don't need opinions, I just need words."

"Okay!" Seeing this, Ye Yan smiled indulgently.

"Then let's go to that so-called school"

He never regretted the contract with Yue Rumo.

If there was no contract at that time, then he might be very empty around him.

He believed that he could not imagine such a scene.

"It would be a pity if we don't catch the person we finally caught"

"Hehe, yes"

"Then, where are we going now!", Rumo asked Ye Yan:

"Go home?"


Ye Yan looked up and looked at the smoke rising in the distance and the two dragons fighting in the sky.

Endless flame meteors fell all over the city.

Then some were shattered by the beastmaster, and some fell into the house, causing a fire.

"Let's stay here first, it's quite dangerous outside"

The stars twisted in Ye Yan's eyes, and his talent was activated at this moment.

However, the ancient panel did not appear.

Is it too far?

It turns out that there is a distance limit.

Yes, if there is no, with a telescope, wouldn't it be easy to get the information?

There is nothing perfect in the world.

Ye Yan sat on the ground, and Ru Mo leaned on his shoulder.

She gently closed her beautiful eyes.

"Everything is up to Yan"


A gust of wind blew, blowing the clothes of the two people.

Ru Mo's face was filled with a happy smile, leaning on Ye Yan's shoulder, enjoying this quiet and peaceful feeling.


Suddenly, she opened her beautiful eyes.

She saw Ye Yan staring at her with deep eyes.

Her cheeks were slightly red, and she didn't dare to look directly at Ye Yan, and lowered her head.

"Why are you staring at me like this?"

"It's not like you haven't seen it before"

She whispered softly.

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