The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 409 The Supreme Ten Thousand Swords

The news that Tongtian Sword Sect Guimu was killed was still spread.

There were too many people present, not all of them had a sense of confidentiality, and not all of them had their hearts set on the sect.

With more than three people, it's impossible to truly keep a secret.

Lord Fenglei Sword naturally knew this truth, and he did not ask everyone to keep it secret.

Although this matter is very embarrassing, there is no way to hide it. He must find the murderer.

When the news reached Wanfeng Sect, it also caused a sensation.

Everyone felt that this man was the murderer of Xiang Zhengye. Yue Huafeng even shouted that Gao Xian must have done this because it was rumored that Gao Xian and Gui Wuji had a grudge.

No one agrees with this statement, because Gao Xian and Gui Wuqi won the sword fight. How could the winner care about the loser, let alone deliberately kill the loser.

Everyone knew that Yue Huafeng had a personal grudge against Gao Xian, so what he said was obviously an opportunity to frame him for revenge.

In addition, Gao Xian has been staying in Qingyun City and his whereabouts are clearly traceable. There is no way he could go a million miles away to commit murder.

Everyone felt that this matter must be done by the Demon Sect. Because news just came that someone in the Eastern Wasteland has formed a first-grade sword elixir!

Even in Wanfeng County, there is no first-grade golden elixir. A first-grade sword elixir is rarer than a first-grade golden elixir.

You must know that one in thousands of people who are less than masters of swordsmanship. According to the same probability calculation, there is only one first-grade sword elixir among a thousand first-grade golden elixirs.

Of course, this calculation method is definitely wrong, because the higher you go, the more concentrated your cultivation resources are.

Genius cannot be simply calculated and measured using numbers.

A first-grade sword elixir appeared in the Eastern Wasteland, which was enough to shock Wanfeng County.

Sure enough, just a few days after this guy formed a first-grade sword elixir, he attacked the sword cultivator from Wanfeng County.

There may be thousands of reasons why you choose to go without period, and there is no point in guessing.

Of course, there are experts in Wanfeng County who are good at divination, but the divination results are all confusing, and no one can tell exactly what is going on.

Gao Xian from Qingyun City spent New Year's Eve with Qiniang and participated in the sect's New Year celebration the next day.

On the second day of junior high school, Gao Xian returned to the Wei family in Qingyun City. Newcomers are always full of freshness, and only when he lives in the Wei family do others know his place.

With so many servants in the Wei family, it is impossible to strictly keep secrets. What's more, there are many people who specialize in spying on him.

It happened that Wei Shuangshuang's name was used to explain his situation clearly to the outside world.

Of course, Gao Xian also enjoyed it. Wei Shuangshuang has a good figure and a good personality, but his skills are mediocre but he plays well. He is a great companion.

Gao Xian did not take back Taiyuan Shenxiang, but asked Taiyuan Shenxiang to guard outside Liuhe City.

He used Taiyuan Shenxiang to kill Gui Wuqi, firstly to avenge his past, secondly to get rid of his opponent for Hongye, and thirdly to test the power of Baidi's Qiankun Transformed Sword.

Gui Wuqi's swordsmanship has improved a lot, but he couldn't withstand a single move from Baidi's Qiankun Transformation Sword.

The changes in Dou Zhuan Xing Yi's sword technique are very subtle, but it is not easy to reverse Gui Wuqi's secret method to activate the Thunder Sword Qi.

Baidi's Qiankun Transformation Sword, the Qiankun in it has the ability to accommodate all things, spirits and methods.

Therefore, he could swallow Gui Wuqi's sword, easily reverse it, and find an opportunity to easily kill Gui Wuqi.

The Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword is indeed an extremely powerful sword. Gao Xian was extremely satisfied with the test results.

As for being seen by Fenglei Sword Lord’s consciousness, it’s not a big problem. The White Emperor's Qiankun Transformation Sword is extremely powerful in triggering the sword energy, and it also has the magic of Qiankun Transformation Sword, but it is not something that Fenglei Sword Lord can see through in a hurry.

Gao Xian asked Taiyuan Shenxiang to run to Liuhe City, mainly to monitor Lu Bingyang and the others.

Taiyuan Shenxiang does the dirty work and must not be related to his body in any way.

Lu Bingyang's enemies were closely related to him and had fierce conflicts. If Taiyuan Shenxiang took action, it would be easy for people to think of him.

Since he was an enemy, he used his body to attack openly and without any tricks.

So if he doesn't take action now, it means that the opponent's morale is high and he is fully prepared. He is not willing to show off his strength and take risks.

The combination of a first-grade golden elixir and a first-grade sword elixir makes his mana and consciousness far superior to other golden elixirs in all aspects.

If we really want to rush into the Liuhe Sect battle, we are quite sure to kill these guys, but there is no need.

No matter how well-calculated a group of people are, they cannot always wait for him in Liuhe Sect.

This group of people will have to disperse within a year and a half at most. At that time, a group of people could only be slaughtered by him.

It is very simple for Taiyuan Shenxiang to monitor a group of people. He can just find a place to hide a hundred miles away from Liuhe City and use the flower-appraising mirror to look at them several times a day.

Everyone is just a small golden elixir, and their spiritual consciousness is within ten thousand steps, so there is no way they can detect traces of Taiyuan's divine form.

The Flower Appreciating Mirror does not require the use of spiritual consciousness, and it will not be noticed by the other party.

Taking advantage of this time, Taiyuan Shenxiang also sorted out the items donated by Gui Wuqi.

The Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword can accommodate all living things, including storage magic weapons, making it particularly convenient to collect items.

Gao Xian properly disposed of Gui Wuqi's body to ensure that he would not act like a monster again after he was laid to rest.

After sorting out the remaining items, the most valuable is of course the Xiandu Sword, a fourth-level mid-grade spiritual sword. If you take it out like this, you can sell it for hundreds of millions of spiritual stones.

Unfortunately, this sword must not show any trace. Next are numerous pills, spiritual objects, and spiritual stones.

With more than five thousand high-grade spiritual stones, it can be seen that Gui Wuqi is quite rich.

In addition, the most valuable thing is a fourth-level thunder crystal, which contains a thunder sword consciousness, which should be left by the seniors of the Tongtian Sword Sect.

This thunder crystal is equivalent to the Purple Sky Thunder Pearl, and its value may be higher.

Gao Xian accepted it unceremoniously. Although he didn't know the Thunder Sword Scripture, he had the Thunder Sword and the Thunder Lightning Technique, so he could easily absorb the thunder crystal.

The center of Baidi's Qiankun Transformed Sword has a stable space, enough to hold a mountain. And there are no taboos on placing items, just stuff the rest inside.

While playing with the Xiandu Sword, Gao Xian discovered that there was a subtle resonance between the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword and the Xiandu Sword.

The Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword is his natal sword. This sword has no sword spirit, but Gao Xian can sense the subtle changes in this sword.

The two swords resonated not because of their compatibility, but because the White Emperor Qiankun Transformed Sword wanted to swallow the Xiandu Sword.

This change was beyond his imagination.

The Left and Right Xiandu Swords cannot be used, nor can they be sold, so feeding the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword is not a good thing.

Gao Xian tried it, and sure enough, the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword directly swallowed the Xiandu Sword into the central core.

Gao Xian could sense that the Xiandu Sword was slowly melting, being absorbed and fused little by little by the White Emperor Qiankun Transformation Sword.

However, the process is slow. It seems that it will be difficult to truly melt and absorb it within two or three years.

"So, Bai Di means to rule the world's swords and be the Supreme of Ten Thousand Swords?"

Gao Xian suddenly felt that this ability was very good. With such continuous integration and absorption of swords, the White Emperor Qiankun Transformed Sword might be promoted to become a divine sword.

As his natal sword, the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword increases its power, and his cultivation level will naturally increase accordingly.

vice versa.

The unexpected discovery surprised Gao Xian.

The Great Five Elements Sect is indeed the largest sect that has produced Taoist Chunyang, and the swords left behind actually have such magical powers.

In fact, the devouring ability of the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword is very terrifying. No wonder others didn't like the Great Five Elements Sect at first.

I don’t know what special powers the Qinghua Dongji Divine Rainbow Sword and Xuantian Tianwu Eternal Life Sword have.

Gao Xian is not in a hurry. He has a life span of 1,500 years and can take his time to think about it and study it.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival, Gao Xian took Qingqing to Wanbao Tower to get the Tianyu Sword.

The three-foot-long Sky Feather Sword has a clear green light. It is as light as a feather but sharp and flexible in the hand. It is extremely agile when the sword is activated.

Jiutian Xuanhe is known as an ancient spiritual bird. He was born at the fifth level. He has powerful magical powers and is good at traveling through the void.

The Tianyu Sword is actually made from the feathers dropped by the black crane. Even so, its price is also very high.

Qingqing tried the sword, and it matched her perfectly. She was very excited and happy.

Gao Xian also happily paid the balance, and Jin Dabao was all smiles after completing the business.

Jin Dabao chatted with Gao Xian and told many rumors. For example, a first-grade sword elixir appeared in Donghuang, or Gui Wuqi was killed by someone in his sect, and the murderer escaped without a trace.

Jin Dabao had no intention of testing Gao Xian. He simply shared the news to maintain his relationship with Gao Xian.

After getting the Tianyu Sword, Gao Xian took Qingqing to Qingyun City Courtyard to stay temporarily.

This stay lasted until April, and Gao Xian happily took Qingqing back to Xuanduyuan.

A group of golden elixirs in Liuhe City thought Gao Xian was coming, and they all became excited.

As a result, by May, there was still no movement.

Many golden elixirs are a little impatient. They have been waiting here for more than half a year just for Gao Xian.

Hua Ziying is patient, but a group of people can't just waste their time here.

She suggested that if Gao Xian didn't come, the matter would be over if she waited another three months. Everyone agreed.

The happiest among them is of course Lu Bingyang. It would be best if Gao Xian didn't come. He can live a peaceful life for a few more days.

Gao Xian also saw that several people were about to disperse, so he immediately began to make preparations.

In ten years, he accumulated 110 million spiritual auras. It hasn't worked, I just have to add more depending on the situation.

In fact, if you want to kill this group of people, you don't need to be serious about it. It’s just that I’m going to Ziyun Valley soon.

Yun Zai Tiandu said that Ziyun Valley was very dangerous, and he was going to the Nine Nether Abyss to get the Pure Yang Jade Flower, so he naturally wanted to improve his cultivation as much as possible.

Gao Xian opened the Feng Yue Treasure Book, and found that there were not many secret techniques that could be added, but they all required a large amount of humane aura.

Moreover, 32 million humanistic auras should be left for the Vajra.

If the Pure Yang Jade Clear Flower can really increase the life span by 1,500 years, it will be a good opportunity to practice the Vajra to the state of master perfection.

In addition, the yin and yang heavenly wheel must of course be promoted to master perfection. This secret technique is not only an escape technique, but also a method of self-protection, which is very important.

More than 31 million Tao spiritual lights were thrown into it, and the yin and yang heavenly wheel immediately rose to the state of master perfection.

Behind Gao Xian, two circles of interlaced platinum light appeared inside and outside, flowing and shining silently.

All kinds of mysterious changes in the yin and yang heavenly wheel naturally emerged in Gao Xian's mind.

At this point, the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel has reached its extreme state, allowing him to reach an unprecedented level in this magic...

(It’s the end of the month, please vote for me~)

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