The black spaceship lost its sails to control the strong wind, and lost its operator. Its huge hull swayed in the air for several turns before plunging to the edge of the Pegasus.

The spacecraft was hundreds of feet above the ground. When it fell from such a height, the huge hull immediately shattered into pieces, raising countless smoke and dust.

Just now, Yun Taihao used a thunderous strike, and its unparalleled power immediately shocked all the cultivators and calmed down their frantic hearts.

The crash of the black spaceship brought the casual cultivators back to their senses. They no longer had the courage to kill and rob, so they all fled in a hurry.

The Pegasus Festival, which was filled with chaos and loud killings, soon became deserted, with only the burning houses and buildings still burning quietly.

Yun Taihao in the sky had no intention of paying attention to these casual cultivators. He had already set his sights on the four foundation-building cultivators of the Qisha Sect.

He had endured it for so long before taking action just to teach the Qisha Sect a profound lesson.

A few foundation-building monks were having a great time killing people and setting fires in the Pegasus Fair. Now that things are going bad, do you want to run away? How can such a good thing happen!

Yun Taihao was not in a hurry to chase down several foundation builders. He needed time to adjust his mana. Just now I had to use all my strength to break the formation, and only then could I defeat the enemy with one blow.

Just as Yun Taihao was adjusting his condition, Gao Xian also cautiously withdrew his gaze from observing Yun Taihao.

The situation was chaotic before. Many cultivators were paying attention to Yun Taihao through their spiritual consciousness. Gao Xian could safely observe Yun Taihao boldly.

Now that several of the great foundation-building monks were running to death, it would be too dangerous for him to look at Yun Taihao with his eyes wide open.

The flower appreciating mirror is very clever, but it's better to be careful when dealing with Jin Dan.

Seeing Yun Taihao display his power with his own eyes, Gao Xianzhen was shocked.

The power of the foundation-building monk had already astonished him. But in front of Jindan Zhenren, the foundation-building monk was fragile and vulnerable.

Judging from this battle, there is an essential gap between the foundation-building monk and the golden elixir master in various aspects such as mana, spiritual consciousness, and body.

This gap even exceeds the gap between foundation building monks and Qi cultivators.

The power of Jin Dan Zhenren is so powerful that Gao Xian can't even understand the foundation building. It's useless to look at it, but it may expose himself.

Gao Xian collected the shadowless robes. He and Qiniang returned to the cave and saw Zhou Ye, Zhou Yuling, and Wan Zhen all with solemn expressions. Wan Yingying's face was also full of uneasiness, and she was holding on to Zhou Ye tightly. Yuling's hand.

Yun Taihao's blow was so powerful that it frightened all four of them.

They didn't know what was happening, and they didn't dare to move. Naturally, everyone was very nervous.

Gao Xian smiled at everyone, "Good news, Sect Master Yun has arrived and wiped out the cultivators of the Seven Evils Sect."

Everyone was in disbelief when they heard this, especially Zhou Ye, whose old face wrinkled into a ball of surprise, "Sect Master Yun?"

There is a floating cloud flag covering the entrance of the cave, which also blocks all kinds of sounds. Everyone heard what Yun Taihao said before, but they didn't hear clearly what he said.

Zhou Ye had been practicing in the sect for decades and had never seen Yun Taihao. I can't help but have some doubts about Gao Xian's words.

"Don't worry, you will never be wrong. Only Sect Master Yun has such peerless power."

Gao Xian was very sure about this. He said: "Pegasus is still a little chaotic right now. Let's wait until dawn to go back. By then the overall situation should be decided."

Zhou Ye and others thought this was a good idea, and it would not be too late to wait until dawn to see the situation before making a decision.

Zhou Yuling felt a little unhappy when she saw Gao Xian and Zhu Qiniang sitting next to each other.

She also knew that the relationship between Zhu Qiniang and Gao Xian was extraordinary.

It's just that she never met Zhu Qiniang face to face, so she didn't feel anything at all. Today she and Zhu Qiniang were in the same room, and Gao Xian was there again, so the atmosphere was more subtle.

Zhou Yuling was jealous in her heart, but she had sense of propriety and knew that this occasion and time were not appropriate.

If she really loses her temper, it will make her appear ignorant. Even Gao Xian might feel disgusted.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuling smiled sweetly and led Wan Yingying to sit next to Gao Xian, "Brother Xian, what happened just now? Please tell us..."

Gao Xian was also a little embarrassed. He always stepped firmly on both sides of the boat. It wasn't because of his ability, but because the two women didn't meet each other at all, which saved them countless troubles.

Now that the crisis in Pegasus Ji has been resolved, he has completely relaxed and feels a little powerless when facing two women.

Fortunately, Zhu Qiniang has a deep temper and has complicated feelings for Gao Xian. She can still bear it when she sees Zhou Yuling getting close to Gao Xian.

At least her expression was relatively calm and she didn't show any emotional changes.

However, Gao Xian could feel that Qiniang's muscles were slightly tense, and she was not as calm and calm as she appeared on the surface.

Gao Xian was secretly glad that Qiniang could control it, otherwise he wouldn't know what to do if the two women fought!

Zhou Yuling was also more measured. She just sat down next to him and didn't do anything. She was probably worried about Zhou Ye and Wan Zhen.

He laughed dryly and said: "The battle just now was very exciting, it's a pity that you didn't see it.

"Yun Taihao destroyed the Qisha Sect's spaceship with just one sword. Everyone on board was killed by his sword..."

Fortunately, this battle was exciting enough. Gao Xian talked about it casually, which immediately aroused the strong interest of Zhou Yuling and others.

Everyone's attention quickly shifted to Yun Taihao. They were all Qi practitioners. Even Zhou Ye, the oldest, had never seen the real Jin Dan.

Everyone knows that Jin Dan is really powerful, but as for how powerful, actually no one knows.

Everyone was particularly amazed when they heard Gao Xian's detailed explanation of the battle situation.

Everyone said something to each other, and they kept chatting for most of the night.

Wan Yingying listened with interest at first, but soon couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep on Zhou Yuling's knees.

Everyone was also a little tired, and it was not convenient to rest in the cave, so they each meditated and adjusted their breath.

When it was bright outside, everyone ate some dry food and returned to Pegasus together.

The riot last night burned most of Pegasus into ruins.

As everyone walked along, there were burned-out ruins and corpses everywhere.

Especially in the central area of ​​Pegasus, almost all the houses on that street were destroyed.

Including the Zhou family's Lingfu Hall, most of it was burned down.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Ye's face became a little ugly. Zhou Yuling was even on the verge of tears. She had lived here for several years and was very fond of it.

Gao Xian was lucky. Although the doors and windows of his house were damaged and the house was turned into a mess, it was generally still intact.

The same is true in Wan Zhen's home. Although the dead bodies are still lying in the yard, the house is intact.

At noon, Li Shuanglin took the Qingmu flying ship back to Pegasus.

Along with him came a large number of Lianyun Sect cultivators.

Under the leadership of Li Shuanglin, Lianyun Sect quickly regained control of Pegasus Ji.

This invasion of the Qisha Sect caused great damage to Pegasus Ji. The resulting riot among the casual cultivators almost turned Pegasus into ruins.

According to incomplete statistics afterwards, at least six to seven thousand practitioners died in the riots.

Fortunately, it's early September and it's not too cold yet. The homeless cultivators will not freeze to death.

Li Shuanglin quickly organized manpower to rebuild Pegasus Ji. With tens of thousands of casual cultivators as labor force, the reconstruction was very fast.

Because Lingfu Hall was burned down, Zhou Ye and Zhou Yuling have been living in Gao Xian's house during this period.

Staying together with Zhou Yuling and Zhu Qiniang was a huge torture to Gao Xian.

Both women are important to him, so he shouldn't favor one over the other, lest he hurts anyone's heart.

It is really difficult to keep these two boats firmly on the ground.

Fortunately, Zhu Qiniang is more generous and does not pester Gao Xian every day like Zhou Yuling.

Zhou Ye was here again, so Zhou Yuling didn't dare to be too presumptuous. A few people can still live in peace and harmony.

After this catastrophe, Zhou Ye was extremely disappointed with Lianyun Sect. The most common thing he said was, "They are just the dogs of the sect. No one will even look at them even if they die!"

In this chaos, only Zhou Ye and Huang Ying were notified by Gao Xian in advance and escaped. Other Lianyun Sect disciples suffered heavy casualties.

Yun Taihao's timely appearance proved that Lianyun Sect was well prepared for Qisha Sect's actions.

Facts have proved that the upper echelons of the Lianyun Sect only used Zhou Ye and others as bait to lure the Qisha Sect into taking action first.

The plan was successful, and Yun Taihao destroyed the opponent's five foundation-building monks in one fell swoop.

For a sect like Qisha Sect, losing five great foundation-building monks at once was a serious loss of vitality.

Zhou Ye and Huang Ying, the two people who were used as bait, were of course full of resentment about this.

It's just that no matter how resentful they are, they don't dare to leave the Lianyun Sect. The days to come will continue.

Gao Xian understood the resentment of these two people and had a comprehensive understanding of the sect's ruthlessness. However, he was a little impatient to hear Lao Zhou and Huang Ying complain about this.

The good thing is that after this incident, Zhou Ye and Huang Ying both trusted and got closer to him.

Forget it about Huang Ying, Zhou Ye is taking advantage of his father-in-law. It's always good to have a good rapport with him.

By October, the central area was finally rebuilt. Zhou Ye took Zhou Yuling back to Lingfu Hall.

Daniel is also back, and peace has returned to the Gao family compound.

Only then did Gao Xian have time to count the gains of this chaos with Qiniang.

He first killed Yang Qiying and his wife, Red Snake, and then several groups of cultivators from the Red Snake Gang. In addition to several cultivators killed at Wan Zhen's house, he killed more than 30 cultivators in total this time.

Forget about other cultivators, the key is that Yang Qiying, his wife, and Red Snake are rich, with more than 3,000 pieces of spiritual stone alone.

The robes and swords they wore were extremely valuable.

The robes and swords of Yang Qiying and his wife are matching pairs. Red Snake's swords and robes are also of a very high level. There is also a bell magic weapon that can protect the soul.

The most important thing is the pair of blue boots in Red Snake's storage bag. Gao Xian feels that they are obviously the same set as the Green Lotus Crown, Green Lotus Belt and Green Lotus Sword he wears.

Gao Xian laid out all the harvest and asked Zhu Qiniang to evaluate it.

"The Kanshui Sword, Kanshui Robe, Lihuo Sword, and Lihuo Robe are all first-level top-grade products. The most rare thing is that the sword and robe come together as a set. Together they can greatly enhance the power of the magic weapon..."

Zhu Qiniang likes these two sets of magical instruments very much. A complete set of magical instruments of this level is rare. The two sets of swords and robes are of high quality, and together they can sell for a high price.

She picked up Red Snake's red-yellow robe again and studied it carefully for a long time before saying, "It should be the Huangtang robe made of Huangtang wood silk. It is the toughest and has super protective power. It is difficult for ordinary magic weapons to break through."

Speaking of this, Qiniang said with some luck: "Fortunately, the sword hit his head, and he was unable to activate the mysterious robe's mysterious magic shield."

Gao Xian chuckled, his sword rushing towards people's heads just to avoid the robe.

"Huang Tang's robe is in good condition, and the built-in runes are intact. It can be said to be a top-grade first-class robe. It is also a protective robe, and its value should be around three thousand spiritual stones."

Zhu Qiniang picked up Red Snake's sword and looked at it, "This sword should be called the Fiery Sword. It is a first-grade top grade and is worth 1,500 spirit stones.

"This bell is actually capable of calming the mind and reassuring the soul. The runes inside are so complex and exquisite that it should be a second-level magic weapon..."

Zhu Qiniang was not very sure about this. She turned over the red snake's golden bell and studied it for a while.

She finally said: "It should be called the Dingshen Bell. It is a good magic weapon that can protect the soul."

Gao Xian nodded, "The Calming Bell is indeed very wonderful. After being attacked by my spell, it can react spontaneously to protect the Red Snake Soul."

"The magic weapon that protects the soul is very rare. If it is really a second-level weapon, it can be sold for at least four to five thousand spiritual stones..."

Zhu Qiniang handed the Calming Bell to Gao Xian and said seriously: "You always encounter evil spirits. Don't sell this. Keep it for self-defense."

Taking the golden bell, Gao Xian shook it casually, but the bell did not ring.

This made Gao Xian a little curious. This thing couldn't shake?

I tried again, and sure enough it was impossible to make the bell ring solely by external force. It should be that only the magic power of the divine soul can make the bell ring.

Such an exquisite bell also avoids the disadvantage of making noise when walking.

Gao Xian played with the calming bell with great interest for a while, while Zhu Qiniang concentrated on appraising various magic weapons.

This time Gao Xian harvested dozens of magical artifacts, as well as various talismans, elixirs, etc.

Although the grade is not high, identification is quite energy-consuming.

Gao Xian saw Qiniang working so seriously, so he went over and hung the lanyard of the calming bell around Qiniang's neck.

Zhu Qiniang was a little surprised. She turned her head and looked at Gao Xian and said, "This magical weapon is too expensive and I can't use it. Just sell it if you don't need it."

"A gift for you."

When Gao Xian saw that Zhu Qiniang was still refusing, he followed the example of a boss and pressed Qiniang's lips with a finger, suppressing all her words.

I have to say, this posture is quite touching.

Qiniang's lips are plump and feel good to the touch.

"You are a tank. The stronger you are, the safer I am."

Gao Xian said and pushed the Huangtang robe to Zhu Qiniang again, "This is a wood robe, take it all."

Zhu Qiniang looked deeply at Gao Xian. Gao Xian was a bit exaggerated and felt a little strange.

She thought for a moment and said, "If it's about Zhou Yuling, you don't have to do this."

"Ha ha……"

Gao Xian laughed dryly and put his arms around Qiniang's shoulders. Although he was still a little short in height, his arms were long, so this movement was quite easy.

He explained: "We are good brothers, and it is appropriate to give you gifts. It has nothing to do with Yuling."

Zhu Qiniang nodded with a complicated expression: "Okay."

"Well, I still have use for the Kanshui Sword and Kanshui Robe, so I'll sell the rest."

Gao Xian calmly put away this set of swords and robes. They were all top-quality water magic weapons, and they were very suitable for Zhou Yuling.

I gave Qiniang a gift, but it wouldn’t be good if I didn’t give it to Yuling.

Pegasus is such a chaotic place. Although Zhou Yuling rarely goes out, it is not safe. With this set of swords and robes, she can better protect herself.

Zhu Qiniang knew this very well and knew that Gao Xian wanted to give this set of swords and robes to Zhou Yuling.

She couldn't help feeling a little sour, but since the relationship between her and Gao Xian was not an ordinary man and woman, it was better not to fuss over such trivial matters.

It's rare that Gao Xian likes it, so just let him be happy.

Besides, the most precious calming bell and Huangtang robe were given to her. Proving that she is more important in Gao Xian's heart!

Zhu Qiniang calmly changed the subject: "These magic weapons plus a few storage bags can probably be sold for six thousand spirit stones..."

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