The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 135 The taste of this (still the third update!)

"Seventh sister, you have established a foundation!"

Da Niu, who was waiting outside, saw Zhu Qiniang coming out and shouted excitedly.

Zhu Qiniang nodded slightly and said "Yeah".

She has always been indifferent to outsiders. Although Daniel is a relative of hers and has a relatively close relationship with her, she always looks indifferent and distant.

Daniel was particularly in awe of Zhu Qiniang and didn't think there was anything wrong with Zhu Qiniang's behavior.

Although he was so excited that he almost cried, he didn't dare to come closer, he just giggled there.

Gao Xian praised: "Daniu is very capable and has been helping us guard outside."

Daniu Han smiled and said a little embarrassedly: "My cultivation level is too low, so I can't be of much help."

When Daniel said this, he suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "By the way, brother, those people's robes, storage bags and so on are all here with me."

That day Gao Xian killed Zhu Qinghe and others and left in a hurry. He collected the bodies and took off the magical weapons and robes of several people.

Gao Xian has been very busy these days, and he was worried about Qiniang's foundation construction, so he forgot about these things.

"Ha, yes, I forgot about it too, I was too busy."

Gao Xian smiled. He tried his best to kill Zhu Changsheng, and then Qiniang established the foundation. They were all major events, and he had no intention of paying attention to them.

It wasn't until Daniel mentioned it that he remembered that there was such a thing.

The five of them are all direct descendants of the Zhu family and all have storage bags. Their magic weapons and robes are also pretty good.

The total number of spiritual stones on these people is more than 1,100 pieces, which can be said to be rich.

Gao Xian took the spirit stone and gave the rest to Qiniang.

Qiniang looked at it briefly and said, "The storage bag plus the magic weapon and robe can be sold for four thousand spirit stones."

Gao Xian smiled: "You Zhu family are really particular about it. You never come to the house empty-handed."

He was in a good mood after getting another windfall.

This time the risks are huge and the rewards are huge!

As Lao Zhoutou said, calamity and luck bring about each other.

Zhu Changsheng's arrival was originally a catastrophe for him and Qiniang. Once they get through it, it will be great luck for both of them. As a result, he made a fortune, and Qiniang achieved great success!

"It's still early……"

Gao Xian glanced at the sun in the sky. It was now slanting in the southeast, so the time should be around eight in the morning.

He said to Qiniang: "I want to learn from the master of foundation building."

To be honest, Gao Xian was very curious about Qiniang's current state.

Seeing Qiniang complete the foundation building, her consciousness, magic power, and body all underwent qualitative changes.

Qiniang has undoubtedly become very strong, but Gao Xian has no idea how strong she is.

As a companion and a comrade-in-arms, he had to understand Qiniang's condition.

Qiniang is going to negotiate with Li Shuanglin, and no one will be accidentally attacked by Li Shuanglin.

"Okay, let's give it a try."

Zhu Qiniang is also very curious about Gao Xian's power. It's unheard of to say that he can kill Ji Zhu head-on by practicing Qi!

When Gao Xian and Zhu Changsheng fought, she was frightened by Zhu Changsheng's magical power. She was so dizzy that she didn't see the details of the battle at all.

I just vaguely saw Gao Xian seeming to activate a magical sword light and kill Zhu Changsheng with one sword.

After she successfully built the foundation, she had a deeper understanding of the power of foundation building. He became more and more surprised and curious about Gao Xian's sword.

Daniel watched from the side as Gao Xian and Zhu Qiniang were boiling with mana, their aura was strong, and they looked like they were about to take action. He was terrified.

Zhu Qiniang didn't even look at Daniel, she said coldly: "Stay away, I don't want to hurt you."

Although the two of them were just sparring, it was too dangerous for Daniel.

Even a stone thrown away by mana might kill Daniel.

Daniel was very obedient and kept exiting the yard, retreating dozens of feet away.

Gao Xian smiled at Qiniang: "Beauty, I'm here..."

Zhu Qiniang said sternly: "You should be careful. It is difficult to completely control the burst of mana. This is not child's play."

Gao Xian was a little helpless. He was flirting here and Qiniang was trying to reason with him. This girl really didn't know how to be charming!

He pulled out the Green Lotus Sword and stabbed Zhu Qiniang straight at him, using 90% of his strength.

Coupled with the speed of the geomagnetic wheel, the sword edge had reached Zhu Qiniang's chest in an instant.

The first time Gao Xian fought against Lao Wang, he almost missed because the opponent was wearing inner armor. This also got him used to saying hello to his head.

If you do it yourself, of course you have to hold it back a little.

Although Zhu Qiniang was well prepared, she was still a little surprised by Gao Xian's extreme fast sword burst.

Whether it was body skills or quick swordsmanship, Gao Xian had clearly reached the foundation-building level.

She deliberately wanted to test the sage's cultivation, so she pointed directly at the tip of the Qinglian Sword.

After completing the foundation building of the Hunyuan Golden Body Art, her strength, speed, reactions, etc., all improved by about six to seven times.

This huge comprehensive improvement greatly increased her combat power.

Facing Gao Xian's extremely fast sword, she could easily calculate the falling position and speed of the sword and deliver a precise and powerful blow.

The Green Lotus Sword and her fingertips touched lightly, and Qiniang's fingertips suddenly burst out with unparalleled power, blasting the Green Lotus Sword away suddenly.

Gao Xian relied on the electric photovoltaic dragon hand to be extremely fast. Although the Green Lotus Sword was released in an instant, he took it back again.

He hurriedly backed away. The force that Qiniang exploded with a snap of her fingers was too strong and tyrannical, and he couldn't bear it.

Zhu Qiniang shouted: "Definitely!"

Although she only used three-thirds of her strength to activate her divine power, the thunderous roar of the lion, the sound waves like Yin Yin's thunder were like a heavy hammer, slamming into Gao Xian.

The outermost shadowless robe rippled and collapsed silently, and the Xuanshui shield on the Xuanshui robe also shattered at the same time.

Gao Xian did not activate the Yimu shield on the Aoki Armor. This shield cannot resist sonic spells.

He could only shrink his body to protect his seven orifices with mana, and at the same time close his consciousness to protect his soul consciousness.

The roar of thunder suddenly penetrated Gao Xian's eardrums. This invisible sound wave was not only overbearing, but also contained the power of thunder to sweep away the world.

In an instant, Gao Xian felt like the world was spinning, all sounds disappeared, and he couldn't even sense his own existence.

Fortunately, Sister Lan was in charge of the eyebrow game, and her powerful spiritual consciousness took over the six senses to control the body, so he didn't fall on the spot.

Gao Xian retreated a few feet away and raised his hand to signal a truce. If the fight continued, he would really be beaten to death by this insignificant woman.

Zhu Qiniang also noticed something was wrong. She looked a little uneasy and asked tentatively: "Axian?"

Gao Xian could see Zhu Qiniang's mouth opening and closing, but could not hear any sound. He said angrily: "You want to murder your husband!"

The words came out, but he couldn't hear them. This feeling was also very strange.

Zhu Qiniang came to Gao Xian's side, and she guiltily stretched out her hand to wipe the blood from Gao Xian's ears.

"I'm sorry, I was so out of touch."

Gao Xian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This woman was really stupid and trusted him too much. She was really not afraid of yelling at him to death.

The natal magical power of Thunder, Sound of Lion, Roar, is so powerful. If I had known earlier, I would have used the Shadowless Robes to hide...

"Fortunately, you are protected by two layers of mana shields, and your consciousness is strong. It just bled a little and was not really injured."

Zhu Qiniang checked Gao Xian's ears, and she felt relieved.

She was not good at words and didn't know how to express herself at this moment. She just looked at Gao Xian with guilt and distress in her bright green eyes.

Gao Xian covered his ears with his hands and asked loudly: "What did you say?"

Zhu Qiniang was startled. Her voice rose a lot, and there was even a hint of panic in her tone: "Can't you hear it?"

"Ha ha……"

Gao Xian grabbed Zhu Qiniang's waist with a very happy smile on his face: "I'm teasing you."

Zhu Qiniang was not angry. She lowered her eyes and whispered, "As long as you're okay."

The cold and tough Qiniang is rarely so docile, even a little bit cute.

This made Gao Xian feel a little weird, and he was a little embarrassed that such an adult was still making a fool of himself.

He thought for a moment and kissed Qiniang on the cheek, "We old men don't say things that are out of sight."

Zhu Qiniang felt warm in her heart and couldn't help but have a bright smile on her face.

She thought for a moment and took the initiative to hug Gao Xian and kiss him.

Generally speaking, she doesn't like verbal disputes, but if Gao Xian likes it, she will accompany him.

Daniel, who was hiding far away, saw Gao Xian and Qiniang hugging each other through the gate.

Dan Niu only glanced at it and quickly turned around. He murmured in his heart: "Let him run away. It turns out that the two of them want to be intimate... Who can this be deceived? I should have known that something happened to the two of them!"

Gao Xian and Qiniang were intimate for a while. Their breaths were connected and their feelings were connected. He just felt that holding them like this was happier than anything else. He wished he could continue like this.

Even Qiniang, who was always calm, hugged Gao Xian and was reluctant to let go.

"It's getting late, let's get down to business first."

At this time, Gao Xian was calmer than Qiniang. It was very comfortable for the two of them to be intimate, but they could not delay the business.

Zhu Qiniang breathed out softly, and said softly with waves in her bright eyes: "No wonder many men and women are intoxicated by love. The taste is really moving."

"The love between a man and a woman is the right way."

Gao Xian chuckled, "You will like it even more when you taste it."

He was teasing Qiniang casually, but to his surprise, Qiniang said expectantly: "When the time comes, you must try."

She said to Gao Xian seriously: "You have to train your body well, otherwise, your face will not look good when you lose to me when the time comes."

"Ha ha……"

Although Gao Xian knew he was defeated, he would not admit defeat at this moment. He said proudly: "Don't think you are just building a foundation. If we really do it, I will kill you until you are defeated!"

Although Zhu Qiniang was straight-tempered, she also knew how to take care of the man's self-esteem. She just smiled and said nothing.

Gao Xian cleverly changed the subject, "Li Shuanglin is more cunning. You go see him and I will support you outside..."

"Well, you'd better not show up, lest you arouse his suspicion."

Zhu Qiniang thought it would be better for Gao Xian to hide. Although Gao Xian could kill Zhu Changsheng, his actual combat power was still far inferior to that of the foundation-building monk.

After the two of them left the yard, they sent Daniel home first. He couldn't help with what happened next.

After Daniel left, Gao Xian summoned the shadowless robes and followed Qiniang, and the two of them arrived at the door of Li Shuanglin's house one after another.

Two black-robed cultivators from the law enforcement team were standing at the gate chatting. In broad daylight, they are more relaxed as guards.

Seeing Zhu Qiniang striding over, the two guards were shocked. They both knew Zhu Qiniang.

Such a big thing happened in Changsheng Hall. It was said that Zhu Changsheng was dead. They thought Zhu Qiniang had also died long ago. I didn't expect Zhu Qiniang to come here today.

Zhu Qiniang said in a deep voice: "Please tell me, Zhu Qiniang wants to see Deacon Li."

"Wait a moment." A black-robed guard hurriedly entered the gate to report.

After a while, the guard ran back quickly and introduced Zhu Qiniang into the Li family.

Gao Xian silently passed through the wall, passed through the protective circle, and followed Qiniang in parallel and in the same direction.

Gao Xian didn't stop until he reached the outside of the main room. If he moves forward further, Li Shuanglin will probably find him. It's safer to stand further away.

He has a flower appreciating mirror, and he can see the situation in the main room even from here.

Li Shuanglin was wearing a black robe, sitting lazily on the main seat with an indifferent expression.

He didn't care about Zhu Qiniang. She was just a ninth-level Qi practitioner, not worth mentioning. However, as long as Zhu Qiniang is alive, she may be able to figure out what happened that day.

When Zhu Qiniang entered the room, Li Shuanglin realized something was wrong.

At the level of his spiritual consciousness, Zhu Qiniang was full of energy, and the light of the true spirit shone faintly in the depths of his eyebrows.

He straightened his back suddenly and his expression became serious: "Have you established a foundation?!"

Zhu Qiniang held her hands indifferently: "Qiniang has met Deacon Li."

She paused and then said, "Deacon Li is really discerning, I admire him."

Hearing Zhu Qiniang's personal admission, Li Shuanglin's expression changed again, and his eyes became more wary and suspicious.

He thought to himself: "When did this woman build a foundation? Could it be that the foundation building hidden in Pegasus Ji is her? This would explain everything! But what happened to Zhu Changsheng? What does she mean by coming to the door?"

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