
Ye Yan laughed dumbly. He looked at Rumo, his mind was moved, and he couldn't help but reach out and touch Rumo's smooth and delicate cheek.

Seeing this, Rumo leaned closer, enjoying Ye Yan's touch.

"Hehe" laughed, like a clingy kitten.

I don't know if this is dependence or something else.

But no matter what, what does it mean to him?

Ding ding ding!

A message came from the mobile phone.

Ye Yan opened it and saw that it was a piece of news.

[At 4:10 pm, a group of terrorists named "Xura" attacked the animal pen. At present, many beasts that were unable to sign a contract and were swallowed by ferocity have escaped. Please report it immediately to the exclusive phone number of the animal pen if you see it]

Next, there are a series of bounty pictures.

It is the Shura organization, and there are people who escaped from the animal pen.

Among them are Sun Kongling, who attacked Ye Yan not long ago, and that woman, Qiu Ruhan.

However, Ye Yan thinks that this is useless to Sun Kongling and that woman.

Through the previous battle sharing

The so-called "72 Transformations" was exactly what he imagined.

The Spiritual Stone Monkey that mastered all kinds of transformations.

There was no point in using a portrait to issue a wanted notice.

Attacking the Beast Taming Association and the Beast Stable!

I don't know why.

No, in fact, what Ye Yan could think of was,

Shura, extremist organizations, and beast pens.

Sure enough, there were too many things he didn't understand in this world.

It was so interesting!

Ye Yan looked at the clear sky with two dragons dancing.

A strange feeling emerged in his heart.

Will he be able to fly freely in the sky like them one day?

"Yan, I received it here too."

Yue Rumo held the phone and stared at the bounty picture on the phone in a daze.

"They want to hurt Yan, I'm determined not to let them go."

Yue Rumo still remembered Sun Lingkong, the murderous aura he released at that time, that was really wanting to kill Yan.

This is the only thing she definitely did not forget.

"But", looking at the girl coming out of the animal pen in the picture, Yue Rumo's eyes revealed a trace of sadness;

"Those who came out of the animal pen are so pitiful"


Ye Yan sighed and agreed with Yue Rumo's words. The empty eyes in the picture are the eyes that have thoroughly seen hell.

If you ask him why he knows.

The answer is very simple.

He has seen it.

Those are eyes that have despaired of the world and don't care about anything.

"But this is necessary to keep society running"

Yue Rumo said the common sense of this world.

There was no expression on his face.

As if he was saying something insignificant.

Obviously, this should not be the right thing to do.

Obviously, this should not be said by someone who should have been in the animal pen.

They are people who will bring unrest to society, and in fact, this is the case.

The irrational beast girl is just a beast that follows instinct and only knows how to hunt and destroy.

They will destroy the stable social structure and are the destroyers of peace that has been maintained with great difficulty.

Letting them live in the animal pen is the greatest gift.

Such words frequently appear in picture books and textbooks.

But ah!

Is the common sense of this twisted world really correct?

He has the ability to contract them all, but then what?

What do the people above, or even the alliance think of him?

Now he has no power at all, and he can't resist their decision at all.

He doesn't want to be a puppet, he wants to rely on his own strength to decide his own path.

So, he must not be exposed.

"But, they are really pitiful"

Yue Rumo hugged his knees and whispered sadly.

"If it weren't for Yan, I would be one of them"

"So, I'm really happy that they can escape"

Yue Rumo said, and cried.

"Yan, tell me, is there something wrong with my brain?"

"Obviously they are bad people who want to hurt Yan"

Obviously I know this is not right.

But when I put myself in it, I can't help but think so.

They clearly knew that their escape would cause greater harm to the world.

"No, this is not your problem, nor theirs."

Ye Yan held the crying Yue Rumo in his arms and comforted her.

At this moment, Yue Rumo seemed like a fragile red spider lily.

"They just want freedom, and they are just for safety."

"Nothing is wrong."

Ye Yan didn't know why Yue Rumo was so clear about the animal pen. Maybe she had seen it before?

At least, Ye Yan hadn't seen it, but only mentioned it in a few words in the book.

[That is the person who imprisoned the ferocious beast who lost his mind]

[Also, inferior ferocious beasts]

Ye Yan searched and found that Qingquan City had already started the war readiness mode.

All the magic arrays arranged in the city were opened.

The report said that although some people escaped, fortunately the magic array was opened in time and some people were left.

It is opening and searching the whole city.

However, this is not good news for Ye Yan.

In other words, the turmoil is still going on.

So that means that this city is not as safe as before.

If you are suddenly caught up in a battle, it will be no joke.

Although they can kill the third level, for the seventh level, it only takes a breath to wipe him out.

However, he did not expect that the robbery of the animal pen would cause such a reaction.

It seems that he should not think about this.

His small body can't stand such a thing.

Some people who didn't have time to escape!

I hope I don't meet them.

Seeing that the time is almost up and the commotion has stopped, Ye Yan glanced at Rumo, who was clinging to him like a little kitten, and said:

"Rumo, let's go home!"

"Yeah", Rumo nodded, "Go home"

She is also a family!


What Ye Yan didn't know was.

After the assessment time was over.

The principal of Tianyi School was arrested.

He was arrested for privately interfering with the assessment.

Xu Lin was directly arrested by the Beast Taming Association and thrown into jail.

His father spent a lot of money to get Xu Lin out of jail.

However, because of this incident, Xu Lin was completely marginalized in the family.

Until the end, only Xu Meng was not in trouble because she did not commit a direct crime.

After canceling the temporary contract with Xu Lin, he clapped his hands and turned to leave.

"No, Xiao Meng, you can't just leave like this"

Xu Lin begged as he saw Xu Meng was leaving.

He had done so much for her, but he ended up like this.

If, if even Xu Meng left, wouldn't he be ruined?

His whole life was ruined!

No, he couldn't do this.

Xu Lin rushed over and grabbed the corner of Xu Meng's skirt tightly.

"Let go!"

Xu Meng's tone was cold, and she shook Xu Lin off without a trace of hesitation, with disgust written all over her face.

"A person like you is worthy of being with me?"

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