The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 311 Sword Light Han Cang Mountain

As summer passes and autumn comes, the mountains are covered with gorgeous autumn colors of red and yellow, and the autumn wind becomes a bit colder and bleak.

Gao Xian stood on the top of the peak with his hands behind his hands, looking at the autumn colors of the mountains, and couldn't help but sigh.

No matter what the scenery is, if you see it too much, you will get used to it, and if you get used to it, you will ignore it. In the next step, it will become boring.

Gao Xian is a little tired now. Feixian Peak is steep and high. Standing on the top of the peak, you have a wide view, but it becomes boring to watch it for a long time.

The top of the mountain was deserted, not to mention any human figures, not even a coquettish little cat.

I ran here in May and it was already October in the blink of an eye. In five months, he wrote more than ten episodes of The Legend of White Snake.

He bought a Purple Bamboo Flying Kite at the Fire Department Refining Institute. This second-level magic weapon is very interesting. It has built-in storage space and can be used as a flying magic weapon to transport items.

However, the flight distance is limited and needs to be guided by a supporting bamboo whistle, so its practicality is limited. The security is also not good, it is easy to be intercepted, and can only be used within the sect.

With this purple bamboo flying kite, the novel written by Gao Xian can be passed on to Daniel.

Daniu will be delivered to Wanbao Tower on time, while Jin Dabao will deliver the white snake to each road.

As time goes by, Gao Xian's monthly harvest of humane aura continues to increase.

Obviously, Jin Dabao’s external promotion effect is very good.

Gao Xian sometimes thought that this was only spread within Wanfeng County. What would happen if the novel was sold to Mingzhou and all over Jiuzhou?

Unfortunately, he was just thinking about it.

The profits of the novel are so slim that its promotion in Wanfeng County is very slow, let alone outside Wanfeng County.

Fortunately, there are a stable number of 600,000 Dao Auras every month, and it is even growing slowly.

After seven months, more than four million people have accumulated spiritual light.

Gao Xian was not in a hurry to add more points. He had nothing to do. He could save some more humane aura and add more points as needed.

As long as there was nothing in the mountains and fields, he ate the remaining thousand-year-old red fruit.

This red fruit added thirty years to his life, and it was obvious that he had developed resistance to it.

His lifespan has reached 560 years. Calculating that he is only forty years old now, he only has a lifespan of one quarter.

The powerful vitality made him feel that his mind and body were at a peak, and he was getting stronger every day.

Unfortunately, the energy is nowhere to be found. As a master of Fengyue, he can also play with Sister Lan.

Yun Qingxuan said it would be a year at most, but five months have passed.

Gao Xian started counting the time with his fingers every day, silently cheering Yun Qiushui on.

"Brother, I've been holding back for five or six years and still haven't formed the elixir. I feel a bit unworthy of being called a peerless swordsman genius..."

Gao Xian looked at the scenery for a while and felt bored, so he took a bamboo pole and fished by the pool.

There is a spring here that is constantly gushing water. Someone has surrounded a simple pool with stones. It is only a few feet in diameter. If there is too much water, it will overflow from the outlet.

Occasionally, a few small fish will swim out of this spring, as thick as fingers.

When Gao Xian has nothing to do, he fishes with a bamboo pole. His main purpose is to relax.

Gao Xiancai sat down on the small wooden bench, and golden runes appeared on the sealing stone wall.

He was surprised at first, then overjoyed, brother, you are coming out!

The shining golden runes suddenly shattered, and a sharp cold light shot out from the stone wall.

The sharp and sharp cold light was just a projection of sword energy. It did not cause substantial damage to the closed stone wall, but only destroyed the mana seal above.

In the blink of an eye, the sharp cold light converged and dissipated.

It felt as if Yun Qiushui was practicing his sword and accidentally poked a hole in the wall, then put the sword back.

Gao Xian also felt that this sword energy was sharp enough, but not powerful enough, and it did not have the aura of condensing golden elixir.

He put down the bamboo pole and waited patiently for a while, and sure enough, another sword light broke through the wall.

This time the sword light was as dim as clouds, and it was mysterious and light in its movement.

After a while, another sword light broke through the wall. This time, the sword light was high and extraordinary, with an immortal aura that was not stained by the mortal world.

Gao Xian stood guard at the stone wall and saw the sword light emitted from it changing constantly, each time with a different realm of sword intent.

This made Gao Xian feel very bad. It was obvious that Yun Qiushui's sword skills had not yet been fully formed, so he kept transforming his sword intention to try to find his own path.

Just as he had estimated before, Yun Qiushui was about the same level as him in swordsmanship, or even inferior to him.

He has reached the master level in Fengyun Sword Classic. Speaking of the level of swordsmanship alone, he actually has his own style, a stable and mature swordsmanship structure, and can be called a brand of his own.

Yun Qiushui is one level behind. His swordsmanship is indeed excellent, but he is still following the path of the Sword Scripture and has not found his own unique swordsmanship path.

This cannot be said to be that Yun Qiushui is worse than him. It should be that the "Taiweifei Immortal Sword Sutra" is too strong, and its level is much higher than the "Fengyun Sword Sutra".

If you want to find your own way in the "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra", the difficulty has increased by an unknown amount.

Gao Xian suddenly understood Yun Qiushui. No wonder he had not formed a golden elixir in seclusion for several years.

This is not because of lack of cultivation, but because of lack of swordsmanship.

This is the way to practice swordsmanship. If the level of swordsmanship is not enough, even if the elixir is formed reluctantly, it will not be pure, and it is not consistent with the sword scriptures practiced, the quality of the golden elixir will be much worse.

Sword cultivators follow the most refined and pure path, so their combat power is far superior to those of the same level.

If the quality of the golden elixir is insufficient, the sword cultivator will have no advantage over the same level of golden elixir.

Not to mention that the arrogant Yun Qiushui couldn't accept it, even any sword cultivator wouldn't be able to force the elixir to form.

Gao Xian was a little worried about Yun Qiushui. Judging from his performance, he was afraid that it would be difficult to complete the integration of sword techniques in a short period of time.

However, through the leaked sword light, Gao Xian was able to glimpse some changes in the sword intention of Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra.

It is absolutely impossible to say that one can learn "Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra" based on this.

This kind of sword scripture is so complex and profound that it is impossible to learn it without the inheritance of divine will.

It's just that Gao Xian's swordsmanship has reached the master level. By observing Yun Qiushui's sword intention and comparing it with his own, he can always gain something.

After a few days like this, Yun Qiushui continued to transform his sword intent, and from time to time sword light would break through the wall.

From this point, Gao Xian could also tell that Yun Qiushui was a little irritable, so much so that his sword energy lost control and broke through the magic circle and overflowed.

Gao Xian observed for a few more days and felt that Yun Qiushui needed some stimulation.

No matter from what aspect, he should help this brother.

When another sword light broke through the wall, Gao Xian summoned a ray of sword light to meet it.

The two sword lights intertwined, naturally triggering the feeling of Yun Qiushui who was in retreat deep in the stone wall.

Yun Qiushui transformed the sword light almost without thinking and became extremely sharp, trying to break Gao Xian's sword light.

Gao Xian fought with the sword intent of Cloud Gate. The lingering clouds seemed to be there or not, far or near, real or illusory.

In the clouds, there are all kinds of changes like rain, snow, thunder and lightning.

The sword light was like a cloud, trapping Yun Qiushui's sword light. Yun Qiushui exerted various changes, but they were all difficult to crack.

At this point, Yun Qiushui suddenly realized that the man outside had a higher level of swordsmanship than him.

Yun Qiushui originally believed that Gao Xian was outside, but now he couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Gao Xian's Qingfeng Sword Technique is unparalleled, but the Yunmen Sword Intent clearly comes from the Qingyun Sword Classic, and is subtly different.

It can be said that the interpretation of Qingyun Sword Classic with another charm is already its own.

With such a high level of swordsmanship, is he really Gao Xian?

However, it doesn't matter who this person is outside. Having such a swordsman master practice swordsmanship with him was exactly what he wanted.

Yun Qiushui has been practicing swordsmanship for the past few years, and has achieved great results in the Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra, but he has reached a bottleneck and cannot get to the next level.

At this time, he was greatly stimulated by the battle with the swordsman master, and it also inspired him a lot of inspiration.

It turns out that swordsmanship can be changed in this way, it’s really wonderful! This is something I never thought of before...

During this discussion, Yun Qiushui gained a deeper understanding of Taiwei Feixian Sword Sutra.

Yun Qiushui also discovered the huge benefits of sparring, and became more serious in urging the sword light to fight with the man outside.

Suddenly, the green and white sword lights on Feixian Peak alternated and changed, and the cold sword intent shot straight into the sky.

Yun Changfeng, who was in charge of the cadre, noticed the changes in the seal on the stone wall through his token. He immediately opened the Wanli Xuanguang Mirror and reflected it on Feixian Peak.

I saw two sword lights, green and white, coming and going in a fierce exchange.

Yun Changfeng was shocked, but he calmed down immediately. His daughter was right, Gao Xian might be bad, but he was definitely a smart man, and there was no way he could cause trouble for Yun Qiushui.

He was not good at swordsmanship. He only saw two sword lights and the sword intent was sharp and sharp. When watching the battle through the Xuanguang Mirror, he could feel the bone-piercing sword intent.

Yun Changfeng was a little worried. He knew that Yun Qiu Shui failed to form the elixir. Now, if he was fighting Gao Xian in the air like this, would it affect Yun Qiu Shui's practice?

He wasn't sure about this, after all, the way of swordsmanship was completely different from other practitioners' paths. His cultivation experience could hardly help Yun Qiushui.

After pondering for a while, Yun Changfeng drove the escape light to Xuanming Temple.

Although Yun Changfeng was a direct descendant of the Yun family and an upright official, he did not dare to act recklessly when he arrived at Xuanming Temple. He knocked on the door respectfully and gently.

"Come in." Patriarch Yun Zaitian's soft voice came from inside.

Yun Changfeng pushed the door open and entered Xuanming Temple, then carefully closed the door. When they arrived at the main hall, they saw Patriarch Yun Zaitian sitting quietly on the futon with a leisurely and relaxed expression.

Seeing the Patriarch's posture, Yun Changfeng naturally relaxed. But come here, you have to ask clearly.

Yun Changfeng bowed respectfully and asked: "Master, is it inappropriate for Qiu Shui to behave like this?"

"It won't work if you work behind closed doors. Your talent isn't there yet."

Yun Zaitian said slowly: "It's a great thing to have a master of swordsmanship accompany him to fight.

"If I read it correctly, there is no one in the sect who has better swordsmanship than Gao Xian."

He couldn't help but shake his head as he spoke, "This kid's talent in swordsmanship is no worse than Qiu Shui's, or even a little better. You are right when you say that he has both magic and sword skills. It's just luck that such a person came into my door... …”

Yun Changfeng couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. When he supported Gao Xian, he was mostly thinking about the sect.

After all, Gao Xian is the leader of the Qingyun Dharma Association. The stronger Gao Xian is, the more powerful the Qingyun Dharma Association can be.

The dual skills of law and sword are just casual remarks. I didn’t expect that his compliment would actually come true now…

Yun Changfeng was completely relieved. Since the ancestor said it was a good thing, it must be right.

He thought for a moment and said: "The Patriarch, do you really want to give Gao Xian the five-color lotus from Lihuo Di Palace?"

Yun Zaitian glanced at Yun Changfeng, his face seemed to be smiling but not smiling, with a playful expression.

Yun Changfeng, who is almost four hundred years old, is really embarrassed...

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