The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 115 Seven Evil Souls (Third update! Everyone knows!)

"Qiniang, try this pill."

Zhu Qiniang came back in the evening, and Gao Xian couldn't wait to drag her to test the efficacy of the medicine.

Zhu Qiniang was a little confused, "What kind of pill is this?"

She held it in her hand and used her identification skills to look at it again and again. The medicinal properties inside the elixir were condensed, and she could only roughly tell that it came from the same source as Tiangui Dan.

I can't tell the more specific situation.

"My newly refined Tiangui Spiritual Pill. It is most suitable for you!"

When Gao Xian saw that Zhu Qiniang still refused to eat, he grabbed the pill and stuffed it into Zhu Qiniang's mouth, "Eat it quickly, I can still hurt you."

After swallowing the elixir, Zhu Qiniang felt a warm current quickly sweep through her body, penetrating into her internal organs, limbs and bones...

Her alienated body, her bones and internal organs were condensed like wood. Although it has improved somewhat in the past two years, the skin, muscles, qi and blood are revitalized, but the bones and internal organs are still stubborn and hard.

This time, the power of the medicine penetrated directly into her organs, causing her organs, qi, and blood to circulate vigorously.

Zhu Qiniang was a little surprised. One pill had such an effect. Long-term use would definitely solve the problem of her body's alienation.

Seeing Zhu Qiniang open her eyes, Gao Xian asked expectantly: "How is it?"

"good, very good."

Zhu Qiniang pondered for a moment and gave a particularly high evaluation of the elixir.

Gao Xian had actually faintly sensed the subtle changes in Zhu Qiniang's body with the help of his powerful spiritual consciousness blessed by the Great Ou Divine Law.

It's just that Zhu Qiniang needs to tell her about the specific situation.

Hearing Qiniang say this, Gao Xian was completely relieved, "As long as it's useful, it's not worth my trouble."

Zhu Qiniang looked straight at Gao Xian. She was also in a very excited mood, but she didn't like to talk much, let alone express her emotions in words.

Gao Xian was not good at dealing with this situation either. He simply hugged Zhu Qiniang and said with a smile, "That's great. When you are well, we can have fun together! Hehe..."

Zhu Qiniang was originally full of words and didn't know what to say, but now she couldn't help but smile on her face. She said softly: "When I get well, I will naturally accompany you."

"Then it's agreed, don't go back on your word when the time comes."

Gao Xian became excited and tapped Qiniang's heart: "We keep our word, you must keep it in mind."

He learned this move from Zhou Yuling.

Zhu Qiniang was a little shy but said very seriously: "It's a deal."

"Empty words are not supported by evidence, but words are used as evidence."

Gao Xian was originally just joking, but when he saw Qiniang actually looking for pen and paper, he hurriedly grabbed Qiniang. This girl was too was just a joke!

Chatting with Qiniang is not as good as practicing dual cultivation with Qiniang, that way we can communicate better.

After practicing the Yin and Yang Chakra once, Gao Xian muttered in his heart: "It seems a little softer and more tender..."

The next day, Gao Xian took ten Tiangui Spirit Pills to find Zhou Yuling.

Although Qiniang is a close comrade-in-arms, Zhou Yuling is his little lover, so she cannot let go of good things.

We should pay attention to fairness when doing things. Since we have two boats, we must step on both boats firmly.

The Mingyu Jue practiced by Zhou Yuling emphasizes that the body is like Mingyu, both internally and externally. This extremely pure cultivation technique also made Zhou Yuling's internal organs solidify into a ball. Although this made her magically powerful, it also inevitably caused physical alienation.

Her body's alienation stems from her own cultivation, which is very different from Qiniang's alienation due to external objects, and it is within the controllable range.

Just the physical alienation inevitably affected Zhou Yuling's physical condition and made her cultivation progress slower and slower.

Tiangui Lingdan can channelize and adjust the Yuan Yin energy, which is also very suitable for Zhou Yuling.

Sure enough, after Zhou Yuling took Tiangui Lingdan, her whole face was radiant.

Her skin was originally as smooth and fair as porcelain, but now it was a little more gentle and soft, like mutton fat and jade.

Zhou Yuling was very excited. She put her arms around Gao Xian's neck and asked with wide eyes, "What kind of elixir is this? It's so wonderful, it's especially suitable for me!"

"The Tiangui Spiritual Pill I refined specifically for you."

After all, Gao Xian has two lifetimes of experience. He can tell lies without blinking an eye, and his face is full of sincerity.

"Good brother!"

Zhou Yuling didn't think so much. Tiangui Spiritual Pill can help her reconcile Yuan Yin Qi, which is very useful for her cultivation.

She was so happy that she hugged Gao Xian and offered him a kiss to express her gratitude.

Compared to the dull Qiniang, Zhou Yuling is much smarter and smarter. When she was in a good mood, she immediately transformed into a charming little fairy, coaxing Gao Xian so much that he didn't even know what was going on.

It wasn't until Zhou Ye came back from the front hall that Gao Xian had to leave.

Back home, Gao Xian sat on the bed and couldn't help but reminisce about the delicious little goblin.

It's a pity that Old Zhou is a little in the way.

Gao Xian thought for a while and felt that he was a little degenerate. If he didn't use his good time to practice, how could he be addicted to women.

The problem is that Zhou Yuling is so charming, sweet and spicy, it would be too abnormal for him not to be addicted to her.

Life is not just for fun.

Cultivation is a means, and even immortality is not the ultimate goal.

Living as a turtle for tens of thousands of years is not as rich and interesting as living as a human being for hundreds of years.

To live forever, it is worthwhile to live interestingly.

From a literary point of view, life is not only about length, but also about brilliance, rightness and thickness.

Gao Xian has a clear positioning of himself as an ordinary but not very confident man, so he never has high demands on himself.

When you are working, you will fish for fish, and when you are resting, you will be thinking about work. You will neither occupy nor let go. This is inevitable.

Gao Xian wanted to be free and not worry about it anymore.

May passed peacefully, and in June, Pegasus began to get hotter and hotter.

Gao Xian also wants to use spiritual stones to activate the alchemy furnace. He is now a first-level alchemy master. Using spiritual stones allows him to better control the alchemy furnace and refine the elixirs with higher quality.

The level of low-level elixirs such as Guyuan Dan and Bailu Dan he refined was obviously one level higher.

Not to mention Lujiao San and Tiangui Dan, Gao Xian could refine the best elixirs with his eyes closed.

Daniel has been following him for two years, and his alchemy skills have greatly improved. Although he is still unable to make alchemy independently, he can help him share 70% to 80% of the work. This also saved Gao Xian a lot of time.

Only when refining Tiangui Spiritual Pill, he needs to watch the whole process without any negligence.

The refining of Tiangui Spirit Pill is complicated, and only dozens of pills can be made in one furnace. Fortunately, it was only for Qiniang and Zhou Yuling, so he could still supply it.

In terms of cultivation, with the help of Tianyi Zhenshui, the entry is very smooth.

Gao Xian felt that most of this was due to the Da Ou Divine Technique. This secret technique had risen to the state of master perfection, allowing him to think sharper and reach a new level of aura, induction, breathing, and transformation.

According to this cultivation speed, it will take another three months to reach the sixth level of Qi training.

Gao Xian is quite satisfied with this progress. Thinking about it, with the blessing of Da Ou's magic, it shouldn't be too difficult to achieve foundation building.

The problem is that he doesn't have the foundation building secret method yet, which is a bit troublesome.

Nan Pingsong gave him the identity of the outer deacon, but it was not that easy to obtain the foundation-building secret.

For the time being, he still needs to hold Lian Yunzong's thigh tightly.

On this day, Gao Xian finished all his homework and came to Yang Qiying's house as a habit.

The distance between the two families is only a hundred steps, so it is very convenient to travel between them. Gao Xian came to Yang's house almost every night, and spent most of his time watching the couple practice.

Moreover, the two maids Xuemei and Hongmei often accompany her to practice double cultivation together.

The two maids were regarded as Yang Qiying's furnace, and they often asked Yang Qiying to replenish his energy.

However, the two maids were completely devoted to Yang Qiying. Yang Qiying would not avoid the two maids no matter what bad things happened. They were like a nest of snakes and rats, and none of them was good.

There are no good people, but the scene of the four people fighting was quite lively and beautiful.

The secret method of their double cultivation is quite exquisite. Gao Xian learned the postures after watching it many times, but he could not learn the inner breathing, breathing, resting and other methods.

Well, his main purpose is to be a companion...

"I found that Wan Yingying is a born soul of the Seven Evils, and is very suitable to be the main soul of the Yin Evil Banner."

After the couple finished practicing, Su Yue suddenly said something.

Yang Qiying was a little surprised: "Are you sure?"

Su Yue nodded: "I checked several times and secretly took some of her blood for testing. It is indeed the soul of Qisha."

"Wan Yingying is too young. Although she has already developed a sense of anger, she is afraid that she will not be able to survive the torture of her soul by the Yin Fire."

Yang Qiying shook his head slightly. The Yinsha Flag was originally a high-level magic weapon, and it was difficult for him to control it satisfactorily with his cultivation level.

Not to mention introducing a fragile soul for refining. This process is complicated and dangerous. The little girl's soul is fragile and it is easy for her soul to fly away during the refining process.

"Try to be afraid of something. If it becomes the Yin Evil Flag, its power will be greatly increased, and it will be enough to compete with a foundation-building major cultivator."

Su Yue sneered: "Don't you think the little girl is cute and you can't bear to let her go?"

"Why are you so reluctant to give up? In order to refine the Yin Evil Flag, I killed forty-nine pure girls with you. This also attracted evil spirits and almost killed me."

Yang Qiying said unhappily: "We are husband and wife, why are you talking about this?"

Su Yue also realized that her attitude was a bit wrong, and hurriedly said softly: "I was just joking, but you still took it seriously."

She changed the topic and said: "I think that Zhou Yuling is pure and honest, and has not been touched by anyone. I will help you take her in when I find an opportunity. It will definitely make your cultivation improve greatly."

"She and Gao Xian are so close, yet they haven't slept together yet?" Yang Qiying was a little surprised.

"I'm not wrong. What Zhou Yuling practices should be a special secret method. She can't be with a man before building the foundation, so as not to damage her cultivation."

Su Yue smiled and said: "This is very advantageous for you!"

Yang Qiying said angrily: "I haven't gotten it yet. How can I say it's cheap or not?"

"Didn't we all agree to start in September? It only takes three months. Don't be anxious..." Su Yue said casually.

Gao Xian, who was standing opposite the bed, was moved when he heard this. Although he often came to visit at night, this was the first time he heard such a specific time for action.

As for what the other party said about Zhou Yuling and Wan Yingying, Gao Xian was actually very angry.

This couple looked at such a talented person, but their thoughts were so vicious.

Killing these two people is easy, but it's not time yet. Just let them chatter for a while.

Gao Xian listened for a while and saw the two rolling together, so he didn't want to look anymore.

After he quietly walked through the wall and left the Yang family, he thought about it and went to the Wan family again.

Gao Xian didn't know much and didn't quite understand what Qisha soul was. I think it should be some kind of special soul.

From the outside, Wan Yingying is smart, lively, very cute, and has nothing special about her.

Gao Xian was also a little curious after being told by Su Yue that he couldn't help coming over to see the cute little girl.

Wan Zhen's father and daughter were different from Yang Qiying and his wife. Naturally, Gao Xian couldn't just enter other people's rooms. He just stood in the yard and listened through the window, and it happened that the father and daughter were chatting.

"Dad, I always think Aunt Su is a bit scary." Wan Yingying said softly.

Wan Zhen disagreed: "Fellow Daoist Su is gentle and generous, what's wrong with that! Then tell me, who is not scary?"

"Sister Yuling is very good, and brother Gao Xian is also very good..."

"Where's the good?"

"They both looked close to each other."

Wan Yingying thought for a moment and then added: "Brother Gao Xian is so handsome!"

Gao Xian outside the window couldn't help but nod. He silently praised Wan Yingying in his heart: "Good boy, discerning! With these words, brother, I guarantee you will be fine!"

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