The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 408: Coming to kill people

Tongtian Sword Sect, Tianhe Peak.

In the depth of winter, the mountains are covered with snow, except for a huge waterfall pouring down from Tianhe Peak, which converges into a surging river at the foot of the mountain.

The waterfall is several miles wide, with a drop of more than a hundred feet. The water flow is as turbulent as ten thousand horses galloping, and its momentum is extraordinary.

The steaming water vapor turns into heavy white mist, and the noisy sound of water can echo endlessly in the mountains.

The waterfall is so majestic that it is named Tianhe.

The trees on both sides of the river bank are hung with crystal ice, like silver trees and flowers, which are extremely beautiful under the sunlight.

Gui Wuqi was sitting on a huge rock on the bank of the long river. This position was facing the Tianhe-like waterfall above.

The boulder covered with crystal white frost also left a circular mark when he sat on it.

Ever since the Tianxiang Sword Palace failed and Gui Wuqi came back, he occupied Tianhe Peak and watched the water and learned the sword here every day.

He was practicing the Thunder Sword Sutra. He should have observed the changes in wind and thunder, and understood the changes in yin and yang in the world, which was the right way to practice swordsmanship.

Gui Wuqi was defeated in the Tianxiang Sword Palace, and cracks appeared in the heart of his sword.

If it were another cultivator, losing a few times would actually have no impact. Even for a swordsman like Xiao Hongye, failure is a valuable experience for her.

The way he follows this world is to be ruthless and ruthless. He does everything as usual and does not leave any traces in his heart.

Gao Xian continued to suffer losses under Gao Xian, and Gao Xian left deep traces in his heart. It has become his inner demon!

The best way is to kill Gao Xian. This will not only get rid of the inner demons, but also remove all obstacles, and the cultivation level will inevitably improve by leaps and bounds.

However, Gui Wuqi knew very well that he was no match for Gao Xian. This road obviously doesn't work.

There is no other way. Gui Wuqi can only temper his body and will through hard training, hoping to refine his inner demons in this way.

For this reason, he completely restrained his magic power and allowed his body to be invaded by the cold.

At this moment, his head and body were covered with frost, and there were even frost marks on his eyebrows and beard.

The body of the Jindan sword cultivator is far better than that of ordinary Jindan. Although the cold here is intense, it is not enough to harm him.

Gui Wuqi's body is just slightly stiff, and he won't really be injured.

He has been sitting here for three years. It is not difficult for Jindan to practice for three years, but few people can do it while sitting still.

Gui Wuqi sat here not practicing swordsmanship, but thinking over and over about his failure.

Every time he thought about failure, he felt depressed and uncomfortable, like a sword stabbing himself in the heart.

But the more times I poke it, the less painful my heart becomes.

The penance of Gui Wuqi is not at the physical level, but at the spiritual level to abuse oneself.

Since the mind cannot overcome the demonic obstacle, it is necessary to smash both the demonic obstacle and the heart to pieces.

Just like when a big tree grows crooked, the tree is cut off close to the root and allowed to grow again.

To break down and then build up again, this was the method that Gui Wuqi thought of, and he also practiced it.

In more than ten years, he has indeed taken another path.

To him, Gao Xian is no longer a demon.

The re-condensed sword heart is full of cracks but extremely solid, stable and powerful.

Gui Wuqi even likes this method of cultivation. Given time, he will definitely be able to kill Gao Xian with his sword.

As for Xiao Hongye and his ilk, there is no need to care at all.

The night is getting darker and darker. There is no moon in the night sky today, only countless stars are shining quietly.

Five-colored flames suddenly rose in the distant sky, illuminating the starry sky in an instant.

"It's New Year's Eve, another year has passed..."

When Gui Wuqi saw the dazzling flames, he immediately thought that today was the last day of the year.

It is the custom of the Tongtian Sword Sect to set off fireworks on New Year's Eve, and the colorful flames can shine thousands of miles away.

When he was young, Gui Wuqi was very interested in releasing fireworks spells.

After he completes the foundation building, he will feel bored looking at these.

Today's state of mind, Gui Wuqi is even more indifferent and distant, and he no longer cares about these things.

For him, festivals such as New Year's Eve are just a superficial understanding of the laws of heaven and earth. Other than that, they have no special significance and are not worthy of celebration.

It was only after Gui Wuqi that he looked away, but suddenly he felt a warning sign.

He turned his eyes and realized that there was an extra person in front of him.

This man has a slender figure, with cold and majestic features. Although his golden eyes shine with the five colors of flames in the starry sky, they cannot hide the cold and sharp depth of his eyes.

The white clothes on his body are as white as snow, and he has an air of elegance like clouds.

Gui Wuqi couldn't help but be shocked. This man had a peerless grace and extraordinary bearing. Although he didn't know his origin, he instinctively felt awe.

How could there be such a person in Tongtian Sword Sect? !

Gui Wuqi didn't care about practicing hard. He stood up suddenly and shouted: "Who are you and why did you break into Tongtian Sword Sect without permission?"

The man in white was none other than Taiyuan Shenxiang. He flew for more than ten days and arrived at Tongtian Sword Sect, just in time for the New Year's Eve fireworks.

"I've heard about the name Wuqi Divine Sword for a long time, so I came here to learn about it."

Gao Xian said casually, and he had already stepped in front of Gui Wuqi.

This is the Tongtian Sword Sect. If the commotion gets louder, Lord Fenglei Sword will definitely be alarmed. He has no time to reminisce and chat with Gui Wuji.

Gao Xian's long sleeves are as light as flowing clouds, but they contain soft and ethereal sword intent. If it is there, if not, if it is fast, if it is slow, it is as misty and unpredictable as the flowing clouds.

The white clothes he wears are the White Emperor's Qiankun Transformed Sword. He uses a first-grade sword elixir to activate it, and every move he makes is pure and unparalleled. There is no need to transform into a sword at all.

Gui Wuqi immediately realized this. What the opponent was triggering was not a spell, but the pure sword Qi triggered by sword intention.

The long sleeves were as cool and elegant as clouds, but they were so sharp that they could cut him into two pieces.

Moreover, the sword energy is like a cloud covering all directions, just like the light and floating clouds covering the sun and moon. Its changes are complex and subtle, and the sword's intention is extremely high.

"This man's swordsmanship is far superior to mine! His cultivation is also more refined!"

Gui Wuqi immediately realized something was wrong, but he was enveloped by the opponent's cloud-like sword intent and couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

In times of crisis, he burst out with strong fighting spirit.

Gui Wuji refused to retreat but advanced, and he pulled out the Xiandu sword. The three-foot blue sword turned into a sharp lightning under his urging, cutting straight into the opponent's heart.

The re-condensed sword heart made his sword intention stronger and more powerful, and the thunderous sword energy he activated became more powerful.

The sword spirit in the Xiandu Sword also resonated with Gui Wuqi in an instant. The sword spirit guides the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to transform into thunderous sword light, instantly increasing the power of the sword to the extreme.

This thunderous move is also the most powerful and powerful sword technique in the Thunder Sword Sutra.

Gui Wuqi couldn't recognize the origin of the opponent's swordsmanship, but he vaguely felt that it was similar to the Yunxiang Sword in the Tongtian Sword Classic, but it was also very different.

When facing an unknown and powerful enemy, you must respond with dignity and dignity, so as to avoid making fewer mistakes.

Gao Xian noticed the change in Gui Wuqi's sword intent. It was not as decisive and fierce as before, but a little more solid and solid.

After not seeing each other for more than ten years, Gui Wuqi actually changed his approach, and it was quite fruitful.

At least it has made great progress at the level of sword intent, and is two points more impressive than before.

The Thunder Sword Sutra originally wanted the sword to be like thunder, and what it wanted was to be majestic and majestic.

"He's also a talent. It's a pity."

Gao Xian silently praised Gui Wuqi. He was indeed talented in swordsmanship. Well, he was better than Xiao Hongye and Yun Qiushui. Mentally, he is also more suitable for practicing swordsmanship.

If he hadn't met him, Gui Wuqi would have had a good chance of becoming a sword master in the future.

However, compared with him, it is far behind. Even if he hadn't formed a first-grade sword elixir, his swordsmanship would still be far superior.

After forming a first-grade sword elixir, the sword intention and sword energy were both refined to the extreme, and the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword was refined into a life sword, and He Gui Wuqi was no longer on the same level.

Gao Xian can now see through the changes in Gui Wuqi's sword intent, including the various changes in the sword's weapon and sword energy.

It can be said to be clear at a glance.

This is because the level of the first-grade sword elixir is too high, directly crushing the low-level sword cultivators.

Facing the blue Xiandu Sword that was like thunder in the sky, Gao Xianruyun rolled up his long sleeves.

The majestic and majestic thunderous sword light suddenly disappeared, like a mud cow falling into the sea, like a bird falling into the forest.

Gui Wuqi even felt that the Xiandu Sword had been swallowed up, as if there was an abyss in the opponent's sleeve, vast, endless, empty, deep and obscure.

Gui Wuqi was even more horrified. What kind of cultivation level did the other party have that could easily neutralize all the power of his sword? Could it be the True Lord Nascent Soul? !

He did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly activated the secret method to ignite the golden elixir, and the power of the sword tripled in an instant.

The Xiandu Sword, which was swallowed up by the opponent's long sleeves like clouds, suddenly turned into raging thunder and exploded. The shining blazing thunder light had penetrated the opponent's long sleeves, illuminating the dark space.

The sword roar that exploded from the thunderous sword light was even more earth-shattering. The huge sound of water from Tianhe Falls in the distance was masked by the sword roar.

The roar of the sword continued to spread outwards, causing the mountains to roar, and the snow on many mountain peaks collapsed in the roar.

Suddenly, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the mountains roared.

Such prestige also made many strong men of Tongtian Sword Sect realize that something was wrong.

Lord Feng Lei Sword, the leader of the Tongtian Sword Sect, was alarmed. His consciousness sensed the burst of thunderous sword energy. He couldn't help but be shocked. Something happened to Gui Wuji!

Fenglei Sword Lord knew that Gui Wuji was practicing hard at Tianhe Peak, so he did not hesitate to activate his sword escape and soar into the sky.

On Tianhe Peak, Gao Xian saw the cold sword light rising thousands of miles away through the flower appreciating mirror.

"Master Wind and Thunder Sword is here..."

Gao Xian's mind turned and triggered the Dou Zhuan Xing Shift. This wonderful change in the astrological sword can convert the enemy's mana and sword energy.

When the power of the thunder sword light exploded to the extreme, the surging thunder sword light suddenly reversed and cut straight to the end.

Gui Wuqi never imagined that there would be such a change. The sword with full force that he unleashed after using his secret technique actually struck him. How could he catch it?

In desperation, Gui Wuqi could only restrain his sword energy, and on the one hand, he activated the seven layers of lightning protection of Beigang's Seven Thunder Robes.

The reversed Xiandu sword penetrated seven layers of lightning, and one sword penetrated Gui Wuqi's chest.

This sword did too much damage to Gui Wuqi. All his internal organs were destroyed by the sword light. His golden elixir was vibrating endlessly under the thunderous sword energy. He could neither control the sword's intention nor transfer his magic power.

Gao Xian raised his hand and pointed, and an octagonal white gold star condensed with the sword intent of the White Tiger Tiansha shone out.

Gui Wuqi's heart was filled with despair. He knew that he could never avoid the mysterious sword and starlight.

The platinum star light penetrated into Gui Wuqi's eyebrows with a gentle roar, killing his golden elixir, soul and all vitality.

"He is Gao Xian...the astrological sword he used..." As death approached, Gui Wuqi's heart became clear. He suddenly recognized the true identity of the man in white and the sword technique used by him.

But everything was too late, and Gui Wuqi's consciousness quickly fell into endless darkness.

With a flick of Gao Xian's long sleeve, the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword put away the dead Gui Wuqi, and others also disappeared at the same time.

The next moment, the sky was filled with wind and thunder, and a middle-aged man with blue hair and blue eyes appeared out of thin air. It was Lord Fenglei Sword, the leader of Tongtian Sword Sect, who had arrived.

Fenglei Sword Lord just looked from a distance with his spiritual consciousness and saw a powerful and sharp sword light that was killing and sharp, but he could not see clearly who was driving the sword light.

By the time he got here, the man had disappeared without a trace. No matter how far his consciousness roamed, he couldn't find any trace.

I can only feel the sword Qi left by Gui Wuqi at the same place, and the deep death energy when Gui Wuqi died...

Gui Wuqi, whom he had high hopes for, was killed by an outsider in his own home! The murderer escaped without a trace!

Fenglei Sword Lord was furious in his heart, but two thousand years of cultivation had kept his face as calm as water.

"Who is so bold? And who has such means? Is it the Demon Sect Nascent Soul True Lord?"

Fenglei Sword Master's thoughts were racing, and he thought of some of his enemies, but he couldn't get the right number.

In a short time, Xiao Hongye and other sect's golden elixirs had arrived.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the messy battlefield and the gloomy-looking Lord Fenglei Sword.

No need for Lord Fenglei Sword to say anything, they all saw that Gui Wuqi had been killed.

Xiao Hongye's face was a little pale. Somehow, she suddenly thought of Gao Xian's words: If you have the chance, you should solve Gui Wuji...

She felt very uneasy, if Gao Xian was broken! She then thought about it and thought it was impossible. She would run into the sect and kill her without any hope. Gao Xian probably wouldn't have such ability...

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