The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 102 A match made in heaven

A water mirror the size of a palm was suspended in front of Gao Xian's eyes.

This water mirror is like a calm lake. Occasionally, the water light ripples slightly, making it look extremely transparent.

Through this water mirror, Gao Xian's eyes can easily penetrate the wall and see the situation on the other side of the wall.

By adjusting the water mirror, Gao Xian even saw Zhu Qiniang resting in the west bedroom.

Zhu Qiniang was very cautious and wore a robe when sleeping.

The water mirror cannot penetrate the robe, and can only see a layer of fine spiritual light on the robe. However, Zhu Qiniang was barefoot.

Gao Xian had pinched Qiniang's feet countless times, but this time when he peeped from a distance, the feeling was completely different.

Her feet are long and beautiful, with the toes being the longest and arranged from long to short. Her toenails are pink and her skin is soft and shiny.

The slightly protruding tendons and cyan blood vessels on the instep divide the foot into rich layers.

Gao Xian couldn't help swallowing when he saw this, and a bold idea came to his mind.

He then felt that this was too vulgar, how greasy the middle-aged man was!

Gao Xian controlled the water mirror to turn outward, and he could see the gate at the farthest, which was about twenty steps away.

Within this distance, the Flower Appraisal Mirror can easily penetrate walls and other materials.

The water mirror can even penetrate Daniel's body and see the state of his internal organs. It will just be disturbed by the mana flowing in Daniel's body.

Gao Xian tried it for a while and was quite satisfied with the flower appreciating mirror. It was worth his investment of a thousand humanistic spiritual lights.

Just to put that into perspective, it's worth every penny.

Well, he's not the kind of pervert who wants to look at other people's bodies. But this function is really useful.

Divine consciousness can also do this, but the perception of divine consciousness will not be so clear and direct. Using the large-scale induction of spiritual consciousness also consumes a lot of energy and cannot last for a while.

Gao Xian found the new spell very interesting. He had no intention of sleeping and spent a whole day figuring out how to use the Flower Jianhua Spirit Mirror.

The flower appreciating mirror can also see very far, but the field of view will become narrower when looking far away. As the distance increases, the penetrability of the Flower Appraisal Mirror gradually decreases.

The flower appreciating mirror can be adjusted in different ways and has multiple functions, making it very easy to use. There are just some limitations.

Because of its suspended water mirror state, it is not compatible with the Shadowless Clothes.

Gao Xian studied for another two days and felt that the Flower Appreciating Mirror still had great potential. He decided to increase investment and upgrade the Flower Appreciating Mirror to the master level.

Being unable to confront the foundation-building overhauler head-on, this kind of auxiliary spell becomes extremely important.

This is not because he wants to spy on beautiful women!

Two thousand points of humane spiritual light were invested in it, and the Flower Appreciating Spiritual Mirror was promoted to the master level.

The Spiritual Mirror of Appreciating Flowers: Seeing everything clearly and seeing the true and false. (1/5000 Grandmaster)

The master-level flower appreciating mirror can be adjusted in size according to Gao Xian's wishes.

After several tests, Gao Xian felt that the monocle mode was most suitable.

Condensing the Flower Appreciating Mirror to the size of an eyeglass lens, it can fit tightly against one of his eyes, ensuring the functionality of the Flower Appreciating Mirror to the maximum extent and making it more stable at the same time.

In this close-to-the-eyes mode, the Flower Appraisal Mirror can be compatible with the Shadowless Clothes.

Another benefit is that Gao Xian's other eye can maintain normal vision and will not be restricted by the flower-judgement mirror.

Then, in order to better test the compatibility of the two spells, Gao Xian often walked around in the shadowless clothes.

When he encountered a good action scene, he would watch it through the wall.

Only then did Gao Xian realize that most people don't look good without clothes. Including women.

Good-looking clothes can well cover up imperfections in the body shape.

However, he did not do it for peeping, but out of the academic spirit of specializing in studying magic, he conducted various tests on the flower appreciating mirror.

After struggling like this for more than ten days, Gao Xian finally completed the preliminary test of the flower-appraising mirror.

With good vision, Gao Xian can clearly see the facial features of people two miles away with his naked eyes.

The reason why his eyesight is so powerful is mainly due to his strong spiritual consciousness, and secondly, his abundant energy and blood.

Through the flower appreciating mirror, he could see the details of faces up to fifteen miles away.

In terms of distance vision, the Flower Appreciating Mirror is equivalent to an eight-fold mirror!

At close range, the Flower Appraisal Mirror is equivalent to a microscope fifty times the size.

The flower appreciating mirror can ignore the dark environment and clearly restore colors, textures and other details.

The clairvoyance ability is also very powerful. Within twenty steps, the master-level flower appreciating mirror can easily penetrate various material obstacles.

To sum up simply, the Flower Appraisal Mirror is equivalent to a telescope plus a microscope, plus a perspective mirror and night vision goggles.

Of course, these changes in Jianhua Lingjing are not automatic and require Gao Xian to actively adjust the mode.

With Sister Lan's blessing, Gao Xian can instantly switch between different modes of the Flower Appraisal Mirror, which is very convenient.

The combination mode of Shadowless Clothes and Flower Appraisal Mirror is simply a match made in heaven.

Gao Xian was secretly glad that he had mastered these two powerful spells.

If it were another cultivator, I don’t know how many bad things he would do with these two spells!

I don't think other cultivators have this ability. I don't know how much time, energy and resources it will take to first practice the two secret arts to the master level.

Furthermore, without the blessing of Fengyue Baojian, others would not have such good results even if they practiced two secret techniques to the master level.

From then on, Gao Xian had another hobby of wandering around at night.

There are few people on the street at night, but there are many programs in the room. Of course he wouldn't look at it intentionally, but he could only glance at it occasionally and there was nothing he could do about it.

Gao Xian shopped for two days and found that Lujiaosan was selling really well. He could always see loyal users of Lujiaosan.

Late that night, Gao Xian was wandering around Pegasus East District as usual.

Due to the influx of tens of thousands of casual cultivators, Pegasus Ji expanded several times. The original outskirts are now filled with casual cultivators.

Gao Xian was wearing a shadowless suit and a flower-appraising mirror on his left eye, casually scanning the surroundings.

"Hey, this is so white..."

Gao Xian's eyes were immediately attracted. He turned around and realized something was wrong. Why was this woman crying? Several big men around her had lewd smiles on their faces. Is this the new business of the girl from Feihuayuan?

Not to mention it’s quite exciting!

He knew something was wrong when he turned around, because there was a young man who was being held down next to him. His face was red and veins were popping out, and he expressed anger, pain, sadness and other emotions extremely full.

People can know his emotional state at the moment by looking at his expression.

This is obviously not a new trick of Feihuayuan, but these big guys are causing trouble.

"So damn bad!" Gao Xian couldn't stand it. Who are these people!

After the three major foundation-building cultivators destroyed several gangs, the casual cultivators in Pegasus Ji became more honest, and the public security improved accordingly.

Gao Xian was wandering around these days, and this was the first time he saw such a thing, and he was also filled with indignation.

Gao Xian feels that his moral level is not very high and he is not a good person, but he has a bottom line, which is not to do bad things.

Not only did this group of cultivators kidnap the woman, but they also held the young man down and made him watch his woman being humiliated. How vicious they were.

Seven cultivators gathered in a room. They obviously didn't expect that anyone could clearly see what they were doing from the outside, fully revealing their animalistic side.

Gao Xian poked out one hand from under the Wuying Yi. Deep between his brows, Sister Lan was holding a urn. The cold light shining on his fingertips had activated the Ice Arrow technique.

An ice pick traced an arc across the courtyard wall, penetrated a layer of window paper, and finally penetrated precisely into the head of the man who was holding the woman's clothes and grinning ferociously.

The ice cones triggered by the master-level ice arrow technique are harder and sharper than ordinary iron arrows, and their strength is three points stronger than a strong crossbow.

The arrow penetrated the big man's temple and penetrated the opponent's head diagonally, revealing a two-inch long ice pick at his ear on the other side.

The terrifying kinetic energy carried by the ice pick blew up the man's brain tissue, and one of his eyes was exploded by the impact. The man died before he knew what had happened.

The other six cultivators in the room were all startled. They saw a sharp cold light flash, and their boss's head was penetrated by something!

Before the six people could react, six sharp cold lights broke through the window and penetrated their heads with incomparable precision.

The seven cultivators staggered and fell to the ground, their breath cut off and they could no longer die.

A pair of young men and women were left behind, both of whom had shocked faces. They didn't know why everyone died in one fell swoop.

However, the two people quickly realized that someone had taken action to kill the evil thief and save them.

Both of them looked surprised.

The woman hurriedly closed her clothes and helped the young man on the ground. She couldn't see who made the move. Apart from the dead people, they were the only two people in the room.

I don’t know how the other party could accurately kill several cultivators through the window. This method is simply like a fairy!

The more the woman thought about it, the more terrifying she felt about the person who had taken action. She pulled her husband and knelt down outside the window and saluted: "Thank you, senior, for saving our lives..."

Second update, asking for monthly tickets

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