The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 116 The Awakening of the Cultivator

"Seven Evil Souls?"

When Zhu Qiniang heard Gao Xian talking about Wan Yingying, she pondered and said: "This should be the saying of the Qisha Sect. The Qisha Sect likes to divide people's souls into several levels. The Qisha Soul is the highest level..."

Lianyun Sect has two neighbors to the east, the Qisha Sect and the Chiyan Sect.

Zhu Qiniang has been engaged in the medicinal materials business all year round, and inevitably interacts with various people. She also knows a little about the situation of Qisha Sect and Chiyan Sect.

She pondered for a moment and said: "The Yin Sha Flag is also a sinister magic weapon of the Qi Sha Sect, which is very powerful. According to this statement, Yang Qiying and Su Yue must be from the Qi Sha Sect."

Everyone knows that there are other sects behind the Red Snake Gang, but no one can tell clearly which sect it is.

At least Zhu Qiniang has no access to this information.

Through the dialogue between Yang Qiying and Su Yong, Zhu Qiniang was able to accurately judge the identities of the two.

"The Qisha Sect has a ruthless style of doing things. They plan to take action in September. The Pegasus Collection will probably be over."

Zhu Qiniang knew the Qisha Sect's style, and she looked a little worried.

Pegasus Ji is very important to her and Gao Xian, it can be said to be their foundation.

Whether it is selling medicinal materials, elixirs, or connections, and many other channel resources, they are all built around Pegasus Ji. Some of the Zhu family's connections were also borrowed.

It was easy to leave Pegasus Ji, but in another place, she and Gao Xian were not even qualified to sell elixirs.

Gao Xian couldn't help but sigh. He thought for a moment and asked, "It's impossible that the leader of the Lianyun Sect knows nothing, so he doesn't have any countermeasures?"

"Yun Taihao? It is said that this real person in the middle stage of Jindan is headstrong, and he does everything arbitrarily in the affairs of the sect."

Zhu Qiniang shook her head. She knew nothing about this Jin Dan master and had only heard some anecdotes about him.

As for Yun Taihao's more specific situation, she, as an outer disciple, cannot know.

"Now no one knows what the sect thinks of Pegasus, let alone how the sect will respond."

Zhu Qiniang said: "Big changes are coming, we should prepare for contingency in advance."

"They said they would start in September, so they still have at least a few months to prepare."

Gao Xian said: "Let's prepare two hidden shelters first, find two houses on the outermost edge, and dig a tunnel to connect to the mountain. In order to be hidden, it is best to prepare a magic circle to block the magic aura?"

Gao Xian was not familiar with this aspect, so he could only make a suggestion. The specific implementation would depend on Zhu Qiniang's arrangements.

Zhu Qiniang nodded. Gao Xian had the same idea as her.

They can't give up on Pegasus Ji until there is a clear result. Preparing a shelter is a great idea.

"The magic circle is more troublesome. It's easier to prepare one or two magic weapons to cover the breath."

Zhu Qiniang said: "I will make arrangements first."

Gao Xian said: "I'm going to remind Lao Zhou and ask him to ventilate the sect. We must make preparations for the sect to see if we can save Pegasus."

"The sect will not take us seriously, nor will Pegasus Ji Tai take us seriously."

Zhu Qiniang reminded Gao Xian: "Just let Lao Zhou come forward to get some ventilation. You must not come forward."

"Yes, I know."

After saying this, Gao Xian and Zhu Qiniang felt a little heavy.

Originally, they were living a happy life in Pegasus, but the struggle between Qisha Sect and Lianyun Sect caused huge waves, and they would be destroyed if they were not careful.

The future is gloomy, so Gao Xian and Zhu Qiniang naturally hug each other tightly, which makes them feel closer and more secure.

"I don't know what they are going through!" Gao Xian held Qiniang in his arms. He felt more and more that such a peaceful life was wonderful, and he became more and more disgusted with the uncontrollable fighting.

"There is no pure land in this world. Either you are bullied by others, or you bully others."

Zhu Qiniang thought clearly about this. She said seriously: "You still have to practice hard. It is better to bully others than to be bullied."

"It's not good for everyone to live in peace," Gao Xian said.

He still adheres to the idea of ​​​​the previous life, preferring stability and order, and does not like fighting.

Of course, the exception is food abuse!

"The pot is only so big. If you take one more bite, I will take one less bite. As time goes on, you will become stronger and stronger, and I will become weaker and weaker. I can only let you slaughter me."

Zhu Qiniang completely disagreed with Gao Xian's idea. She said directly: "A cultivator should fight with heaven, earth, and people. If you don't have this fighting spirit, don't be a cultivator."

Gao Xian was shocked. Qiniang's words were simple and direct, but very reasonable. She was simply a thinker!

Indeed, even the spiritual energy of heaven and earth absorbed by cultivators has its owner. If you want to absorb more of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, you have to pay the price.

Not to mention those heaven and earth treasures, magic weapons, secret techniques, every resource needs to be fought for.

Gao Xian felt a little ashamed. He had always had a philistine mentality and just muddle along, which was pretty much it.

In this regard, she is far less enlightened than Zhu Qiniang.

"Qiniang is right, I want to learn from you."

Zhu Qiniang felt that these words were a bit strange. Before she could understand, Gao Xian's words came, "Learn advanced experience from Qiniang..."

The sun and the moon turn around, and it’s July in a blink of an eye.

The sun was shining brightly during the day, making the room feel stuffy. Even if the alchemy furnace is activated using spirit stones, the high temperature emitted by the alchemy furnace itself is difficult to eliminate.

Normally, Gao Xian would take a break in July and August.

Just knowing that Qisha Sect was going to take action in September, Gao Xian didn't dare to rest. He started refining pills every day while there was still time.

For more than a month, the big cow, as strong as an ox, was exhausted and turned black and thin.

The main reason is that the alchemy furnace cannot have a good rest. With such a cycle of day and night, Gao Xian can still find time to practice and rest normally, while Da Niu cannot sleep for more than two or three hours a day.

In this regard, Gao Xian did not dare to shamelessly say that it was Da Niu's blessing. He could only give him more spiritual stones and give him more guidance on alchemy techniques, so that Da Niu's work would not be in vain.

Gao Xian took a break from his busy schedule and even had time to have a private meeting with Zhou Yuling.

He reminded Zhou Yuling to be careful of Yang Qiying and his wife, saying that they were spies from other sects.

Gao Xian also told Zhou Ye about this matter, and he implicitly expressed his concerns about Pegasus Ji.

Presumably Zhou Ye, such a cunning old man, should be able to understand what he meant. As for how Zhou Ye told the sect, Gao Xian had nothing to do with it.

To Gao Xian's dismay, Zhou Ye had nothing to say, and Zhou Yuling didn't know anything either.

Gao Xian was a little confused, not knowing what the powerful guys in Lianyun Sect were planning.

He had no choice but to rent two houses with Qiniang on the edge of Pegasus Ji as planned.

The ancient sect ruins at Qingxia Peak are huge, and there are always casual cultivators who can dig up magical artifacts.

Many casual cultivators gathered in Pegasus, which also caused the housing prices in Pegasus to rise sharply.

Even the two thatched cottages on the edge will cost a sum of spiritual stones.

In order to buy the breath-shielding magic weapon, Gao Xian even sold his silver-scaled sword robe and golden-edged sword.

In fact, he has a shadowless robe, which is enough to cover his own aura. However, Zhu Qiniang will not wear shadowless robes. There are also Zhou Yuling and Zhou Ye who cannot be ignored.

Qiniang had already paid for him to buy Tianyi True Water, and she didn't have many spiritual stones available.

Finally, Qiniang asked someone to buy a first-class high-grade magic weapon called Fuyun Flag from Yunshui Tower in Lianyung City.

A small white pennant flag, when unfolded, is like a cloud, which can cover the spiritual energy, mana and other auras within a few feet in radius.

With the Floating Cloud Flag, if something happened to Pegasus Ji, he and his men would find a nook to squat, at least they would be able to stay out of it and not be implicated.

Gao Xian also felt that things would not be that simple. The Pegasus Collection might not have been important before, but now that there are ancient sect ruins, even the Yun Sect cannot just leave it alone.

But no one would inform him of this kind of upper-level conspiracy. He can only prepare in advance and protect himself.

By August, Gao Xian devoted most of his energy to cultivation.

There are no shortcuts in the Great Five Elements Kung Fu, but with the Tianyi True Water, practicing it is half the effort and several times the effort.

With Tianyi True Water, the cultivation efficiency can be increased three to six times. It’s no wonder Tianyi Zhen Water is so expensive, it’s worth every penny.

When Da Ou Divine Dharma reaches Grandmaster Consummation, it will be even more beneficial to his cultivation.

Whether it is the understanding of the skills or the subtle control of magic power, they have all been greatly improved in all aspects.

Gao Xian has made rapid progress in the Great Five Elements Kung Fu. According to his estimation, it will take less than two months to condense the kidney orifices and reach the sixth level of Qi training.

His cultivation became more and more refined, which also made him more comfortable in controlling spells.

He has practiced the most complicated and exquisite Geng Gold Sword and Shield to the master level.

At this point, the Geng Gold Sword and Shield can truly be instantaneous and unhindered, gathering and dispersing at will.

However, the most powerful spells Gao Xian currently masters are the master-level ice arrows and flame bombs.

These two spells fit perfectly with the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire. When combined, the power of these two spells reaches an incredible level.

For Qi-level cultivators, no one can sustain him in one round of the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire.

In comparison, Geng Jin Sword Shield and Ruyi Jin Suo are not as compatible as each other, and cannot achieve that kind of harmony.

This also caused the Gengjin Sword and Shield to be practiced much slower, and its power was therefore much less powerful.

The compatibility between the yin and yang wheel and the geomagnetic wheel is not very good. After this period of hard training, Gao Xian finally promoted the geomagnetic wheel to the master level.

The speed of the geomagnetic wheel has increased by nearly 50%. According to Gao Xian's estimation, his speed in driving the geomagnetic wheel is not much worse than that of Li Shuanglin.

After more than four months of accumulation, he had accumulated more than 13,000 humane auras.

Pegasus gathered a large number of casual cultivators, and Lujiao San and Tiangui Dan became the best-selling elixirs.

Seeing that September is approaching, Gao Xian doesn't want to wait any longer and must make use of every bit of humanity.

There are many spells that can be directly upgraded using humane aura, but it is not easy to choose which one should be upgraded.

Normally, of course, one needs to upgrade to the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire.

He practiced hard in the Heart Aspect Temple and finally reached the proficiency level in the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire. Investing more than 10,000 human auras is enough to upgrade to mastery, which will definitely increase the power of flame bombs and ice arrows again.

Zhengyang Spear, this powerful divine soul spell also has great potential and is worth upgrading. After this period of practice, he also raised the Zhengyang Spear to a proficient level.

Gao Xian thought twice and chose to upgrade the flower appreciating mirror first.

If the Qisha Sect wants to attack Pegasus Ji, it will inevitably mobilize the foundation-building monks.

No matter how much the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire and the Zhengyang Spear are improved, they will not pose much of a threat to the foundation-building major cultivators.

In such chaos, the important thing is not to kill many people, but to try to master the battlefield situation so that you can avoid the real situation and use the weak to better protect yourself.

According to Gao Xian's understanding, the most important thing in war is to master information.

Sun Tzu said: Know yourself and your enemy and you will never be in danger of a hundred battles.

Modern warfare pays more attention to the control of information. Just like the most important thing in air combat is not the stealth aircraft, but the airborne early warning aircraft.

The most powerful thing about the flower appreciating mirror is that it is passively observed and will not be sensed by the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator.

After investing more than 4,500 points of human spiritual light, the Flower Appreciating Mirror was immediately raised to the state of master perfection.

Spiritual Mirror for Appreciating Flowers: Seeing clearly everything, seeing the true and false, and illuminating the dark world with a candle. (5000/5000 Grandmaster Perfection)

The annotation on the Flower Appreciating Spiritual Mirror on Fengyue Baojian contains the words "Candle Shines on the Netherworld".

Gao Xian didn't know what the specific meaning of this was, but he clearly felt that there were some subtle changes in the Flower Jianhua Spirit Mirror.

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