In May, the sunshine at noon was already a bit poisonous.

Gao Xian sat lazily under the eaves, listening to the cicadas chirping in the trees.

Knowing that Zhu Changsheng is coming to Pegasus, but not knowing when he will come, is very confusing.

This kind of uneasy feeling is like when he didn't finish his homework when he was a child, and he didn't know when the teacher would check it.

He took the time to refine a batch of elixirs, but he was no longer in the mood to refine elixirs.

I practice swordsmanship when I have free time these days. Other than that, I study Fengyue Baojian.

From September to May, in more than seven months, he accumulated more than 20,000 points of humane aura.

Gao Xian has not yet figured out how to use these humane auras.

Mainly, the electro-photovoltaic dragon hand and the great magic method are all at the perfect state of the master and cannot be promoted.

Gao Xian mainly still had some illusions, thinking that these two secret techniques could break through the bottleneck, and he could quickly increase his strength by adding points.

According to his summary, the secret method to break through the bottleneck is either a severe stimulation, or a sudden enlightenment due to an idea.

Both of these breakthrough models are difficult to replicate and cannot be controlled.

He is a little hesitant now. He should use up all his humane aura now and improve his strength first. Or should we wait?

After careful consideration, Gao Xian decided to wait.

Only the Shadowless Magic Cloak and the Zhengyang Spear are worth adding points. Even if 20,000 points of Humanity Spiritual Light are invested, it will not make a qualitative difference in these two spells.

Then, there is little point in consuming a lot of humane aura.

If Zhu Changsheng arrived, it would be too late to add more temporarily!

Gao Xian didn't want to start a fight with Zhu Changsheng. He made these plans in advance just to be prepared.

As long as he can bear it, he will definitely bear it.

I have endured everything in 996, I have endured free overtime, I have endured monthly salary arrears, I have endured being scolded like a grandson, I have endured being cut in line, I have endured being punched in the face with fists.

Come to think of it, Zhu Changsheng wouldn't be so unbearable, right?

Gao Xian was just thinking about how to face Zhu Changsheng when he heard someone talking outside the door.

A thought in his heart prompted him to activate the Flower Appraisal Mirror, and he could clearly see the people outside through the gate.

There were seven people on the other side, and the four standing in front were all relatively young, wearing robes and swords, with arrogant eyebrows.

The old man in the middle is thin, with short eyebrows and small eyes, a dull complexion, white hair, and a big green robe with a spiritual light that is extraordinary.

Especially the old man's small eyes, with a faint electric light shining when the eyes turn, which is breathtaking.

Gao Xian switched the flower appreciating mirror to the candlelight ghost mode, and saw that the mana on this person was full of vitality and strong as fire, much stronger than the six people next to him put together.

This is the great foundation-building monk!

Gao Xian had never met Zhu Changsheng, but Zhu Qiniang described Zhu Changsheng's appearance and personality to him in detail.

There is no doubt that the old man outside is Zhu Changsheng. Those people around him must be descendants of the Zhu family.

The two middle-aged men following Zhu Changsheng were obviously masters in the late stages of Qi training. Even those four young people were in the middle stage of Qi training.

Gao Xian was very surprised, Zhu Changsheng was here! The problem is that if Zhu Changsheng didn't go to Changsheng Hall first, why did he come to find him first?

Judging from the arrogant look on the brows of these young people, it seemed that the other party had bad intentions.

A young man walked to the door and knocked hard, causing the door to clang.

Daniel, who was resting in the west wing, heard the noise and hurriedly ran out.

Daniel also sensed something was wrong. Normal people would not knock on the door so hard. He looked at Gao Xian uneasily.

"Go ahead, open the door and see who it is."

Although Gao Xian knew who the other party was, he couldn't tell Daniel directly.

Now that Zhu Changsheng is here, let’s talk.

Gao Xian touched the Green Lotus Sword at his waist and thought for a moment but still did not put the sword away.

If it doesn't work, you can only try your best. Putting it in the storage bag and taking it out again will waste a lot of time.

Da Niu opened the door, but before he could say anything, the young man who called the door kicked Da Niu in the belly, knocking Da Niu back more than ten steps.

"You deserve to die for keeping the old man waiting for so long." The young man cursed with a fierce look on his face.

Daniel held his stomach and wanted to defend himself, but this kick seemed to have broken his intestines. The severe colic made him unable to speak, and cold sweat broke out on his face.

Gao Xian saw that something was wrong with Daniel. He stood up and supported Daniel. He looked at the young man with a stern face and asked, "What do you do? You attack when you come up. What grudges do you have?"

The young man raised his eyebrows, pointed at his nose and said proudly: "Listen clearly, my name is Zhu Hongming, Zhu Hongan is my brother, now you know who I am, right?!"

"It turns out he is a relative of shopkeeper Zhu."

Gao Xian nodded, "So, what does it mean that you come to the door and hurt people?"

"Why don't you pretend to be stupid!"

Zhu Hongming has a bad temper. When he heard Gao Xian say this, his eyes suddenly showed a fierce light, and he was ready to take action while holding the hilt of the sword at his waist.

Several other young men also held swords in their hands and looked ready to kill.

The four of them acted together, and their ferocious aura frightened Da Niu.

Gao Xian's expression was very calm. He had killed countless wastes in the middle stage of Qi training this year.

If it weren't for the fear of Zhu Changsheng behind a few people, a few ice picks could penetrate several idiots in an instant.

Just when a few young people were pretending to take action, a middle-aged man behind them shouted: "Don't be so presumptuous."

Several young people headed by Zhu Hongming all took two steps back and bowed their heads slightly, acting extremely humble.

Zhu Changsheng walked into the courtyard accompanied by two middle-aged men. The old man looked at Gao Xian with a half-smile expression on his face.

"Kid, you are Gao Xian, right?"

Gao Xian nodded, but before he could speak, the old man continued: "My name is Zhu Changsheng, the head of the Zhu family. You must have heard my name."

"It turns out that the ancestor is here. I missed the welcome from afar. Please forgive me for my sin."

The old man revealed his identity, and Gao Xian took two steps forward and bowed his hands respectfully.

Regardless of age, status or cultivation, the old man was much, much better than him.

Be polite and courteous, there is no shame in doing so.

Zhu Changsheng smiled. He found Gao Xian quite pleasing to his eye. He was not alarmed by changes and did not get angry when things happened for no reason. In terms of demeanor and demeanor, he was much better than the younger members of the Zhu family.

He said slowly: "He is handsome, polite and well-behaved when he speaks and behaves. He is truly as rich as a jade. No wonder he can make Zhu Qiniang, who is as tall as wood and stone, go into heat."

Hearing the old man's words, the smile on Gao Xian's face disappeared.

Obviously, Zhu Changsheng knew that he and Qiniang were close. Moreover, the old man's tone was not good.

There is no point in making excuses for this.

Gao Xian's heart sank, but after going through so much, he had also developed some skills.

He asked calmly: "I'm sorry that I'm young and ignorant, but I don't know what my ancestor meant by this."

"I can handle it calmly now, and I'm really quite magnanimous."

Zhu Changsheng now admires Gao Xian a little. Facing the pressure of the great monks of the foundation building, he can still be neither humble nor arrogant, but this city is different.

Well, not an ordinary pretty boy!

Zhu Hongming, who was standing on the side, couldn't bear it anymore. He shouted loudly: "You and Zhu Qiniang, a pair of bastards, hooked up and killed my brother, so why are you pretending to be stupid?"

What surprised Zhu Hongming was that when he accused Gao Xian, he didn't panic at all. Instead, he raised his eyebrows and showed a bit of anger.

Gao Xian ignored Zhu Hongming and said to Zhu Changsheng: "Ancestor, how can such ridiculous rumors be taken seriously? Someone must be slandering and framed. Please be careful, Ancestor."

"What the hell?" Zhu Hongming was very angry when he was ignored. He cursed and was about to draw his sword.

Zhu Changsheng glanced at Zhu Hongming. The boy hurriedly bowed and backed away, not daring to say a word. Let this kid be the bad guy, but you don't want him to steal the talking points.

Zhu Changsheng said to Gao Xian calmly: "Boy, stop talking nonsense in front of me.

"You refined Lu Jiao Powder and Tian Gui Dan and sold them in Pegasus Market. Then Hong An died. Haha, do you believe that there is nothing wrong here? I don't believe it."

Gao Xian was silent. Since the old man had determined this matter, there was no point in explaining it. Instead, he would offend the old man.

Now let’s see what the old man says and what the rules are.

Zhu Changsheng was quite satisfied with Gao Xian's reaction. If Gao Xian continued to explain without knowing the meaning of the matter, he would inflict hardship on him.

"You are the alchemist of Changsheng Hall. Lujiao San and Tiangui Pill have been sold at Pegasus for three years, but Changsheng Hall has not received an extra spiritual stone from this."

Zhu Changsheng said: "I only think that you sold three thousand spirit stones a year, and you already owe our Zhu family ten thousand spirit stones."

The old man said as he glanced at Gao Xian's Xuanshui robe and Qinglian sword. With his eyesight, he could naturally see that these were all first-class high-grade items. It's worth at least two to three thousand spirit stones.

A mere alchemist can actually afford thousands of spiritual stones, swords, and robes! It was all his Zhu family’s money!

Thinking of this, the old man who had lived for 170 years became a little angry. He said grimly: "Gao Xian, do you know your guilt?!"

Just when Gao Xian was about to defend himself, the energy from Zhu Changsheng's body spurted out like a flame. Gao Xian was hit by the mana wave and took seven or eight steps back before he regained his balance.

Zhu Changsheng was a little surprised. He activated Gang Qi and originally wanted to push Gao Xian to his knees, but he didn't expect that this kid's Qi training was actually very pure. He should have reached the fourth or fifth level of Qi training.

And the response was extremely clever, and he actually withstood the suppression of Qingmu Gangqi, and resolved it by retreating to release the force, avoiding the humiliation of kneeling on the spot.

Zhu Changsheng, a dignified foundation-building monk, failed to succeed in one blow, so naturally it was difficult for him to strike again.

However, Gao Xian looked pale and ugly, and his purpose of teaching and intimidating Gao Xian had been achieved.

It was not that Gao Xian was afraid of Zhu Changsheng, but that he just saw Zhu Changsheng arrogantly urging him to activate his Qi, which made him want to launch a sneak attack.

After all, his reason suppressed his impulse and he backed away. Just thinking about how impulsive he had just been, Gao Xian felt a little scared.

The opponent is just not good at fighting, and he is also a foundation-building monk after all. If he misses a hit, he will definitely die.

No need to take such a risk!

Zhu Changsheng felt that he had completely suppressed Gao Xian, and he said in a deep voice: "From now on, you will make elixirs for the Zhu family obediently. If you behave well, I can forget the blame and give you a way to survive..."

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