The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 422 Delivered to the Door

"Dad, it's so suffocating in the Yunling Ring. I don't want to stay in it."

Qingqing slept in Yun Linghuan for more than a month, and finally came out to take a breath, grabbing Gao Xian's sleeves and pleading hard.

Gao Xian gently rubbed Qingqing's head: "It's dangerous outside, and it's for your own good."

The classic expression "for your own good" is very easy to use. Especially for children who have never seen this kind of speaking skills.

Gao Xian had a private meeting with Xiao Hongye a while ago, but he was worried about Qingqing, so he could only include her in the Yunling Ring.

The spirit beast is basically in a deep sleep state in the Yunling Ring. For Qingqing, it is not a bad thing to transform into a deep sleep.

On the contrary, this is a necessary process on her growth path.

Qingqing has been following Gao Xian since she transformed into an adult. I almost never entered the Yunling Ring again.

Gao Xian was also reluctant to let Qing Qing sleep, so he continued to indulge Qing Qing.

Wanfeng County is no better than Qingyun Sect. Who dares to touch Qingqing in Qingyun Sect? Not sure here.

After all, Qingqing's cultivation is too weak, and a single divine consciousness from Master Jindan might kill Qingqing.

For Qingqing's safety, she can only be allowed to stay in Yunling Ring for a while.

Today I am going to the Wanbao Building to attend the auction. Taking Qingqing there with me will also help her gain some knowledge.

By the way, he also wanted to talk to Yue Shenxiu about something important.

That day at Tianxiang Tower, Yue Shenxiu left without saying hello, which seemed a bit rude.

Gao Xian could probably understand Yue Shenxiu's mood, being disgusted by True Lord Qingyang.

True Lord Qingyang was forcing the favor, and Yue Shenxiu had to take it even if he didn't want it. There was no other way, who made Yue Shenxiu ask for help?

Not only did others get the job done, but they also made it perfect and watertight, and she couldn't say anything.

On the other hand, Yue Shenxiu did not want to get too close to him in front of True Lord Qingyang.

Yue Shenxiu also wanted to buy something at the auction, and happened to meet Gao Xian.

This auction is said to be the largest in a century.

Although the Thirty-Six Sects are affiliated with the Wanfeng Sect, cultivators from the Thirty-Six Sects rarely come to Wanfeng City. It is too far away and the risks there are extremely high.

Ziyun Valley opened, and thirty-six sects gathered in Wanfeng City. It is not easy to come here once. Most sects will send a large number of disciples to open their eyes and buy some special magical artifacts and sell some magical artifacts in Wanfeng City.

The exchange of information between private individuals is too small and very unsafe.

If you have any good things, you are still willing to hand them over to Wanbaolou for auction.

Of course, Wanbaolou had to seize the opportunity and held this large-scale auction, preparing to empty out all the storage bags of the thirty-six cultivators.

Gao Xian had nothing in particular he wanted to buy, but he had a lot of money and was willing to watch the excitement.

Various secret techniques such as the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel, Taiji Xuanguang Invisible Heavenly Clothes, etc. have all reached their limits.

He doesn't know what spiritual objects can upgrade these secret techniques. Such a large auction may have the spiritual objects he needs.

Gao Xian brought Qingqing to this auction, but did not bring Yun Qingxuan.

The main reason is that Yun Qingxuan has no interest in auctions. She has always been more precious than expensive.

The two fourth-level spiritual weapons in her hand were both very powerful, but these two spiritual weapons required her to invest a lot of energy.

As for other resources, she practiced Shenxiao Scroll, and the spiritual objects and elixir sects corresponding to Shenxiao's secret method were all available.

Only Gao Xian, a special case, had to choose a secret method that the sect did not have as the foundation. Cultivation becomes very troublesome.

Ma Qianjun, Xuan Yue, and Li Ye, although these three have needs, they will not go with Gao Xian.

Gao Xian is too high-profile, and they and Gao Xian are not on the same page. It would be a little awkward walking together.

Although they could avoid meeting each other, they tried their best not to meet Gao Xian.

Gao Xian was also happy to have some free time. He took Qingqing for a stroll. This was the first floor of Doucheng and it was extremely bustling and lively.

The shops on both sides of the long street are very grand and historical. Even the waiters standing at the door are all neatly dressed and polite.

There are even foundation-building monks at the entrance of many shops as welcome guests, warmly greeting passers-by.

Qingqing has been staying in Yunling Ring, and this is the first time she comes out to play. Everything she sees is novel and fun.

She used to often go to Qingyun City to play, but Qingyun City was far behind here.

Whether it is prosperity or historical heritage, there are huge gaps in all aspects.

Qingqing held Gao Xian's hand and looked around.

Gao Xian is rich and powerful, so Qingqing buys whatever he likes. In fact, the things on the street are not expensive, only a few dozen spiritual stones at most.

The most expensive one is a gold ring armband, with a total of nine gold rings stacked together. It can be used as an armband on the upper arm, or you can hang the outer layers of armbands down to the wrist.

The gold ring armband is exquisitely crafted, very beautiful and delicate. It is also a third-level magic weapon that can turn into nine layers of red sun aura to protect cultivators.

Its red yang property can spontaneously resist evil spirits, break down demonic obstacles, and has various magical functions such as avoiding poisons.

Gao Xian spent six hundred high-grade spiritual stones to obtain this magic weapon.

The price is a little high, but the key is that it is suitable for Qingqing. Both the shape and the characteristics of the magic weapon match well.

Qingqing's cultivation level is not high enough, and she cannot control the magic weapon even if it is too good. With this red sun gold armband, it is enough to resist ordinary evil spirits and can also be used for personal protection.

Qingqing was even more happy to get this armband and immediately put it on her upper arm.

However, she felt sorry for Lingshi for Gao Xian.

He refused to buy anything else, so he dragged Gao Xian straight to Wanbao Tower and refused to stop on the way.

Yue Shenxiu had already booked a room. As soon as Gao Xian told the waiter, someone naturally led Gao Xian into the auction hall.

The hall is divided into three floors. The first floor is for ordinary seats, surrounding a central high platform.

The second and third floors are separated into independent rooms, with all windows facing the central high platform.

The windows are protected by magic circles and can be viewed from one side, which can greatly protect privacy and security.

Gao Xian took Qing Qing into the room and saw Yue Shenxiu had arrived.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Gao Xian gave Qingqing guidance again: "Call me Uncle Master."

Qingqing had never seen Yue Shenxiu before, but felt that the woman opposite her seemed to be about the same age as her, with an aura of innocence unique to girls.

She obediently saluted and said hello: "Qingqing pays homage to my uncle."

There was a hint of surprise in Yueshenxiu's bright eyes. She could see that Qingqing and Gao Xian had a mysterious soul-level connection.

She waved her hand casually: "You're welcome, sit down."

Yue Shenxiu said to Gao Xian: "Is this your pet beast?"

Although these words were said in front of Qingqing, in Qingqing's ears, they sounded polite to Yue Shenxiu and Gao Xian, and there was nothing special about them.

Gao Xian saw the subtlety of it, and he immediately realized that this was actually a complicated but useless spiritual technique.

The key is that the spiritual consciousness must be strong enough, and secondly, the control of the spiritual consciousness must be subtle enough. Other than that, not much.

He immediately followed his example and said, "That's right. Fellow Taoist, you have a sharp eye."

Yue Shenxiu glanced at Qingqing again. She couldn't see Qingqing's true form even if she was a first-grade golden elixir. Qingqing's body is a real body transformed naturally, not an illusion.

"So you are indeed smart to take her into the Nine Nether Abyss."

Yue Shenxiu praised her, and then she emphasized: "Let me make it clear first, we will divide the Pure Yang Jade Clear Flower in half. And I have priority. In order to avoid conflicts in the future."

If there was only one Pure Yang Jade Flower, she would never give it to Gao Xian. This needs to be made clear in advance. If Gao Xian doesn't want it, forget it.

Gao Xian nodded: "This is natural."

He asked curiously: "There won't be so many pure Yang Jade flowers, right?"

"No one can go deep into the Nine Nether Abyss. Normally, after growing for thousands of years, there should be more than five Pure Yang Jade Clear Flowers, and no more than nine at most."

Yue Shenxiu said: "I think our luck will not be so bad."

"I have something to discuss with fellow Taoist."

Gao Xian said: "I have a senior brother who is perfect in form and spirit and has great magic power. He also has two powerful spiritual weapons in his hand, which can remove filth and exorcise evil spirits. I want to take her to the Nine Nether Abyss with me."

"That's it..."

Yue Shenxiu pondered for a moment and said: "It's not impossible. Her Jade Clear Flower will be deducted from your share. Also, if she encounters danger in the Nine Nether Abyss, I will not help her."

Yue Shenxiu is extremely confident and is not afraid of Gao Xian bringing an extra helper.

The Nine Nether Abyss is extremely dangerous, and one more person is not a bad thing. It’s just that you have to say ugly things first.

"If she doesn't have the ability to protect herself, she will just die if she enters the Nine Nether Abyss. There is definitely no need for fellow Taoist to bother. Everything else will be as per what fellow Taoist said." Gao Xian nodded.

Yueshenxiu provided the most important information, and it made sense for her to have priority.

He also didn't believe that he was so unlucky. Of course, the pros and cons must be explained clearly to Yun Qingxuan.

No matter how good the relationship between the two is, there can never be ambiguity on such a major matter.

Qingqing listened with wide eyes, but all she heard was that the two of them were chatting politely and talking about useless things.

She had no idea that the man and woman had completed a secret deal in front of her.

After talking about business, Gao Xiancai picked up the thick auction album and flipped through it.

This auction is very large and will last for seven consecutive days.

It is said that Wanbaolou has taken out some good things that were kept at the bottom of the box. There are only three auction albums.

There are also many mysterious auction items that are not recorded in the album. This is also a business method to attract customers.

People are always full of curiosity about unknown mysterious items. Not to mention that what Wanbao Tower brings out must be very valuable and good things.

After looking through the picture album, Gao Xian found a few good things that he needed to buy.

A fourth-order high-grade water-fire spiritual core was obtained from a fourth-order ten thousand-year-old giant one-horned dragon.

The giant dragon with horns can already be called a dragon species.

Of course, the so-called ten thousand years is very watery. Identifying the age of monsters is a big question.

The thousand-year-old giant dragon looks like a commercial advertisement and cannot be taken seriously. Of course, it doesn’t matter whether the fourth level is ten thousand years old or not.

Gao Xian felt that this thing might be able to upgrade the Thirty-sixth Heaven of Ice and Fire. Even if it couldn't be upgraded, it would still be a good thing to use for refining weapons.

He also saw the relic of Master Ziyuan. He had seen this Nascent Soul-level Vajra relic decades earlier.

He couldn't afford it then, but now it's not a problem. This thing should be useful for his Vajra.

The starting price is 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones, so there shouldn't be many people grabbing it. Bought!

"Tianhua Sect Zhenghua Underground Palace Map..."

Gao Xian couldn't help being surprised when he saw this thing. This was not Zhenghua Sect but one of the five Tianhua Sects. This underground palace must be an important place of Zhenghua Sect.

He was worried about not being able to find the Tianhua Sect ruins, so this was the one that came to his doorstep. Must win!

(Yesterday’s third update was too painful~ Sorry, please watch and vote monthly on the last day~)

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