As the sun rises, a new day begins.

However, the food left on the table has already rotted.

Wang Zijin just woke up from a sweet dream and saw this scene at first sight, and couldn't help frowning.

"What on earth is going on?"

She murmured in a low voice, her eyes full of confusion and puzzlement.

She clearly remembered that the food that flowed down last night was still fresh, why did it become so unsightly overnight?

At this moment, Ye Ling's lively voice came from outside the door:

"Sister Zijin, it's time to eat!"

The voice was full of expectation and joy, as if all the beauty in the world was concentrated at this moment.

Wang Zijin was stunned. She couldn't imagine that in this world where food rots, there is still food that can stay fresh.

She walked quickly to the kitchen.

I saw that Ye Yan was already sitting at the table, eating breakfast leisurely.

"Really brother." Ye Ling pouted and looked at her brother angrily.

"Sister Zijin hasn't sat down yet, brother, how can you eat first!"

"It's all the same"

Ye Yan replied perfunctorily.


Wang Zijin's eyes moved back and forth between Ye Yan and the food on the table.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Yan raised his head and smiled slightly at Wang Zijin's surprised expression.

"No, nothing."

Wang Zijin shook his head and walked to the table and sat down.

She looked at the food in front of her, full of doubts, but she didn't say it out loud.

The three began to eat.

Ye Ling picked up dishes for Ye Yan from time to time, and her eyes curved into crescents with a smile.

Not far from the window, wandering figures loomed,

as if reminding them that the world has become unsafe.

"Ye Ling, do you want to go somewhere?"

Ye Yan suddenly spoke, breaking the calm atmosphere.

"Ling'er, as long as she stays with her brother, anything is fine!"

Ye Ling answered without hesitation, with a happy smile on her face.

She only had Ye Yan in her eyes, as if he was her whole world.

"How about it, Ling'er's answer, is it perfect!"

Ye Ling stroked her red face, pretending to be shy, blushing, and said in a caressing tone.

"Oh, Ling'er, how can you be the most adorable little sister in the world!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Ye Yan smiled and nodded.

"Then let's stay at home today. After all, there are more weirdos outside now."

Ye Yan chuckled and suggested.


Ye Ling jumped up excitedly, but Wang Zijin looked worried.

She knew that they couldn't stay here forever, and the outside world was not dangerous for them.

However, Ye Yan didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave.

His eyes stayed on Wang Zijin's face for a moment, as if looking for something.

In this way, the three of them continued their breakfast at the dining table, while the world outside the window was quietly changing.

What happened next was completely beyond Wang Zijin's expectations.

Ye Yan, as he had promised before, chose to stay at home.

He lay on the soft sofa, holding a heavy book in his hand, sometimes flipping through it, sometimes falling into deep thought.

On the other side, Ye Ling sat quietly aside.

Her eyes were firmly attracted by the comic book in her hand, as if the whole world had nothing to do with her.

"I'm going out for a while."

Wang Zijin's voice broke the tranquility of the house.

Ye Yan raised his head, looked at her, and nodded slightly to show his agreement.

Wang Zijin looked at Ye Yan again, his expression was calm and deep, and there was no sign of leaving at all.

Her brows wrinkled slightly, but she soon regained her composure.

She didn't say anything more, turned to the door, gently pushed it open, and disappeared into Ye Ling's house.

The streets at this time were already covered by lines of flames, which looked particularly bright under the night sky.

Wang Zijin could clearly feel that these lines of flames contained obvious traces of formations.

Her eyes looked beyond the line of fire, where the crowd was still gathered.

They held huge "pieces of meat" and roasted them with flames above the line of fire.

Whenever one side of the piece of meat was roasted golden and tempting, they would carefully turn it over and sprinkle some salt on it.

The aroma was overflowing, making people salivate.

However, when Wang Zijin's eyes fell on them, they seemed to have noticed something.

They turned around and hid the meat in their hands, as if they were afraid that Wang Zijin would snatch it from them.

The atmosphere on the street became more and more tense, but Wang Zijin's heart was unusually calm.

Wang Zijin smiled gently. She didn't have the same desire for food as ordinary people.

The blood of fierce beasts flowed in her body, which gave her amazing endurance and vitality.

In an environment full of spiritual power, she could even go without water for several days without any abnormality.

What's more, she had already enjoyed a hearty breakfast this morning, which was enough to support her for the rest of the time.

She didn't think deeply about what they ate, because in her opinion, since Ye Yan had a way to find food.

Then, how could the natives of these city ruins not find food?

She couldn't help but feel a little funny about her worries. She was actually worried that they would have difficulty eating meat.

However, just as she was about to continue thinking, her attention was attracted by the phone.

The screen showed the time and place of the rendezvous. Obviously, Ye Yan also received this message.

But he did not give any response.

Wang Zijin's mind echoed with Ye Yan's previous words:

"Wait a few more days?"

She silently repeated this sentence in her heart, and she couldn't help but have an inexplicable premonition in her heart.

Could it be that something important will happen in the next few days?

Wang Zijin's mood was extremely complicated. She followed the location on her phone and came to a uniquely decorated coffee shop.

Her eyes quickly locked on Mu Wan'er and the others in the corner. They were sitting together and whispering about something.

Tan Ziling was sharp-eyed and saw Wang Zijin walking in at a glance. She waved excitedly and motioned her to come over.

Wang Zijin stepped forward, but at the moment of approaching, she keenly noticed a strange fluctuation in the air.

It's a formation. She was shocked. Could it be that they had set up a magic spell like a psychedelic formation?

"Where is classmate Ye Yan?"

Mu Wan'er looked up behind Wang Zijin, but she was alone, and there was no trace of Ye Yan.

Her brows were slightly wrinkled, and a bit of worry appeared on her face.

"I don't know."

Wang Zijin spoke lightly, with a hint of indifference in his voice.

"I don't know?"

Mu Baiting raised her eyebrows, with a bit of dissatisfaction in her tone.

"You chased after him, how could you not know?"

Wang Zijin's face became even colder, she glanced at Mu Baiting, with a bit of disdain in her tone:

"What does this have to do with you?" (End of this chapter)

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