The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 310 Looking at people with their hearts

It wasn't that Gao Xian was unwilling to help, he just didn't expect that Yun Qingxuan would actually ask him to help.

Yun Qingxuan's third-grade golden elixir is regarded as the hope of the Yuanying seed sect and has a transcendent status in the sect.

At this point, even Yun Changfeng cannot compare with Yun Qingxuan.

For such a person, it is unlikely that the sect would arrange any good deeds for her.

These trivial chores have no impact on ordinary cultivators, and they can even take the opportunity to hone their cultivation.

Yun Qingxuan's practice is different. He sits by the lake every day and enlightens to the water. She is obviously not suitable for practicing in the world.

Gao Xian has known Yun Qingxuan for ten years, and Yun Qingxuan will rarely leave the Jade Mirror Palace.

There should only be two times when he left Qingyun Sect, once to go to Pegasus and once to help him deal with Zhang Changzhen.

Yun Taihao was able to ask Yun Qingxuan to take action because he begged hard and offered a huge reward. In addition, the sect needs Lianyun Sect as a barrier.

Gao Xian was able to ask her to take action because Zhang Changzhen wanted to deal with him, and Master Yun Qingxuan was famous.

If he wanted Yun Qingxuan to help him grab the five-color lotus, that would be another matter.

There is an essential difference between these two things.

Of course, the main reason is that he has a friendship with Yun Qingxuan. Anyone else would not be able to contact Yun Qingxuan at all.

Gao Xian is very particular about people, not to mention that Yun Qingxuan has helped him several times, but just because of their friendship, he is willing to help Yun Qingxuan.

But for such an untainted person, Gao Xian felt that she would not be able to ask for him for a while.

I didn’t expect this to come to life!

Gao Xian was a little worried again, could he do what Yun Qingxuan did?

Using a magical weapon to break through the Xuanzhen Sect's thousand-year mountain defense formation means that Yun Qingxuan can destroy the Xuanzhen Sect alone.

Compared with ten years ago, Yun Qingxuan is obviously more powerful today, so powerful that he can't even see through it.

"I'm very willing to help senior brother with things. I'm afraid that due to my limited ability, I might miss senior brother's business."

Gao Xian knew Yun Qingxuan's temperament, and he wanted to speak clearly first. Yun Qingxuan is not that kind of ordinary person, so he will misunderstand that he is looking for excuses to refuse.

Yun Qingxuan said: "It's not difficult. Go to Feixian Peak to help Qiu Shui guard the gate for a few days. He should be forming elixirs in a year at most."

Yun Qiushui forming pills is a big deal. Although there are many magic circles inside to protect it, someone still needs to be watching from the outside.

The gatekeeper must be trustworthy, highly cultivated, and have time. After these few criteria were selected, Yun Qingxuan was suitable.

This living Yun Qingxuan can't be pushed away, and she really doesn't like Feixian Peak.

It just so happened that Gao Xian was here, and apart from being slightly inferior in cultivation, he was very suitable in other aspects.

There are many magical formations inside Feixian Peak and a mountain-protecting formation outside. Not even Nascent Soul Lord Nascent Soul can break in for a while.

If someone really came in, Gao Xian would only need to issue a warning.


When Gao Xian heard that it was not difficult and that it was about his good brother Yun Qiushui, he readily agreed.

Gao Xian asked again: "Do you want to tell Uncle Yun about Zhang Changzhen's matter?"

Zhang Changzhen, the head of Xuanzhen Sect, was seriously injured by Yun Qingxuan in public. This was not a simple personal battle, and the consequences were quite serious.

From Gao Xian's point of view, he still had to make it clear to Yun Changfeng.

"I'll just go and tell you."

Yun Qingxuan handed Gao Xian a token, "There are people guarding the Feixianfeng Array token there. Just go and hand it over."

"Okay. Senior brother, I'll go first."

Gao Xian raised his hands and said goodbye to Yun Qingxuan, and he drove the Yin and Yang Heavenly Wheel away through the sky.

He returned to Xuandu Peak first, explained to Daniel, and brought some daily necessities, and then flew to Feixian Peak according to Shenxiao's order.

Qingyun Sect has thirty-six peaks inside and seventy-two peaks outside.

The inner thirty-six peaks are named according to the thirty-six volumes of Qingyun, while the outer seventy-two peaks are named more casually.

Xuandu Peak, where Gao Xian lives, is one of the seventy-two outer peaks. The same is true for Feixian Peak.

Feixian Peak is as tall as a blade and extremely steep. Most of the rocks are exposed, with only scattered trees taking root between the rock walls.

The top of the peak is surrounded by clouds, and a faint hint of green can be seen.

Feixian Peak is protected by a magic circle, and Gao Xian also has a pass token to enter.

When they reached the top of the peak, Gao Xian saw a simple wooden house, and a man in yellow was reading in front of the wooden house.

Seeing Gao Xian's arrival, the man in yellow raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Junior Brother Gao?"

Gao Xian knew this man, Lu Yunfeng, the real person of Shenxiao Jindan. He was the head of Tianyi Academy and the same sect as Lu Jingxu.

The Lu family and the Yun family have a good relationship and can be regarded as serious allies. It is reasonable for Lu Yunfeng to help protect the law.

Tianyiyuan is responsible for the collection and storage of classics and various records and accounts. It is a very quiet department.

Because of this, Lu Yunfeng had time to help protect the law.

Gao Xian took out the pass token and explained Yun Qingxuan's instructions.

Lu Yunfeng then stood up with a smile: "So it's a shift change. That's great. This place is deserted and boring. I feel a little upset after staying here for a long time."

As he spoke, he raised the book in his hand to Gao Xian, "Junior brother, your Legend of White Snake is very interesting, but you write it too slowly."


Gao Xian didn't expect that he would still encounter readers urging him to update, and he was still a Jindan master.

Dangdang Jindan, is it really good to watch Liu Beiwen like this?

Gao Xian laughed dryly, "It just so happens that it's okay. I'll write more."


Lu Yunfeng laughed. He found Gao Xian quite interesting. No wonder he could write such a novel.

Lu Yunfeng took Gao Xian to the stone wall diagonally in front of the wooden house. He pointed at the stone wall and said, "This is the entrance to Feixian Sword Cave. The runes and seals on the stone wall are intact, which means no one has entered or exited."

Gao Xian understands that this is a necessary handover procedure. Otherwise, it would be hard to explain what happened to Yun Qiushui.

"I'll leave this to you."

Lu Yunfeng completed the handover, and seeing that Gao Xian had no objection, he handed over his hand and flew away casually.

Gao Xian checked the wooden house. The house was old and looked quite old, but fortunately the room was quite clean.

Use the cleaning technique to briefly clean the room and put out some daily necessities.

In fact, it's nothing, just bedding, tea sets, books, pens and ink and other items.

There are Jin Yuan Dan and Ding Yuan Dan, which are enough to meet his daily needs without eating anything.

Gao Xian sat on the chair in front of the wooden house. He couldn't help but sigh.

Although Xuandu Peak's home is a little quieter, after all, it has all the facilities. You can cook whatever you want to eat, and Li Feihuang and Zhou Yuling can cooperate with you in whatever you want to play.

When you are bored, lie down and bask in the sun. It is also your own home, where you can rest in a very comfortable and relaxing environment.

It's different here. Not only are the living conditions extremely simple, but the key is that they also have the responsibility of protecting the law.

It's hard to call Zhou Yuling and Li Feihuang here while we stay here.

Gao Xian actually couldn't bear loneliness, and he seldom practiced in seclusion. The last time I practiced for two years, it took a lot of perseverance.

"Fortunately, I still have Sister Lan with me..."

Gao Xian sighed again. He was bored in the mountains and fields, so he could only take out a new pair of golden whips and play with them.

When the two golden whips were brought together, they naturally resonated with each other. They both shone with layers of lightning, looking quite majestic.

Gao Xian fiddled with it for a while and then felt that it was a bit silly to hold double whips. Qin Qiong and Yuchi were the two gods who had double whips. He was a handsome young man, and a golden whip was enough...

Maybe you can find someone to fuse the two golden whips together...

Gao Xian couldn't help but think of Yun Qingxuan. This senior brother had great supernatural powers and might be able to help him solve his problem.

At the same time, Yun Qingxuan was talking to Yun Changfeng about Gao Xian.

"You siblings really trust him..."

Yun Changfeng couldn't help but want to sigh, "Let's not talk about his identity and origin, let's just talk about his character, he is very cunning, even a little treacherous and vicious.

"Shui Yuying must have died in his hands, you really can trust him!"

"Gao Xian is not bad."

Yun Qingxuan said calmly: "Shui Yuying killed herself, who is to blame."

Regarding Shui Yuying's death, everyone knew very well that it must have been Gao Xian who killed him, at least he couldn't escape his involvement.

There is no evidence here, and Gao Xian also proved his innocence in front of Xuan Mingzun.

However, Shuiyuying had a grudge against Gao Xian, so Suiyuying died inexplicably. Gao Xian was not in Qingyun Sect during this period.

The cause and effect relationship here is very clear.

If you investigate Gao Xian's situation, you will know that people who have enmity with Gao Xian will always die.

Is one or two a coincidence, or ten or eight? I don’t believe any ghosts.

The reason why Mr. Shuiyu is so confident is because he is certain about it. I just didn't expect that Gao Xian could deceive Xuan Mingzun and be slapped in the face on the spot.

Of course the same is true for Yun Changfeng, but Gao Xian is one of his own and must be protected no matter what.

In his heart, he didn't have that much trust in Gao Xian. This kid is cunning and ruthless. He has a sharp sword, but he has to be careful not to hurt himself.

Of course Yun Changfeng disapproved of Yun Qingxuan being so close to Gao Xian and trusting Gao Xian so much.

He said: "Qiushui is about to form elixirs. If it is disturbed at this time, something big will happen."

Yun Qingxuan was silent for a moment and said, "Father, please don't think Gao Xian is so stupid."

She paused and then said: "Gao Xian is round on the outside and square on the inside. He looks sophisticated and smooth, but he is very noble in his heart. He will definitely be able to tell if you are close to him on the surface but wary of him on the inside.

"This is Gao Xian's temperament. If you are sincere to him, he will be sincere in return. If you have other thoughts, he is more cunning than you."

Yun Changfeng shook his head. He didn't agree with his daughter's opinion, but he couldn't convince her either.

He thought for a moment and said: "You broke into the Xuanzhen Sect like this and seriously injured Zhang Changzhen. This person is resentful. There will be trouble in the future."

"Zhang Changzhen is so self-righteous that he dares to attack Shenxiao Zhenzhen. Not killing him is already showing mercy."

Yun Qingxuan said softly: "The invasion of Donghuang has made people panic, and they are about to use thunderous means to scare Xiaoxiao's people."

Yun Changfeng was silent. Indeed, the invasion of Donghuang made all the thirty-six sects of Qingyun Dao a little uneasy, and they inevitably made various small moves in private.

This battle also allowed various sects to see the strength of Qingyun Sect, which was a good warning to them.

"In these troubled times, you still have to be cautious."

Yun Changfeng taught him a lesson, and he couldn't help but say: "Don't trust Gao Xian too much, there must be something wrong with him."

"Father, you use your eyes to see people, Qiu Shui uses your sword to see people, I see people with your heart, and the Patriarch uses your wisdom to see people. The three of us all think Gao Xian is very good..."

Yun Changfeng was silent again. His daughter was saying that his eyesight was not good, which made him somewhat unhappy.

Yun Qingxuan Youyou said: "The Patriarch said that there is a high-level five-color lotus deep in the Fire Palace. Let us help Gao Xian think of a way..."

"Huh?!" Yun Changfeng was shocked. The Patriarch still cares about such a trivial matter!

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