The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 375 The Master of Weapon Refining

Qingyun City, Anshanfang.

The gates of a house were wide open, and a line of vehicles lined up in front of the door, filled with various furniture, furnishings, and some daily necessities.

The clerk at the business store was busy moving things inside. There are also many people in my family helping me, and it’s very busy with a group of people coming in and out.

Many neighbors gathered around to watch the fun. They pointed and curiously discussed the origins of the family.

Anshanfang is the best place in Qingyun City, and its housing prices are also very expensive. Generally speaking, few outsiders can afford to live in Anshanfang, let alone buy such a large house.

This group of people hang out together all the year round, and their eyes are very poisonous.

Whether it's their clothes, their slightly awkward manners, or their accents, it all shows that they are foreigners or from a small place.

Neighbors are naturally curious, how can someone from a small place afford a big house, and who is the owner of the house?

A rich man from a small place means a lot of money but no heft. Exactly many people's favorite goal.

With a little bit of trickery, you can squeeze out a lot of money.

For example, deliberately making friends passionately, and then drinking and gambling with them after they get acquainted. A simple bet can bankrupt this family.

If you want to cheat, do you, a person from a small place, have that ability? !

They weren't even afraid of the tough ones, they just swallowed everyone up, leaving no trace behind.

Of course, the most important thing before doing this is to find out the opponent's feet. Don't encounter a hard problem. Getting rich will mean seeking death.

Several neighbors looked around and found that a young man with a simple and honest appearance should be the one who made the decision, because everyone was very respectful to him.

The honest young man looked like he was a foundation-building monk. He was quite agile in doing things, but he looked a little easy to bully.

How did a person in the early stage of foundation building get such a huge net worth, let alone it was passed down from his ancestors?

Some people can't help it. If they don't go up and get some money, they will be sorry for themselves.

Ma Shuangcheng was the most impatient. Seeing that the honest young man was free, he hurriedly came over to greet him: "Fellow Taoist, I'm dismounting Shuangcheng. I don't know what I call you?"

The honest young man seemed a little uncomfortable with dealing with people. He hesitated for a moment and then said: "My name is Zhu Hong'an. What advice can you give me, fellow Taoist?"

Seeing the embarrassment of the other party who had never seen the world, Ma Shuangcheng felt even more relieved. He chuckled: "I live next door, and we are neighbors. As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors."

Ma Shuangcheng said enthusiastically: "You are new here and are not familiar with the place. If you need help, just say something. If nothing else, I am familiar with people here. If you say hello, you can always find a few friends to help."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, no need."

Although Zhu Hongan didn't like the familiar look of the other party, nor did he like the cunning look in his eyebrows, he still thanked him politely out of politeness.

"Hey, why are you so polite? Once we know each other, we will become familiar again. We neighbors should visit each other often and help each other."

Ma Shuangcheng is so slick, as long as the other party talks to him, he can climb up the pole.

He seemed to ask casually: "Where do fellow Taoists come from, with such a big family?"

"Lianyun Sect." Zhu Hongan was a little helpless, but he couldn't ignore it.

"Lianyun Sect, it's not next to Donghuang. The fighting has been fierce in the past few years. I heard that many people died..."

Ma Shuangcheng has never been to Lianyun Sect, but as a person from Qingyun City, it is a basic skill to grasp the surrounding situation and talk nonsense.

He said: "Whether Lianyun Sect is in danger, it is safer to move to Qingyun City. You are really courageous and moved your whole family. However, a few days ago, Gao Zhenren swept across the Qisha Sect with his sword alone. It was so majestic that it greatly increased the reputation of us human cultivators. The momentum is so awesome..."

Speaking of this, Ma Shuangcheng also became excited and bragged for a long time, but found that Zhu Hongan's expression on the opposite side was a bit strange.

He thought the other party didn't like hearing this, so he changed the subject and asked, "So it's the fellow Taoist who makes the decision in this family?"

Zhu Hongan shook his head: "This is not my home, this is my sister's home."

"Who is your sister?" Ma Shuangcheng asked curiously.

Zhu Hongan shook his head and said nothing.

Ma Shuangcheng was not discouraged. He turned around and asked, "Fellow Taoist, are you also staying in Qingyun City?"

"I live at my brother's house." Zhu Hongan answered honestly.

At this time, several people gathered around. They also saw that Zhu Hongan was honest, and thought that Ma Shuangcheng couldn't let Ma Shuangcheng take advantage of this.

Several people looked at each other with smiles, and they already had a tacit understanding. Everyone should eat this piece of fat meat together, and no one should be able to eat it alone.

One person said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, I have a brother and a sister, we are really a big family."

He said with a proud face: "We are all neighbors. I will treat you tomorrow. My Taoist friend will bring your family with you. Let's make friends."

Zhu Hongan looked embarrassed: "My sister doesn't like to meet outsiders. My brother also likes to make friends. But he goes to Changle Building, which costs a lot, so we don't want everyone to spend money."

"Changle Tower?"

The face of the man who just said he wanted to treat him changed slightly. This was the most expensive place in Qingyun City. He only went there occasionally to treat other people, but he couldn't bear to do it.

From what Zhu Hongan said, his brother often went to Changle Tower to play, so he was a big shot.

Ma Shuangcheng also sensed something was wrong, and he hurriedly asked: "I wonder what your friend's brother is called?"

"My brother's name is Gao Xian, fellow Taoist priest just said that. You must have heard of it, right?" Zhu Hongan showed a simple and honest smile, obviously very proud of his elder brother.

What made Zhu Hongan a little puzzled was that the people around him had dull expressions and seemed to be frightened.

He hurriedly explained: "My brother is very nice and has no airs at all. I will ask him to come over right now..."

Ma Shuangcheng was excited and held Zhu Hongan's hand: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no."

Before Zhu Hongan could say anything, several people apologized and ran away in a panic.

Zhu Hongan is still a little confused. As for being afraid of being like this? Others want to hug his brother's lap, but they can't...

In less than half a day, everyone in Anshanfang knew that the newly moved family was a relative of Gao Xian.

For a moment, everyone in the family became nervous. They called all the juniors and gangsters back and warned them not to provoke the newly moved family.

Gao Xian's sword defeated Wuqi Divine Sword, and his reputation was already powerful in Qingyun Dao. A few days ago, when he destroyed the sect and wiped out the entire family with his single sword, the entire Qingyun City was shocked.

Killing the golden elixir is one thing, but going to another sect to kill the sect leader is more than ten times more difficult.

This battle also made everyone realize how terrifying Gao Xian was. As long as he was willing, one person could destroy those small sects.

After Zhang Changzhen of Xuanzhen Sect heard the news, he wrote a sincere and humble letter of apology to Gao Xian that day, and also gave him a valuable gift, a copy of "Zhenxiao Tianshu Divine Thunder True Interpretation".

These secret techniques are originally used to control the golden whips of male and female demons. They are secrets that are not passed down by the sect.

Since the magic weapon is not coming back, let's just be a favor and give the secret method to Gao Xian. It also means that Xuanzhen Sect recognizes that the male and female golden whips for subduing demons belong to Gao Xian.

Of course, outsiders have no way of knowing these things.

Gao Xian didn't care about this. Zhang Changzhen wanted to harm him, but he took away the sect's treasure. The matter was over, and it was finally over in his mind.

As long as Zhang Changzhen doesn't cause trouble, he won't bother him again.

Gao Xian accepted the heavy gift from Zhang Changzhen without hesitation. He didn't reply, but he made his attitude clear by accepting the gift.

With the Yin-Yang Thunder Couple, he was thinking about how to refine the male and female demon-conquering golden whips.

Although holding two golden whips together is very majestic, they look a bit like a door god and do not match his style.

Moreover, the male and female golden whips combined are only the third level of top-grade spiritual weapons.

By integrating the fourth-level Yin-Yang Thunder Couple, there is a good chance that the male and female golden whips can be upgraded to the fourth level.

So far, Gao Xian only has one fourth-level spiritual weapon, the White Lotus Golden God Flag.

The Dongji Qinghua Divine Rainbow Sword should be of the fourth level. Even though his swordsmanship has reached the master's perfection level, he still cannot activate the Divine Rainbow Sword. It seems that only if he achieves the sword elixir can he activate the sword.

The male and female golden whips specialize in controlling thunder, can restrain all kinds of magic, and have extraordinary miraculous effects on evil spirits.

No matter what aspect you consider, it is worth upgrading.

After Gao Xian got the "Zhenxiao Tianshu Divine Thunder True Interpretation", he also studied it carefully.

He is not proficient in the thunder method, but fortunately he has a first-grade golden elixir, and it is not difficult to activate the thunder method with the power of the five elements.

Coupled with the blessing of the thunder and lightning method, this thunder method was quickly mastered.

In fact, it is not a thunder method, it can only be said to be a method of controlling male and female golden whips, so it is easier to get started.

Gao Xian went to consult Huo Lingyun, the first master of the Weapon Refining Institute. This third-level Weapon Refining Master was already over 400 years old this year.

She has red hair and red eyes, high cheekbones, a thin figure, and a bit of a mean temper. She is known in the sect as having a bad temper.

Even Lu Jingxu, who was known as a good old man, had no friendship with Huo Lingyun.

Gao Xian met Huo Lingyun twice and didn't even speak to him. He could only be regarded as an acquaintance.

In order to refine the male and female golden whips, Gao Xian shamelessly came over to ask for advice on fire luck, and of course he did not forget to give him a third-level spiritual object.

Huo Lingyun was quite polite to Gao Xian, and his face looked much better after seeing the third-level spiritual object.

The main reason was that the rising No. 1 Golden Pill was very polite and humble in asking for advice, which made Huo Lingyun quite happy.

Huo Lingyun looked at the male and female golden whips for subduing demons, and then looked at the yin and yang thunder puppets. She nodded and praised: "It is indeed a good thing, and it does fit well."

She changed the subject: "However, refining weapons is not that simple. The Yin-Yang Thunder Couple can only upgrade the weapon spirit, but it is impossible for the male and female golden whips to merge into one. It must be sacrificed in the furnace..."

Gao Xian was a little suspicious that the 400-year-old lady wanted to take the opportunity to increase the price. He also thought that since they were from the same family, with his current status, it was unlikely that this lady would cheat him even if she wanted to make money.

He said hurriedly: "Please help me, Lord Huo."

Huo Lingyun glanced at Gao Xian, with a bit of disdain in his red eyes. To be honest, no one has dared to look at him like this since Gao Xian achieved the Golden Elixir.

However, Huo Lingyun is a master of weapon refining, and he is still qualified to show off to him professionally. Gao Xian responded with a polite smile, "I don't know how to refine weapons, so please give me some advice."

"The male and female golden whips are forged from spiritual objects such as star sand gold and purple golden bamboo. They need to use the jade flowers growing in the underground magma lake as a guide and the ten thousand-year earth milk as an intermediary..."

Huo Lingyun bala bala said a lot of professional weapon refining terms. Gao Xian was confused when he heard it, but he understood what Huo Lingyun meant.

Like Li Baoding, this man is notoriously greedy for money. Well, the fire spirit also needs to be stingy. This person is very stingy.

Gao Xian smiled and said, "For the first seat, you can tell me how much it costs."

Huo Lingyun stretched out a finger, and Gao Xian's heart tightened. This lady is too dark!

As if he saw something was wrong in Gao Xian's eyes, Huo Lingyun said: "With a thousand high-grade spiritual stones, I will help you fuse the male and female golden whips. There is a good chance that they can be smelted into a fourth-level spiritual weapon."

Gao Xian breathed a sigh of relief and agreed: "A thousand high-grade spiritual stones are no problem, please help me. If I can refine a fourth-level spiritual weapon, I will never forget this favor..."

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