In mid-April, more and more casual cultivators came to Pegasus to make a living.

Sitting in the courtyard, Gao Xian could hear the bustle of people on the Central Street.

Daniel was looking at the alchemy furnace in the alchemy room. The noisy people outside could not cover up Daniel's long and orderly breathing.

After following him for almost two years, Daniel can take Guyuan Dan every day and is now at the third level of Qi training.

He is useless in fighting, but he is already a good hand in alchemy. Can help him handle most of the alchemy work.

The problem with Daniel is that his spiritual consciousness is not strong enough, and he does not know how to smell aroma. His understanding of pharmacology is much worse, especially in terms of fire control.

Therefore, he can only act as a starter, and he cannot yet take charge on his own.

Gao Xian felt that Da Niu's talent in alchemy was mediocre, probably the same as his talent in swordsmanship, and that he had no understanding but relied on hard practice.

He practiced hard for a month, and Qingfeng Sword Technique has clearly reached the full master level, but he cannot be promoted to the grand master level.

Serious spells such as ice arrows and flame bullets have also reached the master level. I have not encountered any so-called bottlenecks.

Unexpectedly, he was stuck in swordsmanship.

He had a strong hunch that as long as his swordsmanship could reach the master level, it would immediately resonate with the Green Lotus Sword and achieve the state of unity between man and sword.

For this reason, Gao Xian has no appetite for eating these days, and he and Sister Lan are not as happy as before.

He gently touched the Green Lotus Sword lying in front of his knees, feeling puzzled.

Yao Qingshuang can merge with the Qinglian sword body and sword, why can't he?

Could it be that Yao Qingshuang's swordsmanship is better than his? !

Gao Xian sat until the sun went down and saw Qiniang entering the courtyard in the afterglow of the setting sun.

He watched Qiniang getting closer and closer, and couldn't help but ask: "Qiniang, what do you think is the basis of practicing swordsmanship?"

Zhu Qiniang knew that Gao Xian had been practicing swordsmanship like crazy during this period, and seemed to be stuck at a bottleneck somewhere, making it difficult to make progress.

She actually didn't quite understand this, but it was just a technical swordsmanship, not a swordsmanship with a clear method, a clear division of levels, and a clear path to advancement.

Ordinary swordsmanship is simply difficult to divide into levels. Why is Gao Xian stuck at some subtle level and unable to progress?

She didn't know how Gao Xian made such accurate judgments and divided common skills and swordsmanship into clear levels.

Because of this, she didn't know how to help Gao Xian.

Gao Xian asked today, and Zhu Qiniang could only try her best to answer.

"Sword cultivators have their own training path, which is extremely profound and mysterious. I can't explain it clearly. However, what we use is just technical fencing skills, and it's nothing complicated.

"You are extremely talented in cultivation, and you can easily master sophisticated and complex spells. There is no reason why you can't master swordsmanship."

She pondered for a moment and said: "I think your problem is that you learn everything too easily and you are too impatient.

"There's nothing specific to say about swordsmanship. I'll just talk about some general principles.

“If you want to achieve success in a certain skill, it is nothing more than the four words ‘sincerity and integrity’.”

Gao Xian nodded thoughtfully. What Qiniang said was indeed very general, without any specific details.

However, Qiniang was right about one thing, he was too impetuous.

Whether it's the Five Elements Kung Fu or spells, the most complex technical aspects are all completed by Sister Lan.

Coupled with Fengyue Baojian's added ability, he can quickly upgrade a spell to an extremely high level.

Everything can be done quickly, which also suits the rhythm of his previous life.

Gao Xian doesn't think there is any problem with this. Facts have proved that power is power, no matter how it comes from, it is still powerful.

It's just that he couldn't take shortcuts in swordsmanship, which made him a little irritated.

Therefore, if you want to break through the bottleneck, you have no other way but to practice hard!

After dinner, Gao Xian returned to the bedroom to sit cross-legged and practice, and went through his routine exercises.

It was dark outside and the room was dark.

Gao Xian gently pulled out the Green Lotus Sword, and the sword light overflowed and flowed like water on the green sword blade, giving it a mysterious and mysterious beauty.

He felt that what Qiniang meant by "sincerity and integrity" was to use his spiritual consciousness to sense the sword.

He has always been accustomed to using Sister Lan to control his spiritual consciousness. Because Sister Lan can save him countless efforts.

When practicing swordsmanship, he only focuses on improving his proficiency and does not really invest in his spiritual consciousness.

In terms of swordsmanship, he has reached an extremely high level with his superb electro-photovoltaic dragon hand.

Good or bad, fast or slow, all depends on the heart.

Gao Xian felt that he was stuck at the full master level because he could not truly combine swordsmanship with spiritual consciousness.

The so-called sword intention and sword heart are really nothing more than using spiritual consciousness to control the magic power on the sword.

In the battle last September, he saw Yun Taihao strike with his sword through the Flower Appreciation Mirror.

Gao Xian believed that even the few foundation-building monks could not see the huge battlefield as clearly as he could.

The flower appreciating mirror and the powerful spiritual consciousness controlled by Sister Lan allowed him to see some details of Yun Taihao's actions.

When Yun Taihao controlled the sword, his magic power and the sword converged into a sword that was like thunder.

Where the sword's edge points, the thunder sword moves with the sword, releasing its indestructible divine power.

Gao Xian didn't know what secret technique Yun Taihao used. In his opinion, what Yun Taihao used was not a sword technique, but more like some kind of magic released through a sword.

A sword is nothing more than a magic weapon, a powerful medium for releasing power.

They Qi practitioners are still at the level of controlling swords with their hands, eyes, and body. That is, martial arts at the physical level.

Even those who are masters in the late stage of Qi training like Red Snake can at most activate the magic power on their swords, but ultimately they still use them as swords.

Judging from the power displayed by Yun Taihao, it is fundamental to use spiritual consciousness to control the sword.

The cultural influence Gao Xian received in his previous life made him yearn for swordsmen.

However, this is the world of cultivators after all. Divine consciousness is the foundation for controlling power.

He didn't have the skills to practice swordsmanship, so he had to abandon those unrealistic fantasies, use his spiritual consciousness to integrate into the swordsmanship, and use his spiritual consciousness to communicate with the sword.

Without the guidance of a master, Gao Xian could only figure it out on his own.

In any case, spiritual consciousness is his strong point, and integrating spiritual consciousness with swordsmanship and swordsmanship suits him very well.

Gao Xian held the Green Lotus Sword in his hand, and while slowly performing the Qingfeng Sword Technique, he constantly adjusted his consciousness to try to resonate with the Green Lotus Sword.

The outgoing spiritual consciousness is equivalent to some kind of radio wave. Constant adjustment is like adjusting the radio band, trying to establish a connection with the Qinglian Sword.

The radio only has a few fixed bands and is easy to adjust.

Using spiritual consciousness to communicate with the Qinglian Sword is thousands of times more complicated.

Gao Xian accepted Qiniang's words humbly and sincerely. Well, he understood that he would not give up until he achieved his goal through hard work.

I stayed up until late at night and still had no breakthrough.

After Gao Xian and Sister Lan practiced cultivation together, they hugged their swords and fell asleep.

He had something on his mind, and he didn't sleep soundly.

A cockcrow woke Gao Xian from his deep sleep.

Gao Xian wanted to sleep but couldn't, so he simply lay in bed in a daze holding his sword. After an unknown amount of time, a ray of golden light from the rising sun in the east crossed the wall and fell in the yard.

At this moment, the sky and the earth were completely bright, and a hint of golden red was faintly revealed on the window paper.

At this moment, Gao Xian suddenly had an idea. His consciousness focused on the lotus pattern on the sword hilt, and the Green Lotus Sword in his hand suddenly turned into a flash of cyan rainbow light.

In an instant, the blade of the Green Lotus Sword seemed to completely turn into light.

The cyan rainbow light flickers and shines, releasing unparalleled sharp energy.

Gao Xian, who was holding the sword in his hand, felt a chill in his eyebrows. The sharp sword light seemed to be able to cut through everything.

Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness and the Green Lotus Sword have truly established a resonance. In the subtle resonance, he can sense the subtle changes within the Green Lotus Sword, and he can also sense the various meanings contained in the changes of the Green Lotus Sword.

The previous sword master of the Qinglian Sword left a spiritual consciousness, or sword intention, in the depths of the Qinglian Sword.

This sword intention records the origin of the Qinglian Sword and the various changes of the Qinglian Sword.

Through this sword intention, Gao Xian also truly mastered the Qinglian Sword.

The cyan rainbow light formed by the Qinglian Sword only lasted for a few breaths before turning into a sword blade again.

Gao Xian also took a deep breath. In just a few breaths, 70% of his consciousness and 50% of his mana had been consumed.

If the Qinglian Sword continues to maintain this rainbow state, he will be drained by the Qinglian Sword.

He swallowed two Qi-restoring pills, sat cross-legged and adjusted his breath for a while, and then returned to his full strength.

By adjusting his breath and practicing Qigong, Gao Xian's excitement calmed down.

Gao Xian pulled out the Green Lotus Sword again. He activated his spiritual consciousness to resonate with the Green Lotus Sword, stimulating changes in the runes hidden deep in the Green Lotus Sword.

The Green Lotus Sword instantly turned into a blade-like cyan rainbow light. Under the stimulation of Gao Xian's divine consciousness, this cyan rainbow light could reach up to four feet.

Well, it's only three inches longer than the original blade.

According to the sword intention record, the light of the Qinglian Sword turned into a blade-like cyan rainbow light, which was the most powerful transformation of the Qinglian Sword and was named Qinglian Feihong Sword.

The Qinglian Feihong Sword is said to be indestructible.

Naturally, Gao Xian would not take this statement seriously. However, the Qinglian Feihong Sword has the power to break laws because of its special state of rainbow light.

In other words, the blade-like cyan rainbow light can easily penetrate the same level of spell protection.

For example, the Yimu Shield, a shield that condenses mana, including the protective shield triggered by magic talismans, etc., is like nothing under the Qinglian Feihong Sword.

Gao Xian couldn't help but feel happy. The Qinglian Feihong Sword should be of the second level, so it could penetrate the protective energy of the foundation-building monk.

With the sharpness of the Green Lotus Feihong Sword, even a great foundation-building monk who specializes in body training would have a hard time withstanding the sword.

If the Qinglian Feihong Sword really had such power, it would be possible to kill the foundation-building monk.

Of course, Gao Xian would not be blindly optimistic. The power of Qinglian Feihong Sword still needs various tests to determine its power level.

In any case, this change of Qinglian Feihong Sword allowed him to master a powerful attack method.

He used the Qinglian Sword to practice a set of Qingfeng Sword Techniques, and his spiritual consciousness was naturally integrated into every sword technique. There was also a close and mysterious connection between him and the Qinglian Sword.

When performing the sword technique, the spiritual consciousness, the sword, and the body are harmoniously integrated, allowing for more subtle mobilization of the strength of the muscles and bones.

Every time he performed a sword technique, Gao Xian could feel that all parts of his body were being integrated into the Green Lotus Sword by his spiritual consciousness, forming a harmonious and exquisite unity.

In this state, every sword technique performed makes every part of the body tempered.

In terms of effect, practicing Qingfeng Sword Technique already has some of the effects of the Iron Dragon Hand.

The difference is that Iron Dragon Hands can exercise the limbs, bones, internal organs, and all aspects of the body.

The integration of Qingfeng swordsmanship is for better exertion, not for physical exercise. It's just that this kind of exertion will have some physical training effects.

Gao Xian knew that his swordsmanship had taken a big step forward, and he could control the sword with such precision and precision, and achieve such good training results.

He opened the Fengyue Treasure Mirror and sure enough, his Qingfeng Swordsmanship had advanced to the master level.

Qingfeng Sword Technique: The sword turns into wind and thunder, and the body, mind, and sword are integrated into one, which is extremely mysterious. (15/10000 Grandmaster)

The explanation of Qingfeng Sword Technique at the Grandmaster level has also been greatly changed. It clearly shows that the power of Qingfeng swordsmanship has greatly increased.

Qingfeng Swordsmanship already has several powerful moves that burst out with wind and thunder. Gao Xian has always been able to use his swiftness, but has been unable to display his fierceness and tyranny.

At the level of swordsmanship master, he has been able to fully unleash the power of Qingfeng swordsmanship.

Gao Xian couldn't help but feel happy while holding the Green Lotus Sword. After struggling for more than a month, he finally succeeded.

The master of swordsmanship has improved his control over the sword and increased the power of his swordsmanship.

A conservative estimate is that his swordsmanship power has increased by at least 50%.

Performing swordsmanship involves many aspects, such as speed, strength, reaction, accuracy, etc. These aspects have been improved due to the clever integration of divine consciousness.

Taken together, the power of his swordsmanship has naturally been greatly improved.

Gao Xian thought of Chi She and Yang Qiying. In his current state, he could kill three people with a big sword without any need for a sneak attack.

The Green Lotus Sword can be transformed into the Green Lotus Feihong Sword, which gives him one more killing move.

But he also knew that close combat was dangerous and unnecessary. He would not fight anyone in close combat.

Using ice arrows to shoot and snipe from a distance without being surprised is the style of a cultivator.

Even Gao Xian didn't like using flame bombs. There was too much movement, and the explosions caused blood and flesh to fly all over the sky. It was not elegant at all.

Gao Xian thought so, but he still had to try the sword when it was time to try it.

He ran next door to wake up Zhu Qiniang and took her to the yard to try the sword.

Ever since Zhu Qiniang solved the physical alienation and advanced to the tenth level of Qi training, she has experienced explosive growth in all aspects.

Except for Gao Xian's advantages in speed and consciousness, he was completely overwhelmed by Qiniang in other aspects.

If he fought head-on, he wouldn't be able to defeat Qiniang.

Today's swordsmanship has advanced to the master level, so of course Gao Xian wants to try it with Qiniang.

Looking at Gao Xian's condition, Zhu Qiniang knew that he should have made a breakthrough.

She was also a little curious. What had Gao Xian accomplished after working so hard for more than a month?

Zhu Qiniang and Gao Xian both held wooden swords with no eyes, and neither of them dared to say that they could control them during the fierce battle.

If you keep controlling your power, there is little point in trying the sword.

Gao Xian raised his sword and saluted, and Qiniang returned the salute.

The two sides silently confronted each other for a while, and Gao Xian raised his sword to attack first. He activated the geomagnetic wheel, and in a flash the figure was in front of Qiniang.

Qiniang raised her sword to meet him, and the two fought together.

Qiniang's swordsmanship is extremely powerful and ferocious, suppressing Gao Xian in all aspects.

Gao Xian controls the geomagnetic wheel as fast as a ghost, and the wooden sword in his hand floats like the wind and is as fast as lightning. Although he was passive in the situation, he was very calm and relaxed when advancing and retreating.

The two fought for more than a hundred moves, and suddenly the two swords struck each other in a series, and the shadows of the swords crisscrossed, making the sound of wind and thunder.

Suddenly a wooden sword broke and shattered, and sawdust flew into the sky.

Zhu Qiniang held the long broken sword of a foot for a while, and then said with a complicated expression: "I didn't expect that you are also a peerless genius in swordsmanship. God really prefers you!"

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