The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 340 Sacrificing one’s life to subdue the demon

Jia Ting left with a face full of jealousy and envy, while the two female cultivators from the White Lotus Sect had complicated expressions, as if they didn't know how to face Gao Xian.

This is a man who is favored by the sect leader and is not something they can touch. It seems that even one more glance is disrespectful to the sect leader.

Seeing the state of the two female cultivators, Gao Xian was obviously not suitable for doing anything else. He asked casually: "Two fellow Taoists, I don't know what the sect master's temperament is or what he likes. Could you please give me some advice so as not to bump into the sect leader. "

A round-faced female cultivator thought for a moment and whispered: "The master is generous, free and easy-going,"

Before she could finish her words, the beautiful girl with a small face next to her gently tugged on her sleeve. She was startled and hurriedly shut up, not daring to say more.

Although the sect leader Fan Qingxia is known to be generous and generous, she cannot tolerate others talking behind her back.

Even if you say nice things, it can easily lead to death.

As soon as Gao Xian saw the appearance of the two female cultivators, he knew that Fan Qingxia had nothing to do with magnanimity.

Naturally, he would not force anyone to do anything, and dismissed the two female cultivators with a wave of his hand.

Being summoned by Fan Qingxia is obviously a good thing. With his cultivation level, he is not afraid of this woman whether she is a literary or a martial artist.

It's just that Fan Qingxia didn't know how many hundred years she had lived. It might not be difficult to take out the tongue from this mouth, but it would be difficult to take out the news.

Gao Xian thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of any good solution. We can only take one step at a time.

Without the two little witches, Gao Xian had a peaceful sleep.

At noon the next day, Gao Xian was reading in his room, and Jia Ting came again.

After closing the door, Jia Ting secretly used his spiritual consciousness to transmit the voice and said: "Fellow Taoist, I have admired Master Brahma for a long time, and I just wish I didn't have the good fortune to be able to kiss him."

Gao Xian silently looked at Jia Ting's ugly face, not quite understanding what this person meant?

Jia Ting laughed dryly and said, "I don't mean anything else. Tell me about it when you come back, so that I can gain some knowledge and comfort myself from the pain of lovesickness."

Gao Xian almost laughed when he heard Jia Ting's comment.

This guy said yesterday that all the beauties in the world are just floating clouds, just for fun, don't take it seriously.

Now I say I want to hear the details. Is this looking for a sense of participation?

Gao Xian thought it was a bit ridiculous at first, but then he thought something was wrong.

People like Jia Ting must be lustful, and it would be ridiculous to say that they are sentimental. Even if he is greedy for the beauty of Fan Qingxia, he will not be so serious.

So this guy actually wants to change his direction and ask about Fan Qingxia? Are you afraid that he will become suspicious?

The question is, what is Jia Ting asking about Fan Qingxia?

It is normal for the demon monks to fight among themselves, and it is also normal for someone to secretly plot against Fan Qingxia. Is this Jia Tingbie a spy from a certain force?

Gao Xian just had doubts and was not sure about it. No matter how keen his perception is, he cannot truly understand other people's thoughts.

It is said that Chunyang Taoist Master has the ability to communicate with other people's minds and know all other people's thoughts.

However, this is just a legend. It's more like it was fabricated to brag about Chunyang Dao Zun's omnipotence.

Even if Jia Ting really wants to plot against Fan Qingxia, Gao Xian doesn't want to get into trouble.

He and Fan Qingxia are neither relatives nor friends, so he cannot stand up for Fan Qingxia. When the demon monks fight among themselves, it is difficult to say what is good or evil, right or wrong.

Not to mention the Demon Sect, there is no right or wrong in the fight between the sects in Wanfeng County. It is nothing more than a struggle for interests.

Gao Xian was a little wary of Jia Tingsheng, but he didn't pay much attention.

If the other party really wants to be strong enough to crush Fan Qingxia, then there is no need for such trouble.

He said casually: "I really can't tell that fellow Taoist is actually an infatuated person."

Jia Ting also knew that this statement was difficult to win people's trust. He laughed dryly and said: "It's just a little obsession..."

He wisely stopped talking about this topic and turned to talk about the situation of some other cultivators.

This man is a bit ugly, but he is very eloquent. He talks about things with emotion and emotion, which is very contagious.

It's obviously just a small thing, but it makes people listen with interest.

Gao Xian listened to Jia Ting chatting for a while, and he asked casually: "Fellow Taoist is well-informed, but does he know about Tieyuan Mountain?"


Jia Ting showed doubts. He thought for a moment before asking: "What happened to Tie Yuan Mountain?"

This foundation-building monk with a somewhat ugly face had a natural expression on his face.

However, Gao Xian saw a flash of surprise and uneasiness in the other person's eyes.

After Gao Xian achieved the first-grade golden elixir, it became clear and flawless, so it could illuminate both the inside and outside.

Internally, one can understand the changes in one's own mind, and externally, one can sense the true emotional changes of others. Especially Jating, who is far below him.

To say that people's mood changes are complex and changeable, Jia Ting's mood is a little strange, Gao Xian would not have doubted it at first.

But he had already felt that there was something wrong with the old boy. Seeing Jating's reaction, he even more suspected that there was something wrong with the old boy.

"I heard that there are powerful four-armed monkey monsters in Iron Ape Mountain. Your Ten Thousand Beast Sect is good at controlling beasts, so you may be interested in these monkeys." Gao Xian Zhuangruo said casually.

"To control a spiritual beast, you also need to be connected with one's mind. The first thing is to have a compatible temperament. It doesn't mean that you can just find a monster beast and use it as a spiritual beast..."

Jia Ting was visibly relieved when he heard what Gao Xian said. He patiently explained to Gao Xian, "To control a spiritual beast almost requires training and developing feelings from an early age, so that you can control it like an arm and a finger."

He gave another example: "Just like the four-armed iron apes in Iron Ape Mountain, they are ferocious in nature, and their iron bones are not afraid of magic. However, they come in groups, which is very scary.

"It is said that there is also a six-armed iron ape that has been practicing for thousands of years. It is very scary!"

"Can a monkey demon live for so long?" Gao Xian was a little surprised, and he deliberately showed doubts.

Monsters live longer than ordinary people. At the second level, it is difficult for monsters to compare with cultivators.

After all, cultivators have a complete cultivation system, as well as various spiritual objects, elixirs, and complete methods of adjusting the body and mind.

Even though second- and third-level monsters have some wisdom, they do not have complete wisdom inheritance. Compared with the human race, it is far behind.

Therefore, the lifespan of monsters is not very long. Of course, there are also some special monsters, such as turtles and other monsters that are born with longevity.

Iron Ape is obviously not a long-lived monster. It can actually live for a thousand years, which has exceeded the limit of ordinary golden elixirs.

Jia Ting chuckled: "I heard that too, but who knows the real situation.

"Anyway, Iron Ape Mountain is a forbidden area. Once a cultivator enters, there is no chance of getting out alive. The White Lotus Sect also has a headache for this group of iron monkeys."

As he spoke, he switched to divine voice transmission and said: "Fan Qingxia invited her friends decades ago to kill the four-armed iron ape, but she was seriously injured instead.

"What can I do with a monkey that even Jin Dan can't play with!"

"That makes sense."

Gao Xian nodded in agreement, but he felt that Jia Ting explained too much, which made it more suspicious.

The two chatted for a while before Jia Ting said goodbye and left.

Gao Xian stood at the door and watched Jia Ting's back disappear into the white mist before he returned to the room.

He activated the flower appreciating mirror, and from a distance of less than two hundred steps, he could easily see through the simple protective formation outside the house and lock onto Jia Ting.

In the candlelight Netherworld mode, he couldn't see Jia Ting's expression. He could only see two natal auras shining on Jia Ting, and several magic weapons shining with mana auras.

Including the crow on this person's shoulder, there is also a flash of mana.

Jating didn't have any unusual reaction, he seemed to just say something to the crow.

Then, Jia Ting went to find two female cultivators from the White Lotus Sect.

Gao Xian didn't look any further and just used a ray of consciousness to lock onto Jia Ting's house.

As long as someone comes in or out of the house, he can sense it.

With his current tyrannical consciousness, it would be easy to do these little things.

At night, Gao Xian suddenly felt that something triggered the invisible network of consciousness he left behind.

He activated his consciousness and immediately noticed the black crow rising into the sky. After flying hundreds of feet, the crow suddenly disappeared and passed through the magic circle blockade above the valley in an instant.

After passing through the magic circle, the crow also transformed from a virtual shadow into a real state.

The crow flew very fast, and within a short time it was out of the sensing range of Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness.

Gao Xian hesitated but did not follow. It was not difficult to chase the crow with his magical powers.

He was afraid that the crow would fly too far and he would not be able to come back in time.

There is no doubt that there is something wrong with Jatin.

In less than an hour, the crow flew back.

Gao Xian calculated from the flying speed of the crow that the person Jia Ting contacted was within a radius of 500 kilometers.

Next time the crow goes to report the news, he can just follow it.

The next day, Jia Ting didn't come over, so he concentrated on practicing with the demon girl in his room.

At night, the full moon rises. The heavy white air in the valley floats and looms under the cold moonlight, making the valley even more ethereal and unpredictable.

Gao Xian was holding the white lotus in his hand and was thinking about the right time to go there when he saw the white lotus in his hand shining with layers of aura.

The half-closed white lotus bloomed layer by layer, then flew into the sky. The flashing white lotus is like an elegant lotus lantern.

Gao Xian understood that this was the other party guiding him forward through the white lotus.

White lotuses like lanterns slowly floated and flew, leading Gao Xian to the lake.

Under the cold moonlight, the white air on the hot spring lake is as thick as a veil.

Gao Xian Yufeng followed Bai Lianhua and flew to the center of the lake. He thought he was going to the waterside pavilion in the middle, but found something was wrong.

The white lotus avoided the water pavilion and stopped on an empty water surface.

The moonlight looked very dim under the cover of white air, and the lake surface was even more profound.

Gao Xian turned his eyes and did not find a boat or anything else, but his powerful consciousness immediately noticed something strange under the lake.

After a while, the lake surface slowly parted, and a huge white lotus rose into the sky.

The white petals opened layer by layer, revealing a bald woman in white clothes. She leaned lazily on the petals, and most of her jade legs were exposed from under the robe. of

The woman's appearance is extremely beautiful, her temperament is gentle and elegant, and her bright eyes have a moving innocence, just like a girl of sixteen or seventeen.

The mature elegance of the young woman and the innocence and tenderness of the girl are well blended together, making the woman in white full of charm.

There is no doubt that this is Fan Qingxia, the leader of the White Lotus Sect.

This woman's temperament is somewhat similar to that of Sister Lan. Of course, she is not as beautiful as Sister Lan, nor does she have the fairy-like mystery of Sister Lan.

Even so, this design that emerged from the blooming white lotus still left a very deep impression on Gao Xian.

Gao Xian has also seen and eaten. In terms of appearance, Fan Qingxia may not be better than Li Feihuang and Yun Qingxuan.

However, Fan Qingxia is very good at grasping men's psychology. Whether it is the white lotus emerging from the middle of the lake or her complex and contradictory temperament, it is obviously carefully designed.

In his heart, Gao Xian gave Fan Qingxia a big thumbs up for her appearance. Of course, he was very polite on the outside and saluted: "I have met the sect leader of the Xuesha Sect Honglian."

Fan Qingxia smiled brightly and waved to Gao Xian gently, "On this good night, why do fellow Taoists have to be so polite.

"Come, let me lead fellow Taoists to the fairyland..."

Gao Xian nodded and floated down next to Fan Qingxia. He had already thought about it, "If I don't go to hell, who will? This red-pink skeleton, white lotus heretic, let him sacrifice his life to conquer the demon..."

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