The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 423 Ice and fire have no phase

"The fourth-level water and fire spirit core comes from the giant dragon that has been around for thousands of years. It has the transformation of water and fire, which is extremely miraculous. It is also nourished by the giant dragon for thousands of years, and its grade reaches the fourth-level top grade..."

The host of the auction was the shopkeeper Jin Dayuan. His chubby little hand held a spiritual crystal the size of a child's fist and showed it to all directions.

Jin Dayuan also had a polite smile on his face, and he said loudly: "I won't introduce the wonderful functions of this thing. All the Taoist friends present know the goods.

"The starting price for this item is two thousand high-grade spiritual stones, and each increase in price must not be less than one hundred high-grade spiritual stones."

Two thousand high-grade spiritual stones are not cheap. After all, it is just a spiritual object. Whether it can be refined into a fourth-level magic weapon is still uncertain.

The higher the level of spiritual objects, the more difficult they are to refine. Even a master of weapon refining can't claim to be familiar with the properties of various spiritual objects, let alone that he can refine spiritual objects without failure.

Using weapon refining techniques to guide the power of spiritual objects and smelt them into magical weapons is extremely complex in itself.

Success or failure, luck is also very important.

On the other hand, the Nascent Soul True Monarch is rare in number after all. Ninety-nine percent of the people present were Jin Dan Zhenren.

There are always a lot of inconveniences in controlling fourth-level power at the Golden Core level. Except for a very few top-level golden elixirs, few people can use this item.

There was silence in the hall for a while before someone raised his number and shouted: "Two thousand one."

There are more than a thousand seats in the hall surrounding the central high platform. They are densely packed with people. If this person hadn't held up his number plate, Jin Dayuan might not have been able to see him.

At this level of auction, the participants are all prominent figures.

The cultivators from all sects all gathered together, and they were not afraid of anyone robbing them of the treasure. If you really have that ability, you won't care about this little money.

This is Wanfeng City, and with the Taoist Transformation Lord sitting in charge, who dares to mess around here?

Besides, although the items bought and sold are precious, they are not peerless treasures. It's not like I have to hide it.

Practitioners who are really scrupulous will spend money to rent a room upstairs.

Because of this, although the atmosphere of the auction was lively, it was not intense.

After the person asked for a price, he waited for a while before others followed suit and increased their prices one after another.

By the time 3,000 high-grade spiritual stones were added, other people's willingness to buy had been significantly reduced.

Gao Xian saw the opportunity and directly increased the price to 3,500 high-grade spiritual stones, successfully acquiring this fourth-level water-fire spiritual crystal.

Jin Dayuan didn't even know who bought the spiritual crystal. He congratulated and continued to auction the next spiritual object.

Soon, several people came to the room with boxes and handed over the fourth-order water and fire spirit crystal to Gao Xian face to face.

The water and fire spirit crystals are divided into black and red colors. With a little magic power, the black and red colors flow and merge and then separate quickly, which is quite interesting to watch.

Gao Xian is playing with the Water and Fire Spirit Crystal here, and Qingqing is responsible for paying.

There are fifty thousand high-grade spiritual stones in her storage bag, and she is counting them slowly one by one.

The two foundation-building monks on the opposite side waited patiently. Three thousand five hundred high-grade spiritual stones was not a small amount, and it was necessary to find out.

Besides, they all know Gao Xian.

A few days ago, during the battle at Tianxiang Tower, Gao Xian became famous in Wanfeng City. Cultivators who have seen that battle will remember this handsome man in green clothes and sword.

As for Yuebai Daoyi Yueshenxiu who was sitting next to him, the two of them did not recognize each other.

However, both of them could tell that this woman was anything but ordinary. Naturally, they have to be cautious in their words and deeds, and they are respectful to Qingqing and dare not be rude.

Qingqing found out 3,500 high-grade spiritual stones with a look of reluctance. The two foundation-building monks opposite did not dare to be careless. They checked each one and confirmed that they were correct before taking out a book coupon and asking Gao Xian to sign it.

This thing was equivalent to a receipt. Gao Xian looked at it and signed it.

Book coupons in duplicate, one for each.

After completing all the procedures, the two foundation-building monks bowed and left.

In the middle, Yue Shenxiu bought two special spiritual items. After receiving the items, Yue Shenxiu left in a hurry.

Gao Xian stayed in the room until the next day, waiting for the auction of Master Ziyuan's vajra relics.

The price of 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones is enough to prohibit most cultivators present.

The reason why Vajra relics are so expensive is because the relics may contain the inheritance of Master Ziyuan.

Master Ziyuan is a powerful person from the Dragon Elephant Palace, and is actually the fourth level Nascent Soul.

If it can be confirmed that the divine power of the Dragon Elephant Palace is inherited in the Vajra Relic, someone will buy the 50,000 high-grade spiritual stones.

The problem is that no one is sure what the Vajra Relic contains. It would be uncomfortable if you got it in your hands and had nothing.

Or it would be meaningless to get some irrelevant secret method inheritance.

Mingzhou cultivators all follow the Taoist path, although 90% of the cultivators do not believe in Taoist gods.

Not many people are interested in the inheritance of Dragon Elephant Palace.

Gao Xian only took two shots and added an extra five hundred high-grade spiritual stones to successfully succeed.

He didn't know if the Vajra relic was useful, but what he cultivated was the Vajra, so he had to give it a try.

The sects of Qisha, Five Elements, and Liuhe all gave him large amounts of spiritual stones, and he didn't feel bad at all for spending tens of thousands of high-grade spiritual stones.

Gao Xian originally thought that he had a huge sum of money, but at the auction he found that this little money was nothing, not enough, not enough at all.

He is actually interested in many good things.

It’s just that we have to live in the future, and we can’t spend all our money at once. This is not his style.

After waiting for another day, Jin Dayuan took out the map of the Zhenghua Underground Palace.

Said to be a map, it is actually a twelve-petal golden lotus with simple workmanship.

Holding a golden lotus in his hand, Jin Dayuan introduced: "There is a fragment of spiritual consciousness left in this object, so the Zhenghua Underground Palace Map is incomplete. In this way, this object is related to the inheritance of Tianhua Sect, and its value is inestimable.

"I guarantee with the reputation of Wanbao Tower that the incomplete spiritual mark inside has not been opened..."

Jin Dayuan boasted for a while, but the reactions of many cultivators present were dull.

I don’t know how many years have passed since the Tianhua Sect was destroyed. In fact, very few people know about this sect.

The value of a cave ruins left by an ancient sect is difficult to estimate. However, the risks are also extremely high.

Moreover, it is still a incomplete map.

Zhenghua Underground Palace Picture started with three thousand high-grade spiritual stones, and Gao Xian spent four thousand high-grade spiritual stones to win.

After Gao Xian got the thing, he looked at it. The incomplete spiritual marks inside condensed into a ball and became one with this ancient magical weapon.

Forcibly opening the mark of divine consciousness will inevitably damage the magic weapon.

Gao Xian was relieved. This thing had indeed never been opened.

He was also afraid that someone had deliberately set up a trap for him and created this thing to tempt him.

When I thought about it, there was no need for others to go around in such a big circle even if they wanted to deal with him.

There are too many people at the auction and no one can control everything. Moreover, how do others know that he is interested in this thing?

Just because he practices the Five Elements Kung Fu? It's a bit ridiculous.

Gao Xian didn't leave in a hurry after buying something. It was rare to encounter such a large auction, so it was good to stay here and watch the excitement without buying anything.

At least you can see the actual objects of various rare treasures, which is different from looking at the album.

With his flower appreciation mirror, he can see the details of various items more clearly.

After a few days of auctions, Gao Xian really learned a lot, and his level of appraisal improved greatly.

Qingqing and Gao Xian watched the excitement. She was too young and had not practiced swordsmanship well, let alone other things.

After the auction, Gao Xian stayed in Yunzhu Residence behind closed doors. He became famous all over the world, and all kinds of cultivators came to his door every day.

Some want to make friends, while others want to learn and compete with him. Not to mention beating him, you can brag to others after taking two moves.

There are also people who want to take refuge with him and want to borrow money. It can be said that there are all kinds of people.

Gao Xian had no intention of messing with this group of people, so he left it to Ma Qianjun to be the villain and keep out all visitors.

Even when Chu Yuheng came to look for him, he didn't see him.

This little woman has too many tricks. It's easy to tease her, but it's so difficult to get started. He doesn't have the time or energy right now.

Gao Xian played with the Vajra relic for two days, and he could sense the divine consciousness in it that was as solid as a pearl.

This spiritual consciousness must have a secret inheritance of magical powers, and it corresponds to the Vajra.

As long as his Vajra reaches the state of master perfection, he should use this spiritual consciousness to break the limits of the Vajra.

It is not good to accept this spiritual consciousness now.

Gao Xian put all his energy into the Water and Fire Spiritual Core. Before entering Ziyun Valley, it would be great to upgrade the Thirty-Sixth Heaven of Ice and Fire.

However, things turned out to be more troublesome than he expected.

The fourth-level water-fire spiritual core contains the mark of the monster's powerful spiritual consciousness during its lifetime, and its spiritual core also has many restrictions on natural generation.

Only then did Gao Xian realize that even if there were corresponding spiritual objects, he wouldn't be able to upgrade them just because he wanted to.

If you want to upgrade to the Thirty-sixth Heaven of Ice and Fire, you must understand the restrictions on the water and fire spiritual core.

He has some knowledge of restraints and runes, but the fourth-level spiritual core restraint is too high-end for him.

At this point, Gao Xian was not in a hurry. There is no way to take shortcuts, so just move forward slowly.

His Great Five Elements Kung Fu is good at controlling the power of the five elements.

In the past, he took too many shortcuts and lacked research on the five elements of magic.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he used the Great Five Elements Technique to analyze the water and fire spirit cores.

Even if he can't unlock the spiritual core for a while, he can still make progress in the five elements.

It happened that he had a "Five Elements Book" in his hand. This secret method inherited from the Five Elements Gong explained the five elements very thoroughly.

Gao Xian has read it twice before, but he always felt that the content was obscure and too complicated, making it a bit dizzy to read.

I started with the Water and Fire Spirit Core, searched for explanations through the "Five Elements Book", and then came back to correspond to the Five Elements Kung Fu, and I slowly started to get started.

On the fifteenth day of July, thirty-six Jindan masters gathered in Wanfeng Sect.

The Wanfeng Sect also sent a team of more than 200 people, plus nearly a thousand cultivators from the 36 sects, and rushed to Ziyun Valley on the Golden Crow Airship.

The Golden Crow airship has three floors, upper and lower, with many cabins. Jindan masters like Gao Xian were given a separate room.

It's a long way to Ziyun Valley, and it will take at least more than a month for the Golden Crow flying ship to fly.

Ziyun Valley is dangerous, and travelers from the Thirty-Six Sects are equally in danger.

All Jindan masters took this opportunity to make friends and form various alliances and gangs.

The relationship between the thirty-six sects is not harmonious, just like Gaoxian and Yuelun Sect have a big feud.

If the Yuelun Sect wants to find an ally, it must find someone who has a grudge against the Qingyun Sect, so that the two families can have a basis for joining forces.

Gao Xian didn't care about this, the temporary alliance was worthless.

He concentrated on studying the water and fire spirit core, and gradually became better.

The Thirty-Sixth Heaven of Ice and Fire is a powerful secret technique to control ice and fire, and it comes from the same source as the transformation of water and fire spiritual cores.

After being in seclusion for dozens of days, Gao Xian never showed up.

On this day, Yun Qingxuan came and knocked on the door, "Junior brother, we are going to Ziyun Valley just ahead. How are you?"

Gao Xian in the room slowly opened his eyes. The water and fire spirit core in his hand had completely disappeared at some point.

"Brother, I'm coming right away."

As Gao Xian spoke, most of his attention was focused on Fengyue Baojian. After struggling for dozens of days, I finally made a breakthrough.

Ice and fire have no phase: from cold to yang, ice and fire become one. (1/5000000)

(It’s November, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket~Please support me~)

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