Nephrite jade is warm and fragrant, lingering and charming. Gao Xian enjoyed all the tenderness that night, and felt as if he was in a fairyland.

Jia Ting, who was in the distance, waited until daybreak before seeing Gao Xian flying back from the center of the lake.

To Jia Ting's surprise, Gao Xian was full of energy and bright-eyed. He did not appear to have any damage to his energy. Instead, he seemed to be full of energy and his cultivation seemed to be quite advanced.

Jia Ting frowned slightly, Fan Qingxia was not a kind person, even if Jin Dan participated in the secret method with her, her essence would be damaged.

This Honglian could actually escape from Fan Qingxia's body?

To say that Honglian has long eyebrows and phoenix eyes, he is indeed very handsome and has extraordinary grace. It's just that Fan Qingxia is such a person, I don't know how many heroes I have seen in my life!

Jia Ting was puzzled, and he couldn't stop Gao Xian to ask, so he could only endure it until noon, and then knocked on the door of Gao Xian's residence.

Gao Xian opened the door and welcomed Jia Ting into the room. Before Gao Xian could say anything, Jia Ting asked impatiently: "How are you doing, fellow Taoist?"

"Very good." Gao Xian gave a very brief evaluation.

"Uh, I'm asking how Master Fan is doing?" Jia Ting was a little embarrassed. Of course he knew that Gao Xian didn't want to talk about the details, but he just wanted to hear the details.

Anyway, he is an old man, so it is reasonable to be curious about these things.

"Very good. Lord Brahma is gentle and considerate, and his cultivation is superb. I have benefited a lot from him."

Gao Xian made another vague comment. Jia Ting looked at Gao Xian and knew that he couldn't ask anything specific, so he could only sigh.

"It's a pity that because of my poor looks, I can't enjoy this blessing. I really envy fellow Taoist."

Jia Ting took Gao Xian and talked again before getting up and leaving.

Back in his room, Jia Ting thought for a long time. At night, he used means to make the two little white lotus witches fall asleep.

Jia Ting smiled coldly at the two young female cultivators. It was really a dream for them to try to absorb his cultivation with their shallow tricks.

He said to the crow standing on the shelf: "Go and tell the ancestor that Fan Qingxia did not absorb the cultivator's essence through dual cultivation, and it is suspected that her cultivation has been completely restored."

The black crow nodded, flapped its wings and flew out of the open window.

Arriving at the restricted area of ​​the magic circle, the black crow turned into a phantom and easily penetrated the two layers of magic circle restrictions, fluttering its wings and flying into the distance.

Jia Ting watched the crow go away through the clouds, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

White Lotus Valley is protected by a third-level magic circle. Dahei is a natural Shaoyin black crow. He can temporarily turn into a black shadow of yin energy to avoid spells, and can naturally penetrate the magic circle.

The main White Lotus Valley magic circle does not really operate on weekdays, and only maintains one-tenth of the magic power limit.

With such a huge magic circle, it is not difficult to find a weak point in the restriction.

Jia Ting and Black Crow can communicate with each other through spiritual consciousness, but they have strict distance restrictions.

After the black crow flew out of the magic circle, Jia Ting could no longer sense the black crow. He wasn't too worried. It was freezing cold, and even high-level birds and monsters would stay in their lair, Maodong, and wouldn't run around.

Furthermore, Black Crow is a second-level monster, not very good at fighting, but its flying speed is extremely fast. It can also transform into Yin Qi, and can escape even when encountering third-level monsters.

The White Elephant Ancestor is thousands of miles away at Iron Spear Peak, and there are no powerful monsters within a thousand miles.

The black crow is not low in intelligence and will not fly around without being controlled by Jia Ting's spiritual consciousness. It followed a familiar route straight to Iron Spear Peak.

Iron Spear Peak is as straight as a spear and as black as iron. Because the mountain peak is too steep and smooth, there is no vegetation or even ice and snow on it.

Among the white mountains, the black Iron Spear Peak is very eye-catching.

Choosing Iron Gun Peak to station is also convenient for connecting back and forth. Otherwise, the mountains are covered with snow, and it would not be easy to find a certain peak in the vast white.

The black crow circled above Iron Spear Peak and headed towards the top of the mountain.

At this moment, there were two people sitting on the top of the mountain. One was a stout old man in white clothes and white hair. The other man in black was even taller. He was more than five feet tall even though he was sitting there hunched over. His beard and hair were as messy as a wild man's, and he had six striations on his body. arm.

The black crow was very afraid of the six-armed man in black. It carefully landed in front of the sturdy man in white and nodded repeatedly, as if kowtowing in greeting.

"Dahei paid homage to the ancestor and kowtowed to him."

The stout man in white clothes was the White Elephant of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. He waved his hands impatiently: "Don't do this, you flat-haired beast. If you have anything to say, please tell me."

The black crow said in a hoarse voice: "The master said that Fan Qingxia did not absorb the cultivator's essence, and it is suspected that she has recovered her cultivation."

"That's it."

Master Bai Xiang frowned slightly and thought for a moment before saying to the six-armed man in black: "What do fellow six-armed Taoists think?"

The man in black on the opposite side said: "If you don't have a magic weapon to break the formation, why are you thinking so much? As long as that woman is here, can we join forces to kill her and still let her run away?!"

The six-armed man in black is tall, but his voice is somewhat sharp, and his pronunciation is somewhat unclear.

Master Bai Xiang didn't care. Although the other party had lived for a thousand years, he was still a six-armed iron ape. It would be good if he could speak human language.

He thought for a moment and said: "Since it is confirmed that Fan Qingxia is in the White Lotus Valley, let's do it tonight. Let Jiang Ting get ready and go."

Master Bai Xiang flicked his sleeves, and his powerful magic swept the black crow and flew straight into the sky.

The black crow didn't dare to stay. It rolled twice in the air, stabilized its figure, and flew towards the White Lotus Valley with a flutter of wings.

After the black crow left, Master Bai Xiang said to the six-armed iron ape: "Six-armed fellow Taoist, take the White Lotus Golden God Flag, and we will open the ruins."

The six-armed iron ape stretched out a hand and scratched his messy hair. He stared at the real white elephant with his red eyes, and a weird smile appeared on his thick lips.

"Don't worry, even though I'm not a human being, I still know how to keep my words."

The six-armed iron ape said slowly in a sharp and unpleasant voice: "We have agreed beforehand that the proceeds will be divided into 50 and 50. I will not go back on my words."

"That's good."

Master Bai Xiang said with a smile: "If you get rid of Fan Qingxia, no one will harass you in Tieyuan Mountain, and you will get rid of a serious problem."

The six-armed iron ape chuckled, but didn't say much.

The two Jindans were talking here, and no one noticed that someone was staring at them hundreds of feet away.

Gao Xian activated the Tai Chi Xuan Guang Invisible Heavenly Clothes. At this distance, not even the Golden Pill could detect his whereabouts.

The Grandmaster's perfect Tai Chi Mysterious Light Invisible Heavenly Clothes also comes with its own flying transformation. Although it is far inferior to the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel, it is still sufficient.

Hidden in a wisp of clouds, Gao Xian used the Flower Appreciation Mirror to clearly see the exchanges between the two Jindans, the subtle expressions on their faces, and even the individual hairs on their bodies.

After forming a first-grade golden elixir, although the Flower Appreciating Spiritual Mirror failed to break through and upgrade, the Flower Appreciating Spiritual Mirror is obviously better to use.

The first-grade golden elixir is pure and flawless, and combined with the flower appreciating mirror, you can keenly understand the changes in other people's emotions.

At this distance, Gao Xian couldn't hear what the two Jin Dan said, but he could easily understand what they were talking about through their mouth shapes, expressions, eyes, including subtle changes in emotions, etc.

Gao Xian is still far from being able to observe all the sounds in the world. He can still barely understand the sounds and tastes with his eyes.

The two Jindan cultivation bases are very deep, but their levels are not high. His first-grade golden elixir realm completely crushed two golden elixirs.

Looking down from a high point is like looking at lines on the palm of your hand.

Gao Xian looked at them for a while, and it was clear that these two Jin Dan were not the type to chat. They briefly discussed their actions for the night and then stopped talking.

Before dawn, Gao Xian quietly penetrated the magic circle and returned to the room.

Things have become very clear. The Six-Armed Iron Ape has a grudge against Fan Qingxia, and the real Bai Xiang is eyeing Fan Qingxia's White Lotus Golden God Flag.

Judging from their conversation, there is a cave or a cave deep in Iron Ape Mountain, which requires the White Lotus Golden God Flag to open.

Perhaps Fan Qingxia set her sights on Tie Yuan Mountain because of this cave.

As for how the White Elephant Master hooked up with the Six-Armed Iron Ape, these are just trivial details, don’t worry about them.

The other party dared to target Fan Qingxia in the White Lotus Valley, saying that he had a magic weapon that could break the formation, but he didn't know what it was.

If the opponent really wants to break through the magic circle, then Fan Qingxia's life will not be saved!

Gao Xian and Fan Qingxia lingered all night and admired this skill very much.

However, he is not such a passionate person. He will fall in love with someone if he practices the secret method together.

For him, this is just a practice. For Fan Qingxia, this is actually a taste of dessert.

Furthermore, Fan Qingxia did not taste it in vain, she also left a white lotus seed in his sea of ​​consciousness through the fusion of body and spirit.

The white lotus seeds will continue to absorb spiritual consciousness, take root and sprout, and eventually merge with his soul.

This white lotus seed will not directly control people's minds, but it will make people have strong feelings for Fan Qingxia, no matter what Fan Qingxia drives them.

This method of controlling people is both subtle and sinister.

Such changes in spiritual consciousness will subtly change the status of the cultivator. For most cultivators, having this white lotus seed is equivalent to cutting off the path to ascent.

The Hongshi master who was extremely obsessed with Fan Qingxia was obviously also tricked.

Gao Xian didn't deal with Fan Qingxia at that time because he was considering that there was someone else hiding behind and it would be unwise for him to show up now.

Fan Qingxia's little tricks will be tolerated for the time being.

Sure enough, there were the White Elephant Master and the Six-Armed Iron Ape hiding behind them.

Especially the six-armed iron ape, which has practiced for thousands of years and has extremely powerful magic power, comparable to the late stage of the middle-grade golden elixir.

Now that he has these two guys as bad guys, he can just watch the fun from behind.

Once Fan Qingxia is taken care of, it won't be too late for him to take action.

As for the other people in White Lotus Valley, Gao Xian had no time to care about them, nor was he in the mood. He never liked to meddle in other people's business.

Everyone is a cultivator of the Demon Sect, and they are all adults. He is not the biological father of this group of people, so there is no way he can control so much.

However, Gao Xian thought for a while and quietly came to Fan Lingzhen's room and placed a second-level high-grade concealment talisman beside her pillow.

I don't know who he seized this talisman from. He has the Tai Chi Xuanguang Invisible Heavenly Clothes, so naturally he can't use it.

Brahma Lingzhen is naturally not a good person. After all, he gets along quite happily with Shen Shenfa.

Just help Brahma Lingzhen, and the rest depends on Brahma Lingzhen's luck.

When she finished practicing Brahma Ling Zhenyun Gong, she opened her eyes and saw an additional magic talisman beside her. Her eyes were full of horror. When did someone come to the room? !

Fan Lingzhen took a deep breath to slowly calm down her emotions. She picked up the concealment talisman and thought about it for a long time, and finally put it away quietly.

Gao Xian did not stare at Fan Lingzhen. Fan Lingzhen went to Fan Qingxia to inform him, and it was impossible for the other party to guess the truth.

As night falls, the mist from the hot springs becomes thicker and thicker.

Jia Ting took his black crow and ran to Gao Xian. He laughed and said: "It's late at night and I'm tired of playing. Why don't I treat my fellow Taoist to have a drink..."

As he spoke, he took out various cured meats and other dishes to go with the wine from his sleeves, and also took out two large jars of wine.

Before Gao Xian could speak, Jia Ting had already placed the food and wine on the table.

Jia Ting opened the mud seal on the wine jar and poured two large bowls of wine, and the rich aroma of wine immediately overflowed.

Gao Xian thought for a moment and didn't stop him. Since Jia Ting wanted to die, let him go.

"Fellow Taoist, this is hundreds of years old spiritual ginseng soaked in pear flowers. It is very nourishing and nourishing."

Jia Ting raised the wine bowl as a signal, and drank a swig from the bowl first. He wiped his mouth and said, "Have a good time."

Gao Xian, with his spiritual sense of a first-grade golden elixir, could tell at a glance that the wine was not poisonous. He drank with the other party.

Jia Ting talked more after drinking, and Gao Xian listened silently.

The two of them drank until the middle of the night. Both jars of wine were almost empty. Jia Ting's old face was red and smelled of alcohol, but his eyes were very bright.

"Fellow Taoist, I really envy you..."

While Jia Ting was chattering, an earth-shaking loud noise suddenly came from the sky.

The violent mana surged and impacted like an invisible tide, causing the ground to roll and tremble, causing tables, chairs and other furnishings in the house to fly up.

Jia Ting deliberately looked outside with a look of shock. Taking advantage of Gao Xian's turning his head, the black crow on his shoulder swooped at Gao Xian.

The black crow turns into a ball of black energy, which can easily penetrate the protective robe and freeze the blood and mana of the cultivator.

With this move of Shaoyin Black Crow, Jia Ting did not know how many people died.

To Jia Ting's surprise, a ball of black energy fell on Gao Xian but was suddenly bounced away.

The black energy turned into a black crow again, and was caught by Gao Xian casually. In the flash of golden light, the struggling black crow with spread wings suddenly froze.

Gao Xian looked at the golden black crow in his hand, and the golden finger was a bit overkill to deal with the little crow.

He asked Jia Ting: "What does this mean, fellow Taoist?"

Jia Ting's face was full of shock. The opponent's method of easily surrendering to Black Crow was not like building a foundation. He originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos to plot against Gao Xian first.

For no other reason than to covet high status and wealth. On top of that, I was a little jealous of Gao Xian and couldn't help but want to get rid of this kid.

Why didn't he expect that this guy named Honglian was so powerful!

"Why don't you say anything, fellow Taoist?"

Gao Xian smiled softly, "Forget it, we don't want to embarrass fellow Taoist Taoist friends if we get to know each other. Goodbye."

Jia Ting heard that something was wrong. He was asking for mercy. The Five Elements Gangqi had fallen.

As soon as Pure Tian Gang vomited, Jia Ting, who activated the protective Gang Qi, exploded into a ball of blood mist.

Even the frozen crow was shattered into pieces under the Five Elements Heavenly Gang.

Gao Xian flicked his long sleeves and put away the storage bag left by Jia Ting.

At this moment, a fight broke out in the middle of the lake. The White Elephant Master and the Six-Armed Iron Ape joined forces to surround Fan Qingxia and continuously stimulate their energy.

Fan Qingxia stimulated the white-gold sharp divine light, which was like a long flag, twisting and flying, crushing all kinds of magic and energy.

The fierce battle caused huge waves to rise in the lake, and the waterside pavilions and cruise ships in the center of the lake were all shattered under the heavy mana bombardment.

Master Bai Xiang casts the thick earth spell, and the heavy earth-yellow spell aura makes the surrounding area as stagnant as quicksand. No matter how sharp the White Lotus Golden God Flag is, it cannot break through the numerous obstacles.

The six-armed iron apes surrounded Fan Qingxia and smashed them violently. There was no trick in his moves, but the six long iron arms were like giant hammers. Every time they hit him, they would make a huge roaring sound, and the sound was extremely terrifying.

Gao Xian watched the battle from a distance and felt that the White Lotus Golden God Flag had a very familiar aura. This spiritual weapon should come from the same sect as his Green Lotus Sword.

He whispered to himself: "Qingxia, don't worry, I will definitely avenge you!"

"Fan Qingxia, hand over the White Lotus Golden God Flag and be my maid obediently. I can still spare your life..."

Master Bai Xiang broke the magic circle and trapped Fan Qingxia again. He couldn't help shouting with great pride.

As for letting Fan Qingxia be a maid, it's just talk. Even though Fan Qingxia was willing, he didn't have the guts to let Jin Dan sleep in his bed.

Fan Qingxia clenched her silver teeth tightly and remained silent. The sudden change caught her off guard. The main reason was that the magic circle was broken, and she was no longer able to resist the white elephant and the six-armed iron ape.

The surrounding disciples and outside cultivators can only build foundations at best and cannot help at all.

Fan Qingxia knew that she would be tortured to death if she continued to delay, so she could only fight to the death.

The white light all around her suddenly bloomed like a lotus, and the white lotus golden divine flag shined brightly, releasing the sharp and unparalleled divine light.

The thick earth-like obstacles to mana were easily cut through, and the six-armed iron ape quickly retreated to avoid its sharp edge.

The White Lotus Golden God Flag turned into a white rainbow and soared into the sky instantly...

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