Bailian Mountain, Bailian Valley.

The valley is surrounded by mountains, like a natural giant barrel.

In the middle of the valley, there are underground hot springs that continuously overflow outwards, eventually forming a hot spring lake with a radius of several thousand feet.

The hot underground air drifts out through the cracks in the rock and turns into wisps of white mist.

It was the depth of winter in the Eastern Wasteland, and the weather was so cold that cultivators and monsters alike hid in their dens and did not dare to come out.

The White Lotus Valley is as warm as spring, with green grass and flowers everywhere, and the hot spring lake is full of exotic white lotuses. The fragrance of lotus fills the valley,

There are more than 200 cottages built around the hot spring lake. They are all wooden buildings with simple style, but they are exquisite and clean.

The female disciples of the White Lotus Sect, wearing long skirts of various colors, were greeted and sent off in the valley, like butterflies flying among the flowers.

In a barbaric land like the Eastern Wasteland, the scenery here is truly heaven-like.

Only cultivators who have received the invitation from the White Lotus Sect can enter the valley through the tunnel protected by the magic circle and enjoy the charm and gentleness here.

Of course, it can’t be in vain. All visitors must present a gift of money, and the minimum is fifty yuan of medium-grade spiritual stones.

According to the amount of gift money, the allocated cottages and accompanying female nuns are different.

Gao Xian took the invitation left by Master Hongshi. This invitation did not indicate who was invited, so you can use it with confidence.

He threw down a second-level magic weapon that he had no use for, and was immediately treated like a guest. He was led to an exquisite cottage by the lake by two beautiful female nuns in red dresses.

The two female nuns did not leave after sending Gao Xian to the place. Instead, they released hot spring water into the pool to help Gao Xian bathe and change clothes.

They said it nicely. The guest was about to wash away his coldness and fatigue in the hot spring when the wind was biting all the way.

Gao Xian has already arrived in his true form, and is about to face Fan Lingzhen or Fan Qingxia. Although the clones are the same as his own hands, they are still one level behind.

Furthermore, the clone's strength is too low, so I'm afraid it won't be able to cope with such a complicated situation.

In order to obtain information about Tie Yuan Mountain, Gao Xian had to go out personally.

Tai Xuan's divine clone was replaced back to the sect. If something went wrong, he could quickly leave the danger zone. There are two more divine clones who have died on their behalf, so they can escape even if they encounter True Monarch Nascent Soul.

Unable to resist the enthusiasm of the two women, Gao Xian reluctantly entered the pool to take a bath.

What he didn't expect was that the two women actually followed him in. As soon as the soft, tender and beautiful body was pressed against her, Gao Xian's heart felt a little wandering.

He had the intention to scold, but then he thought, as a demonic monk, it was not easy for him to show his righteousness.

When you are in the country, do as the Romans do. When you are in the mud, don't think about being clean.

Gao Xian just felt a little regretful. If he had known this, he shouldn't have used his body to come here. He was happy, but it was a bit embarrassing.

There was no choice but to subdue the two little demon girls.

The Grandmaster's Perfection of Thunder and Lightning Technique must be considered unique among the Nine Continents Fengyue Group, not to mention king and hegemony.

A trip to the fairyland made the two little witches completely devoted to him and told him everything.

Gao Xian also understood the basic situation of the White Lotus Dharma Assembly and the White Lotus Sect.

The White Lotus Dharma Assembly is held once every ten years, inviting outstanding figures from all over the world to participate in the wonderful Dharma.

A huge water pavilion was built in the center of the hot spring lake, allowing hundreds of people to practice the magic together, which is the most important ceremony of the Dharma conference.

The two little demon girls were half-understanding, but Gao Xian understood it clearly.

The White Lotus Dharma Association is a sorority for the White Lotus Sect to establish contact with all parties. On the other hand, it can also take the opportunity to make gift money.

The essence is similar to Changle Tower, only more debauched, no, more open and direct.

As for the magic method of Tongshen, it is not just a lie.

The White Lotus Sect practices secret techniques and specializes in this way. Such communication is of great benefit to White Lotus cultivators.

As for fellow male practitioners, it's hard to say. It all depends on individual ability levels.

Gao Xian did not ask about the situation in Tie Yuan Mountain rashly, and the status of the two little demon girls was not very high, so it would be difficult for them to know the secrets of the sect.

What's more, the two of them seemed well-behaved, but they were responsible for spying on secrets. Say something to them, and the White Lotus Sect's senior officials will soon find out.

After staying for two days, Gao Xian was quite satisfied with the White Lotus Ceremony.

The female nuns are all beautiful, and the food and drinks are exquisite. In the Eastern Wasteland, there is even some luxury. It can be seen that the White Lotus Sect is also careful.

Gao Xian also met a neighbor. His name was Jia Ting. He was middle-aged, tall, with somewhat ugly facial features, but he had a heroic spirit and was very enthusiastic and generous in speaking and doing things.

After just a few words, you can get along with others.

This man claimed to be a cultivator of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and was in the middle stage of foundation building. However, Gao Xian felt that this guy's name was obviously fake.

Jia Ting carries two beast-control bags on his body, and a black crow about a foot tall stands on his shoulders all day long.

This thing can also talk, which is more fluent than a parrot. It can also communicate with people simply, and it looks very spiritual.

The Ten Thousand Beasts Sect is also a large sect, and is said to come from the same sect as the Ten Thousand Spirits Sect. It's just that the Wanling Sect has established itself in Mingzhou, but the Wanshou Sect has gone to Donghuang to establish itself.

According to Yan Feiyin, the two sects are equally powerful. If you encounter one, you will inevitably have to fight to the death.

Gao Xian felt that Jia Ting might be proficient in controlling beasts, but it was hard to say whether he was from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, because his name didn't sound like his real name.

Gao Xian was taking a bath that day when he heard Jia Ting laughing loudly outside the door: "Is Fellow Daoist Honglian here?"

For convenience, Gao Xian calls himself Honglian to others. This name is actually quite common and no one cares about it.

No one would associate him with the dead red stone.

There were only a few thousand cultivators in Jushifang. They saw the battle, but they didn't know who was doing it. I don’t even know who wins and who loses.

The cultivators of the Demon Sect who knew the true situation were all eliminated by Gao Xian.

Information in places like Jushifang is particularly closed. Until now, no one knows that Master Hongshi was killed.

Gao Xian came out of the hot spring pool, got dressed under the service of the two women, and then opened the door unhurriedly and welcomed Jia Ting in.

Jia Ting glanced at the two female nuns with flushed faces. He chuckled and said, "Good luck to friends."

Gao Xian will now use the transformation technique to transform into a clone of Taixuan God, with long eyebrows and phoenix eyes, wearing a black robe, and a cold and serious temperament.

He didn't speak after hearing this.

"Why don't we play together tonight? My two female nuns are also great."

Jating invited warmly.


Gao Xian scolded the other party in his heart, but calmly shook his head in rejection.

"Fellow Taoist, I can't let go. Good things must be shared."

Jia Ting smiled and said: "There are so many beauties in the world, but you are full of hands, and you can occupy a few of them. Even if you occupy them, women may not have you in their hearts. It's so boring."

"I heard that Sect Master Fan Qingxia has been released from seclusion and will hold a barrier-free conference in a few days. The scene will be spectacular."

He smiled meaningfully: "Fellow Taoist is so reserved, so the conference will be a big hindrance to you. Haha..."

"No hindrance to the conference?" Gao Xian looked questioning.

"The most important thing about White Lotus's wonderful method is that it is unfettered, unobstructed and unhindered, and fully demonstrates the true nature and heart, so it is called the Unhindered Conference."

Jia Ting had participated in a barrier-free conference and was very excited when talking about this.

Gao Xian understood. What a group of demonic cultivators, they were really lethargic and debauched.

Demonic cultivators pay attention to indulging their nature, so they are bloodthirsty and lustful, showing all the evils of human nature.

Although this method has its subtleties, it is also too biased. Therefore, the practitioners of the Demon Sect are vigorous and diligent in the early stages, but when they reach the golden elixir level, their decline is obvious.

Gao Xian asked casually: "The sect master will also attend the Wuyi Conference."

Jia Ting shook his head: "The sect master is just the presiding officer. She is a dignified Jindan real person and has very high requirements for fellow practitioners. Generally speaking, it is difficult for foundation-building monks to fall in her eyes."

He then lowered his voice and said: "Jindan Master is not something we can enjoy. Once you have fun, you will become an adult."

Gao Xian muttered in a low voice: "Twenty-eight beauties have a body as soft as a stick, and they hold a sword at their waists to kill the fool. Although no heads are seen, secretly I teach you that the marrow of your soul is withered."


Jia Ting laughed, "Fellow Taoist, this poem makes it clear. However, the joy in it makes people addicted. We indulge our body and mind, and if we suffer some losses, we can just take some spiritual elixirs, but we don't need to care too much."

"Life is short, take pleasure in the moment..."

Gao Xian was not surprised. This idea was also the mainstream among demon cultivators.

He asked casually: "I don't know how to enter the eyes of the sect master?"

Jia Ting was a little surprised. He was stunned and asked, "Fellow Taoist, are you serious?"

He couldn't help but shake his head: "You just tried to persuade me. I thought you were a smart man."

Gao Xian said calmly: "To practice the wonderful method, of course you need to find an expert to practice with you."


Jia Ting didn't say much. Others were not afraid of being turned into human beings, so why did he worry about it?

He looked Gao Xian up and down again: "Fellow Taoist has an excellent appearance and bearing. He may have a chance to win the favor of the sect leader..."

Jia Ting suddenly said with emotion: "The master is extremely beautiful. If you can kiss her, your death will be worth it."

Just as Gao Xian was about to speak, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Two female cultivators opened the door, and a bald female cultivator in white walked in gracefully. She was a foundation-building female cultivator of the White Lotus Sect.

This female cultivator has picturesque features and a gentle temperament. Although she has a bald head and bare feet, she does not look like a cultivator. Instead, she has an endearing softness.

She bowed her hands and handed Gao Xian a white lotus, "Fellow Red Lotus, this is the White Lotus Note. With this note, you can go to the White Lotus Residence in the middle of the lake tomorrow night. The sect master will be waiting for you there."

After saying this, the female nun bowed again and left gracefully.

Jia Ting looked at the female cultivator leaving with a face filled with astonishment. He couldn't help but gulped and said, "Brahma Linghua, it is said that he has obtained the true transmission of the wonderful method and can send people straight to the fairyland. Tsk tsk..."

He turned to look at the white lotus in his hand, and said with envy on his face: "Fellow Taoist has really been favored by the sect master, I wish I could replace him!"

Gao Xian ignored Jia Ting. He stretched out his hand and touched the white lotus lightly. The layers of the lotus petals opened and the lines of text on the petals were revealed.

"I heard that you are elegant and elegant, Su Hui has channeled the spirit, and the Taoist bones are made in heaven. The moon is full on the bright night. I will participate in the wonderful Dharma with you and understand the way of heaven together..."

The wording of the invitation is also very elegant, and the writing on the lotus flower is also very interesting. It can be seen that Fan Qingxia, the leader of the White Lotus Sect, is also very particular about people.

When Gao Xian and Fan Lingzhen were practicing the magic together, he thought of seducing the sect master Fan Qingxia and looking at her white lotus golden divine flag.

I didn’t expect this opportunity to come!

Gao Xian held the flower with a smile on his face, and his demeanor was elegant and noble, which made the two female cultivators of the White Lotus Sect next to him look at him with fascination and love.

On the side, Jia Ting's face was full of jealousy. This boy had such a good appearance and he knew how to show off. No wonder he got Fan Qingxia's favor! Oh shit……

(Double update, please give me a monthly ticket~)

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