The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 309 Extraordinary Loyalty

Yuanyang Taixu Change, a powerful spell that comes with Zixiao Yuanyang Ruler, can temporarily open up an independent void.

Although the Zixiao thunder method triggered by Taiwei Xuanyuan's formation is powerful, it is only a third-level mana change.

Against the fourth-level Yuanyang Taixu Transformation, its majestic thunder method seemed too simple, and was directly swallowed up by the Yuanyang Taixu Transformation.

This is not because Zhang Changzhen is incompetent, but because there is a level of difference between the two parties in terms of magic power.

The Zixiao Yuanyang Ruler, a fourth-level high-grade spiritual weapon, is powerful enough to be compared with the late Yuanying True Monarch, and it is one of the Qingyun Sect's supreme treasures.

Ever since Yun Qingxuan formed the third-grade golden elixir, the Zixiao Yuanyang Ruler fell into her hands.

Yun Qingxuan has a natural fit with this treasure. As her cultivation becomes more advanced, she can also display various changes in the Zixiao Yuanyang Ruler.

Zhang Changzhen also discovered something was wrong, but based on his knowledge and experience, he could not think of a way to solve it.

But he felt that no matter what kind of magic, there must be limits.

To put it simply, as long as the magic power is strong enough, any spell can be broken.

Within the Taiwei Xuanyuan Formation, he can mobilize spiritual energy within a radius of hundreds of miles through the array. In terms of pure mana level, he has almost reached the realm of Yuanying.

It's just that he transfers the spiritual energy through the magic circle. This control mode is too rough, but it is completely different from the Nascent Soul Lord.

Even so, Zhang Changzhen was confident that he could use his magic power to suppress Yun Qingxuan.

A Jindan who is not yet in his thirties has spent less than a fraction of the time practicing. And within the Taiwei Xuanyuan Formation, could he really be defeated?

Zhang Changzhen relied on the Purple Sky Thunder Demon Subduing Golden Whip in his hand to continuously push the magic circle to activate the Purple Sky Thunder Technique.

He would use numerous thunder techniques to break through the opponent's mysterious spells.

Purple thunder thundered down one after another, and a vast thunder sea filled the sky and the earth.

Gao Xian hid behind Yun Qingxuan. Seeing the thunderbolts flying, he felt a little guilty.

The old man was much tougher than he expected. This grenade method is extremely ferocious, but its stamina is long-lasting.

If the stalemate continues like this, the old man has the magic circle to support him, but Yun Qingxuan only relies on a magic weapon. He feels that the situation is not good.

If I had known better, the old man might have saved some face when he lost.

"Senior brother, if that doesn't work, let's retreat first..." Gao Xian asked tentatively.

Yun Qingxuan didn't say anything, she didn't even look at Gao Xian, she just silently moved the Zixiao Yuanyang Ruler.

Gao Xian saw that Yun Qingxuan had always been kind to him, and based on her temperament, if she couldn't hold on any longer, she would definitely let him run away first.

Since he didn't say anything, there must be no problem.

Besides, Yun Qingxuan looked calm and composed, and his magic aura was steady and orderly, so he could hold on for a while.

Gao Xian remained silent. He silently encouraged Yun Qingxuan in his heart: "Senior brother, you are the best. Come on, beat this old man..."

The fight between the two sides was a bit boring. One side attacked fiercely, while the other side defended silently without any movement.

For the cultivators who were watching, this battle was earth-shaking and thrilling.

Even if there are various techniques to pry into the secrets, they will always be blocked by the Taiwei Xuanyuan Array.

Not to mention the thunderbolts and thunder inside. Although its great power was limited to the magic circle, it also shocked the souls of cultivators outside the magic circle.

The power of the thunder method is so powerful that these low-level cultivators cannot bear the residual power of the magic power just by watching the battle.

Even the foundation-building monks all had shocked faces. It was almost the first time for them to see such a powerful magic circle and such a powerful spell.

It was hard for them to imagine how the man and woman could survive the violent sea of ​​thunder.

On Chishui Peak, Zhang Lan and other high-level officials of the sect also watched eagerly, and some even rubbed their hands and stamped their feet impatiently.

After killing an eminent person, the sect can still explain, apologize, and still have room for relaxation.

Without Yun Qingxuan, Qingyun Sect would never tolerate it. At that time, Xuanzhen Sect would definitely end up being exterminated!

This is not only related to the sect's inheritance, but also related to the life and death of tens of thousands of Xuanzhen Sect's disciples.

It's just that Zhang Changzhen was obviously on fire when he controlled the magic circle from above. No one dared to persuade him at this time, nor did he have the ability to enter the magic circle to persuade him.

Many senior sects could only watch helplessly, hoping that Zhang Changzhen could calm down and that Yun Qingxuan and the others could last longer.

No matter the cultivators of Xuanzhen Sect or the cultivators of Chishui City watching the excitement, no one thought that Yun Qingxuan and Gao Xian could win.

In their opinion, the best outcome is for the two of them to escape from the magic circle in panic and run for their lives in panic.

Including Zhang Changzhen, who presides over the magic circle, they are all confident that they will win this battle. The only difference is how long the opponent can resist!

The deep cavity drawn by Yun Qingxuan was already filled with sparkling electric light.

Obviously, the opponent's spell has reached its limit.

Of course Gao Xian also saw this, and he felt even worse. After accumulating so much lightning, he had to at least throw a clone.

Looking at Yun Qingxuan again, he is still so calm and cold. This woman seems not to know what nervousness is?

At this moment, Yun Qingxuan's hand suddenly shook, and a mysterious and complex red gold rune appeared.

The deep hollow in front of Yun Qingxuan turned around silently, and all the devoured thunder light was spit out instantly.

These thunder lights condensed into a dazzling purple thunder light, which struck directly against the turbulent thunder and lightning.

There was an earth-shattering roar, and thunder and lightning exploded.

The eight huge light pillars surrounding the sky shook together, and the huge skynet covering the sky also collapsed.

Chishui Peak and Chishui City were undulating like waves amidst the earth-shattering roar.

Zhang Changzhen barely managed to protect himself with the Purple Sky Thunder Demon-Conquering Golden Whip, but he was also blasted hundreds of steps away.

He had never expected such a change, let alone the power of lightning that he had triggered.

What's even more terrifying is that the thunderous bombardment caused the Taiwei Xuanyuan array to vibrate violently, which in turn caused the earth's spiritual energy to fluctuate. This caused Chishui Peak and Chishui City to tremble violently.

Zhang Changzhen still refused to admit defeat and was about to readjust the formation and fight again.

Yun Qingxuan pointed the jade ruler in his hand, and the divine light of Yuanyang above the nine heavens was attracted by the aura, and turned into a little red gold divine light that fell through the air.

In an instant, the red golden divine light penetrated the sky and struck Zhang Changzhen directly.

Zhang Changzhen's beard and hair were spread out. He summoned the power of the golden elixir between his brows and used all his strength to control the demon-subduing golden whip, and slammed it forward against the red gold divine light.

The red gold divine light suddenly surged, completely engulfing Zhang Changzhen and the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip.

When the red gold divine light dissipated, most of Zhang Changzhen's robe had been burned, and there were large burnt marks on his face and body, making him look ugly and ferocious.

Zhang Changzhen was severely injured and was unable to fight anymore. He could only barely control his magic power and stand in the clouds.

When many Xuanzhen Sect masters on Chishui Peak saw this scene, their faces turned pale, but many of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Yun Qingxuan didn't die, and Zhang Changzhen didn't die either. This was the best ending.

As for Zhang Changzhen's tragic defeat, it will certainly have a huge impact on the sect. This is something that cannot be done.

There were also many foundation-building monks in Chishui City who saw Zhang Changzhen being severely injured. While these foundation-building monks were shocked, they couldn't help but have various thoughts in their hearts...

Yun Qingxuan severely injured Zhang Changzhen with one blow, and he could easily kill him as long as he activates Zixiao Yuanyang Ruler, but this is not her style of doing things.

She glanced at Gao Xian and signaled that it was time for Gao Xian to appear.

Gao Xian understood this and gave Yun Qingxuan a look that said, "Don't worry, I'll do the work."

The yin and yang heavenly wheel rotated silently, pushing Gao Xian to Zhang Changzhen's side.

Zhang Changzhen stared at Gao Xian, his eyes weak but also a bit fierce.

Gao Xian didn't care either. Without the magic circle, Zhang Changzhen was no match for him even if he wasn't injured.

Not to mention that the other party was so seriously injured. If it weren't for the golden elixir that barely kept him alive, his body would have been carbonized into ashes.

"My senior brother said that since this is your first offense, I will give you a small punishment as a warning."

Gao Xian said as he flicked his sleeves and swept away the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip from Zhang Changzhen's hand, "This is just an apology."

Zhang Changzhen's eyes were full of dissatisfaction, but he did not say a word. He has a stubborn temperament, has lived for hundreds of years, and can still endure when he should.

"Old Zhang, I hope you can change your mind, change your past, and be a good person..."

Gao Xian gave Zhang Changzhen a few words of thoughtful encouragement, and then he took the Demon-Conquering Golden Whip and floated back to Yun Qingxuan.

"Brother, everything has been made clear."

Yun Qingxuan nodded. She took out a Universe Shift Talisman and activated it instantly. Countless golden lights flashed to form a mysterious rune array, like a golden pavilion.

Gao Xian wanted to advise just now that it would be more economical and more economical to go back so far by airship, but he still held back and remained silent.

A Universe Shifting Talisman cost 500,000 low-grade spiritual stones, which a wealthy family like Yun Qingxuan could afford.

In addition, using the Universe Shifting Talisman is more convenient and safer.

If Yun Qingxuan shows his whereabouts here, he might attract the attention of powerful enemies. If you take the airship back at this time, you will most likely be intercepted by someone who is interested.

The golden light flashed and turned into a golden light rising into the sky.

The next moment, Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan appeared in the middle of the Qingyun Mountain Jinxiao Peak Formation.

The cultivators guarding the magic circle hurriedly came up to greet him and saluted him.

Yun Qingxuan nodded slightly, and Gao Xian greeted him. He didn't know the other person. Judging from his clothing, he should be a foundation-building monk.

After all, this is the sect's teleportation formation, which is very important.

Gao Xian followed Yun Qingxuan back to Jade Mirror Palace and returned to Jade Mirror Lake.

Yun Qingxuan sat quietly on the futon in the pavilion. She looked at the lake quietly without saying a word.

It was as if nothing had happened just now, which made Gao Xian a bit at a loss what to say.

Gao Xian thought for a moment and said, "Thank you, senior brother, for your generous action, otherwise I would have been killed by that old man."

Yun Qingxuan shook his head slightly: "It is natural for fellow students to help each other."

"I don't know how to thank senior brother."

Gao Xian felt a little ashamed and said, "What if this golden whip for subduing demons hadn't been given to senior brother to play with?"

Not sincerely, he took out the thick and long demon-conquering golden whip and handed it to Yun Qingxuan.

This demon-conquering golden whip was obviously a pair in his hand, and he was really reluctant to part with it.

But we can't let Yun Qingxuanbai help. He puts loyalty first in everything he does, so there's no way he could keep the treasure to himself.

Yun Qingxuan glanced at Gao Xian and asked calmly: "You really want to give me the Zixiao Thunder Demon-Conquering Golden Whip? Are you willing to do so?"

"I'm a little reluctant to give it up. That's why I'm so sincere."

Gao Xian said confidently.

Yun Qingxuan couldn't help but laugh, but she immediately suppressed her smile and said softly: "There is no need for this, it is enough for junior brother to have this heart..."

"Good senior brother, if you have anything to do in the future, please feel free to speak. Junior brother will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Gao Xian was overjoyed and made the promise with a loyal face.

"Then you do something for me..." Yun Qingxuan was no longer polite after hearing what Gao Xian said.


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