Gao Xian had a flower appreciating mirror and could clearly see Qiniang and Li Shuanglin talking through the wall.

He could even see the subtle changes in Li Shuanglin's expression. This great foundation-building monk's face was gloomy and guarded at first.

After chatting for a while, Li Shuanglin's expression softened significantly.

Although Gao Xian couldn't hear what the two said specifically, looking at Li Shuanglin's expression, he knew that the conversation went smoothly.

After more than half an hour, Li Shuanglin personally sent Zhu Qiniang out of the door.

The two exchanged pleasantries at the gate, then Zhu Qiniang turned and left.

The two guards were dumbfounded. They had followed Li Shuanglin for several years, and this was the first time they saw Li Shuanglin being so polite to a Qi practitioner.

The Li family is located in the central area of ​​Pegasus, and people often pass by in front of the gate. Many people saw this scene.

The razing of the Changsheng Hall to the ground was a major event that shocked Pegasus. It can be said that no one knew about it.

Everyone thought Zhu Qiniang was dead and were surprised to see her safe and sound. What's more, Li Shuanglin was chatting and laughing with Zhu Qiniang and was very polite.

Li Shuanglin is known as arrogant in Pegasus Ji, and he doesn't have a good look towards anyone. Now he is amazed by Zhu Qiniang's attitude, but at the same time, he can't help but have many associations.

After leaving Li Shuanglin's sight, Gao Xian couldn't help but ask Qiniang: "How is it?"

Although he was chatting with Qiniang, he was still wearing the shadowless robe. The main reason is that there are many people on the road. If he goes with Qiniang, it will cause more rumors.

"It's settled."

Zhu Qiniang said: "The Changsheng Hall was given to Li Shuanglin. He blamed the Qisha Sect for Zhu Changsheng's death."

Gao Xian was a little surprised: "If Changshengtang gives it to him, then I won't be able to sell medicine in the future."

"I have to give him benefits. I have to go back to Lianyun City to take over the Zhu family, and I can no longer manage the Changsheng Hall. I might as well do him a favor."

Zhu Qiniang said seriously: "Axian, don't you want to stay in Pegasus Ji for the rest of your life? Not only is this place remote and backward, but its spiritual energy level is also very low. It is incomparable to Lianyun City.

"As soon as I accept the Zhu family to establish a foothold in Lianyun City, I am qualified to sell elixirs in Lianyun City. There are hundreds of thousands of cultivators there, and there are dozens of workshops and gathering centers around it. Isn't it better for you to sell medicine there? good."

Gao Xian said silently, indeed, Lianyung City is a bigger market and more suitable for cultivation.

He didn't want to go to Lianyuncheng, mainly because the original owner was in awe of his teacher Xu Mingyuan in his memory.

Affected by his memory, he instinctively wanted to avoid Lianyuncheng.

Zhu Qiniang knew what Gao Xian was worried about, so she said softly: "Xu Mingyuan, I will help you solve it.

"You say you are a master and apprentice, but in fact you are just his apprentice. I will give Xu Mingyuan a sum of spiritual stones and buy you back the contract you signed."

Gao Xian thought about it and thought this was a good idea.

Anyway, he and Xu Mingyuan had no relationship, so paying a sum of spiritual stones could be regarded as repaying the teacher's kindness.

From then on, the two went their separate ways and had nothing to do with each other.

"Okay, you go back first, and I will return to Lianyun City after the matter is resolved."

Zhu Qiniang nodded, the Zhu family's affairs were easy to handle, but the problem was that it was troublesome and risky to clear the relationship with the sect.

Letting Gao Xian wait for news at Pegasus Ji can avoid many risks and is the safest way.

The two of them arrived home while talking, and Gao Xian entered the house after collecting the shadowless robe.

Then, Gao Xian's face became a little ugly, and he muttered: "A real talent can even use an alchemy furnace..."

The doors and windows of the room were smashed, and various items were scattered on the floor, making it a mess.

Gao Xian thought that his home would be robbed, but the other party took away the alchemy furnace, which he did not expect.

He puts all the good things in storage bags. There are only some medicinal materials, food, etc. at home, nothing valuable.

The alchemy furnace is worth dozens of spirit stones, but it weighs hundreds of kilograms, is big, and has narrow uses. At least it is impossible to get rid of it in Pegasus Ji.

The alchemy furnace is not valuable, but he has used it for several years and has become very comfortable with it.

Dan Niu was crying on the side, looking even sadder than Gao Xian.

The main reason is that he takes care of this house, he spends more time with the alchemy furnace, and he has more affection for this place.

Zhu Qiniang didn't care about the alchemy furnace, but the mess at home made her not in a good mood.

She frowned slightly and said, "As soon as something happens in Changsheng Hall, these people rush to take advantage. Damn it."

"Damn it." Gao Xian nodded in agreement. A group of thieves who dared to steal his medicinal materials were really looking for death.

With his scent-smelling skills, the opponent can't escape even if he has a storage bag. Because when carrying medicinal materials, it is inevitable that the body will be contaminated with medicinal fragrance.

There are some medicinal herbs that have a very light smell but are extremely long-lasting, lingering on your body for days.

It has only been three days, and there is no way this group of people can escape.

Gao Xian entered the room with an unhappy face to inspect the damage, and Daniel accompanied him.

At this time, Zhou Yuling hurried into the yard.

Zhou Yuling looked a little anxious and uneasy, without her usual liveliness and cheerfulness.

Seeing Zhu Qiniang standing in the yard, Zhou Yuling was a little anxious and was about to ask, but as soon as she and Zhu Qiniang's eyes met, she was frightened by the faint flash of lightning in the other person's eyes, which made her stunned.

Zhu Qiniang knew what Zhou Yuling wanted to ask, so she said calmly: "Gao Xian is fine, you don't have to worry."

Zhu Qiniang has never liked Zhou Yuling. No matter how good her relationship with Gao Xian is, she doesn't like anyone getting in the way.

It's just that Gao Xian drew his sword directly against Zhu Changsheng for her, almost risking his life. What a sense of friendship.

In comparison, it doesn't matter that Gao Xian just likes a little woman. She needs to be more tolerant. Looking at Zhou Yuling's anxious look, she really cares about Gao Xian. This is also a good woman.

Besides, it's not ridiculous that she, a dignified foundation-building monk, can still be jealous of a little woman.

Out of this thought, Zhu Qiniang took the initiative to tell Zhou Yuling about Gao Xian's situation.

Zhou Yuling was stunned for a moment. Zhu Qiniang had always been very cold to her, and she didn't like Zhu Qiniang either. The two never spoke.

Today, Zhu Qiniang also felt strange to her. There was an indescribable power in the other person, which made her feel particularly depressed and even a little awed.

"What are you thinking about?"

Gao Xian came out of the room when he heard the commotion and saw Zhou Yuling standing still and thoughtful. He smiled and greeted her.

When Zhou Yuling saw Gao Xian safe and sound, a bright smile burst out on her face, and her bright eyes were full of joy: "Brother Xian!"

She took a few steps forward quickly. She originally wanted to hug Gao Xian and act coquettishly, but when she thought of her father behind her and Qiniang beside her, she controlled her impulse and stopped in front of Gao Xian: "Are you okay? Enough!"

Zhou Yuling's bright and joyful smile immediately imprinted on Gao Xian's eyes and on his heart.

He could see Zhou Yuling's concern and love for him. He couldn't help but be infected by Zhou Yuling, and felt deep joy in his heart.

The fact that someone cares and loves him so much is beautiful in itself. In this chaotic and dangerous world, this kind of feeling is especially rare.

Unfortunately, there are too many people in the yard, so we can't be too intimate.

Gao Xian smiled slightly at Zhou Yuling: "I'm fine."

He turned to greet Zhou Ye who came in from behind: "Uncle Zhou, you are here too."

Zhou Ye looked Gao Xian up and down and found that Gao Xian looked very good, even radiant.

It seems that the major events in Changsheng Hall have no impact on Gao Xian. Zhu Qiniang's breath was deep, and the invisible power she exuded made his heart tighten.

Such a big thing happened in Changsheng Hall, but Zhu Qiniang and Gao Xian were in such good condition, which made the old man confused.

Gao Xian pointed to the messy yard and explained: "I won't invite Uncle Zhou into the house. I haven't been at home these days. A thief made the house a mess. They even stole my alchemy furnace!"

Speaking of the alchemy furnace, Gao Xian couldn't help but feel a bit resentful in his tone.

Zhou Yuling suddenly smiled coquettishly, "Brother Xian, I took the alchemy furnace. I saw no one was in the yard, so I took away the medicinal materials and the alchemy furnace for fear of something happening."


Gao Xian was overjoyed: "You are such a clever little guy! Haha..."

The feeling of regaining what was lost is so good. He really wanted to hold Zhou Yuling and take a few bites to express his gratitude.

Zhou Yuling's face was full of pride, "Of course, I have always been smart."

Seeing his daughter and Gao Xian being so close, Zhou Ye had a complicated expression on his face.

Zhou Ye hesitated and said, "Xiannephew, what happened to you?"

Gao Xian looked at Zhu Qiniang. It was better to let Zhu Qiniang tell the news herself.

Zhu Qiniang understood what Gao Xian meant, and she said calmly: "I have been in retreat these past few days to build my foundation, and Gao Xian has been helping me protect the law. As for what happened in Changsheng Hall, we don't know either."

Zhou Ye and Zhou Yuling were both shocked. The father and daughter looked directly at Zhu Qiniang.

Both of them found it hard to believe, but there was no need for Zhu Qiniang to lie to them. Looking at the deep and powerful aura on Zhu Qiniang's body, it is completely different from that of Qi practitioners.

Zhou Ye reacted quickly. He bowed his hands and saluted seriously: "Congratulations, senior."

There is a huge gap between Qi cultivators and foundation-building monks. Zhou Ye is more than twice as old as Zhu Qiniang, but in front of the foundation-building monks, he can only call himself a junior.

It is the rule of the world of cultivators to use strength to determine status and class.

Those who do not respect this rule will not live long.

Zhu Qiniang nodded slightly: "Fellow Taoist, you don't have to be so polite."

Zhou Ye apologized, gave a few respectful compliments, and left in a panic with Zhou Yuling.

Before leaving, Zhou Yuling took out the alchemy furnace and returned it to Gao Xian. When she went out, she reluctantly glanced at Gao Xian, her little face full of sadness, even a little sad.

Gao Xian was a little confused, why was Zhou Yuling acting like she was about to leave.

When he saw Zhu Qiniang with a calm expression, he immediately understood.

It turns out that Zhou Yuling was frightened when she saw Qiniang's success in building the foundation. She is a little Qi practitioner, but she may not have the guts to compete with a great foundation-building monk for a man!

He felt a little funny in his heart. Qiniang was his, and so was Yuling.

That sentence is right, adults don’t make choices, I want them all!

Zhu Qiniang waited for three days, during which she refined several of the magic weapons left by Zhu Changsheng.

On the fourth day, she drove the Xun windmill alone to Lianyuncheng.

As soon as Zhu Qiniang left, Gao Xian went to find Zhou Yuling.

When Zhou Yuling saw Gao Xian, tears of grievance flowed out before she could speak.

"I thought you didn't dare to come! Wuwuwuwu..."

Gao Xian felt a little distressed and hugged his sister, "Don't cry, don't cry. I made an agreement with Qiniang. She will be the big one and you will be the little one. We will be good friends under the same quilt..."

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