Yin and Yang Heavenly Wheel: Harness the power of yin and yang, fly in the sky and move on the earth, with vast magical powers. (32000000/32000000 Grandmaster is perfect)

The annotation on the Yin-Yang Celestial Wheel in Fengyue Baojian has also been changed. The original detailed introduction was omitted and replaced with four words: "Great magical power".

This means that the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel has more changes and more possibilities, but he just needs to keep digging.

Gao Xian tried it in the Temple of Heart, and the speed of Grandmaster's Perfect Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel increased by 20%.

Each breath can reach one thousand four hundred feet, which is two thousand meters per second. With the blessing of thunder and lightning, the ultimate speed can reach three thousand meters per second.

The speed reaches a thousand feet per breath, which is actually faster than a third-level flying sword. This is very exaggerated.

The flying sword is so light, thin and narrow, and a person that big can be faster than the flying sword. In fact, it is far beyond the golden elixir level.

When Tongtian Sword Sect was killing Wuji, Gao Xian witnessed Fenglei Sword Master's sword escape.

Hundreds of miles apart, the other party only took two breaths. The speed is indeed incredibly fast.

However, the opponent is not really flying, but teleporting through space through some secret method.

Teleporting and jumping in space are two different things from flying in space physically.

The real flying speed of Nascent Soul Sword Lord is not too exaggerated. Ordinary Yuanying Zhenjun should not be faster than him.

As for space teleportation and jumping, he can also do it.

When the yin and yang heavenly wheel ascends to the state of master perfection, Gao Xian naturally has a deep understanding of the void.

By locking the position in the distant void with your spiritual consciousness, you can teleport across the void by activating the Yin and Yang Heavenly Wheel.

The range of divine consciousness induction is the range of his teleportation.

The cultivator needs to be in a very stable state when teleporting. It is difficult to teleport during combat. Secondly, teleportation consumes a lot of consciousness and mana.

With his current mana, teleporting a hundred times in a row is probably his limit.

Generally speaking, only the powerful consciousness and magic power of Nascent Soul should be able to teleport.

Mastering this magical power of teleportation is of little use in fighting, but it is very convenient for running away.

Gao Xian practiced the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel for dozens of days until he mastered all the characteristic changes of the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel, and then upgraded to the second secret method.

There are still 80 million human spiritual lights left, and 32 million should be reserved for the Vajra.

There are still two and a half years to go to Ziyun Valley, so how can I earn 20 million humane spiritual light? So he can use 70 million humane auras.

Gao Xian's eyes fell on Tai Su Ou Shen. This was his most important secret method. Although the most direct effect was to enhance his spiritual consciousness, it was worth adding points just because this secret method could strengthen Sister Lan.

Sixty million humane auras were invested in it, and Taisu Illusion was immediately upgraded to the expert level.

Sister Lan emerged from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness. She smiled sweetly at Gao Xian, and her aura shone brightly.

After upgrading two levels in a row, Sister Lan's spiritual consciousness became obviously longer and more mysterious, and Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness also increased at the same time.

When the aura dissipated, the radius of Gao Xian's divine consciousness increased by 24,000 steps, which was increased by 20%.

For other golden elixirs, every time you improve one level of cultivation, the radius of your spiritual consciousness will increase by a few hundred steps.

A lot of golden elixirs have been cultivated for a lifetime, and the radius of their spiritual consciousness will not exceed three thousand steps.

Gao Xian is very satisfied with the upgrade effect. Now he can steadily suppress other golden elixirs with only his spiritual consciousness.

When Tai Su Ou reaches the level of Grand Master, his consciousness should be able to compete with the early stage of Nascent Soul.

It only took a few decades, which was nothing to him.

The remaining 10 million Dao auras could have been added to the Thunder and Lightning Sutra.

However, he got a new fourth-level Thunder Spirit Crystal, which also contained a powerful Thunder Sword Intent.

Taking one or two years to digest and absorb the Thunder Spirit Crystal can greatly improve the proficiency of the Thunder and Lightning Sutra.

We are still far away from the master realm now, so adding 10 to 20 million points is of little use.

It is better to add it to the Flower Appreciating Mirror. This secret method is extremely easy to use and is also very helpful in combat.

Fifteen million points of humane spiritual light were added to upgrade the Flower Appreciating Mirror to the level of proficiency.

Gao Xian gave it a try, and found that the Mastery Level Flower Appreciating Mirror activated faster and with less consumption.

The dazzling blue light can also be reduced by half, and the appearance and size have become smaller. It can be covered over the eyes like contact lenses, making it more secretive.

Gao Xian Yuzai Yuzai was preparing for the battle, but a group of people in Liuhe City were getting increasingly restless.

The original plan was very crude, and they wanted to attract Gao Xian through a small figure. Everyone was skeptical about this plan at first.

Hua Ziying was confident about this. She said that Gao Xian was greedy for money and lustful and would never refuse a beautiful widow.

On the other hand, Gao Xian always behaves very loyally. Since he slept with Wei Shuangshuang, of course he wanted to avenge Wei Cheng and vent his anger on Wei Shuangshuang.

The fact surprised Hua Ziying. Gao Xian slept with Wei Shuangshuang, but he had no intention of avenging Wei Cheng.

Gao Xian didn't even inquire about Liuhe City through connections.

Hua Ziying was also a little confused. She didn't know whether Gao Xian sensed danger or was too lazy to pretend.

Unsure of Gao Xian's thoughts, Hua Ziying was naturally unwilling to give up.

Until August, Gao Xian still didn't make any move.

Hua Ziying could only announce that the matter was over.

A group of golden elixirs planned this for nearly two years, but got nothing. Instead, they gave Gao Xian a beauty.

Hua Ziying felt this was embarrassing, and Bai Tianchuan, Jingfeng and others were not in a good mood.

Bai Tianchuan took the Yin and Yang swords and Liang Siqi to take the first step.

As the most powerful Jindan Zhenren in the sect, Bai Tianchuan holds a high position in Yuelun Sect.

After being away for more than a year, the sect has accumulated a backlog of affairs.

Bai Tianchuan was quite complaining about this failure, but Hua Ziying was not inferior to him in cultivation, and the Yuelun Sect was preparing to join forces with the Blood God Sect, so it was hard for him to offend Hua Ziying.

Strictly speaking, it was the Yuelun Sect who was planning to join the Yuanmo Sect in Donghuang.

Judging from past experience, once Donghuang invades Mingzhou in a large scale, regardless of whether Mingzhou can be defended, Wanfeng County will definitely be doomed.

Yuelun Sect is right next to Donghuang, so if anything happens, it will be unlucky.

True Lord Hanyue doesn't want to sacrifice his life for the Wanfeng Sect. The key is that there is no benefit in working hard.

Rather than doing this, it is better to surrender directly to the enemy. This move might anger Yue Wanfeng, but he couldn't care less.

If you don't surrender to the enemy, you will die. If you surrender to the enemy, there is still a way to survive. Any fool knows how to choose.

Of course, this way of survival also comes at an extremely high price.

If True Lord Hanyue hadn't had a close friendship with Yan Ming, he wouldn't have dared to surrender to the enemy rashly.

It is precisely because of these calculations that the Yuelun Sect is so hostile to the Qingyun Sect.

These plans are only known to a few core members of the Yuelun Sect.

Bai Tianchuan naturally knew the sect leader's plan, so Hua Ziying had to be the boss in this operation.

It's a pity that this woman has a loud voice, but she can't get anything done.

A group of people left Liuhe Sect in a small ironwood flying ship. In less than a day, they had left Liuhe Sect.

The next large area of ​​​​wilderness belongs to the Liuhe Sect. It's just that places like this are vast and dangerous, with monsters and beasts running rampant, and there aren't many valuable things.

Therefore, these wild places are abandoned by default.

Although the Ironwood airship is fast, it still takes more than ten days to cross this vast wilderness.

During the day, Chuan had nothing to do, so he came to Liang Siqi to complain.

Liang Siqi is a guest of the sect. He has profound knowledge in formations. He is usually gentle, elegant and good at talking.

Bai Tianchuan didn't like the Yin and Yang swords. The twin sisters had lost their humanity in sword practice. Talking to them was not as comfortable as talking to a dog.

"Hua Ziying has great ambitions and talents, and has the charming virtues of a female cultivator from the Huanxi Sect..."

"This plan is indeed crude and has wasted a lot of your time."

Liang Siqi couldn't help but shake his head when he talked about this. He turned around and said, "Gao Xian has a great reputation. He is said to be extremely cruel and cunning, but he doesn't know what he is like?"

"Did he really see the problem and just stay motionless in Qingyun City?"

Chuan Chuan had never met Gao Xian during the day, but Bai Zi was really a junior in his family and was quite close to him.

Gao Xian killed Bai Zizhen, making him hate Gao Xian deeply.

He said coldly: "It is recognized that Gao Xian is greedy for money, lustful, cruel and cunning. I only regret that I didn't wait for him this time!"

Before Bai Tianchuan finished speaking, his consciousness sensed a blast of blazing magic power.

Liang Siqi, who was opposite him, also sensed something was wrong, with a look of shock on his clear face.

Both of them are in the late stage of Jindan and have been practicing for hundreds of years. They are sophisticated and experienced.

Sensing that something was wrong, the two Jindan Masters activated their protective shields and Gang Qi at the same time. Bai Tianchuan opened the window and flew out first, followed by Liang Siqi.

This small ironwood flying ship is extremely fast, but not very good in other aspects.

During the day, Chuan hurried out. Firstly, the spaceship was too small and unsafe, and secondly, he was afraid that the Ironwood Flying Sword would be damaged.

It's too far away from the sect, and it would be very uncomfortable to ride without a flying ship.

When Bai Tianchuan flew out with the Xuan Yue Sword, he saw several red fires shooting out from a distance at an extremely fast speed.

"Fire bomb? Gao Xian!"

During the day, Chuan Chuan originally thought he was attacked by a monster, but as soon as he saw the spell that was as blazing as a pill, he immediately knew that it was a spell cast by a cultivator.

The flame bomb was originally a low-level spell, but at this time it had extremely violent and ferocious power, which was abnormal. But it is particularly in line with Gao Xian's characteristics.

In order to deal with Gao Xian, everyone discussed together. They all knew that this guy was good at low-level spells such as flame bombs and ice arrows.

Liang Siqi, who flew out after him, also saw the flame bombs, and his face was extremely solemn.

In the cabin, he felt that the mana coming from him was too pure, not like a monster. Now it seems that someone ambushed them. And it was Gao Xian who did it.

If it's just Gao Xian, it's okay. I'm afraid Gao Xian will bring a large number of golden elixirs from the Qingyun Sect.

Liang Siqi looked in the direction of the flame bombs, but could not see any trace of Gao Xian, and his consciousness could not sense Gao Xian's position.

This made him even more uneasy. The other party must be outside the scope of his consciousness and hidden in the clouds. This proves that the other party's consciousness is much stronger than his.

During the day, Chuan couldn't sense Gao Xian's position, and he felt a little uneasy, but the top priority was to block the flame bombs first.

He activated the Xuanyue Sword to meet more than ten flaming bombs, and a heavy layer of Cold Dark Ice Moon Sword Qi on the black long sword surged out like a tide, drowning all the more than ten flaming bombs.

The flame bomb exploded with a bang, but the heavy flames were suppressed by Han Mingbingyue Sword Qi, and dimmed instantly.

At this moment, dozens more rays of cold light broke through the sky and screamed.

When Chuan Yujian blocked it during the day, dozens of rays of cold light were crushed by the Hanming Bingyue Sword Qi.

After continuously blocking the opponent's attacks, Bai Tianchuan looked calm and calm on the surface, but his mood was a little heavy.

The opponent activated low-level spells at will, but he had to control the third-level spiritual sword to deal with it with all his strength. This gap is very obvious.

If he continues to be consumed like this, he will definitely be worn to death by the opponent. The key is that he can't sense Gao Xian's exact position now.

The Bai sisters from the Yin and Yang Swords also came out. Both of them had blank expressions and seemed to have no expression at all.

Both of them held the hilts of their swords, but did not draw their swords.

During the day, Chuan originally wanted the two of them to flank Gao Xian, but after some hesitation, he gave up the idea.

I don’t know how many people there are on the other side, and I don’t know what the situation is. It would be too dangerous to rush up and attack from a flank.

Bai Tianchuan said: "Don't worry about him, we collected the Ironwood airship and went back."

Liang Siqi nodded, and he cast a spell to put the iron wood flying sword into the storage bag.

At this time, another piece of cold light came like a torrential rain, and Bai Tianchuan could only resist it with his sword.

After the cold light, there were dozens of red flame bombs.

The black ice arrows and the blazing sun bullets continued to attack alternately, and the continuous spells bombarded and fell, giving Baitianchuan no chance to breathe at all.

Liang Siqi and the Yin and Yang Swords were at the side and were not in a hurry to take action.

The opponent's spells continued like a tidal wave, but they did not pose much of a threat to Bai Tianchuan.

At this time, the main thing is to prevent the other party from playing other tricks.

Bai Tianchuan and others kept retreating, but the opponent's spell locked tightly on Bai Tianchuan. No matter how he avoided it, it was useless.

Flames roared in the sky, and Xuanbing arrows pierced the air and screamed continuously. However, Tiantianchuan's Xuanyue Sword was deep and deep, and seemed to be much less powerful.

Ruchao was in a stalemate for dozens of breaths, when a sharp sword roar suddenly sounded in the heavy clouds, and a sharp cold light instantly penetrated the heavy clouds and pierced the Tiantian River.

The cold light was as fast as thunderbolt, and it only flashed before it hit Bai Tianchuan.

The cloud-filled sky seemed to be split into two in the cold light. The Baitian River pointed by the cold light had a solemn expression.

A silver mirror rose up behind him at some point. The mirror was like a cold moon wheel, and the cold light flickered in the moon wheel.

Taiyin Hanminglun, a fourth-level high-grade spiritual weapon of the Yuelun Sect, is one of the sect's treasures.

This object contains Taiyin to Yin cold energy, and has the powerful power to block space.

As soon as the Taiyin Cold Underworld Wheel comes out, the cold air of Taiyin is enveloped for miles around.

The cold light that came from the laser was also frozen by the cold air, and its speed continued to slow down. Everyone could already see clearly that there was a man in green hiding in the cold light.

Without Bai Tianchuan's orders, the Yin and Yang swords were drawn out at the same time, and the black and red swords slashed at the man in green, one on the left and the other on the right.

The black sword quickly turned into a ghostly shadow and escaped into the void, but the red sword was as blazing as the sun, and its energy was as fierce and domineering as the sword.

Liang Siqi did not take action, and the Taiyin Hanming Chakra also had a considerable influence on him. The battle is not about a swarm of swarms rushing in and fighting randomly. He stayed nearby as reinforcements and could also take care of everyone.

What Liang Siqi didn't expect was that the swordsmanship of the Yin and Yang swords was so superb, and the combination of the two swords was even more mysterious and unpredictable. His eyes lit up: "What a powerful swordsmanship, Gao Xian is going to be in trouble!"

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