Zhu Changsheng's eyes sparkled with electricity, and his body's magical power was like a raging cyan flame.

The tyrannical power of the foundation-building monk is clearly demonstrated.

Even the entire Zhu family could not help but be intimidated by Zhu Changqi's momentum, and all of them looked in awe.

Gao Xian, who was facing Zhu Changsheng, sneered in his heart. Zhu Changsheng, a dignified and great monk who established the foundation, wanted to use his energy to scare people. He was already inferior.

This level of Gang Qi can't scare him.

To say that Gang Qi is strong and powerful, the dead Tielin Demon Tiger is two points stronger than Zhu Changsheng.

At the beginning of his Qi training, he dared to face the Tielin Demon Tiger. Not to mention that he was already in the late stage of Qi training and could still be scared by an old man.

Although the foundation-building great monk is strong, if he wants to scare people, he can only use his divine consciousness to suppress them except to activate his energy.

From the previous contact, Gao Xian felt that the old man's consciousness was no better than his, or even a little worse.

Therefore, the old man did not see his true cultivation at all.

In the world of cultivators, cultivators are all practicing cultivation, and there are not so many mysteries. Every power has its origin.

For practitioners, spiritual consciousness is the foundation for breathing spiritual energy and operating magic power.

Zhu Changsheng's consciousness was not as good as his, which made Gao Xian's respect for him disappear.

The old man didn't have the magnanimity of a great foundation-building monk, which made Gao Xian look down on him!

However, Gao Xian didn't want to fight the old man.

As the saying goes, I am like gold and jade, and my enemy is like stone.

If he made a sudden attack, he would be 50% to 60% sure of killing Zhu Changsheng.

The problem is that there is still a 40 to 50 percent chance of failure.

This is a gamble on life. With such a high probability of failure, only people without brains would take the risk without hesitation.

Taking such a huge risk to kill Zhu Changsheng, but there was no direct gain, and the aftermath was a huge problem.

From a benefit perspective, risks and rewards are not proportional.

Besides, even hundreds or thousands of Zhu Changsheng are not as valuable as his life.

Gao Xian thought very clearly that as long as he had a little patience, his strength would be greatly improved when he reached the eighth or ninth level of Qi training.

If Da Ou's magic method and electro-photovoltaic dragon hand can break through the bottleneck, their strength will also increase greatly.

Anyway, as long as he holds steady, he can keep moving up.

In a few years, Zhu Changsheng will no longer need to be taken seriously.

Gao Xian figured this out and calmed down. He bowed his hand to Zhu Changsheng and said, "Young man is willing to obey the ancestor's arrangements."

Zhu Changsheng chuckled and said, "You are quite smart. Work hard for my Zhu family and I won't treat you too badly."

Even the great alchemy masters like him find it difficult to copy the two low-level elixirs of Lujiao San and Tiangui Dan. This shows how talented Gao Xian is in alchemy.

There are two low-level elixirs, Lujiaosan and Tianguidan, one is necessary for men and the other is necessary for women. And because of its low grade, it has the most buyers.

Once these two elixirs are prepared, the Zhu family will surely rise within the Lianyun Sect.

If he didn't have such a plan, how could he, a great foundation-building monk, take the initiative to come to find a small Qi practitioner?

Zhu Changsheng told Zhu Qinghe beside him: "You take a few young ones here and watch him, and I'll go find the woman."

Zhu Qinghe is at the ninth level of Qi training. He has a stable personality and is cautious and thoughtful in doing things. With him watching here, Zhu Changsheng felt relieved.

Those young boys have good talents in cultivation, but they are all frivolous and arrogant. It’s easy to do bad things when no one is watching.

"Yes, ancestor." Zhu Qinghe bowed in response.

Zhu Changsheng glanced at Gao Xian again and saw that Gao Xian's eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking.

However, this little Qi practitioner is only at the fourth or fifth level of Qi training.

With Zhu Qinghe watching, and so many young boys, it was not his turn to act like a monster.

Zhu Changsheng did not hesitate to drive the Xunfeng boat and hurried to Pegasus, just to catch them by surprise and solve the bad things at home first.

He didn't think anything would happen. Although Zhu Qiniang could fight, she was only at the ninth level of Qi training. He can crush the opponent with one finger.

He can show mercy to Gao Xian. But you can't be polite to Zhu Qiniang, who comes from the Zhu family.

This lowly servant actually dared to conspire with outsiders to murder her husband. Just for that, she deserves to die.

He even had a pretty boy, which really brought the Zhu family to shame. Only by executing this bitch in public can the shame be washed away!

Zhu Changsheng lived to be one hundred and seventy years old. Although his heart was filled with murderous intent, his face remained calm.

He slowly walked out of the yard with his hands behind his back, followed carefully by another middle-aged man.

Gao Xian watched the old man walk away, and he couldn't help but worry about Qiniang. But Qiniang said that Zhu Changsheng would never kill her.

It is for this reason that he is willing to take a step back. As long as the two of them can pass this level, the rest will be easy.

A young member of the Zhu family walked over and closed the door, blocking Gao Xian's gaze.

Zhu Hongming glanced at Gao Xian and saw the deep water-like light flowing on Xuanshui's robe, and he couldn't help showing jealousy.

As a direct descendant of the Zhu family, his green wood robe only has more than 200 spiritual stones. Compared with Gao Xian, he is far behind.

The ancestor only said that Gao Xian should be the family's alchemist, but he did not say that he could not be touched.

Zhu Hongming's gaze shifted to Zhu Qinghe's side. He smiled apologetically and said, "Third uncle, this guy killed my brother, so I can't just let him go."

Zhu Qinghe frowned slightly: "Whatever you want to do, don't do it randomly."

"Don't worry, Third Uncle, I'm just going to teach him a lesson and give my brother some bad breath."

Zhu Hongming added: "That kid is neither yin nor yang. He is not convinced at first sight. If we don't give him a taste, he won't know the rules of our family!"

Zhu Qinghe couldn't help but laugh. He knew that Zhu Hongming was eyeing Gao Xian's robes and swords.

Not to mention Zhu Hongming's jealousy, as a ninth-level Qi practitioner, he was busy working for his family all day long. The grade of the robe he wears is only first-grade mid-grade.

Compared with Gao Xian's robe, it is far inferior.

Taking advantage of the ancestor's absence, it would be a good thing to take advantage of this kid's body.

Thinking of this, Zhu Qinghe whispered to Zhu Hongming: "You guys, be careful, don't break him. Just get the things."

He then added: "That robe is good, I want it."

Zhu Hongming was so happy that it was appropriate to give his third uncle a robe. I don’t know how many spiritual stones this Gao Xian earned from alchemy, he must be very profitable! This time they made money!

He winked at several of his companions, and the others also understood, and the four of them came to Gao Xian together.

Daniel was kicked just now, and now his stomach still hurts terribly. Seeing several people surrounding him with fierce expressions, he was so frightened that his hands and feet became weak.

It's just that Gao Xian usually treats him very kindly, so he can't be timid at this time. Daniel forced himself to stand up straight, clenching his hands into fists in a defensive posture.

Gao Xian casually moved Da Niu behind him. Da Niu's cultivation was too poor and of no value. These guys might beat him to death in order to demonstrate.

He looked at the leader Zhu Hongming and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Zhu Hongming couldn't help laughing, "Young boy, you and Zhu Qiniang colluded and killed my brother. My ancestor doesn't care about you, but I can't let you off so easily."

"Oh, what do you want?" Gao Xian didn't bother to distinguish this at this moment, and the other party was not here to reason with him.

"The dog thief is quite crazy!"

Zhu Hongming couldn't stand Gao Xian's calm appearance. The other party was obviously not afraid of him, which made him extremely unhappy.

He originally wanted to deal with Gao Xian directly, but then he thought, this would be too boring.

Zhu Hongming sneered and turned to Zhu Qinghe behind him and asked: "Third uncle, what do you think my ancestor will do with that bitch?"

Zhu Qinghe understood what Zhu Hongming meant, and he also disliked Gao Xian's calm appearance.

If it weren't for the mercy of their ancestors, they would have killed this kid long ago. How could it be the other party's turn to show off here!

As for Zhu Qiniang's fate, the ancestor made it very clear on the Xunfeng boat.

The ancestor repeatedly emphasized that this bitch who had brought shame to the Zhu family must be publicly executed.

Zhu Qinghe has been following Zhu Changsheng for twenty or thirty years, and this is the first time he has seen his ancestor curse without grace, which shows how angry his ancestor is.

"Ancestor said that Zhu Qiniang should be dealt with according to family rules."

Zhu Qinghe said in a serious tone: "Those who commit adultery, kill their husbands, steal, and rebel against the clan should be skinned, mutilated, heartbroken, decapitated, souls extracted, and finally exposed for seven days as a warning to others."

"Did you hear clearly, thief?"

Zhu Hongming said viciously: "When the time comes, I will put you and that bitch's body together, so that everyone can see what kind of moral character you two bitches have!"

These two people spoke so viciously that Da Niu was stunned. He comes from the Zhu family, so he naturally knows that the two of them are not just empty talk to scare people.

Gao Xian didn't have any fear or anxiety. He just frowned slightly and said, "Are you really going to kill Qiniang?"

Zhu Hongming and several young companions all showed mocking smiles, "This thief thinks we are scaring him! Hahaha..."

"So damn stupid!"

"Killing my brother and doing this is an advantage for you. I will skin that bitch with my own hands later!"

One of the young men suddenly said: "Why don't we turn that bitch into meat sauce and stuff it all into this kid. Let these bitches and men become one!"

Zhu Hongming said excitedly: "This is a good idea! Brother, you are smarter! Hahaha..."

Several other people also looked excited. This idea was so sinister and it suited them so well.

Gao Xian's expression calmed down, and he said to Zhu Hongming and others: "Although you are just talking, I am already angry."

"So what if you're angry?!"

Zhu Hongming's expression became extremely ferocious, "Who the hell do you think you are!"

He said, raising his hand and punching Gao Xian in the face.

I said all this just to stimulate Gao Xian's emotions. When he gets angry, deal with him severely!

The green sword light from nowhere suddenly caught Zhu Hongming's eyes, and the sharp sword whistling sound penetrated his eardrums at the same time.

Zhu Hongming suddenly realized something was wrong. Where did the sword light come from? !

The other three young men also realized that something was wrong. They all had a look of horror on their faces. They all retreated and drew their swords at the same time.

The green sword light turned into a sharp halo, covering everyone in it in an instant.

As the Octavia halo shone and expanded, one of Zhu Hongming's arms broke off first and flew up, raising a cloud of blood mist.

The other three young people from the Zhu family were still retreating in panic, their heads already flying into the air along with the Octavia halo.

Gao Xian drew his sword and sheathed it gracefully. The sharp sword light and sharp sword whistle also dissipated at the same time, and seemed to be sheathed together with the Green Lotus Sword.

Only then did Zhu Hongming react. He backed away in panic, but his lower body stayed in place. Only his upper body fell to the ground at an angle, and blood and organs spurted out along the broken parts of his body.

The three decapitated bodies also swayed and fell to the ground, blood spraying everywhere.

Seeing such a tragic scene, Zhu Hongming let out a heart-rending scream...

Daniel was dumbfounded. He had always felt that Gao Xian was kind and generous, polite to others, very gentle in dealing with things, and even a little weak. He had never seen Gao Xian's face before.

It was even more unexpected that Gao Xian had such swift and fierce swordsmanship and such ruthless means.

This overturned his understanding of Gao Xian, and Daniel was completely confused.

Zhu Qinghe, who was more than ten steps away, was also dumbfounded. While he activated the cyan Yimu shield, he exclaimed: "You are crazy!"

Gao Xian ignored Zhu Qinghe and said to Zhu Hongming with some disdain: "Isn't it just that you were injured? Why are you shouting so loudly? I thought you were a ruthless character, but you turned out to be a loser..."

(There is a third update, please vote for me!)

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