There is a high platform in the lobby of Feihuayuan, which used to be a stage for female monks to display their talents and charm.

Today, Nan Zhengxing's cold body was placed on the high platform.

One of Nan Zhengxing's eyes was punctured, and the remaining eye was wide open. The dilated pupil was filled with indelible horror and fear.

Nan Pingsong stood in front of the corpse with his hands behind his back, his old face as calm as water, without any expression.

Nan Pingsong was short in stature, with gray hair and wrinkles on his face. Even the gorgeous dark blue robe on his body could not conceal his old age.

He just stood there quietly, radiating the aura of divine consciousness that pressed down on everyone's heads like a mountain, making them almost breathless.

Liu Feihua, Zhou Ye, Huang Ying, Zhu Qiniang and others in the lobby all had extremely serious expressions.

Li Shuanglin, the deacon of Pegasus Ji, also had a heavy face. Nan Pingsong's strength made him a little unhappy and also made him feel some pressure.

Nan Pingsong was the elder of the Lianyun Sect and a great foundation-building monk who had lived for almost three hundred years. He personally came to stand up for his great-grandson. This group of cultivators did not dare to treat him lightly.

What's more, the spiritual aura released by this late-stage foundation-building monk completely suppressed all cultivators living in the place. Just this strong and powerful magic power deserves respect!

Gao Xian has the lowest status and can only stand at the back of the crowd. He could actually see Zhou Yuling in front of him, but he didn't dare to look any further.

In front of the foundation-building monk Nan Pingsong, any unnecessary expression or look may reveal his relationship with Zhou Yuling.

Gao Xian was also a little confused. On the surface, he had nothing to do with this matter, so how could he be called here.

He felt a little guilty, so he acted more cautiously, fearing that Nan Pingsong would catch him if he exposed his flaws.

Even if other cultivators were not guilty, they would not dare to be presumptuous in front of Nan Pingsong.

The lobby of Feihuayuan, which used to be filled with lively laughter and debauchery, was now like a mourning hall, and the atmosphere was extremely cold and depressing.

Nan Pingsong, the elder who taught the technique, stared at the corpse for a long time, then turned to everyone and said, "I'm sorry for delaying everyone's time because of this child's matter."

Nan Pingsong's words were polite, but his old eyes were as cold and sharp as swords. The cultivators who were swept by his gaze were shuddered in their hearts, and their expressions became more solemn and respectful.

Gao Xian lowered his head and lowered his eyes, pretending to be obedient and honest.

"Although my great-grandson is useless, he is still my direct bloodline and the true successor of the sect. He was killed, and I have to get to the bottom of the matter and avenge him..."

Nan Pingsong said in a slow tone unique to the elderly: "You are all important figures in Pegasus. I invite you to come over and be a witness."

Liu Feihua's face was pale. Nan Zhengxing died in Feihuayuan and the murderer disappeared. She naturally had to bear all the responsibilities.

Especially when Nan Pingsong came over in person and gathered everyone to form a huge formation. Could it be that he wanted to kill her in public to establish his authority?

The Hehuan Sect's power spreads all over Jiuzhou, and it is said to be thousands of times stronger than the Lianyun Sect.

Just in a small place like Pegasus, a single foundation-building monk is enough to destroy Feihuayuan. No matter how strong the Hehuan Sect is, they may not stand up for a disciple from outside the sect like her.

Nan Pingsong did not look at Liu Feihua. There were so many people present who could be the murderer, but Liu Feihua could not be the murderer.

Even if Liu Feihua wanted to kill his great-grandson, he couldn't do it at home.

Nan Pingsong raised his voice and said, "Come on, set up a soul summoning array."

As an elder who teaches his skills in a dignified manner, he naturally has many disciples following him. After giving the order, the disciples and followers began to arrange the magic circle.

Incense burners, flags, candles, gourds and other utensils were arranged, and many complex runes were drawn on the high platform. Finally, seven middle-grade spiritual stones were inlaid in various places in the magic circle.

It was the first time for Gao Xian to see people setting up formations with his own eyes. He was dazzled but could not understand anything.

As the magic circle was completed, the brightly lit lobby immediately darkened, and a sinister wind roared from nowhere, like a ghost's cry.

Gao Xian's whole body was as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cave. Looking at the others, they all turned blue, and they were obviously not feeling well.

He vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he did not summon Sister Lan.

The main reason is that he is not afraid in his heart. Even if Nan Pingsong can really summon Nan Zhengxing's soul, it will not be related to him!

Because of this kind of self-confidence, Gao Xian remained calm even though he felt very bad.

Everyone else had different expressions, but most of them remained calm. After all, they had nothing to do with it.

Nan Pingsong, the great monk who established the foundation, had a panoramic view of all the subtle expressions and eyes of everyone present.

The array he deployed this time was not only a soul-calling array, but also contained a soul-destroying array, which was enough to frighten the souls of many Qi practitioners and make them reveal their truest emotions.

If you really have a ghost in your heart, you will definitely show up strangely under the shock of the magic circle!

Even Li Shuanglin, who is building the foundation, will inevitably be frightened by the magic circle without preparation, and some clues will be exposed.

Nan Pingsong didn't find anything unusual. He was a little disappointed and relieved. It seemed that this matter had nothing to do with the people in front of him.

From this point of view, it is really surprising.

Nan Pingsong stepped forward holding a soul-calling flag and chanted a seal. In the lobby, masses of black energy surged out of thin air, and the sinister wind became stronger.

A ball of green light slowly condensed in the surging black air. The green light was like a broken mirror, reflecting blurry pictures.

Finally, the face of a ferocious woman appeared on the green light and solidified.

Many cultivators also understood that this must be Nan Zhengxing's last obsession before his death, which was clearly revealed under the spiritualism.

Obviously, this woman must be the murderer of Nan Zhengxing!

After a pause, the green light slowly dissipated, and the ferocious woman's face also disappeared.

Nan Pingsong flicked his sleeves, all the dark wind and black air dissipated, and the lobby became brighter.

He looked at Liu Feihua and said, "Do you know the woman who appeared last?"

Liu Feihua sighed and said, "I know her. She calls herself Hong Gu, a fifth-level qi practitioner. I saw that she was decent and seductive, so I took her in at Feihua Courtyard. I didn't expect that she would dare to murder Mr. Nan. ,well……"

Liu Feihua was really about to cry. Nan Zhengxing died in her Feihua Courtyard. Now that the murderer was confirmed to be hers, she couldn't shirk responsibility no matter what.

Nan Pingsong ignored Liu Feihua and said to everyone: "Everyone has seen the murderer's face, please help pay attention to it. If you can catch this woman, I will be very grateful."

"Teacher, don't worry, we will do our best."

"This woman is so courageous, we will cooperate fully to arrest her!"

Zhou Ye, Huang Ying, Liquor Shopkeeper Lao Li and others expressed their opinions one after another, and the lobby suddenly became lively.

Li Shuanglin also solemnly said: "Elder Nan, I will focus on having this woman tracked down."

Nan Pingsong knew that these people were just talking about giving face to him, a great foundation-building monk.

Although Pegasus is not big, Tengshe Mountain is very big. As long as this woman burrows into the mountain, it will be difficult to find the traces of the Nascent Soul Lord even if she comes.

He nodded and said: "You all took the trouble to come here to help. It's so hard for you. I'm very grateful..."

Nan Pingsong said a few polite words and then said: "This child died here, and it will be difficult to arrange the funeral arrangements. I won't bother you. You can go back first."

After hearing this, everyone was very happy, and no one wanted to stay in this unfortunate place.

A group of cultivators said a few polite words and then left one after another.

Others could leave, but Zhou Ye, as a direct disciple of Nan Pingsong, had to stay and help the teacher with the chores.

When Liu Feihua saw that the outsiders were gone, she hurriedly came to Nan Pingsong's side.

Before Liu Feihua could say anything, Nan Pingsong knew what she was going to do. The old man said calmly: "Fellow Daoist Liu, let's talk inside."

Nan Pingsong and Liu Feihua went to the inner room and chatted for a long time before Liu Feihua left with a tired look on his face!

Zhou Yuling could see clearly from the sidelines.

It is an open secret that Nan Pingsong is greedy for money. Liu Feihua wanted to be safe and could only spend money to eliminate disasters.

Zhou Yuling was just a little curious, wondering how many spiritual stones this master wanted, which made Liu Feihua, a wealthy man, look like his body had been hollowed out.

After dealing with Liu Feihua, Nan Pingsong called Zhou Ye into the room.

He casually ordered: "After you cremate Zhengxing, just find a place to spread the ashes."

Zhou Ye was stunned. Even the poor wanted to bury deep graves and erect monuments. Nan Zhengxing was a direct descendant of the Nan family. It was too hasty to deal with it like this.

Nan Pingsong said calmly: "The soul is dead and the body is just a piece of rotten flesh. He died violently again, so we just disposed of him casually."

"Yes, teacher." Zhou Ye didn't expect the teacher to be so open-minded and immediately nodded in agreement.

"That Gao Xian,"

Nan Pingsong said: "I see that he is calm and calm, and his behavior is generous. He is quite a city man. He is also talented in alchemy..."

Nan Pingsong knew that the deer horn powder and Tiangui Dan refined by Gao Xian were very special, and he benefited deeply from them.

This time when he saw Gao Xian in person, he realized that Gao Xian actually had great potential.

Zhou Ye was a little confused so he glanced at the teacher. He didn't know why the teacher suddenly mentioned Gao Xian.

He felt a little guilty. Did the teacher see that Gao Xian and Linger were having an affair?

Nan Pingsong didn't pay attention to Zhou Ye, he pondered for a moment and said: "I owe him a bit about the "Great Five Elements Gong" thing last time.

"In this way, I will give him the identity of an outer deacon. With this identity, if Gao Xian wants to build a foundation, he can just go to the Shanggong Hall to accumulate good deeds."

Zhou Ye was greatly surprised. The teacher was optimistic about Gao Xian and was willing to give him some benefits in advance. This was not easy.

Although the outer deacon only has a name and does not have any power or resources, he can still be regarded as one of the Lianyun Sect's own.

With this status, you can enjoy the Lianyun Sect's secret methods, elixirs and other resources. This is a great thing for Gao Xian.

"The teacher is kind-hearted and supports the junior so much. He is really a blessing to that boy! I thank the teacher for that boy."

Zhou Ye beamed with joy, because he couldn't hold his head high in front of Gao Xian because of the secret method of foundation building.

This time, he finally had an explanation!

Let’s update it in the morning, at 9:10 o’clock~ I’ll try to update it in the morning if there is a third update~

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