The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 383 Flower Appreciation Mirror

Today, Li Feihuang seems very enthusiastic, even a little obsessed, which is very different from the tsundere he used to be.

Gao Xian even suspected that Li Feihuang was controlled by some evil spell. He checked it up and down, inside and out, and found nothing wrong, so he felt relieved.

In fact, Li Feihuang just fell into narcissism and couldn't extricate himself.

No matter how prestigious Gao Xian was in the past, he was still a little far away from her. Today was different. She was in it and knew how dangerous it was this time.

Gao Xian stepped forward at the critical moment. She felt that it was entirely for her that Gao Xian decided to face the fourth-level monster!

This move proves how much Gao Xian loves her!

On the other hand, Gao Xian killed the fourth-level monster and showed his peerless martial arts. It made her even more admired than herself.

Gao Xian didn't know why Li Feihuang changed, but he liked the gentle and enthusiastic Li Feihuang very much.

This is much better than being arrogant and overconfident.

After being intimate for a few days, Gao Xian felt a little guilty towards Li Feihuang. All this time, he actually didn't care much about Li Feihuang.

During the Chinese New Year, I didn’t even think of giving her a gift or anything.

Gao Xian then realized his conscience and thought of giving advice to Li Feihuang to practice.

After all, he is a fire phoenix spirit body, taught by a famous teacher, and supported by the Qingfeng Sect. Li Feihuang is now at the ninth level of foundation building, and is only two steps away from forming a core.

Li Feihuang's fire phoenix spirit body has too much yang fire and needs constant yin and yang reconciliation.

It was probably because of this reason that Li Feihuang approached Gao Xian in the first place.

As Gao Xian's cultivation becomes higher and higher, this harmonious effect becomes more and more obvious.

It's just that Gao Xian didn't pay much attention to this aspect before, nor did he deliberately help Li Feihuang practice.

This time he happened to have time, and he was in the same mood, so he gave Li Feihuang some guidance on the Yin and Yang Wheel.

Although this is just a small skill, after many years of training by Gao Xian and the blessing of Feng Yue Baojian, his attainments in this small skill have become superb.

Because of this, Gao Xian was able to use the Yin and Yang Wheel to refine the Yin and Yang Heavenly Wheel.

As Fengyue Grandmaster, Gao Xian taught Li Feihuang enough to learn for a lifetime.

Through the yin and yang chakra, Gao Xian and Li Feihuang practiced together, and the fourth-level snake meat they ate could be effectively transformed into themselves.

This cultivation process also has some benefits for Gao Xian. After all, he is a fire phoenix spirit body with a special constitution that is very resistant to damage.

While Gao Xian helps Li Feihuang quell his fire, he can also continue to purify his own cultivation.

The so-called matching of men and women means that you will not be tired during practice.

A man and a woman practiced behind closed doors, and it wasn't until the spaceship landed at Wanling Peak that Gao Xian showed up again.

Wanling Peak has beautiful mountains and clear waters, and various buildings of the sect are built on the mountain. They are arranged in an orderly manner and have the atmosphere of a large sect.

The most distinctive feature is that there are many spiritual beasts on the mountain, the most common of which are cranes flying in the sky.

This big bird has long legs and a long neck, and its flying posture is very elegant. It has a black top and white feathers, and it looks good.

A group of cranes are circling and flying in the forest, giving the mountain a fairy-like atmosphere.

In addition, there are various spiritual beasts, such as flying eagles, flying geese, tigers, giant wolves, etc. There are many kinds of birds and animals.

Wanling Sect is famous for controlling beasts, so naturally there are many monsters gathered in the sect.

It was also the first time for Gao Xian to see so many tamed monsters, and he felt very fresh.

Yan Feiyin controls a spiritual beast, which can turn into an phantom and enter the cultivator's sea of ​​consciousness, just like a high-level spiritual weapon.

Such spiritual beasts share life and death with their masters and share the power of cultivation, which is extremely precious.

The three-tailed sky fox is the best among spiritual beasts, so Yan Feiyin has long been placed high hopes by the sect.

Yan Feiyin was also very successful and formed a third-grade golden elixir. That's how this celebration came about.

The man in charge of the Wanling Sect's reception was a man in black, named Yang Qicheng. There was a white crow standing on his shoulder. The crow could not only talk, but also had a nice voice and was very polite.

Sheep Qicheng are good-looking, eloquent, and can treat people like a spring breeze.

He led everyone from the Qingyun Sect to the Osmanthus Garden, which was a large monastery covering an area of ​​several acres. It was filled with osmanthus trees, and the golden osmanthus had a pleasant fragrance.

There are paths connecting the woods, and there are also rockeries and rocks. There are birds and white deer in the forest, which is both quiet and full of life.

Yang Qicheng enthusiastically helped everyone in the Qingyun Sect settle down before bowing and leaving.

Tong Xiujun and Lu Jingxu both had a good impression of this person, and both expressed satisfaction with the reception provided by Wanling Sect.

Gao Xian didn't care about this. He was a little disappointed when he didn't see Yan Feiyin.

But this is normal. As the protagonist of the Golden elixir celebration, it is impossible for Yan Feiyin to come out as a welcome guest.

After a month of hard work, Gao Xian was a little tired, well, a little tired, so he chose a monastery to live in.

There are still ten days until the celebration, so he can take a good two days of rest.

Taking advantage of the silence, Gao Xian activated the magic circle to seal the inside and outside, and thought about the green vertical pupils left by the giant snake.

The green vertical pupils should be the spiritual core of the giant snake, but the giant snake uses Yinshen to circulate its mana, so this spiritual core has no role in carrying mana and consciousness.

Gao Xian didn't know what the eyeball was for, but he just felt that it would be of great use to him.

He tried to communicate with this thing using his spiritual consciousness, but there was no response. I tried using the thunder method to stimulate it again, but there was no response.

The Great Five Elements Tiangang, the Yin and Yang Heavenly Wheel, and various spells are tried one by one.

Until Gao Xian urged him to use the flower appreciating mirror, his eyes shone with circles of spiritual light.

Gao Xian understood that this spiritual object corresponded to the flower appreciating mirror.

This is also very reasonable, after all, this eye can illuminate all directions and identify yin and yang...

By resonating with the flower appreciating mirror, the huge green eyes gradually decomposed into a ball of spiritual light and merged into Gao Xian's sea of ​​consciousness.

In the vast and deep sea of ​​consciousness, this green aura merges with the talisman formed by the flower appreciating mirror.

It took two full days for this fusion to be completely completed.

Gao Xian summoned the Flower Appraisal Mirror again, and the mirror that emerged was already emerald green.

This kind of flower appreciating mirror is a bit too eye-catching.

However, the new flower appreciating mirror is amazingly effective.

In the past, the flower-appreciating mirror could only see the front, but the new flower-appreciating mirror can see all directions. This is exactly the same as divine consciousness.

However, the sensing radius of divine consciousness is only fifteen thousand steps.

The new flower appreciating mirror can see hundreds of miles away through active activation.

Looking around, no matter the mountains, rocks, trees, or magic arrays and magic weapons, they could not block his gaze.

Looking down, the thick ground turns into transparent river water, and everything within ten miles underground is clearly visible.

However, the more obstacles there are, the more consciousness is consumed.

Gao Xian looked at the ground for a while and felt a little uncomfortable. Obviously seeing through the thick ground requires a lot of spiritual consciousness.

Opening the Fengyue Treasure Mirror, the flower appreciating mirror on it has become a flower appreciating mirror, and the annotations have also changed.

The Flower Appreciating Mirror: Illuminates all directions, distinguishes yin and yang, distinguishes life and death, and identifies high and low. (50000/5000000 entry)

The Flower Appreciating Mirror is obviously a super-upgraded version of the Flower Appreciating Spiritual Mirror. At the entry level, it requires five million humane spiritual lights to upgrade.

Among them, it illuminates the eight directions and divides yin and yang. Can Gao Xian understand what it means, but what is the use of distinguishing life and death? To prevent others from pretending to be dead?

Is it possible to identify a magic weapon by judging its level?

Gao Xian took out a spiritual object and tried to observe it with a flower-appraising mirror. He understood it immediately.

He could tell at a glance that the spiritual object under the flower appreciating mirror was a dead object, and he could also see that the spiritual object contained a level of spiritual intelligence, a third-level low-grade earth element spiritual crystal.

This is not that the flower appreciating mirror can identify it by himself, but that he can make judgments based on the more detailed information he sees through the flower appreciating mirror.

That's it, this auxiliary function is also super awesome.

In the world of cultivators, there are all kinds of strange spiritual creatures, strange magic weapons and spiritual weapons left over from ancient times, and so on.

Practitioners have limited vision and knowledge, and even those masters in Wanbao Tower who specialize in appraisals will make mistakes.

With the Flower Appraisal Mirror, he can try to pick up the leaks, and the probability of success will definitely be high.

Of course, this is just the least important feature.

Identifying high and low levels is extremely useful in battle.

For example, facing the True Lord Nascent Soul, his spiritual consciousness cannot compete with the opponent, but he can observe the opponent's reality through the flower appreciating mirror, see the opponent's cultivation characteristics, and see the level of the opponent's magical weapon.

With this detailed information, you can make preparations in advance and even find the other party's flaws.

Including various powerful magic circles, flaws and gaps that can be found through the Flower Appraisal Mirror.

The new flower appreciating mirror can greatly improve his combat effectiveness.

Gao Xian was extremely satisfied with this, and he was even a little uncontrollably excited.

His fighting concepts are all derived from the knowledge of his previous life.

The first important thing is information reconnaissance, to determine who the enemy is, where the enemy is, how powerful the enemy is, the battlefield situation, etc.

Only by knowing this information can we make accurate judgments.

His powerful spiritual consciousness has always given him a huge advantage in this regard.

This time when he was fighting a fourth-level monster, Gao Xian realized that his spiritual consciousness was still very weak, and he couldn't compare with a fourth-level monster.

The Flower Appreciating Mirror solved this problem, allowing him to observe enough information in advance to take the initiative.

Whether fighting or retreating, you can make decisions calmly.

From this point of view, the significance of the Flower Appreciation Mirror is better than that of other secret techniques.

The only bad thing is that the flower appreciating mirror is a green color, and it is very dazzling when placed in front of the eyes. Others can tell that something is wrong at a glance.

We can only wait until the level is upgraded later, and maybe we can hide the flower appreciating mirror.

Gao Xian thought about the Flower Appreciation Mirror, sat in the room and started looking around.

The most convenient thing about the flower appreciating mirror is that it can observe all directions. There is no need to adjust the viewing angle at all. He only needs to use his spiritual consciousness to adjust the viewing direction of the mirror.

Naturally, there are magic circles everywhere on Wanling Peak, and they can hardly stop the Flower Appreciating Mirror.

There are only a few special places such as the top of the mountain. I don’t know whether there are special restrictions or what kind of magic weapon is used, and the flower appreciating mirror cannot see through it.

Gao Xian didn't dare to be too arrogant. This was the territory of Wanling Sect, and True Lord Nascent Soul was in charge.

If the Nascent Soul Lord discovered that he was spying, it would be difficult to explain.

After looking around, Gao Xian also found Bai Zizhen and the witch in blue.

The Yuelun Sect lived on another mountain peak, dozens of miles away from them. Obviously Wan Ling Sect didn't want them to get too close to avoid getting into trouble.

Even though they were dozens of miles apart, Gao Xian saw the two of them as if they were right in front of him. Even if he couldn't hear the two of them talking, he could still guess five or six points based on subtle changes in mouth shape, eye expressions, etc.

The two women didn't know what to talk about. Bai Zizhen looked more serious, while the woman in blue looked relaxed.

Gao Xian looked at the shape of their mouths, as if they were talking about himself!

The woman in blue looked seductive and wanton, was she trying to seduce him?

Gao Xian was not surprised but overjoyed. It would be great if the demon girl dared to come. He would just be able to conquer the demon and defend the way!

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