The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 117 The Candle Illuminates the Netherworld

Gao Xian thought about it for a long time and was still a little confused. The Flower Appraisal Mirror can see through the darkness. What is the new ability of candle lighting in the dark world?

He tried to use the flower appreciating mirror to observe Zhu Qiniang, and Qiniang was always his best observation object.

Because he is most familiar with Qiniang, he knows everything about her magic power and physical condition.

No, he knew Qiniang far better than his right and left hands.

By observing Qiniang, Gao Xian immediately noticed the changes in the flower-appreciating mirror.

Under the vision of the Flower Appreciating Mirror, he could actually faintly see the changes in the flow of mana in Qiniang's body.

The last time he so clearly saw the flow of mana in other people's bodies was when he used the Shadowless Magic Cloth to enter a shadow state. In this state, the world seemed to have returned to a pure mana structure.

Now, he could see the eight powerful spiritual apertures in Qiniang's body through the Flower Appreciation Spiritual Mirror, and saw wisps of smoky spiritual energy transforming into mana in the spiritual apertures.

After watching it for a while, Gao Xian felt mentally exhausted and unable to continue.

Gao Xian had to put away the flower-appreciating mirror and rested for a while before he managed to regain his energy.

All this time, he relied on Sister Youlan to take charge from the deepest part of his brow, and he had never experienced a lack of energy when casting spells.

Today he felt the difficulty in activating the candlelight of the Flower Appreciator Mirror to illuminate the netherworld changes.

The main reason is that Jianhua Lingjing has reached the state of master perfection, and he no longer needs Sister Lan's help.

After adjusting for a while, Gao Xian summoned Sister Lan to activate the Flower Appreciating Mirror again.

This time, Zhuzhao Nether's transformation was used again, and with Sister Lan as the host, the consumption of spiritual consciousness was reduced by more than 90%.

Sure enough, Sister Lan is his most important cheat.

With Sister Lan's blessing, he himself was no worse than an early-stage foundation-building cultivator like Li Shuanglin at the spiritual level, and even surpassed him in subtle aspects.

It's just that his mana is too low. Even if the foundation-building cultivator stands there and doesn't move, it's difficult for him to break through the defense just by using the mana Qi activated by the foundation-building level.

With the Flower Appreciating Mirror, he was extremely confident that he would be able to discover foundation-building cultivators in advance and seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

The flower appreciating mirror can see the flow of mana, which is a very powerful function. Whether it is a magical weapon, a magic talisman or a spell, it must eventually be released in the form of mana.

However, if you can observe the movement of mana, can it be used to assist in cultivation?

Gao Xian is not sure about this. Regarding the development of various magical functions of the Flower Appraisal Mirror, he still needs to conduct detailed evaluation in the Heart Appraisal Temple.

The upgraded Psychological Temple can carry out various simulation trainings. This allows Gao Xian to practice at will without any scruples and test the limits of his spells.

If you were an ordinary cultivator, no matter how talented you were, you wouldn't dare to mess around with spells.

The Heart Aspect Temple is of great help to magic practice.

The two spells, Ice and Fire Nine Heavens and Zhengyang Spear, require a lot of points to upgrade.

Gao Xian has the Temple of Mind, which allows him to practice spell skills with high intensity and upgrade two spells to the level of mastery.

Entering the Temple of Mind, Gao Xian tried to observe himself with the Flower Appreciating Mirror. He could also see changes in the movement of magic power, but it was not subtle and did not really help him in his practice.

Just observing the changes in his own mana directly in this way gave Gao Xian a more intuitive understanding of the transformation of spiritual energy and mana.

If the Flower Appreciating Spiritual Mirror can go further, it can really help him control the operation of mana in a more subtle way.

However, Jian Hua Ling Jing has reached Grand Master perfection, and I don’t know if it can break through to the next level.

The breakthroughs of the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire and the Zhengyang Spear were all achieved when his spirit was strongly stimulated at critical moments.

The breakthrough of Shadowless Vestment came from an idea he had while peeping at Nan Zhengxing.

This kind of magical breakthrough requires special conditions. There is no clear and stable path upward.

To put it simply, a breakthrough is a mutation beyond his control. Therefore, there is no need to think too much about this.

Gao Xian tested the flower appreciating mirror and was very satisfied with the results in all aspects.

After reaching the level of master perfection, the flower appreciating mirror becomes more stable and can work stably and eliminate interference in the face of various interferences such as water, fog, ice, snow, and fire.

It can even resist the impact of some low-level spells and has a certain protective effect on the eyes.

After testing the Flower Appreciating Spiritual Mirror, Gao Xian looked at the Fengyue Treasure Mirror again and found that there were still more than 8,500 points of humanistic spiritual light left on it.

According to the strategy he had thought up before, he put all these humane auras into the shadowless robe.

The level of the Shadowless Vestige is relatively high, and it is difficult to upgrade.

Gao Xian wore the shadowless robe all day long as long as he was awake, even when he was refining elixirs.

That's it, it's been five months and I still haven't completed the entry-level level.

The two spells, Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire and Zhengyang Spear, can be cast once at the snap of a finger, making it very convenient to increase skill proficiency.

The spell of Shadowless Vestment is quite special. It must be maintained for two quarters of an hour before it is completed.

Gao Xian invested 8,300 points to directly upgrade the Shadowless Dharma Clothes from the entry level to the master level.

To upgrade from proficient to expert requires 8,000 points of humane aura, and it is impossible to improve in a short time.

Gao Xian tested the professional-level shadowless robe, and his concealment and protection capabilities were greatly enhanced.

The current shadowless robe has a higher defense than the Qingyun robe plus the Qingmu armor.

As a spell, it is outrageous to have such a high level of protection.

However, after all, the shadowless robe has been blessed by Fengyue Baojian, and its spell power has completely exceeded its original level. It is reasonable to have such an effect.

The expert-level shadowless robe can also become larger. Gao Xian felt that even if he was carrying Qiniang, he could use the shadowless robe to completely cover his traces.

Furthermore, the activation speed is faster, the spell state is more stable, and it lasts longer.

In particular, the invisible state of the Shadowless Dharma Clothes can be maintained for twice as long, reaching one breath.

One breath lasts for two seconds, which allows the shadowless robe to pass through thicker barriers and dodge spells more easily.

Gao Xian withdrew from the Temple of Heart. After pondering for a while, he suddenly made up his mind and urged the shadowless robes to go straight to Li Shuanglin's residence.

Li Shuanglin, a foundation-building monk, a deacon of the inner sect of the Lianyun Sect, and the actual manager of the Pegasus Group.

His residence is located in the center of Pegasus Ji, and it is also the most magnificent courtyard in Pegasus Ji.

There are three entrances to the courtyard. The vermilion gates on opposite sides are more than a foot high. There are stone lions on both sides of the gate to ward off evil spirits.

High white walls and gray tiles tightly surround the third courtyard.

The courtyard wall naturally cannot stop cultivators, but a magic circle was established in the Li family's courtyard, and the boundaries of the magic circle happened to overlap with the courtyard wall.

When entering or exiting Li's house, you must carry the corresponding marked magic weapon so that you can pass through the magic circle.

Gao Xian has been here several times but has never found a way to pass through the magic circle.

The Li family has many servants, but their management is very strict. Generally, servants have a strict area of ​​activity, and they have no magic weapon that can pass through the magic circle.

Only housekeepers and guards have the kind of magic weapon that can be identified through the magic circle.

Gao Xian did not dare to touch these people. He observed Li Shuanglin just out of curiosity about the great monk of foundation building, and did not want to become an enemy of this person.

Therefore, the few times he came here, he just circled around the Li family and peeked into the inner house through the flower appreciating mirror.

The problem is that the inner house is heavily protected by magic circles, so he basically can't see anything.

Today, both the shadowless robe and the flower appreciating mirror have been greatly improved, and Gao Xian couldn't help but come to Li's house to try them out.

For him, the Li family is also the only house in Pegasus Ji that he has never set foot in, and it is still somewhat mysterious.

Gao Xian stood at the door of the Li family and looked at the Li family unscrupulously through the flower appreciating mirror.

Under the mode of the Flower Appreciating Mirror's candle illuminating the netherworld, Gao Xian saw for the first time the operation of the internal magic circle of the Li family.

There are a total of seventeen magical artifacts in the Li family. These magical artifacts are scattered throughout the Li family. The magical artifacts are connected together through magical resonance, forming a magical network covering the Li family.

Practicing hundreds of arts, each skill has its own unique techniques and profound principles.

Among them, the method of formation is the most complicated and exquisite.

There are several alchemists, weapon refiners, and talisman makers in the small Pegasus gathering, but there is no formation master.

The original owner learned alchemy from his teacher Xu Mingyuan, but other than that, he didn't even understand the Five Elements Kung Fu.

Gao Xian traveled back in time for more than two years and relied on the Fengyue Treasure Book to improve his spells and alchemy skills.

Such as weapon refining, talisman making, magic formations, etc., he can be said to know nothing about them.

Gao Xian now roughly understood the operation of the magic circle, but he didn't understand the operation mechanism of the magic circle at all, let alone how to break the magic circle.

However, he had an intuition that the invisible state of the shadowless robe could penetrate the magic circle.

In the final analysis, the magic circle is just a magic barrier.

The invisible state of the Shadowless Robe can evade spells, so it is naturally not difficult to penetrate the magic barrier.

Gao Xian was a little eager to give it a try. Even if the shadowless robe could not penetrate the magic circle, it would at most trigger an alarm in the magic circle, which would not cause much harm.

Li Shuanglin is just building a foundation, how strong can his family's protective array be? !

Gao Xian used the flower-judgement mirror to observe again. By observing the reaction of the magic power inside the Li family, he could be sure of one thing: Li Shuanglin was not at home.

If Li Shuanglin, the great foundation-building monk, was at home, his powerful magic reaction would be extremely conspicuous, and it was impossible not to see it.

Li Shuanglin was not at home, which made Gao Xian dare to act boldly.

If his whereabouts were really exposed, no one would be able to keep him!

Gao Xian did what he thought of and immediately activated the Shadowless Magic Clothes to transform into an invisible state and rush towards the weakest point of the magic circle.

Of course, the Flower Appraisal Mirror cannot be used in the invisible state, but it is also extremely sensitive to mana and spiritual energy in this state.

Gao Xian had already chosen the weakest point of the magic circle, and with a flash of almost nothingness, he had passed through the magic circle barrier and entered the Li family's house.

The magic circle itself should not be of high grade, and its operation is very simple.

Just through the fixed magic weapons, a network-like magic barrier is formed. The magic circle also divided the Li family into several areas.

Relying on the shadowless robe, Gao Xian easily penetrated another layer of magic barrier and arrived at the second main room at the center of the compound.

There was no one in the room. Gao Xian walked around the bedroom and found several valuable books and two volumes of secret techniques.

After looking through it, I found that the writing was relatively complicated and obscure. I could barely understand it, but I couldn't understand the important joints.

Gao Xian also discovered several magical artifacts, which seemed to be of high quality, but they were all just for viewing and playing with.

For example, a vase used for arranging flowers is a delicate magical instrument. The surface of the vase will automatically change color patterns, and it can also gather spiritual energy to nourish the flowers and plants.

It was the first time that Gao Xian saw a magic weapon that had no practical value. He couldn't help but sigh. Only when he reached the level of foundation building could he use magic weapons in daily life extravagantly.

The center of the magic circle is the study. The study is completely wrapped in a magic barrier and is an extremely tightly protected independent room.

Entering the study, Gao Xian found that the study was rather messy, and it could be seen that Li Shuanglin was not a very meticulous person.

No one should be able to enter this study room, so no one has tidied the room.

Gao Xian found an unfinished letter on the desk, which made him interested.

In the letter, he directly addressed the other party as his uncle, and the wording was respectful and polite. He must be an elder of Li Shuanglin's family, and the relationship between the two parties is not very close.

The main content of the whole letter was that Li Shuanglin complained, saying that the situation in Pegasus was not good, and the Qisha Sect was causing trouble behind him. He was afraid that Pegasus would be in chaos soon, and he asked his uncle to speak to the sect and ask for help.

This letter was only half written, and there were still some traces of alteration. It was obvious that Li Shuanglin had not yet figured out how to word it properly.

Gao Xian was moved when he saw this, and Li Shuanglin was not stupid either. He discovered that Pegasus Ji was now undercurrent and full of dangers.

Judging from the content of this letter, Lianyun Sect seems not to care about Pegasus Ji and has no countermeasures.

This made him feel a little heavy, the situation was not good...

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