The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 137 Red Dragon Swallows the Moon

"I'm so sad that you still tease me! You have no conscience!"

Zhou Yuling heard that Gao Xian was teasing her, and she was so angry that she grabbed Gao Xian's hand and bit her hard, leaving two rows of deep tooth marks.

Gao Xian didn't dare to exert force, for fear of breaking the girl's teeth, so he could only endure it.

He still had to coax him: "I was wrong, don't be angry, don't be angry."

Zhou Yuling didn't say anything, she just shed tears silently, looking heartbroken.

She wasn't just pretending, she was really feeling uncomfortable. The day she found out that Zhu Qiniang had become a foundation-building monk, her father seemed very humble.

This made her very uncomfortable.

When she got home, she solemnly warned her to stay away from Wan Qian and Gao Xian.

Competing with a foundation-building monk for a man is asking for death. What's more, Zhu Qiniang has always been known for being cruel and ruthless.

The more Zhou Yuling thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. The man she had chosen was snatched away by another woman.

Not only could she not snatch it back, but she also had to bow down and show respect to the woman. I can't swallow this breath.

However, Gao Xian didn't make any move, as if he had really dumped her. After waiting for a few days, her heart grew colder and colder.

Gao Xian finally came and teased her, which made her even more aggrieved.

Even if Gao Xian is a straight man, he can see that Zhou Yuling is really angry at this moment.

He took out a white-blond hairpin from his sleeve and gently inserted it into Zhou Yuling's head, "A gift for you."

"When you're angry, you give me gifts to comfort me. You treat me like a child!"

The more Zhou Yuling talked, the angrier she became. She pulled out the hairpin and was about to throw it away. Gao Xian's hand was so quick that he took hold of Zhou Yuling's hand and said, "Don't get excited. This is the Water Moon Sword, the best flying sword. You don't want to throw it away." "

Gao Xian left this Water Moon Sword alone without letting Qiniang see it, and it was for Zhou Yuling.

Through the secret interpretation of cloud patterns, he translated "Shuiyue Sword Jue" into the current text in the past two days.

"Water Moon Sword Technique" is a female swordsmanship based on the magic power of water.

Because of its unique sword-controlling technique, only female cultivators can practice it. Men can also practice it, but it is difficult to exert its power.

"Water Moon Sword Technique" is a complete set of sword techniques, but "Water Moon Sword Technique" is only an application method, a technique, which is very different from the secret method of improving cultivation.

Just like playing basketball requires specialized skills, these skills also improve physical fitness. But no one uses basketball skills to get in shape.

Shuiyue Sword Technique emphasizes how to operate the magic power and how to control the sword.

After all, Gao Xian had too little experience to judge the specific level of Shuiyue Sword Technique.

From his point of view, this sword technique is very superb and can be used at least to the foundation building level.

What's more valuable is that Shuiyue Sword Art and Shuiyue Sword are the same set, and the method and sword are in harmony, which is very rare.

Gao Xian got a red flame sword and didn't have any sword skills, so he just used his spiritual consciousness to forcefully activate it.

After watching "Water Moon Sword Art", Gao Xian realized how crude his method of controlling flying swords was.

From the Shuiyue Sword Technique, he also learned some sword-handling skills, which were of great benefit to him.

He felt that with Zhou Yuling's agility and intelligence, she should be able to learn the Water Moon Sword Technique. With this method to protect oneself, practitioners at the Qi training level will be able to protect themselves.

Gao Xian knew that Zhou Yuling was in a bad mood, so he explained the situation of Shuiyue Sword in detail.

He then took out the translated sword art and handed it to Zhou Yuling: "Practice your sword well. If you want to compete with the foundation-building monk for a man, you must have some skills."

Zhou Yuling looked at Gao Xian with a puzzled face, "Where did this flying sword come from?"

Although Gao Xian gave her swords and robes in the past, they were very expensive, but they all had their origins.

This set of flying swords and sword techniques have already surpassed the level of Qi training. This is not something Gao Xian can have.

She suspected that Gao Xian took it from Zhu Qiniang.

Gao Xian said angrily: "Don't think too much, this set of flying swords and sword techniques have nothing to do with Qiniang. I prepared them specially for you."

Zhou Yuling held the Shuiyue Sword tightly, she was silent for a moment and said to Gao Xian with a serious face: "Wait for me to build the foundation, and then I will take you back in an open and honest manner!"

"Yes, you must have this ambition."

Gao Xian praised him and then said: "Our matter has nothing to do with Qiniang, and you don't need to be angry about it. How can we deal with it?"

Zhou Yuling glared at Gao Xian. Zhu Qiniang was so close to Gao Xian and she said it was okay. What a liar!

However, Gao Xian dared to come to her and gave her such a valuable flying sword and sword art, which proved that she was very important to Gao Xian.

She was silent for a while and said: "You go, I want to practice."

Before Gao Xian could speak, Zhou Yuling pushed Gao Xian out of the room.

Gao Xian looked a little helpless as he closed the door. The girl accepted his gift without giving him any sweetness and even kicked him out. This was a bit too much.

Even the anchor girl accepted a huge reward from the top brother, but she still had to post a few private photos to express her gratitude.

He felt a little bored and was about to turn around and leave when the door opened again. Zhou Yuling glared at him angrily, "Just leave if I ask you to? You can't coax me."

Just as Gao Xian was about to explain, Zhou Yuling grabbed Gao Xian's collar and dragged him into the room. Then she came up to bite Gao Xian with her little mouth.

Out of politeness, Gao Xian cooperated. The two of them were just playing around, and as they nibbled, they got angry and rolled together.

It was Gao Xian who calmed down first, then he looked at Zhou Yuling who was only wearing her underwear, her little face was flushed, her bright eyes were full of charm, and she was still holding on to Gao Xian with one plain hand.

"Don't mess around." Gao Xian saw that something was wrong with Zhou Yuling, so he hurriedly tried to dissuade her.

"No, I'm going to sleep with you and take revenge on that woman." Zhou Yuling grabbed Gao Xian's hand and said coquettishly, "Stop pretending, I don't know that you have been thinking about her body for I don't know how long."

"Hey, hey, I'm not that kind of person."

Gao Xian knew that Zhou Yuling was a little excited and said angry words, so he wanted to comfort her, "You should practice hard, otherwise you won't be able to build the foundation if you do this."

"Brother Xian, you are so kind."

Zhou Yuling sighed quietly, and after some troubles, the grudge between her and Gao Xian was gone.

She leaned on Gao Xian's chest weakly, sighing faintly: "Building a foundation is not that easy.

"I've been stuck at the seventh level of Qi training for three years. I can't break through even after taking the Tiangui Spiritual Pill. It feels like my whole body is really solidified into a piece of jade and I can't open my heart..."

Just as Gao Xian was about to comfort him, Zhou Yuling's face suddenly changed slightly, and then she sat cross-legged, closed her eyes and began to perform the Mingyu Jue.

After a while, Gao Xian felt that Zhou Yuling's magic power suddenly increased. He couldn't help but be a little surprised. Zhou Yuling had broken through the bottleneck!

When Zhou Yuling's magic power completely calmed down, she opened her eyes and smiled at Gao Xian, with joy and coquettishness in her eyes.

"I have opened up the most difficult mental orifice!"

Zhou Yuling hugged Gao Xian happily, her little face was about to burst into laughter, and the resentment she felt just now had long since disappeared.

As expected, cultivation still depends on chance. I haven’t made a breakthrough in three years, but I don’t know why I made a breakthrough when my emotions got to the point! She was only two steps away from building the foundation, which made her feel angry.

Gao Xian was very happy for Zhou Yuling. He broke through the bottleneck in cultivation and saw hope for improvement. This was a great joy for Zhou Yuling.

Zhou Yuling regained her composure and stopped messing around with Gao Xian, but Gao Xian felt a little disappointed.

The two of them studied "Water Moon Sword Art" in the room all afternoon. When Zhou Ye came back in the evening, he saw Gao Xian there.

The old man's face was a little ugly. This boy was Zhu Qiniang's, and he dared to come here to seduce his daughter!

This is no joke. When the great monk of Foundation Establishment was angry, Gao Xian didn't know whether he was alive or dead. Their father and daughter would definitely die.

The old man was a bit wealthy, and on the surface he was polite enough to persuade Gao Xian to stay at home for dinner.

Gao Xian politely declined. He came to see Zhou Ye this time because he had something to do.

The two parties sat down separately and exchanged some simple polite words. Gao Xian said: "Uncle Zhou, I have something to tell you. Qiniang has gone to Lianyun City, and the Changsheng Hall will be handed over to Li Shuanglin from now on. Lujiaosan can no longer be sold." "

Zhou Ye let out a long sigh. Such a big thing happened in the Changsheng Hall. With Zhu Qiniang achieving foundation building again, he knew that there would be big changes in the future.

He was not qualified to sell elixirs, so it was normal not to allow him to continue selling Lujiaosan.

People are so weird. Even if he expected this, he still felt very uncomfortable when he heard Gao Xian's information.

Zhou Ye also knew that this was unreasonable. He was able to make money thanks to Gao Xian.

He laughed dryly and said, "I feel a little ashamed to say that, as an elder, I couldn't help you. Instead, I earned a lot of spiritual stones with you."

"Uncle Zhou takes good care of me, and it's obvious that he just said this..."

Gao Xian saw that the old man was not in a high mood, so he said goodbye after saying a few polite words.

After Gao Xian left, Zhou Ye scolded him sternly with an old face: "I told you that I will never associate with Gao Xian again."

Zhou Yuling rolled her eyes at her father, "Look at you, Zhu Qiniang has returned to Qingyun City. Besides, Gao Xian is not afraid, so what should I be afraid of? If Zhu Qiniang really has a temper, she will kill Gao Xian first!"

"What are you talking about?" The old man was really a little angry, "Foundation-building monk, killing us is like killing a dog. When Zhu Qiniang comes to the door, it will be too late to say anything."

Zhou Yuling said impatiently: "I know."

She entered the bedroom with a cold face and said nothing.

Zhou Ye sat in the main hall and sighed. He could understand his daughter's reluctance, but there was nothing he could do about it.

When it comes to the foundation-building monks, the risks involved are too great, and the father and daughter cannot bear it...

The next day, Gao Xian went to Huang Ying again and told her that Changsheng Hall belonged to Li Shuanglin and that he would no longer be able to provide her with Tiangui Pills.

Huang Ying was also very disappointed, but she didn't say much, she just dragged Gao Xian to get drunk.

Although Gao Xian was drunk, he didn't do anything with Huang Ying. Zhou Yuling would be a bit troublesome, and it would be even more troublesome if she got involved with Huang Ying.

Moreover, Huang Ying is not a simple woman, it is easy to get started but difficult to get rid of. It’s okay if everyone gets together to chat and get a massage, there is no need to communicate in depth.

When Zhu Qiniang went to Qingyun City, Gao Xian was worried about her safety and had no intention of causing trouble.

In the next few days, in addition to studying the "Elixir of Immortality Sutra", he also used the "Secret Interpretation of Cloud Patterns" to interpret the "Red Dragon Swallowing the Moon Technique".

The red dragon swallowing the moon method was obtained from Nan Zhengxing. Gao Xian studied it for several days and finally interpreted the full text.

This is a secret method of absorbing a woman's cultivation through sexual intercourse. It is very unseemly and even quite evil.

The true secret method of dual cultivation is of great benefit to both men and women. The red dragon swallowing the moon technique is a man who treats a woman as a cauldron and unilaterally absorbs her cultivation.

Nan Zhengxing originally targeted Zhou Yuling because Zhou Yuling practiced Mingyu Jue and Yuanyin Jingchun's cultivation was also very good, which was enough to help him break through the bottleneck of his cultivation.

Gao Xian felt that this secret method was very immoral and inconsistent with his nature.

It's just that the Red Dragon Moon Swallowing Technique is extremely sophisticated, and in terms of level, it seems to be above the Great Five Elements Technique.

Several changes, such as locking the mind in seclusion and refining the Qi, can be used to protect the body and defend the Tao.

Although he doesn't want to use it to harm others, with this method, he can prevent himself from being harmed.

This method is so exquisite that Gao Xian practiced it for more than ten years before he really got started.

Open the Feng Yue Baojian and you will see the red dragon swallowing the moon technique. To achieve proficiency, you need 500 points of humane aura.

Gao Xian has practiced so many secret techniques, but only the first stage of the Red Dragon Moon Swallowing Technique requires the most human aura.

He thought about it, and then invested 500 points of Humanity Spiritual Light to increase the Red Dragon Moon Swallowing Technique to a proficient level.

Red dragon swallowing the moon method: deify the red dragon to swallow the moon and transform into yin. (1/1000 proficient)

To Gao Xian's surprise, after the Red Dragon Moon Swallowing Technique was upgraded, his lifespan actually increased by two years, bringing his lifespan to two hundred years.

This evil secret technique can actually increase life span. Gao Xian was immediately interested...

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