The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 129 Countermeasures (Third update! Please vote for me!)

"Brother Xian, the sect has made a decision to let Zhu Changsheng serve as the deacon of Pegasus Ji and co-manage Pegasus Ji with Li Shuanglin."

Zhou Yuling looked at Gao Xian with some worry. She knew that Gao Xian took this matter very seriously, so she hurried to report the news when she heard the news.

Gao Xian smiled at Zhou Yuling, "Why are you so nervous? Zhu Changsheng will come as soon as he comes. He doesn't eat people."

"I'm not worried about you, you still mock me, how heartless!"

Zhou Yuling saw Gao Xian's expression as usual, and she couldn't help but pout and complain. At the same time, she felt relieved.

"Come on, give me a hug."

Gao Xian smiled and opened his arms. Although Zhou Yuling brought particularly bad news, the hanging stone finally fell to the ground, and his heart felt at ease.

Zhou Yuling was so clever, but although Gao Xian's playful smile was as coquettish as usual, she always felt that something was wrong.

She looked at Gao Xian suspiciously with her crooked eyes: "Did you sleep with Zhu Qiniang?"

"Sister, please don't talk nonsense. If Qiniang hears it, it will be a disaster for both of us. This matter cannot be joked about."

Gao Xian hurriedly denied it, let alone Zhou Yuling being his girlfriend, no matter who asked him, he wouldn't be able to admit it.

The key is that he didn't even sleep!

"Then what are you afraid of?"

Zhou Yuling thought for a moment and asked, "Is it possible that you killed Shopkeeper Zhu?"

Gao Xian laughed dryly: "Don't you know me yet? How can I have the courage to kill someone?"

"Hmph, you can't say that. My father has always said that you are a sinister and ruthless person."

Zhou Yuling snorted. She didn't quite believe in her father's judgment, but she knew that Gao Xian was actually quite powerful.

He rose from the second level of Qi training to the seventh level of Qi training in three years. If nothing else, this speed of cultivation can be called a genius.

Even the true disciples of Lianyun Sect may not be stronger than Gao Xian in cultivation.

She took the initiative to hold Gao Xian's arm and said affectionately: "Brother, if you are afraid of Zhu Changsheng, you should stay at my house temporarily.

"Zhu Changsheng is only in the early stage of foundation building, so he has to give face to my master no matter what. Besides, he is already at odds with Li Shuanglin. You should be more cautious when doing things. You will be fine if you stay at my house."

Gao Xian thought that this might be a solution.

Zhou Ye's master, Nan Pingsong, is the elder of Lianyun Sect.

From the perspective of the sect's organizational structure, the Chuan Gong elders are equivalent to members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, which can be regarded as an advantage in providing for the elderly.

He doesn't have much power, but he still has status.

Nan Pingsong also valued him very much and even gave him the position of outer deacon.

In the previous life, this outer deacon was equivalent to a civil servant. It doesn't look good, but it is still very important to casual cultivators.

In addition, Zhu Changsheng didn't know his situation well, so he wouldn't fall out with Nan Pingsong because of him.

There's just one problem: Zhu Hongan's death will be left to Qiniang.

Qiniang should also be responsible for all other issues.

Gao Xian had long given up on the idea of ​​helping others, but his relationship with Qiniang was not that simple.

Rationally speaking, giving up Qiniang like this would be beneficial to both parties.

It doesn't make sense for him and Qiniang to share the responsibility. Just one more person to suffer.

If he jumps out and Qiniang takes the responsibility alone, he can be there to help Qiniang.

This reason is very good, but I can't convince myself.

Gao Xian pondered for a moment and said: "This matter is a bit complicated. It involves Lujiao San and Tiangui Dan. I can't leave it all to Qiniang. I still have to discuss with Qiniang how to deal with it."

Zhou Yuling was silent for a moment and nodded. Of course she hoped Gao Xian would follow her, but she would also be very uncomfortable if Gao Xian gave up Qiniang without hesitation.

Only in times of crisis can you see your true colors.

Gao Xian and Qiniang have such a close relationship. It would be too cold-blooded and heartless to just care about their own safety and ignore Qiniang!

How could she trust such a person, how could she spend her life with such a person? !

Gao Xian thought Zhou Yuling was worried about him, so he comforted him softly: "It's okay. At most, I can refine elixirs for the Zhu family for a few years. Besides, it's not like I don't have a teacher. Zhu Changsheng doesn't dare to go too far."

Zhou Yuling knew Gao Xian's teacher Xu Mingyuan and knew what he was like.

Hearing what Gao Xian said, she couldn't help but feel a little funny. If Xu Mingyuan is reliable, he will not leave Gao Xian alone.

She felt a little sympathy for Gao Xian. Her good brother was so pitiful that the teacher used him as a money-making tool.

Zhou Yuling took the initiative to kiss Gao Xian, "Well, nothing will happen. If you really get into trouble, remember to come to my dad."

Gao Xian and Zhou Yuling were tired for a long time, and seeing that it was getting dark, they sent Zhou Yuling back.

When Qiniang came back, Gao Xian told her the news that Zhu Changsheng was coming to Pegasus Ji.

Zhu Qiniang was silent for a long time, "What a bad news."

She has no foundation in Lianyun Sect. Although she is very concerned about Zhu Changsheng's movements, she is far less well-informed than Zhou Ye.

"Yes." Gao Xian also sighed.

Zhu Qiniang looked at Gao Xian and asked, "What are you going to do?"

They had discussed this matter several times, but they were not sure whether Zhu Changsheng would come, and they never had a specific plan.

Now, a decision must be made.

Gao Xian looked straight into Qiniang's bright green eyes, "Let's see what Zhu Changsheng says first. Then we make a decision?"

Zhu Qiniang said seriously: "Why don't you go to Zhou Ye's place. Hide for a few days first and then talk."

"Yu Ling told me that I also want to avoid the limelight."

Gao Xian looked a little complicated and said: "It's just that this is too unloyal. The word 'righteousness' is what we gangsters talk about. Besides, if I run away like this, I'm afraid Yu Ling will dislike me."

“Do great things without hesitation.”

Zhu Qiniang said calmly: "Those morals and righteousness are all for ordinary people. How can we be restricted by these."

Gao Xian couldn't help but smile: "You are always so philosophical. You are always so calm and rational."

He was silent for a moment and held Qiniangsu's hand, "We are good brothers and we must live and die together. No matter how many fair and just reasons there are, we can't deceive ourselves."

"That's not necessary." Zhu Qiniang shook her head slightly, trying hard to break away from Gao Xian's hand.

Unexpectedly, Gao Xian tightened his grip, "Okay, let me put it another way, I can't let you go."

He added: "We haven't slept yet!"

The words that seemed to be teasing hit the softest part of Qiniang's heart.

She felt as if the blood all over her body was on fire, and her body was shaking slightly uncontrollably.

That was because the joy and excitement in her heart dominated her body and mind.

This man did not let her down at the critical moment.

Qiniang's cheeks were flushed, her bright green eyes were filled with joy that overflowed from the bottom of her heart, and the calmness on her face was completely burned by the fire in her heart.

But she didn't know what to say, she just held Gao Xian's hand tightly.

Gao Xian's hand was pinched and hurt, but he could barely endure it as his cultivation had greatly improved. It won't be like the previous two times where I was pinched to the point of wanting to call me mother.

He gently stroked Qiniang's hot cheek and whispered: "You have a fever, let me help you get rid of the fever..."

Qiniang was a little shy but brave enough to look directly at Gao Xian: "Okay!"

Gao Xian was just joking to liven up the atmosphere, but Qiniang was so tough that he was a little timid.

"Let's get down to business first..."

No matter how deep and strong their relationship is, they are still vulnerable to the great monk of Foundation Establishment. There is no point in saying sweet love words at this time, the important thing is to come up with a comprehensive countermeasure.

Gao Xian hurriedly pulled out his hand while the bones of his hand were still intact. He said, "I heard from Yu Ling that Li Shuanglin and Zhu Changsheng have a conflict. Can we win over Li Shuanglin to fight against Zhu Changsheng?"

Hearing Gao Xian talk about business, Zhu Qiniang calmed down and said: "Actually, Master Zhu Changsheng died decades ago. He was greedy and cowardly, and no one in Lianyun Sect liked him.

"Behind Li Shuanglin is his uncle Li Yunze. It is said that this man has a gentle and generous personality and does not like fighting.

"Without the support of this uncle, Li Shuanglin would not dare to act recklessly."

Zhu Qiniang added: "Besides, Li Shuanglin is a cruel and narrow-minded person who cannot tolerate others. He will not take us seriously. If we cooperate with him, we will only become his pawns."

"It's really troublesome..."

Gao Xian also had no idea in his mind. Facing a great foundation-building monk, all kinds of conspiracies and strategies seemed so powerless.

They have no connections and no room for maneuver.

The two discussed it for a long time, but there was no solid solution. The two main people didn't know what Zhu Changsheng's attitude was, which made them feel a bit lucky.

Back in the bedroom, Gao Xian put his hand on the green lotus sword and fell into deep thought.

If Zhu Changsheng goes too far, he must be prepared to take action.

There is definitely no way for the shadowless robe to approach the foundation-building monk silently.

To this end, he tested Li Shuanglin twice. Within twenty steps, Li Shuanglin was already vaguely aware of it.

As for using magic to sneak attack, there is no need to think about it.

As long as the spiritual consciousness is used to condense the magic power, it will naturally trigger the practitioner's response.

The sensing range of the great monk in the early stage of foundation building is a hundred steps. Within this distance, it is almost impossible to sneak attack the great monk of foundation building with magic.

If you want to kill Zhu Changsheng, only the Green Lotus Sword is the most reliable.

His swordsmanship advanced to the master level, and he once tried the sword with Qiniang.

After all, Qiniang specializes in physical training and is at the tenth level of Qi training, so her speed and strength are not much worse than those in the early stages of foundation building.

On the other hand, he didn't try his best.

Grandmaster's perfect electro-photovoltaic dragon hand gives him a huge advantage in speed and reaction. Especially since he advanced to the seventh level of Qi training, all aspects of his body's strength have improved.

This allows him to further develop the speed of the Electro-Photovoltaic Dragon Hand.

The master level swordsmanship allows him to integrate his body and consciousness, and his sword speed is increased by three points.

In the state of Qinglian Feihong Sword, the blade of Qinglian Sword completely turned into a blade-like rainbow light, which increased his sword-drawing speed by another three points.

Gao Xian had watched Li Shuanglin, Zhang Chunjiang and other great foundation-building monks fight, and had a certain understanding of their power and speed.

With his current speed, he is definitely two points better than Li Shuanglin and Zhang Chunjiang. Coupled with the special status of the Qinglian Feihong Sword, it should be able to steadily surpass these two foundation-building monks in terms of speed.

Of course, differences in cultivation techniques, combat consciousness, combat skills, etc. determine that there are huge differences between individual foundation-building monks.

According to Qiniang, Zhu Changsheng is a master of alchemy and is famous for his alchemy, but he is not good at fighting.

Zhu Changsheng is 170 years old this year and has only reached the second level of foundation building. In terms of age, he is actually in the middle and later stages of his life.

Basically cutting off the possibility of going further.

Gao Xian thought again of the second-order Iron Lin demon tiger that he had killed.

Although second-level monsters are highly intelligent, they cannot be compared to humans. Only then would he and Qiniang join forces to kill him.

However, the magic power of the second-level monster is two points stronger than that of the foundation-building monk.

Gao Xian was deeply impressed by the magical flames of the Iron Lin Demon Tiger's body protection. He thought that with the Green Lotus Feihong Sword, he should be able to kill it with one sword!

After considering all aspects, as long as he gets close to Zhu Changsheng and gives him a sword, the trouble will be solved.

Thinking of this, Gao Xian couldn't help but smile on his face, but his smile was a little bitter...

Thousands of words updated! Asking for a monthly ticket~

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