Xuanming Arrow: Xuanming's Qi changes with the heart, reaching Yin and connecting Xuan, and reaching Cold Ruoming. (getting Started)

Red Yang Bullet: The red Yang true fire changes according to the heart, and the most powerful sun can dispel evil and slay demons. (getting Started)

Under the Ice and Fire Wuxiang, there are two spells: Xuanming Arrow and Red Sun Bullet.

The three spells are actually one, so there is no proficiency data for Xuanming Arrow and Chiyang Bullet, only entry level.

Gao Xian's consciousness sank into the Temple of Heart, and he quickly practiced the new spells Xuanming Arrow and Red Sun Bullet.

Under the influence of ice and fire, the power of both spells is greatly improved. The best thing is that they can be easily cast instantly.

Xuanming Arrow can converge the cold light and turn it into an almost transparent ice blade, which is almost invisible, shadowless and extremely mysterious and unpredictable.

The flames of the Red Sun Bullet are more intense, and with the power of the Red Sun, they are extremely capable of restraining evil spirits, demons, and other evil spirits.

The power of the two spells jumped to the third-level high-grade level in one fell swoop, posing a huge threat to the golden elixir of the same level.

This is just the entry level. As the cultivation level increases, it should not be difficult to use two spells to kill the same level.

The power of the spell has increased, and the consumption of mana and spiritual consciousness will naturally double.

For a first-grade golden elixir, this is not a burden. It should be possible to output dozens of rounds continuously.

Gao Xian briefly tested the power of the two spells, and his consciousness immediately withdrew from the Temple of Heart.

After opening the circle restriction, Gao Xiancai went out and saw Yun Qingxuan standing next to the ship's side, looking seriously ahead.

Gao Xian walked to Yun Qingxuan's side. The clear blue sky in front of him was filled with light clouds.

Thousands of mountains below stretch like dragons. At this time, the autumn colors are beginning to change. The mountains are green and green with a hint of orange and orange. Although it is not strong, it is very artistic.

Purple air is steaming above one of the mountain peaks, looking like a huge purple cloud umbrella from a distance.

The mountains and forests are looming in the steaming purple air, looking somewhat ethereal and mysterious.

The green light flashing in Gao Xian's eyes has activated the Flower Appreciating Mirror, and he can easily see through the mountains and forests covered by purple clouds.

It was a huge valley with a radius of thousands of miles. There were purple pine trees everywhere in the valley. It was these pine trees that exuded traces of purple aura, or more accurately, a kind of purple powder.

The valley was quiet, with no other living creatures in sight. There are no animals or other vegetation in the huge valley, only countless purple pine trees.

The streams flowing vertically and horizontally are dyed purple.

Gao Xian sensed it with his spiritual consciousness and felt that the purple powder was as thick as mist and had a strange aroma, which made him feel a little sleepy.

"It's so toxic."

Gao Xian sighed. The information stated that Ziyun Valley was poisonous, but he was a little surprised to see the poisonous miasma with his own eyes.

Yun Qingxuan said softly: "Ziyun Poison Miasma is very famous. It is said that demon cultivators used to come here to collect the poisonous miasma and refine it into magic weapons.

"After the entrance to Ziyun Valley was discovered here, it was occupied by the Wanfeng Sect. No demonic cultivator dared to come here."

"How are you thinking, senior brother?" Gao Xian asked about the business.

Before boarding the ship, Gao Xian told the story about Chunyang Jade Qinghua. Yun Qingxuan said he should think about it.

During this period, Gao Xian had been studying the water and fire spirit cores. Qing Qing asked him to be sent to the Yunling Ring to rest, and he had no time to communicate with Yun Qingxuan.

Yun Qingxuan turned his head and looked at Gao Xian, his crystal clear eyes were calm but firm, "I'm willing to give it a try."

"If there are only two Pure Yang Jade Flowers, senior brother will have risked his life in vain."

Gao Xian reminded again that although he and Yun Qingxuan had a good relationship, this matter related to the future of the road, but he had to make it clear to Yun Qingxuan.

Yun Qingxuan said seriously: "Pure Yang Jade Clear Flower, which cultivator can refuse."

She paused and said confidently: "I've always been lucky."

Yun Qingxuan was not comforting herself, she was just stating a fact.

She has always been very lucky.

Many practitioners believe in fate. Yun Qingxuan does not believe in fate, but she believes that she has some mysterious sense of future destiny.

She doesn't do divination, she just vaguely senses the changes in her future destiny.

Yun Qingxuan did not tell Gao Xian this. The two had become more and more close in recent years. She knew that Gao Xian did not believe in fate.

Gao Xian once said that destiny is like a puppet. No matter how lifelike it is, it is still a dead thing controlled by others. That's all, meaningless.

Yun Qingxuan agrees with this statement, but she is not telling fortunes, but sensing the twists and turns of fate.

All living beings are running in the long river of destiny, but she can occasionally jump out of the river and look into the distance. This is her talent.

"Although I don't believe in fate, I do believe in luck."

Gao Xian said: "Walking with senior brother, we can share his good luck."

Yun Qingxuan smiled softly: "Okay."

Gao Xian's heart skipped a beat when he was laughed at. Senior Brother Qing Leng's occasional flirtations made him irresistible.

He reached out and took Yun Qingxuan's hand, but Yun Qingxuan didn't resist.

The two of them just held hands and looked into the distance, talking wordlessly.

Yun Qingxuan likes this state very much. They are in love with each other, neither far nor close, neither thick nor light, just like water surrounding green mountains. The mountains and rivers are dependent on each other, but each has its own origin and its own way.

Gao Xian also liked this state very much and felt at ease in his heart.

After all, the other women lacked two points of spiritual resonance. They were partners, but they could not be called Taoist companions.

It’s a long road, and it’s a blessing to have a beautiful woman walking with you!

No matter what happens in the future, this scene will become a beautiful memory in his heart.

Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan were chatting sweetly when the voice of True Lord Qingyang came to their ears: "Everyone gather on the top deck."

The upper deck of the Golden Crow spaceship is very large, and many cultivators from the thirty-six sects are gathered together. There is still a lot of distance between each other, and it does not seem crowded.

The Qingyun Sect has the fewest people coming, only Gao Xian and the others have five golden elixirs. Most of the other sects came with dozens of people.

So many people came here, firstly, to receive the golden elixir of our sect. Secondly, it is also to train the disciples.

Of course, only those who have entered Ziyun Valley will stand in front. Others can only wait behind.

As soon as Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan arrived, they attracted a lot of attention. Most people are looking at Gao Xian.

This master of both magic and sword has been in the limelight recently. Many people have never met Gao Xian, so they are naturally very curious about him.

Gao Xian felt several looks with strong malicious intent, and the ones who were most malicious to him were the golden elixirs from Yuelun Sect.

Bai Zhongming, the leader of the Yuelun Sect this time, is almost 800 years old, and even his golden elixir cultivation cannot conceal his old age.

The skinny old man was wearing a robe, like a piece of clothing hanging on a tree branch, with his hair floating in the air.

Bai Zhongming's face is also covered with black scars and layers of wrinkles, making it difficult to see his expression clearly.

The old man only had one pair of exceptionally bright eyes, and he looked at Gao Xian with undisguised murderous intent.

Behind Bai Zhongming stood Bai Hengyang. This young Jin Dan had a solemn expression and was completely gone from his usual domineering appearance.

Scanned by Gao Xian's gaze, although Bai Hengyang did not avoid looking at each other, his expression was very stiff.

Today's Gao Xian has already surpassed him so much. The meeting of eyes put him under unusually great pressure.

Gao Xian smiled slightly. This young man was still a little shy.

He and the Yuelun Sect had developed a deep hatred, and both parties knew that meeting inside would lead to life and death.

Bai Hengyang was a little scared, which was very normal.

His great reputation is not just to make people respect and fear him!

Bai Zhongming is an old man who is dying. It is normal not to be afraid of him. Next is Wu Liuji. This guy doesn't look very good, but his eyes are very fierce. He obviously has no fear of him.

Gao Xian also admired this man's courage. He was almost killed by one of his moves, but he could still be so brave. His courage was remarkable.

He also smiled at Wu Liuji. This guy was a man. He would come to something openly and would never hide it.

Wu Liuji was a little confused by Gao Xian's smile. He didn't quite understand why Gao Xian was so kind to him. When he hesitated, his murderous aura was not so strong.

The exchanges between the eyes and expressions of several Jindans were very subtle. But he couldn't hide it from all the golden elixirs present.

Many golden elixirs have complicated expressions. No matter what they think of Gao Xian, they must admit that Gao Xian is indeed extraordinary, but he is much higher than Wu Liuji and Bai Zhongming.

Everyone also knew that Gao Xian had offended so many people and would be in trouble after entering Ziyun Valley.

I don’t know if this young genius who is famous in Wanfeng County can come out of Ziyun Valley alive!

True Lord Qingyang didn't pay attention to these trivial matters. He announced various rules for entering Ziyun Valley.

"After the Ziyun Valley natural restriction is opened, it will be closed within a year, and there will be fluctuations in dozens of days. It is unpredictable.

"So, you must return within ten months. There must be no less than ten purple cloud flowers for each sect.

"In addition, private fighting is strictly prohibited in Ziyun Valley. If someone breaks the rules, I will not forgive him lightly..."

True Lord Qingyang talked a lot, and finally each sect distributed magical weapons such as Miasma Clearing Pill and Yunguang Yuyi, which were specially designed to remove poison and avoid miasma.

Ziyun Valley is actually a closed cave, and there is no miasma inside. As long as the restriction is opened, the purple cloud miasma will naturally flow into the cave.

The so-called purple cloud flower refers to the spiritual flower in the cave that absorbs the purple cloud miasma and changes, so it has all kinds of miraculous effects.

After everyone waited on the Golden Crow Airship for more than twenty days, the restrictions on Ziyun Valley were finally opened, and a line of purple energy rose into the sky from the middle of the valley.

The purple cloud poisonous miasma is boiling and boiling like boiling water, constantly escaping outwards.

Many golden elixirs were dressed in Yunguang Yuyi and entered the purple miasma in batches.

Ma Qianjun, Xuan Yue, and Li Ye took the first step. This was also the plan that Gao Xian had discussed with them.

Gao Xian promised that he and Yun Qingxuan could get ten purple cloud flowers, and the three of them just had to protect themselves.

Of course, Ma Qianjun, Xuan Yue, and Li Ye welcomed this plan.

Gao Xian has too many enemies, and it would be easy to get unlucky if you go with him.

A day later, all the thirty-six cultivators entered. Gao Xiancai and Yun Qingxuan slowly entered Ziyun Valley.

None of them used Yunguang Yuyi. The level of this magic weapon was too low and it would definitely break if touched.

Gao Xian activates the Tai Chi Mysterious Light Invisible Heavenly Clothes, while Yun Qingxuan activates the Jade Sky Spiritual Light. This method is like a layer of transparent gauze, which can resist all kinds of demonic obstacles and poisonous gases, far better than the Yunguang Feather Clothes.

Entering from the Ziyun Valley soaring light pillar, the sky and the earth began to spin, and the two of them arrived at another world.

The blazing sun in the sky is dazzling, and there are thousands of miles of yellow sand under our feet. Some dilapidated buildings can be seen faintly among the undulating sand dunes.

Gao Xian raised his eyes and looked around. Even with his eyesight, he couldn't see where the Nine Nether Abyss was.

He took out the Ten Thousand Miles Communication Talisman and contacted Yueshenxiu, who responded quickly.

"Just follow along." Yue Shenxiu said and closed the communication.

Gao Xian was confused as to who to follow.

At this time, the Wanli Transmission Note in front of him shone brightly, and soon turned into a golden arrow of light.

The golden light arrow shook and slowly flew forward.

Gao Xian understood that the Ten Thousand Miles Transmission Symbol could automatically lead the way...

He said to Yun Qingxuan: "This spell is somewhat interesting."

Yun Qingxuan was about to speak when she suddenly frowned slightly. Gao Xian was a little puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Yun Qingxuan looked a little solemn and said, "I suddenly had a bad feeling..."

Deep in Ziyun Valley, an old man in black was writing the words "Yue Shenxiu" on a piece of golden talisman paper.

The old man in black held the talisman in his hand and shouted: "Go!"

The golden talisman with Yueshenxiu's name turned over and folded, and in an instant it turned into a paper crane and flew forward.

After flapping its wings twice, the paper crane suddenly became faster...

(I haven’t been in good condition these past two days. I’ll make some adjustments~ I’d like to ask for some monthly votes for some encouragement~)

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