The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 103 Shadowless Man (please vote for the third update)

"You're welcome, I'm Shadowless Man!"

Gao Xian just muttered in his heart that he did not show up to meet the man and woman, so as to maintain the appearance of a mysterious and expert person.

Furthermore, knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing hearts.

It does not mean that if you save the other party, the other party will always regard you as a benefactor.

A great favor is like a great hatred. Although this sentence is biased, it also shows the complexity of human nature.

Gao Xian helped because he couldn't stand the evil of the other party. He felt that he had nothing to do with the couple. In this case, there was no need to show up.

The two couples were considered sensible. After kneeling down, they quickly packed up their belongings. They also made a special explanation and then left quickly without touching these people's belongings.

Gao Xian went in to tidy up the items, collecting spiritual stones, magic talismans, magic weapons, etc. There were always more than a hundred spiritual stones, which was a small profit.

Gao Xian was also very satisfied with this battle.

He stood outside the gate and took action, separated from several people in the house by two walls, about twenty steps away.

In the past, even if he could sense a few people with his spiritual consciousness, he would not be able to use his spiritual consciousness to lock them for a long time, let alone lock everyone's position and body posture so clearly and accurately.

Through the flower appreciating mirror, he could easily see through the double walls and see everything in the room.

Only then can he activate the ice arrow technique through the wall and casually kill a few evil cultivators, but no one can see him take action.

It can really be called "the conspiracy against impermanence and death without knowing it!".

Gao Xian is in a very good mood. He can practice magic, act chivalrously, and make money, which is the best of all three.

After returning home, Gao Xian quietly went to Qiniang's bed and forced her to practice the yin and yang chakra together against her will. He waited until dawn before returning to his room.

In the following time, Gao Xian practiced step by step every day.

With the red gold fruit, his Five Elements Skills improved rapidly.

If nothing happens at night, Gao Xian will put on his shadowless clothes and open his flower-appreciating mirror and go out for a walk.

In addition to watching all kinds of excitement, Gao Xian often acts as a hero to fight against evil crimes.

Gao Xian must admit that he did this mainly for his own happiness. Don't feel too good about hiding in the dark and using spells to trick people, and the other person dies without knowing how.

Besides, there is always something to be gained by fighting evil.

There are currently 60,000 to 70,000 casual cultivators in Pegasus. With so many people frequenting Tengshe Mountain, the population mobility is very high.

The casual cultivators are all in danger, and many people do things without knowing the bottom line. People are killed and robbed every day in Pegasus. This is very normal.

Li Shuanglin solved several big gangs and stabilized the order in the central area, but it was impossible for the entire Pegasus group to obey.

This group of casual cultivators stopped for a few days before slowly starting to indulge again.

Gao Xian has something to gain almost every night.

Because the population moved so fast, almost no one knew about the things Gao Xian did.

Even if there are occasional related rumors, no one will take them seriously.

By the end of November, it was getting colder and colder. Those who gathered at Pegasus also left less than half.

The casual cultivators who were left behind to prepare for the winter were hoarding firewood, spiritual rice and other winter supplies.

Lujiaosan and Tianguidan have also become popular items and are selling like hotcakes.

In the past three or four months, the sales of the two elixirs have increased four to five times.

Gao Xian earned almost two thousand spiritual stones and also gained a lot of humanistic spiritual light.

In addition, as a shadowless man, I also earned a thousand spiritual stones here and there, plus the thousand spiritual stones given by Huang Ying, I had all the money to buy the red gold fruit and I was rich.

Including the remaining spiritual stones, he now still has 4,900 spiritual stones in his hand.

Although not as good as in his heyday, Gao Xian still feels at ease.

There are no big expenses for the time being. Daily rent, rice, meat and other expenses plus the salary of a great person, twenty spiritual stones a month are enough.

Food is the biggest expense, because Qiniang will buy some meat from second-level monsters. This is all Qiniang's expense, and he is not needed.

Under normal circumstances, you can have a balance of 300 spiritual stones every month. In addition to the fact that he still had several valuable swords and robes in his hand, he was still quite well off.

In December, it was freezing cold and there were not many pedestrians on the street in broad daylight. At night, there wasn't even a ghost.

Gao Xian no longer goes out for travel, and practices peacefully at home every day.

Without the Red Snake Gang causing trouble, the winter in Pegasus Ji was very quiet, even peaceful.

On New Year's Eve, Gao Xian, Zhu Qiniang and Daniu stayed up together and spent a peaceful and warm New Year.

Gao Xian was also very emotional. One year passed in the blink of an eye. A lot of things happened during this year, and he also gained a lot.

To sum up, in his second year in this world, he has become accustomed to the life here and lives a very fulfilling life.

Take away some of the near-fatal dangers, and it can even be called a pleasant life. He rarely thinks about things and people in his previous life now.

On the first day of the new year, Gao Xian went to Zhou's house to pay New Year's greetings and brought several free gifts, mainly desserts and wine.

In front of Zhou Ye, Gao Xian and Zhou Yuling could not act affectionately, but they could talk and chat normally.

The old man Zhou Ye stared at him with his eyes closed, his expression a bit complicated.

In the summer, Zhou Yuling went to see Gao Xian every day. At that time, he didn't get things done, felt guilty, and was too embarrassed to stop him.

Now that Zhou Yuling and Gao Xian were talking intimately, although he felt uncomfortable, it was hard to say anything.

At Zhou Yuling's warm invitation, Gao Xian had lunch at Zhou's house.

After lunch, Zhou Ye could only say that he was going to take a nap under his daughter's constant glances, leaving Gao Xian and Zhou Yuling talking in the main hall.

Gao Xian prefers to go to Zhou Yuling's bedroom, where the environment is private and you can kiss and hug her.

While we were talking in the main hall, the old man was listening with pricked ears next door. He couldn't do anything, even sweet words.

Gao Xian and Zhou Yuling chatted about the current situation for a while. He took out a sword from the storage compartment of Qinglian's belt and gave it to Zhou Yuling, "New Year's gift."

"Ah? There are also gifts..."

Zhou Yuling was a little surprised, but then her face was full of joy. She didn't care what the gift was, but she was mainly moved by Gao Xian's concern for her.

Zhou Yuling looked at the long sword, the shark skin scabbard, and the cyan jade hilt. The three-foot long sword looked very delicate and beautiful.

Pulling the sword out of its sheath, the green blade is as pure and clear as a stream of spring water.

"The Blue Water Sword suits you very well."

Gao Xian has had this blue water sword for some time, and asked Qiniang to identify it. It should be a first-class high-grade sword, and it is worth seven to eight hundred spirit stones.

He kept it specially to find an opportunity to give it to Zhou Yuling.

It's a pity that Zhou Yuling has been busy practicing and never came to see him again.

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, so I gave it to Zhou Yuling to make her happy.

Zhou Yuling likes this blue water sword very much, and she can also see that this sword is very expensive.

However, she is not afraid of the things Gao Xian gave her, no matter how expensive they are. Based on their relationship, these external objects are nothing.

Zhou Yuling leaned over and kissed Gao Xian gently on the cheek. Her bright eyes were full of joy. She whispered in Gao Xian's ear: "I have you in my heart, and my love for you is not in vain."

Gao Xian pointed to his heart, which meant that he had always kept Zhou Yuling in his heart.

The two got closer and closer, and the atmosphere gradually became intimate and ambiguous.

The old man in the bedroom coughed twice at an inappropriate time, which made Gao Xian and Zhou Yuling, who were a little emotional, wake up.

Gao Xian also felt a little embarrassed. The old man was in the way, but it was indeed rude to be too intimate in front of his father.

When Zhou Ye came out, Gao Xian stood up and left.

When Zhou Ye was sending Gao Xian out, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. He looked at Gao Xian's face carefully and said, "Nephew, I see that the Qiyintang is dark. It must be that something unclean has been provoked..."

Gao Xian was a little disapproving, he smiled and said: "No way, I practice the True Yang Spear that Uncle Zhou taught me day and night, how can it attract evil spirits."

Zhou Ye looked at Gao Xian carefully again, but found that the evil spirit between Gao Xian's eyebrows was gone again.

Could it be that he is blinded?

Zhou Ye didn't think so. He had spent his whole life working on the Shaoyang Talisman and was most sensitive to evil spirits.

He thought for a moment and took out a Nine Sun Talisman from his storage bag and handed it to Gao Xian, "Nephew, take this Nine Sun Talisman. Even if there are no evil spirits, it is good to keep it for self-defense."

"I dare not refuse the gift given by the elders. Thank you, Uncle Zhou."

Gao Xian didn't refuse anymore. Indeed, the Nine Yang Talisman was very useful in dealing with evil spirits.

In particular, the Nine Yang Talisman and the evil spirit are innately restrained. As long as it is placed on the body, it can restrain the evil spirit very well without the need to deliberately activate it.

After Zhou Ye sent Gao Xian away, he returned to the room and saw his daughter playing with the blue water sword.

"show me."

Zhou Ye took the Blue Water Sword and flicked it lightly on the sword's spine. The long sword vibrated slightly and emitted a long clear sound. The green light on the blade rippled like water, reflecting the green hair and beard of the person.

"A good sword, a top grade one, worth at least eight hundred spirit stones."

Zhou Ye sighed: "This guy is so generous!"

Even at the ninth level of Qi training, he couldn't bear to buy a sword with eight hundred spirit stones. Gao Xian was actually willing to give it to his daughter.

Zhou Yuling didn't hide it now. She took back the Blue Water Sword and raised her eyebrows proudly, "That's right, the man I picked must be a good man."

Zhou Ye's mood was a bit complicated, feeling lost and at the same time happy for his daughter.

As far as he was concerned, Gao Xian had a really good character, gentle, low-key, polite, and stoic. He can refine elixirs patiently without leaving home.

As far as he knew, Gao Xian never went to Feihuayuan and had no problems with drinking or gambling.

Being young and rich, it is really rare to be able to do this.

She is said to be very close to Zhu Qiniang, but everyone knows that Zhu Qiniang is not a normal woman. It can only be said that the two have a cooperative relationship.

What's more important is that Gao Xian is very talented in alchemy. Just Lujiao San and Tiangui Dan are enough for him to use for a lifetime.

Gao Xian is very willing to spend money on his daughter. Just this is very sincere. The most important thing is that Yuling also likes Gao Xian. The two really match each other.

If it weren't for Nan Zhengxing, this would indeed be a good thing.

During the Chinese New Year, Zhou Ye didn't want to mention that Nan Zhengxing was spoiling his daughter's happiness.

Zhou Ye thought for a moment and said, "I think Gao Xian has been infected with evil spirits again. He doesn't care much about it yet. Remember to remind him. Evil spirits are no joke!"

Zhou Yuling said a little strangely: "Gao Xian doesn't go out, how could he be contaminated with evil spirits?"

"Well, it's hard to say. Evil spirits are the calamity of cultivators. When the calamity comes, they will find you."

Zhou Ye said casually: "Encountering something dirty or killing too many people will attract evil spirits."

Zhou Yuling rolled her eyes: "Gao Xian is as timid as a rabbit, how can he kill someone! Dad, don't talk nonsense!"

"I'm just giving an example."

Zhou Ye thought about Gao Xian, he shook his head and said with a complicated meaning: "Don't underestimate Gao Xian, this person is extraordinary, really extraordinary!"

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