Lianyun City is too far away from Qingyun City. Gao Xian can fly back by himself using the Yin and Yang Heavenly Wheel, but he can't take Qiniang with him.

The main reason is that flying with Qiniang makes both of them uncomfortable. It can be tolerated for a while, but becomes uncomfortable over time.

Gao Xian unceremoniously asked Yunshui Tower to deploy a flying ship and take him and Qiniang back to Qingyun Sect first.

Gao Xian took Qiniang to the cadre. Accompanied by Yun Changfeng, Qiniang paid homage to Xuan Mingzun, swore an oath in front of the statue of Tianzun, received his identity token, and left his name on the sect's silver book. Put down the mark of consciousness.

From now on, Zhu Qiniang will be the official cultivator of Qingyun Sect and the deacon of the outer sect.

Master Jin Dan arranges for his relatives and friends to join the sect and gain status. This is not a hidden rule, but an explicit rule.

This is also the benefit of Jindan Zhenren. If anyone is not convinced, he can form a golden elixir first and naturally enjoy these benefits.

Gao Xian is now the sect's number one golden elixir. Yun Changfeng also attaches great importance to Gao Xian. Naturally, this small matter must be handled properly.

After figuring out Zhu Qiniang's identity, Gao Xian took Qiniang back to Xuandu Peak.

During this period, Gao Xian and Yun Changfeng talked about the Qisha Sect. Of course, he just lightly said that he killed Mu Zhengfeng and nothing else.

Yun Changfeng was a little surprised, but he didn't pay much attention. With his talent, it would be no problem to kill three or five Mu Zhengfeng.

Qingyun Sect is not willing to join the war now for various reasons. However, it's always good to weaken the enemy. He didn't think it was a big deal and didn't pay much attention to it.

Yun Changfeng didn't know that Gao Xian had destroyed all the Seven Evil Sects. If he knew, he would definitely not be so calm...

For Qiniang's convenience and his own convenience, Gao Xian arranged for Qiniang to live in the mountainside compound, where he originally lived.

Spacious enough and in good condition in all aspects. There is almost no difference between Reiki and Mountain Top.

Even if Qiniang forms a golden elixir, her status will not be lowered if she lives here.

It's just that Qiniang's family and entourage have room for them in such a big Qingyun City.

Gao Xian is not arrogant. Everyone in the Qingyun Sect must give him face now. Even if Shuiyujun hates him to the core, if he comes forward to say something, Shuiyujun must give face.

This is the treatment that a third-grade golden elixir deserves, the majesty of both magic and sword.

Even if everything is kept simple, it still takes most of the day to complete one busy circle.

Gao Xian settled Qiniang and then returned to Xuanduyuan.

It took a few days of hard work, especially turning back in Qingyun City, Lianyun City. The long journey was particularly draining of energy.

Gao Xian was a little tired after all the hard work. When he returned to his safe and comfortable home, he felt relaxed.

There was heavy snow outside the window. The room was warm and comfortable. Gao Xian lay on the bed and listened to the howling wind and snow outside the window. He felt extremely comfortable both physically and mentally, and fell asleep unconsciously.

When Gao Xian opened his eyes again, it was already noon the next day.

After a good sleep, Gao Xian felt full of energy, and he was even more energetic after using cleaning skills to improve his personal hygiene.

While he was in good condition, Gao Xian opened the storage bag and poured out everything inside.

Fortunately, his living room was large and all kinds of magical artifacts and spiritual stones were piled all over the floor.

Gao Xian first picked out all the high-grade spiritual stones, a total of seventeen thousand high-grade spiritual stones.

For a sect, just such a few spiritual stones are a bit too shabby.

Considering that the Qisha Sect was still at war and consumed a huge amount of elixirs and magic weapons every day, it was only because of Mu Zhengfeng's ability that he could save so much money.

Including Mu Zhengfeng's personal spiritual stones, Master Xuanming and the two rat demons, a total of 20,000 high-grade spiritual stones can be collected.

Gao Xian took out the original 12,600 high-grade spiritual stones, and piled 32,600 high-grade spiritual stones into a pile that shone brightly, making his eyes shine red.

Gao Xian counted such a large amount of money twice more. He couldn't help but smile and thought: "From now on, I can also be called a rich man among the golden elixirs!"

As for the remaining various spiritual objects and magic weapons, they were really complicated. Gao Xian glanced at them casually and found no fourth-level items, so he didn't bother to count them.

Gao Xian put these things away and ran to the mountainside to find Qiniang.

Qiniang has a sharp eye and has a lot of research on magic weapons and spiritual objects. The most important thing is that she is trustworthy, so it would be best to let her help with the identification.

Qiniang was shocked when she saw such a large number of third-level magic weapons and spiritual objects.

Gao Xian only said that he would kill Mu Zhengfeng, but he did not say that he would also loot the Qisha Sect's treasure house.

It's not that he can't trust Qiniang, it's just that this matter is not very honorable and there is no need to brag about it.

At this moment, he could only say lightly: "They are all from the Qisha Sect."

Qiniang pursed her lips slightly, with a hint of smile in her green eyes. She was so familiar with Gao Xian that she could tell at a glance that he was actually very happy and proud, but was just pretending to be calm.

After struggling until late at night, Qiniang cataloged and recorded everything into a book.

There are a total of twenty-nine third-level magic weapons, four third-level magic weapons, and 397 kinds of spiritual objects.

The total value of the magical weapons is approximately 30,000 high-grade spiritual stones. The four third-level magic weapons are a complete set, which are of extremely high quality, but the price is difficult to estimate.

It is difficult to calculate the price of spiritual objects. With so many spiritual objects, there are only 70,000 to 80,000 high-grade spiritual stones in total.

However, it is not easy to deal with so many third-level magic weapons and spiritual objects.

There are no more than a hundred Jindan people in Qingyundao, and almost all of them are from sects. Although they have many demands for magic weapons and spiritual objects, the sect can satisfy most of them. There are only a few special needs that need to be purchased outside.

With so many spiritual artifacts, it is difficult to sell them at a good price.

Gao Xian also felt a little troublesome, but he found a few good things in the classified list.

There are still two or three of the four types of spirit crystals, including wind-phase spiritual crystals, thunder-phase spiritual crystals, electric-phase spiritual crystals, and cloud-phase spiritual crystals, which is quite a lot.

There is also a very rare third-order astrological spiritual crystal.

Gao Xiantuo's Jin Dabao bought Fengyun Leiden four-series spiritual crystals, but the fat man never made any move.

I didn't expect that the Qisha Sect was so knowledgeable and had accumulated a lot of origin spiritual crystals.

This saves a lot of trouble.

Gao Xian was very happy and picked out five kinds of original spiritual crystals. He pointed at the remaining pile of things and said to Qiniang: "You pick first, and when you get to the golden elixir, you will always use magic weapons and spiritual objects. They are all for nothing, so don't be polite to me..."

Seeing that Qiniang was still hesitating, Gao Xian added: "It's not easy to sell even if you take it out. It takes up space in your hands. Why are you so polite to me?"

Qiniang nodded, okay, she picked some suitable spiritual objects, as well as a few good quality and practical magic weapons.

Gao Xian couldn't stand it, so he gave Qiniang all four magic weapons, "From now on, you will belong to Master Gao. Don't embarrass me when you go out!"

The four magic weapons are all of very good quality. One of them is a third-level top-quality magic weapon, a red gold dragon scale robe. It is made of golden sand wood and red sun iron and is made from the thousand-year-old snake demon Tielin. Its two original mana powers of wood and gold are in perfect harmony. Qiniang.

In addition, there is a crown, a belt, and boots, which is a complete set of top-notch magic weapons. It is also the most valuable of all items.

Qiniang and Gao Xian have such a good relationship that even this set of magic weapons feels too hot to handle.

Gao Xian didn't take it seriously. These things were blown by the strong wind. He didn't feel sad at all when giving them away.

Windfall comes easily, and you will naturally be generous and generous when using it. Normal people would never be willing to squander the money they have earned through hard work.

This is also because most of the first generation are thrifty, while the second generation likes to be extravagant. Because the second generation doesn’t make money by themselves at all, and they don’t understand how hard it is to make money.

He picked out a few more magical weapons and spiritual objects. Always leave something for the big guy, a few girlfriends, and give some small gifts when you meet...

Gao Xian brought the remaining things to Yun Changfeng and said, "Uncle Master, how much good deeds can be exchanged for donating these things to the sect?"

Yun Changfeng was shocked when he saw such a large number of things. He quickly came to his senses and looked at Gao Xian with a complicated expression, "Did you move the Qisha Sect's secret vault back?"

He wanted to say rob, but he felt it was inappropriate, so he changed his words to move.

Gao Xian smiled: "Fellow Taoist Mu Zhengfeng is very loyal. He personally agreed to give these things to me..."

Yun Changfeng's face became even weirder, and he couldn't help but ask: "So the Seven Evil Sect was destroyed by you?"

The secret library has been taken away, and there is only one explanation.

"The Seven Evil Demon Cultivators killed innocent people indiscriminately and oppressed the Lianyun Sect. However, Mu Zhengfeng and other demons were stubborn and refused to listen to good advice. I can only kill demons and eliminate demons on behalf of heaven..."

Gao Xian's face was full of justice and righteousness.

Yun Changfeng understood, the Qisha Sect was truly destroyed. Although he had expected it, he was still quite shocked.

He was silent for a while and said with a bitter smile: "For such a big thing, you have to explain it clearly to me so that I can be prepared."

The Qisha Sect was destroyed like this, and I don’t know how the Yin Demon Sect would react.

He still had to make some arrangements to guard against revenge from the Yin Demon Sect.

As for this pile of stuff, it's certainly valuable. The sect may not need it for a while, but it can be kept. There are so many cultivators who will always be useful.

Yun Changfeng thought about it and waved his hand bravely: "These sects have all been accepted, so I count your 10 million good deeds."

Gao Xian thought it was okay. He exchanged 10 million good deeds for the nine-grade five-color lotus flower. This is a third-level top-quality spiritual object, equivalent to a third-level top-quality spiritual weapon.

Don't look at all these things, but together they may not be as valuable as a ninth-grade colorless lotus.

Dealing with it in this way is a good thing for the sect, and it also saves money on that guy Jin Dabao.

He has received a lot of benefits from the sect, and now that he is capable, he should do something to give back.

After getting rid of these things, Gao Xian felt relaxed all over.

Gao Xian returned to Xuandu Peak and went directly to Qiniang. During this period, Qiniang was preparing to form pills, so he would spend more time with her.

It is of great benefit to Qiniang that the two of them are practicing dual cultivation. It was only he who could bear the Hunyuan Golden Body and help Qiniang sort out her magic energy and blood.

After more than ten days like this, the Zhu family arrived in Qingyun City by airship.

At the same time, news of the destruction of the Seven Evil Sect also spread in Qingyun City.

The cultivators in Qingyun City didn't care about the Lianyun Sect thousands of miles away. But the invasion of Donghuang is a threat to everyone.

Small and marginal sects such as Lianyun Sect are often mentioned. In fact, no one knows the specific situation. They know that the Lianyun Sect is retreating steadily and the situation is not good.

Suddenly, the invading Qisha Sect was actually destroyed and the sect was destroyed. It was Master Gao Zhenren with both magic and sword who broke into the sect alone and swept through the demons with one sword, making him unbeatable.

This news is so shocking and very exciting.

In just one day, it caused a sensation in Qingyun City and shocked the whole Qingyun Sect...

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