The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 384: Destroying Flowers with Dangerous Hands

"Fellow Taoist, lend me Yue Qingwei's sword."

Hua Feidi reached out to Bai Zizhen. She had a leisurely and relaxed attitude, but she was too strong to refuse.

Bai Zizhen himself is also a very strong person, but Hua Feidi's cultivation is far above hers.

In addition, Hua Feidi represented the Blood God Sect, so she did not dare to offend him.

She asked politely: "What does fellow Taoist want her sword for?"

"Of course I will be like her and get in touch with Gao Xian."

Hua Feidi said slowly: "I went to him for a sword fight as an excuse. After losing to him, I pretended to be impressed by his swordsmanship, and then I could ask him out naturally."

She said with a proud smile on her face: "Men, who can resist a woman who worships him, who can resist a beautiful woman who takes the initiative to devote herself to her."

She paused for a moment and then said in a funny tone: "I heard that Gao Xian is very lecherous. He has an affair with Yun Qingxuan, he has a lover in Lianyun Sect, and he has an ambiguous relationship with Yan Feiyin..."

Hua Feidi said confidently: "A handsome man like him will be liked by many beauties. He will not have any doubts about women who take the initiative to throw themselves into his arms."

Bai Zizhen had doubts: "Gao Xian is a third-grade golden elixir, and he is quite insidious and cunning."

Speaking of this, Bai Zi really hesitated to speak.

She naturally wanted to get rid of Gao Xian, but she didn't want Hua Feidi to mess around. This is Wanling Sect. Once Hua Feidi's true identity is revealed, she will not be able to escape her involvement.

In addition, she felt that this beauty trap was a bit too crude. A shrewd person like Gao Xian would not be fooled.

It's just that it's hard to say these words clearly, but she believes that Hua Feidi understands what she means.

Of course, Hua Feidi understood Bai Zi's real concerns. She chuckled with some disdain and said: "The most direct and simple strategy is the more effective it is. The more complicated and sophisticated the plan, the easier it is to fail."

She glanced at Bai Zizhen and said pointedly: "A swordsman like you doesn't understand the affairs between men and women..."

Bai Zi was really silent. She had been concentrating on swordsmanship for hundreds of years and had long since given up on love. The relationship between a man and a woman was worthless in her eyes.

There is really no way to refute Hua Feidi at this time.

She was silent for a moment and said, "Gao Xian has met Yue Qingwei."


Hua Feidi smiled. She waved her hand gently, and blood surged around her body. When the blood light dissipated, she had transformed into Yue Qingwei.

Not only are they similar in appearance, but there is Yue Qingwei's cold and sharp sword intent between her eyebrows, and the mana aura on her body is exactly the same as Yue Qingwei's.

Bai Zizhen is very familiar with Yue Qingwei, and she can't see any problem with Yue Qingwei transformed into Hua Feidi.

This made her face change slightly. There are many kinds of transformation spells, but it turns into a completely different person. From appearance to temperament to cultivation level, they are exactly the same. This is very scary.

Hua Feidi said coldly in Yue Qingwei's voice: "Fellow Daoist Bai, I can do this."

Bai Zizhen hesitated for a moment before saying: "Wait a moment."

She quickly left the room and came back after a while.

Bai Zizhen took out a third-level spiritual sword from his storage bag and handed it to Hua Feidi, "Ming Yue Qing Light Sword, Yue Qingwei's sword."

She couldn't help but ask again: "Fellow Taoist, the method of transformation is the transformation of the blood shadow in the blood nerve?"

Hua Feidi casually took the Ming Yue Qing lightsaber. She did not answer Bai Zizhen's question, but drew the sword out of its sheath and stabbed forward lightly.

The cold sword light, like the bright moon, filled the whole room, and the pure sword intention made the opposite person Bai Zizhen feel a chill in his heart.

This beauty is actually proficient in the Mingyue Sword Technique!

She sighed inwardly. The sect leader and the Blood God Sect were so close that they even passed on the sect's important sword techniques to each other!

For the sect, the secret method is the foundation of inheritance. Even if the sect is destroyed, the secret inheritance will not be passed on!

It's just that it's not her turn to comment on the sect leader's decision. At this moment, I can only feel sad silently.

Hua Feidi is quite proud of her sword skills. She has also put in a lot of hard work on the Mingyue Sword Technique. In addition, the blood shadow transformation method can simulate various spells and techniques. Only then can she achieve success in the Mingyue Sword Technique. Achievement.

Compared to Yue Qingwei, her swordsmanship is two points less pure, but two points more sophisticated.

The subtle difference between them is difficult for Bai Zizhen to distinguish, let alone outsiders.

Hua Feidi sheathed her sword and spun around in front of Bai Zizhen, "How is it?"

Bai Zizhen didn't care what he thought in his heart, but on the surface he could only nod and praise: "It is indeed a peerless secret method with no flaws."

She reminded again: "It is said that Gao Xian is also proficient in secret arts, so that he can plot against the golden elixir female cultivator Shui Yuying when building the foundation. Fellow Taoist, please don't be careless."


Hua Feidi's shoulders trembled when she laughed, her smile was quite open and unrestrained, completely losing her cold temperament just now.

Bai Zi was really embarrassed by being laughed at. She actually didn't care about Hua Feidi's life or death. She was just afraid that Hua Feidi would cause trouble and it would end badly.

Hua Feidi laughed for a while and then slowly stopped smiling, "The Blood River Golden Carriage is our sect's supreme secret technique. Even if it is not as good as the Huanxi Sect's "Nine Heavens Su Nv Sutra", it is not much different.

"Gao Xian was born as a casual cultivator. Even if he has any special talents, how can he compare with my Blood River Golden Cart? Not to mention that I deliberately plot against him, how can I be taken advantage of by him..."

Hua Feidi waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about the rest. Just restrain Yue Qingwei so that she doesn't show up. I can deal with Gao Xian in as little as two days and as much as three days."

Her desire to kill Gao Xian had nothing to do with grudges, but she was just coveting Gao Xian's third-grade golden elixir.

The Blood River Golden Chariot Technique uses male cultivators as golden chariots to pass through numerous tribulations in the Blood River, and by cultivating to the highest level, one can achieve pure yang.

The most important thing about this method is the male cultivator. The stronger the male cultivator is, the farther he can run as a golden chariot.

She uses people as her car, but she doesn't directly absorb the male cultivators' abilities. This is also the most brilliant aspect of this method.

Most of the methods of supplementing are to unilaterally absorb the opponent's essence and origin, so as to improve one's own cultivation.

This method has great disadvantages. The faster the supplement is collected, the less the source of essence is absorbed.

Moreover, the source of external essence needs to be purified again. Of the ten resources collected, only one or two percent can be absorbed in the end.

Generally speaking, the method of taking supplements also needs to be done step by step.

A large sect like the Huanxi Sect uses very gentle tonic methods, which most of the time will not harm the opponent's origin. This is also the reason why the Huanxi Sect can bloom and spread its leaves everywhere.

Magic cultivators like to take shortcuts, and their tonic techniques are very overbearing, and the effect is even worse.

The Blood River Golden Cart Technique uses the opponent as a car to attack the Blood River's many obstacles.

This method can squeeze out all the source of magic power of the cultivator, and all the benefits obtained can be used for one's own use.

The only problem with this method is that the requirements for a golden car are getting higher and higher. At her level, only a third-grade golden elixir can turn it into a golden car.

For other levels of golden elixir cultivators, even if they barely make a golden chariot, there will be no effect.

Gao Xian is a third-grade golden elixir, an enemy, and a lustful person. Within the Wanling Sect, there was no other strong person around Gao Xian, so this was the best opportunity to make a move.

As for what would happen if things failed, Hua Feidi didn't care at all. As long as she could suck Gao Xian dry, she would turn around and leave.

Could it be that True Lord Tiehe would still stand up for a foreign sect's golden elixir? !

It was True Lord Tiehe who came forward, and Bai Zizhen and the others were unlucky, but it had nothing to do with her.

Hua Feidi had already made up her mind. She had prepared the Ming Yue Qing Light Sword, and without waiting for Bai Zizhen to say anything, she had activated the escape light and flew away through the door.

Bai Zizhen came to the door and looked at a clear light flowing in the sky, her eyes gradually became cold.

This female devil acted recklessly and did not take their safety seriously.

However, as long as Gao Xian can be eliminated, taking some risks is nothing!

This is Nascent Soul Seed! With the opponent's talent, he might be able to prove the Nascent Soul in a hundred or two hundred years. How should the Yuelun Sect deal with it then? !

Not only Gao Xian, but also Yun Qingxuan and Yun Qiushui, she would never hesitate to take action as long as she had the opportunity.

Bai Zi really hates Hua Feidi, but now she sincerely hopes that Hua Feidi will succeed...

Gao Xian, who was watching the excitement, saw Hua Feidi transform into Yue Qingwei, take another sword, and then fly out.

Gao Xian couldn't hear what the two said. He only looked at Hua Feidi's changes and roughly guessed that the other party wanted to transform into Yue Qingwei to seduce him.

There are several advantages to this. Firstly, Yue Qingwei is a sword cultivator of Yuelun Sect, so her identity is not a problem, and she does not know any evil arts. On the contrary, it can stimulate his desire to conquer.

Secondly, the other party transformed into Yue Qingwei, so the Yuelun Sect could completely blame him if something happened.

So, the opposite is clearly for door-to-door delivery!

Gao Xian has the red dragon swallowing the moon technique, but he has never actively used this technique to harm anyone. It was because the other party wanted to harm him that he was forced to use the Red Dragon Moon Swallowing Technique.

This witch secretly attracted the monsters to plot against him. If the debt is not settled yet, and she comes again, then let her go to heaven.

Sure enough, after a while, Yue Qingwei's cold voice came from the front, "I heard that Gao Taoist Fellow is here. Yue is here to learn swordsmanship. Please feel free to teach me."

The other party's voice was not loud, but it spread throughout Guixiang Garden. Everyone in the Qingyun Sect was alarmed.

Gao Xian smiled, stood up and walked to the gate of Guixiang Garden. Yue Qingwei was wearing blue clothes and carrying a sword, and her bright eyes were cold and sharp.

Regardless of temperament or mana and sword intent, they are actually the same as Yue Qingwei. If he hadn't seen the other party's changes with his own eyes, he wouldn't have seen any problem.

Fortunately, the first-grade golden elixir is indeed powerful, and it can still faintly reflect a trace of abnormal blood on the opponent's body.

In front of the other party, Gao Xian couldn't help but summon the Flower Appreciation Mirror, the green aura was too dazzling.

At this moment, Lu Jingxu and Tong Xiujun came out, and several Ji Zhu stood at the door and looked around.

Everyone was a little curious, where did Yue Qingwei find the courage to challenge Gao Xian? She was the defeated subordinate of Yun Qiu Sailor!

Lu Jingxu and Tong Xiujun also looked a little strange. Is this beauty here to be abused? !

Gao Xian politely handed over his hand and said, "If my Taoist friend is so elegant, I should accompany you."


Yue Qingwei said, driving the sword light into the sky and flying away.

Gao Xian smiled at Lu Jingxu and Tong Xiujun, "I'll be back soon."

Lu Jingxu reminded a little worriedly: "Junior brother, please don't kill her..."

Gao Xian laughed: "Senior brother, why would you say this? How could I kill a flower with my own hands?"

Neither Lu Jingxu nor Tong Xiujun smiled, but their expressions were a bit serious. In their opinion, Gao Xian was always ruthless regardless of whether he spent money or not...

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