
As the black spaceship flew across the sky, its sails whipped and the wind roared like heavy thunder, causing the mountains to shake endlessly.

Under such great momentum, the flaming Pegasus Collection seemed to be worth mentioning.

As Zhu Qiniang watched the spaceship pass overhead, she felt as if the spacecraft had run over her, crushing her will and body to pieces.

She couldn't help but hold Gao Xian's hand tightly. At this moment, only Gao Xian could make her feel safe and reliable.

Gao Xian only felt that his finger bones were crushed by Zhu Qiniang. He was far superior to Qiniang in terms of consciousness and speed, but he was far inferior in strength.

He still endured the pain and comforted him softly: "In the worst case, we can just go back to Lianyun City and start over."

Only then did Zhu Qiniang notice that Gao Xian's expression was a little unnatural, and she quickly let go of her hand, "Sorry, I was a little too excited."

"Fortunately, I'm almost at the sixth level of Qi training. If you were holding on like this two months ago, my finger bones would definitely be broken."

Although Gao Xian's mood was a little depressed, it was not as heavy as Qiniang's, and he was still thinking about joking.

Zhu Qiniang didn't find it funny, she sighed softly.

It was in front of Gao Xian that she could show her weak side without any scruples.

Seeing that Pegasus was about to be occupied by the Qisha Sect, she felt helpless and frustrated.

As long as she delays for another year or two, with Gao Xian's back, she will be able to completely solve the physical alienation and accumulate enough foundation building resources.

If she could build the foundation, the situation would immediately change. Even the Zhu family's foundation-building ancestor couldn't do anything to her.

Without Pegasus Ji and Changsheng Hall, none of this would be possible.

Changshengtang is not only her foundation, but also the foundation of Gao Xian. This also involves the channel supply relationship between Changshengtang and Lianyuncheng, which is quite complicated.

With the Changsheng Hall, one can obtain a large amount of resources from Tengshe Mountain, and then use these resources to open channels in exchange for other resources.

Including Tiangui Dan and Lujiao San are also part of the resources.

The basis for cooperation is that both sides share what they have.

That's why she could easily help Gao Xian buy so many spiritual objects for cultivation.

Without the Changsheng Hall, she and Gao Xian would return to Lianyung City, and they would not be qualified to sell pills at all.

The elixirs in Lianyuncheng have been controlled by several companies for a long time. Best-selling elixirs such as Tiangui Dan and Lujiao San will be suppressed by other companies as soon as they appear.

Gao Xian's teacher, Xu Mingyuan, was even more famous for being greedy for money. If we knew that Gao Xian could make money, we would definitely pay close attention to Gao Xian.

Regardless of the outcome, Gao Xian will no longer have the freedom he has now, let alone obtain enough training resources. From now on, I can only be a money tree in someone's hands, working hard to refine elixirs every day...

Even Gao Xian didn't quite understand the importance of the joints, so Gao Xian couldn't understand her discomfort at this time.

"Axian, the ancestor of the Zhu family is a big trouble. I can't go to Lianyung City."

Zhu Qiniang watched the spaceship fly towards Pegasus. She couldn't help but ask Gao Xian: "Axian, are you willing to go with me?"

Gao Xian kept adjusting the flower appreciating mirror, keeping his eyes fixed on the black spaceship.

When Qiniang asked, he said without hesitation: "Of course, I will follow you wherever you go. We are good brothers who depend on each other for life and death!"

Zhu Qiniang was very happy with Gao Xian's answer, and she didn't even notice Gao Xian's weird words.

As long as Gao Xian is willing to follow her, there seems to be nothing to fear wherever she goes!

"If nothing can be done, we will go to Qingyun Road. It is said that Qingyun Road is extremely prosperous with the Nascent Soul True Lord sitting there.

"I purchased the Fuyun Flag this time and established contact with a deacon of Yunshui Tower. Yunshui Tower is a chamber of commerce affiliated to Qingyun Sect. Having this deacon recommend me can save a lot of trouble.

"With your talent, you will certainly be able to accomplish something in a holy land of cultivation like Qingyun Dao..."

Zhu Qiniang has been preparing for a retreat. In a situation like Pegasus Ji, she and Gao Xian had no choice but to leave.

Gao Xian suddenly became excited and pointed forward. He interrupted Zhu Qiniang's words: "Qiniang, look, a master is coming!"

Zhu Qiniang didn't know why. She looked in the direction Gao Xian pointed, but couldn't see anything.

She was about to ask Gao Xian when a man's gloomy voice suddenly sounded in the starry sky.

"Young people from Qisha Sect dare to come to my sect and act wild. Is it Mu Zhengfeng who gave you the courage?!"

Zhu Qiniang didn't know who the speaker was, but she knew that Mu Zhengfeng was the master of the Qisha Sect, Jin Dan Zhenren.

This man boldly called Mu Zhengfeng by his first name. In the Lianyun Sect, only the leader Yun Taihao had this qualification.

What's more, although the man's gloomy voice was not high-pitched, it suppressed all other sounds and became the only sound echoing under the starry sky.

Such prestige can only be achieved by Master Jin Dan.

Zhu Qiniang was shocked at first and then overjoyed. Now that Yun Taihao has taken action, the Qisha Sect that invaded this time will definitely be wiped out!

Pegasus Ji can definitely be saved, and she and Gao Xian no longer need to risk going to Qingyun City...

Gao Xian also guessed the man's identity, but the difference was that he could clearly see his appearance and dress.

This man's face was white and beardless, his expression was gloomy, and a pair of narrow eyes had cyan electric light shining uncertainly.

Wearing a snow-white robe, it is as bright as silver and as soft as brocade. Hanging from his waist is a green sheathed long sword with a simple and upright shape.

This person's body is shrouded in a layer of vague and subtle precious light, which also sets off this person's ethereal and extraordinary appearance.

Standing in the air against the wind, he naturally has the power to dominate all directions and control everything.

"Is this Yun Taihao? Is this the majesty of Master Jin Dan?!"

Gao Xian can clearly see Yun Taihao through the flower appreciating mirror. In the candlelight ghost mode, he can even more clearly see Yun Taihao exuding magnificent magic power.

The mana light emitted by Yun Taihao was silvery and green, extremely bright and bright, like a blazing sun emitting endless mana flames, even lighting up the deep starry sky.

Compared with Yun Taihao, the mana and aura emitted by Qi practitioners are as weak as fireflies.

The powerful magic flames on the several foundation-building monks were completely covered in front of Yun Taihao.

Before taking action, Yun Taihao had completely suppressed the Qisha Sect with just his own powerful magic power.

Even the mighty huge spaceship of the Qisha Sect was as small as an ant in front of Yun Taihao.

Such magical power made Gao Xian jealous.

Zhu Qiniang didn't have a flower-judgement mirror, and her spiritual awareness was far inferior to Gao Xian's. She couldn't even see where Yun Taihao was.

Not only Zhu Qiniang, but also the Qi practitioners in Pegasus Ji could not see Yun Taihao.

Only a few great foundation-building monks could sense the majestic and powerful aura of mana on Yun Taihao's body.

Among them, the most desperate one is Guan Wen'an on the spaceship. As a ninth-level foundation-building monk, he is only one step away from the golden elixir.

In terms of Qisha Sect's status, he can also be firmly ranked in the top ten.

In order to invade Pegasus this time, Qisha Sect had made months of preparations in advance, arranging for people from the Red Snake Gang to enter Pegasus in advance, and even dispatched several outstanding disciples of the sect.

As the person in charge of this operation, Guan Wen'an deliberately stayed a hundred miles away to wait for news because he was afraid of any ambush from the Lianyun Sect.

Mu Yunxiu, Bai Mingfeng, Zheng Yong, and Yuan Peng, the four great foundation-building monks, joined forces and entered the Pegasus Collection first to conduct a sweep.

As a result, no serious resistance was encountered.

Lianyun Sect's manpower in Pegasus Ji was destroyed in a very short period of time. The shops in the central area were also wiped out.

At this point, Pegasus Ji has been completely occupied by Qisha Sect.

After getting the news, Guan Wen'an came on stage with the spaceship. This ironwood flying ship from the Seven Evils Sect is enough to calm down the restless cultivators.

Then, their Qisha Sect can easily control the casual cultivators and take advantage of the opportunity to take over the Pegasus Ji.

When the Lianyun Sect reacts, naturally there will be strong men from the Qisha Sect going over to negotiate terms.

Guan Wen'an thought that the matter was a foregone conclusion, but he didn't expect that when he arrived at Pegasus, Yun Taihao appeared in front of the spacecraft. Apparently, he had been waiting for him.

For this reason, Yun Taihao watched helplessly as all the members of the Lianyun Sect were killed without making any reaction.

Such a cruel and vicious nature!

What Guan Wen'an didn't expect even more was that Yun Taihao, as the leader of Lianyun Sect and Master Jin Dan, actually took action personally for such a trivial matter as Pegasus Ji.

Among the dozens of workshops and collections managed by Lianyun Sect, Pegasus Collection is considered the smallest and the smallest.

For the entire Lianyun Sect, Pegasus Ji, which had only been established for more than ten years, was really insignificant.

It was the discovery of ancient sect ruins at Bixia Peak that made Pegasus Ji a lot more lively in the past two years.

Yun Taihao's brazen attack on Pegasus Ji was very, very unreasonable.

This is like a beacon tower at the border of the country being occupied, and the emperor personally went on a conquest to take the beacon tower back.

Guan Wen'an couldn't understand what Yun Taihao was doing, but Yun Taihao was right in front of him, and it didn't matter whether he understood or not.

Guan Wen'an shouted anxiously: "Hurry up and activate the Seven Evils and Ten Thousand Ghosts Flag!"

The ironwood spaceship is built with thousand-year-old ironwood, and its sails are made from the hide of the monster Feilian. Millions of runes are drawn on it, which can control the wind and gather spiritual power.

The spaceship is also equipped with two powerful magic weapons, including the powerful Seven Evils and Ten Thousand Ghosts Flag and the Heavenly Evil Extermination Cannon.

In terms of grade, this ironwood spaceship can be regarded as a third-grade high-grade magic weapon, which is extremely precious.

The Seven Evil Sect also only has three ironwood spaceships.

If they really want to activate the two powerful magic weapons on the spaceship, with their more than two hundred Qi practitioners, they are enough to compete with the Jindan Master.

Both powerful magic weapons consume a lot of mana and require a lot of manpower to maintain their operation.

When Guan Wen'an came in, he thought that the overall situation was settled. Although the Seven Evils and Ten Thousand Ghosts Flag was activated, it only maintained the basic mana operation and did not actually activate it.

It is not that easy to fully operate the Seven Evils and Ten Thousand Ghosts Flag in a critical moment.

Little auras of light shone on the sails swaying in the strong wind, and these auras of light scattered in all directions and turned into illusory black shadows like smoke.

In the blink of an eye, there was a dark wind and a ghostly atmosphere on the Ironwood spaceship.

Thousands of floating black shadows connected in the sky, forming a huge black net that completely covered the Ironwood airship.

Yun Taihao sneered silently, he had already appeared, how could he give the other party a chance to calmly set up the formation and activate the magic weapon.

He pulled out the Qingyun Thunder Light Sword and used his magic power, and immediately the human and sword merged into a ray of cyan lightning that pierced the Ironwood spaceship.

The black figures forming a large net were silently shattered as soon as they came into contact with the lightning.

The leader, Guan Wen'an, was horrified and raised his long sword to slash fiercely. The green lightning suddenly exploded, and the blazing green light instantly flooded Guan Wen'an and the Tiemu spaceship.

The fierce and violent cyan lightning seemed to tear the starry sky in half.

The huge roar of the thunder burst into everyone's ears, and it seemed to blow people's heads.

Many Qi practitioners with shallow cultivation staggered and fell to the ground, unable to get up.

Such a majestic power makes everyone who sees it shocked and confused.

Even the great foundation-building monks of the Seven Evil Sect were frightened by the power of this attack and fled in panic.

Only Gao Xian stayed out of the incident and could calmly pass through the Flower Appraisal Mirror, which allowed him to clearly see the terrible damage caused by this blow.

Hundreds of Qi practitioners from the Seven Evil Sect, including the great monk in the late stage of foundation building, were instantly shattered in the fierce and sharp lightning, and then carbonized into ash in the terrifying high temperature of the lightning.

The ironwood spaceships suffered heavy damage from the lightning, with the sails destroyed, the decks shattered, and the cabins on fire.

Gao Xian's scalp felt numb when he saw it. Jin Dan's power was far beyond his imagination.

What a great foundation-building monk, he is really vulnerable to the hands of Jindan Zhenren.

However, since Yun Taihao is so brave and tyrannical, Pegasus seems to be fine!

Gao Xianzhuan was excited and said to Zhu Qiniang, "We don't have to flee anymore!"

There was still a trace of green light in Zhu Qiniang's eyes, and she looked a little dazed. Yun Taihao's sharp and unrivaled blow really scared her soul away.

After hearing Gao Xian's words, Zhu Qiniang slowly turned her head to look at Gao Xian, with a look of confusion on her face.

It was the first time that Gao Xian saw Qiniang lose her composure. He lightly patted Qiniang's face in a funny way, "Don't be afraid, it's okay!"

Zhu Qiniang came to her senses just now. She was very ashamed of how timid and cowardly she had just been, and was a little embarrassed to look at Gao Xian.

But she keenly noticed that Gao Xian's hand was wet.

She said nothing, but wiped the sweat from Gao Xian's hands with her sleeves.

Gao Xian laughed dryly: "Why does it feel a little hot at night..."

Two updates and 9,000 words will not be divided into three chapters. Please support me by voting for me. I will strive for more tomorrow.

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