Mu Zhengfeng looked extremely weak, his whole body was as weak as a thread, and it seemed that he might die at any time.

Gao Xian didn't know what secret technique the other party used to survive, and it didn't matter.

It is normal for Jindan Zhenren, the leader of a sect, to have some special magic weapons and secret techniques for self-protection.

If the other party wants to pretend to be dead and get through, then he is underestimating his first-grade golden elixir.

Mu Zhengfeng could hold his breath, and even without using his magic power, his energy and blood would freeze, but his breath at the soul level could not be hidden.

Under the reflection of his mirror-like golden elixir, Mu Zhengfeng's soul was burning like a ball of fire, and it was impossible to misunderstand him.

This guy isn't as weak as he lets on either. This look is probably more to gain his sympathy.

Gao Xian didn't believe that Mu Zhengfeng would cooperate obediently, let alone what he said.

It's just that the human soul is extremely mysterious and complex, and it's difficult for even the Nascent Soul Lord to control it.

The so-called extraction of the soul by the cultivators of the Demon Sect is to take out the soul as a special power. The method is equivalent to digging out a person's brain, which is extremely crude and barbaric.

Being able to extract the soul and obtaining the memory contained in the soul are completely different things.

It is said that only some Nascent Souls of the Demon Sect who are proficient in the secret arts of the soul have the means to extract other people's memories, but this extraction is also fragmented.

Gao Xian naturally didn't have this ability, so he was willing to chat with Mu Zhengfeng and try to get some information.

Gao Xian looked into Mu Zhengfeng's eyes and said, "The treasure house you are talking about should be the basement ten feet deep under our feet, right?"

Mu Zhengfeng's dark and dull eyes were full of horror. He stared at Gao Xian blankly, speechless for a moment.

Gao Xian smiled. The underground vault was very deep, but it was closely connected to the magic circle.

Through the powerful golden elixir, he naturally discovered that there was a closed basement under the house.

It was hidden so tightly and connected to the center of the magic circle. It was either a secret training room or a treasure house for hiding things.

Well, he had already seen a secret practice room a few feet underground on the other side. This room could obviously only be a treasure house.

Mu Zhengfeng was silent for a while before he regained his composure, and he whispered: "The treasure house is blessed by many magical arrays. Breaking in will only activate the built-in teleportation array and teleport all the treasures to another secret place. "

Gao Xian smiled again: "Fellow Taoist, if you can't come up with anything else, let's stop here."

Seeing that Gao Xian was about to take action, Mu Zhengfeng became anxious. He took out a black lotus flower from his sleeve and handed it to Gao Xian: "Master, I found a secret cave that is very similar to the underground ruins of Qingxia Peak. The two should be From the same source..."

It is said outside that Gao Xian obtained a unique spiritual object from an underground site and attained the third-grade golden elixir within twenty years.

That secret cave is closely related to the underground ruins, Gao Xian must be interested.

Gao Xian took the black lotus and looked at it. It was two inches in diameter and had nine petals in total. It was made of unknown metal. It was cold and heavy in the hand, and the surface was smooth and hard.

Use your spiritual consciousness to go deep into it, and you can faintly sense that there are runes inside the black lotus, but you can't activate it.

From the appearance and shape, the Black Lotus and Green Lotus Sword Orders are very similar, and both have that simple flavor from ancient times.

It seems that it really comes from the same origin as the Qinglian Sword Order.

Gao Xian weighed the black lotus and nodded slightly to Mu Zhengfeng: "Thank you, fellow Taoist."

Mu Zhengfeng said hurriedly: "As long as fellow Taoist spares me,"

Before he could finish his words, the green sword light flicked by, cutting off Mu Zhengfeng's words and his neck.

Somewhat strangely, there was no bleeding from Mu Zhengfeng's neck. It seemed that all the blood in this man's body had long since dried up.

Gao Xian guessed that he used secret techniques to survive, which consumed all his blood and essence.

It doesn't matter what the specific situation is, Mu Zhengfeng is dead anyway.

Gao Xian didn't want to negotiate terms with this person. Mu Zhengfeng didn't even leave the secret cave. The secret cave was not discovered by his subordinates.

In such a large sect, one can always find someone who knows about this matter. There is no need to negotiate terms with Mu Zhengfeng for this.

Dispose of the magic weapons on Mu Zhengfeng's body, and use storage charms on the body. I have to go back and give Yun Taihao a look. After all, he paid a big price.

Yin-Yang Thunder Couples are by no means cheap, and it is normal for a buyer who needs them to spend three to five thousand high-grade spiritual stones.

The remaining Master Xuan Ming, Rat Demon, and Gao Xian also put them into storage talismans. As for the one buried underground, leave it alone and let him rest peacefully underground.

After Gao Xian took care of this, he sent the Tai Chi Xuanguang Invisible Heavenly Clothes into the underground treasure house.

The treasure house was built extremely solidly and was divided into two layers: the inner and outer layers. The outer layer should be made of copper, iron and lead, while the inner layer was made of something as strong as iron and wood.

The inner walls of the treasure house are covered with runes, and they are connected to the central magic circle. They are heavily protected.

But none of these can stop Tai Chi Xuanguang's invisible heavenly clothing. Gao Xian used the Yin and Yang Heavenly Wheel to naturally escape into the underground soil. When he got outside the treasure house, he turned into an invisible state and easily penetrated the heavy protection and entered the treasure house.

The space in the treasure house is small, with only some wooden shelves placed along the wall, on which are placed various spiritual objects, magic weapons, and some high-grade spiritual stones.

Gao Xian didn't have time to take a closer look, so he took out his storage bag and swept away everything.

The so-called sect's treasure house, accumulated over thousands of years, cannot even be filled into a ten-square storage bag.

Gao Xian came out of the treasure house and used violence to force open the door. Sure enough, a teleportation circle inside activated itself and teleported the inner treasure house without a trace.

Gao Xian was not afraid that people would know that he had robbed the treasure house, but he was afraid that others would see that he could easily penetrate the magic circle and enter the sealed treasure house.

In this way, no one can see the mystery of the invisible celestial clothing of Tai Chi Xuan Guang.

At this time, Honglin Peak was in chaos. Many foundation-building monks were looking outside. A large number of Qi practitioners were hiding aside with simple magic weapons such as bows and crossbows. No one dared to enter the courtyard rashly.

In late autumn, the days are very short. The sun had already hung over the mountains in the west, and the blood-red afterglow was falling on Gao Xian as he walked out of the capital gate.

The green clothes on Gao Xian's body were covered with a touch of red light, as if they were dyed red by blood.

Many Qisha Sect cultivators were horrified when they saw this, and some smart ones had already turned around and ran away.

There were also those who were not afraid of death and tried to activate magical weapons such as bows and crossbows. A cold light poured down like a torrential rain, and a large number of cultivators suddenly lay down opposite.

The flying sword-shaped black ice arrows are extremely sharp and can often easily penetrate five or six Qi practitioners.

Qi practitioners don't know the depth, but a group of foundation-building monks know how terrifying the golden elixir is. Seeing this, they ran away without hesitation.

Gao Xian chose a foundation-building monk with the highest level of cultivation. A black ice arrow penetrated his abdomen, and he was kind enough to keep this foundation-building monk.

After some questioning, I found out the situation of the cave. In this way, I asked several foundation-building monks for advice, and finally confirmed the situation.

For ordinary cultivators, even the wise would not do anything. As for the foundation-building monks, none were left behind.

Such talents are the main force in the battle, and they have killed countless Lianyun Sect cultivators in the past few years.

Each one counts as one, and killing them several times will count as an advantage for them. Especially the demon cultivators, Gao Xian killed them all.

If it were a normal fight between two sects, there would actually be no such thing as good or evil. The Qisha Sect was different. It introduced a large number of demonic cultivators, and countless cultivators were refined into magic weapons, and their end was extremely miserable.

No matter how fast everyone escapes, they are not as fast as the Yin Yang Heavenly Wheel. No matter how secret it is, it can't hide everything's golden elixir.

Within fifteen thousand steps, a black ice arrow can penetrate the soul with one shot. This is very scary.

The foundation-building cultivator couldn't even see Gao Xian's shadow before he was eliminated by a cold light.

Gao Xian controlled the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel and circled the Red Forest Peak twice. After killing all the fish that slipped through the net, he soared into the sky and headed straight for Lianyun City...

Lianyun Sect, Jinxia Peak.

It was dark outside, and the lights in the study had been turned on, illuminating the room.

Yun Taihao sat behind the desk, holding a book in his hand and reading casually, but he had something on his mind, but he couldn't read it.

He put down the book and slowly walked to the window and opened it. From here, he could see the rolling mountains to the east, and the view was extremely broad.

At this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the cold wind was howling, and it was about to snow.

A stream of platinum light cut through the dark clouds, leaving a bright color on the dark and gloomy sky.

Yun Taihao couldn't help but his eyes lit up, Gao Xian was back so soon!

He breathed a long sigh of relief and counted the time. Less than four hours had passed since Gao Xian left.

In such a short period of time, I'm afraid Gao Xian just arrived at Pegasus and came back.

Yun Taihao is a little funny again. He and Gao Xian are so familiar, does Gao Xian need to play such a little trick?

Maybe Nan Tianshou was here to show off his power in front of the younger generation?

But he felt something was wrong. Although Gao Xian was vain and famous, he was not so pretentious.

Before Yun Taihao could figure it out, the platinum light flashed away, and Gao Xian was already standing in front of him.

Yun Taihao looked at Gao Xian, hesitating and not knowing what to say. It seemed a bit ironic to ask Gao Xian how his trip was.

But it would be too strange not to ask.

When Yun Taihao was in trouble, Gao Xian handed him a storage talisman, a low-level storage talisman with ten spirit stones. Yun Taihao took it with some confusion.

Gao Xian smiled elegantly at Yun Taihao: "Senior brother, please help Qiniang's family move. I will take Qiniang back first."

He thought for a moment and said, "Xiao Bai can stay here. When he succeeds in building the foundation, he can come to Qingyun Sect to find me."

Finally, he confessed: "You have to be more careful these days."

After explaining everything clearly, Gao Xian handed over his hand and floated away on the platinum light wheel.

Yun Taihao was a little confused when he opened the storage charm and saw three corpses inside.

He couldn't believe it when he took out the three corpses. One of them, with a sallow face and a withered body, was Mu Zhengfeng, but his death was too ugly.

The other one with white hair and white eyes was Zhenren Xuanming, a white rat demon that was broken into two parts. This guy died the most tragic and ugly death.

Yun Taihao looked at it twice more and confirmed their identities.

Even though a person is dead, the body and flesh of a golden elixir cultivator is very different from that of an ordinary cultivator. It is easy to determine the identity of the golden elixir.

The luxurious white carpet was already covered with bloodstains and there were several corpses piled up. It looked quite bloody and terrifying.

Yun Taihao sat on a chair and looked at the corpses, but the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

He immediately sighed and shook his head: "Running thousands of miles alone, sweeping away the demons with a single sword, killing golden elixirs like chickens and dogs, Master Gao, I obey you!"

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