"Qiniang, Nan Pingsong wants to give me the identity of the outer deacon."

Gao Xian was a little uneasy and said, "Don't you want to play some tricks, old man?"

He indirectly killed Nan Zhengxing and was very wary of Nan Pingsong.

Furthermore, he felt that the old man was too greedy for money and was difficult to deal with. How could he give him benefits for no reason?

Therefore, when he heard Zhou Ye say this, he did not appear very happy, but it made Zhou Ye a little unhappy, and he had a cold face when he left.

Zhu Qiniang thought for a moment and said: "The identity of the outer sect's deacon is quite useful. With this identity, you can accumulate good deeds and obtain the secrets of the five elements.

"I guess Nan Pingsong saw your extraordinary charm and thought you had a great future, so he was willing to invest some money in you."

She said: "Don't let this benefit go to waste."

Gao Xian had some doubts: "Will the outer deacons be forcibly sent to do things?"

"Just show your identity. Besides, if you want the sect's secret method, but you don't want to do things for the sect, how can that be a good thing?"

Zhu Qiniang shook her head and said: "Who is Nan Pingsong? You must continue the benefits he gives you. We cannot afford to offend him."

"Well, it's a good thing anyway."

Gao Xian nodded. He didn't think it was a bad thing, but he had a guilty conscience and would inevitably overthink it.

Zhu Qiniang knew what Gao Xian was worried about, so she comforted him: "If the old man really finds something, he'll do it directly. There's no need to do so many tricks. Just don't worry."


Gao Xian sighed softly, "I'm such a good person. If I do something bad, I'll feel guilty."

Zhu Qiniang glanced at Gao Xian. She didn't see any guilt on Gao Xian's face. She was a little uneasy, but only a little bit.

Gao Xian himself felt it was a bit pretentious. He rolled his eyes and said, "The night is just right, perfect for dual cultivation. Come on!"

Without allowing Zhu Qiniang to speak, Gao Xian pounced on him.

Nan Pingsong left on the same day, which also made many late Qi practitioners in Pegasus Ji feel relieved.

Gao Xian passed the test easily and was in a good mood. The only problem was that in order to avoid suspicion, he didn't dare to go play with Zhou Yuling anymore, so he stayed at home every day without leaving the house.

Fortunately, Qiniang is with him. Although Qiniang is a cold and arrogant royal sister, not as cute and fun as Yuling, Qiniang has long legs, who can bear this.

On the twenty-seventh day of February, Gao Xian finally accumulated enough human aura. He took out the Fengyue Baojian in a ritualistic manner and raised the Da Ou Divine Technique to the state of master perfection.

Gao Xian's mind was shaken violently, and a golden light wheel rose from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness like a blazing sun.

The golden light illuminated the sea of ​​consciousness, and Gao Xian felt as if he was completely melted by the golden light. Sister Lan beside him turned into a ball of spiritual light and merged with him.

Gao Xian felt that his consciousness was constantly expanding outwards. His consciousness passed by Qiniang next door and Da Niu in the west wing, and continued to the outside.

Soon Zhou Yuling appeared in his consciousness. Zhou Yuling was sitting in meditation and did not notice his consciousness.

Zhou Ye, who was making talismans, also appeared in his consciousness. The old man frowned, his eyes focused, and he was carefully drawing runes with a special talisman pen.

Zhou Ye, who was at the ninth level of Qi training, also failed to sense his consciousness.

Gao Xian's consciousness continued to expand outwards, and did not stop until it reached a distance of one hundred and fifty steps.

This one hundred and fifty steps is the radius distance centered on him. Within this range, he was like opening a panoramic map and could sense all the subtle changes in this area.

The same goes for upwards, he can sense the flow of spiritual energy in the sky above.

When his consciousness went down, it was blocked by the thick ground. Once the body is buried within three feet, the consciousness cannot continue downward.

Even so, Gao Xian could easily sense that the weeds on the ground were quietly taking root and sprouting, glowing with tiny but agile vitality.

In an instant, Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness grasped all the changes within a radius of 150 steps. He felt like a god, seemingly omnipotent!

The consciousness that had expanded to the limit quickly contracted again, and Gao Xian saw the Temple of Hearts shattering and disintegrating in the golden light, and then quickly reorganized in the golden light.

It was reorganized into the Temple of Heart and Soul, which was more grand and gorgeous, and had more of a real texture.

His own telepathic projection and Sister Lan also appeared in the telepathic temple.

The golden light dissipated, the vision disappeared, and everything returned to normal.

Gao Xian opened his eyes and looked at the Feng Yue Baojian in his hand again, and saw that the annotation on the Da Ou Divine Law had changed.

Da Ou Divine Method: The heart is felt in the middle, and the spirit descends to the outside. High and low connect together, and the two Qi become gods evenly. Powerful supernatural powers. (20000/20000 Grandmaster Perfection)

The original explanation was that it had great supernatural powers, but now it has become powerful.

The most specific and direct benefit is that life span is directly increased by fifty years.

This also increased his lifespan to one hundred and ninety-five years, which was far beyond the limit of a Qi practitioner.

This shows how powerful Da Ou’s magic is!

The most direct change is that his spiritual power has increased a lot.

Originally, the sensing radius of his spiritual consciousness was fifteen feet, which is sixty steps, but now it has expanded to one hundred and fifty steps, more than doubled.

This is a full-area sensing state. One-way sensing can extend the sensing distance of the spiritual consciousness to 330 steps.

As far as Gao Xian knew, the spiritual consciousness sensing range of the cultivator who had just established the foundation was only a hundred steps, and his one hundred and fifty steps had already exceeded this limit.

For cultivators, the soul is the foundation, and the consciousness is the power released by the soul.

Only with strong spiritual consciousness can one absorb spiritual energy better and control mana better.

The sensing distance of spiritual consciousness is the limit distance at which the cultivator can exert his power.

Two steps are one foot, and one hundred and fifty steps is seventy-five feet.

Converted to the units Gao Xian was familiar with, it was two hundred and twenty-five meters. The limit distance of spiritual consciousness in one direction is five hundred meters, a distance of one mile.

The limit of divine sense induction is 500 meters, and it can easily penetrate material obstacles such as buildings and trees.

Within this distance, Gao Xian can control spells and magic weapons to attack enemies.

This spiritual advantage will be infinitely magnified at the combat level.

It was like the opponent was holding a three-foot-long sword, but Gao Xian was holding a forty-meter-long sword. The opponent was hacked to death by the broadsword before he even got close.

This is the benefit of powerful spiritual consciousness.

In actual combat, the power of spells and magic weapons will decrease with distance.

His consciousness can reach 500 meters away, but it is unlikely that he can kill someone from 500 meters away. Unless you're killing ordinary mortals.

That's it, with his current spiritual power, he is enough to crush 99% of Qi practitioners.

Even against a foundation-building cultivator. Well, this needs to be tested with caution.

At the level of cultivation, powerful spiritual consciousness can control and operate magic power in a more subtle way, and control the body and spirit in a more subtle way.

For the same mana, if the consciousness is more powerful, it can operate more efficiently and accurately, and the output can be more efficient.

Not only that, after Da Ou Divine Magic reached the level of Grand Master, Gao Xian felt that his thinking had become more active and his thinking efficiency had greatly improved. Spells that used to be difficult to understand can now be understood at a glance.

For example, Gao Xian was originally confused and didn't know how to get the Geng Gold Sword and Shield, which was extremely complicated. But now that he thought about it, the spell seemed to have become simpler.

To put it in another intuitive way, intelligence has improved a lot.

For his future cultivation, this improvement in intelligence will be of great benefit.

Gao Xian's consciousness returned to the Temple of the Heart, and the area of ​​the hall transformed by the projection of the Heart expanded dozens of times.

Gao Xian stood in the center of the hall, exactly one hundred and fifty steps away from the four walls of the hall, which was the limit of his spiritual sense.

Such a spacious hall is suitable for him to practice spells and magic weapons.

After the upgrade of the Heart Aspect Temple this time, Gao Xian also mastered the ability to transform into various ordinary items.

Such as tables, chairs, clothing, food, etc., as long as he has seen it and is familiar with its characteristics, he can simulate it.

Talisman, magic weapon, and elixir cannot simulate transformation.

Gao Xian guessed that the magical weapons and talismans contained spiritual energy, and his Heart Vision Temple could not simulate its characteristics.

Gao Xian thought, and he already had a Green Lotus Sword in his hand.

This is just a sword transformed from the Temple of Heart. It is exactly the same as the Green Lotus Sword in terms of weight and length, but it does not have the blessing runes and does not have the spirituality of the Green Lotus Sword.

For Gao Xian, simulation to this level is enough for him to practice swordsmanship.

In the future, he can practice swordsmanship and Iron Dragon Hands in the Temple of Heart, and the results of his practice will be fed back to the reality level simultaneously.

The biggest benefit after upgrading the Heart Aspect Temple is that he can adjust his physical condition at any time.

In the past, mental projection was the same as the main body, and practicing spells would consume mana. When the mana is gone, it can only be restored slowly.

Now you can adjust it at will and always maintain full mana.

It is equivalent to a free training ground, where you can practice spells and swordsmanship without restrictions.

This kind of cultivation will feed back to the reality level, constantly improving Gao Xian's cultivation.

From this point of view, the upgrade of the Heart Aspect Temple is also extremely important.

Of course, practicing in the Temple of Heart also consumes spiritual consciousness, so it is not really unlimited.

A person's energy is limited, and it is impossible to devote all day to practice.

This change in the Heart Aspect Temple greatly improved his cultivation efficiency.

Especially those spells and sword skills that cannot be added points can be quickly improved through the Temple of Heart.

With the Temple of Heart, Gao Xian can explore his own limits and the limits of magic in various ways, greatly expanding the boundaries of his power.

After Gao Xian experienced the changes in the Xinxiang Temple, he was extremely satisfied with the effect of the upgraded magic.

He has no sect, no famous teachers, and few resources. He has to rely on himself for everything.

Fortunately, Fengyue Baojian allowed him to gain a foothold in this world.

However, these are not enough.

Gao Xian knew very well that at the level of spiritual consciousness, he might be comparable to those who were major cultivators in the early stages of foundation building, but he was far behind in other aspects.

The Shadowless Dharma Clothes, the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire, and the Flower Appreciating Spiritual Mirror are all techniques used to deal with emergencies. It is a specific and subtle technique.

The electro-photovoltaic dragon hand and the magic method of the great puppet are all used. Used to control various techniques.

The Great Five Elements Kung Fu is the Tao, the foundation that carries the Dharma and techniques.

Laws and techniques can, in turn, protect the Tao.

The Temple of Heart and Soul can only allow him to take shortcuts in the arts and techniques, but the practice of the Five Elements Kung Fu still requires him to move forward step by step.

As a practitioner, you must clarify the priorities and understand the fundamentals, so as not to put the cart before the horse.

This is the basic principle of cultivation that Gao Xian realized in this world.

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