However, when they just stepped into the range of the fire line, a terrifying flame instantly engulfed them.


A man's body spontaneously combusted with screams, but in just a moment.

He turned into a pile of ashes and died in front of everyone.

The horror and cruelty of this scene terrified everyone and they dared not act rashly again.

Wang Zijin looked back at the terrified people and reminded them loudly:

"Don't come over here again! It's dangerous here!"

At this time, everyone didn't know.

The woman in front of them might have something to do with this family. Without hesitation, they knelt down and begged:

"Please, give us some food!"

"My child hasn't eaten for a whole day."

A woman held a thin child, her eyes full of tears and despair.

"Me too, my son is in the same situation!" Another middle-aged man held a little girl of six or seven years old.

"Please, give us some!"

Looking at the pleading faces in front of him, Wang Zijin's eyes flashed with a trace of pity.

She was not a heartless person. She would never be stingy about helping others.

However, the current situation made her feel helpless.

She had no food in her hands, so even if she wanted to help, she could not do anything.

She turned her eyes to the inside of the house, and a trace of doubt rose in her heart.

Although she didn't know what method Ye Yan used to keep the food fresh for a long time.

But those foods were not hers.

She couldn't make a decision on her own to distribute the food to these people.

At most, she could only persuade Ye Yan to see if she could provide some help to these people.

Wang Zijin's heart was full of confusion and helplessness.

What was the reason for the food to rot?

Why did the food start to rot after noon?

When she was at Ye Ling's house before, she didn't notice anything unusual until she walked out of the house.

When she faced the rampant zombies, she discovered this shocking fact.

The world outside has changed dramatically compared to when they first came to this city.

The buildings on the street were dilapidated, and the air was filled with an indescribable stench.

The once bustling crowds have now become a paradise for zombies.

"Let me take a look."

Wang Zijin's voice broke the silence around.

After hearing her words, the people outside the line of fire immediately kowtowed to her in gratitude.

Their faces were full of desire for survival and gratitude to Wang Zijin.

"Thank you, Miss!"

"Miss, you saved us, how can we repay you?"

"Yes, Miss, do you need anything? As long as we can do it, we will do our best!"

Everyone knelt on the ground in unison, their eyes full of admiration and gratitude for Wang Zijin.

However, Wang Zijin felt helpless.

She shook her head and said with a smile:

"Okay, get up. Don't call me Miss anymore, I don't know if I can help you."

After saying this, Wang Zijin turned and left the crowd without a moment's linger.

She walked into the room, but her heart was filled with a heavy burden.

In this closed room, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Wang Zijin took a deep breath and gently opened the door.

Her eyes fell on Ye Yan, who was sitting on the sofa. His usually calm face looked particularly serious at this moment.

"What's going on outside?"

Ye Yan put down the teacup in his hand, and the tea in the cup flashed dangerously under the light.

He smiled gently, but the smile was full of coldness and cruelty:

"They wanted to break into private houses, so I took their lives."

Wang Zijin frowned slightly after hearing this. She wanted to say something to persuade them, but was interrupted by Ye Yan directly.

His voice became cold and firm:

"Here, I have only one way to treat these people."


As Ye Yan's voice fell, the temperature in the room seemed to drop by more than ten degrees in an instant.

Wang Zijin could feel the strong murderous intent emanating from Ye Yan. It was a cold and cruel breath that made people shudder.

She looked at Ye Yan in disbelief, her heart full of confusion and confusion.

She didn't understand why Ye Yan had such a strong desire to kill when he just came here?

They were clearly in an ancient ruins, isolated from the outside world, so how could they have a grudge against Ye Yan?

No, or maybe, he knew them long ago, just like Ye Ling.

However, Ye Yan just glanced at her indifferently.

As if he was answering her, or as if he was telling himself.

"This is the law of this world."

He said lightly, revealing a kind of helplessness and indifference in his tone.

"It's good that I didn't take the initiative to kill them."

Ye Yan said without knowing why.

"As for those who come to my door to die, I will naturally not let them go."

"What do you mean?"

Hearing Ye Yan's words, Wang Zijin was puzzled.

"No meaning."

Ye Yan said and changed the subject:

"Have you killed all the zombies outside?"


The night fell, and the deep night poured into the house like thick ink, shrouding everything in a mysterious shadow.

Ye Yan sat by the bed, looking at Ye Ling lying on the bed with complicated eyes, as if he was in deep thought.


"What's going on?"

Wang Zijin looked at Ye Yan sitting on the bed and looking at Ye Ling, and asked again.

Ye Yan sighed and shook his head:

"How should I know."

His eyes were a little confused, as if he was thinking about something.


Wang Zijin stood at the door, his eyes wandering between Ye Yan and Ye Ling.

Her brows were furrowed, obviously not satisfied with Ye Yan's previous answer.

She walked to the window, looking at the increasing number of zombies outside, and a strange feeling surged in her heart.

These zombies, as if driven by some mysterious power, kept pouring towards their residence, but could not get close.

She turned her head and looked at Ye Yan, with a bit of dissatisfaction in her tone:

"I have helped you clean up those monsters, can't you tell me?"

Ye Yan sighed, his eyes revealed an indescribable confusion and helplessness.

He was silent for a while, then slowly spoke:

"You will understand in a few days."

Wang Zijin frowned, looking at Ye Yan's back, and couldn't help but feel curious and expectant.

What is this man thinking? !

And what about the murderous intention just now?

What is this man hiding?

These questions lingered in Wang Zijin's heart.

The night was deep, and the roars of zombies came and went outside the window, but the house was silent.

Ye Yan sat by the bed, looking at Ye Ling with deep eyes.

"Brother, we must always be together!"

Ye Ling murmured in her sleep.

Ye Yan listened, did not respond, and walked out of the room silently.

At the moment of walking out, Ye Ling slowly opened her blood-red eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

At this time, on the other side.

In the center of the city, at the highest point, on top of the spire.

A bright and beautiful flower quietly bloomed, and the fragrance of the flower attracted the nearby zombies.

If Ye Yan saw it here, he would know at a glance what the flower was called.

Red Beauty Flower.

The goal of Ye Yan's trip to the ruins. (End of this chapter)

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